
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Psychic powers of Buddhist monks?

MM Online:

Nora Anne Quoirin inquest: Siamese monk pointed us to where missing teen was, hiker testifies

Search-and-rescue operation volunteer Chong Yue Fatt at the Seremban Court complex October 21, 2020 — Picture by Miera Zulyana

SEREMBAN, Oct 21 — A hiker who discovered the body of Irish-French teenager Nora Anne Quoirin after her disappearance last year here testified that a Siamese monk had divulged clues on her final whereabouts, the Coroner Court heard today.

Search-and-rescue operation volunteer Chong Yue Fatt, who testified as the 28th witness at the inquest into Quoirin’s death, had earlier recounted the sequence of events that led to the discovery of the missing teen’s body on August 13, 2019.

He was asked to explain why his group — comprising experienced local hikers — had decided to search the area where Quoirin’s body was eventually found.

“I heard from Chan (our group leader) that he had contacted a Siamese monk and the monk instructed him to look for the girl near areas with a river.

“After two days of searching, Chan still hadn’t found anything but passed a river on his way back, which is why we returned to the area on the third day,” he said in Mandarin to coroner Maimoonah Aid through a court interpreter.

On being the first person to discover Quoirin’s body, Chong recalled that he had cried out to his fellow searchers after chancing upon the body that was lying on a rock near a river.

“At that time, I could not identify who it was because I was standing quite a distance away.

“There was also a makeshift hut about 50 metres from the body and the surrounding area was dense with vegetation,” he said, describing the setting as being similar to an abandoned oil palm plantation.

After alerting the group to the body, Chong said the party delegated one of the seasoned hikers to contact the authorities as mobile coverage was poor.

Without approaching the body, the group then waited for an hour or two before help finally arrived, Chong added.


kt notes:

This news is a bit dated for the reason I was trying to secure a similar case from Australian newspaper involving James Scott, an Australian medical student lost in the Himalayans for 43 days but whose discovery was facilitated by a Buddhist monk in Nepal.

T'was reported that: Scott became lost in the Himalayas in 1992. For 43 days, the then 22-year-old lived off melted snow, one caterpillar and, famously, two chocolate bars, 
in freezing conditions.

Whilst many gave up on the search, his sister Jo Anne never did. Whilst there exists no media mention of a Buddhist monk helping, my matey saw it on TV and told me about that miraculous happening, that a Buddhist monk advised his sister to look for him in an entirely different spot from where the searchers had focused the search.

Media reported that (presumably following the advice from the Buddhist monk) Scott was finally spotted Sunday by a patrolling helicopter.

Why the media (other than the TV news) had not mentioned the involvement of a Buddhist monk remains a mystery? Thus the story as I recall it, has to be unsubstantiated, though I can vow for my matey's integrity.

Today Scott, who works in Brisbane in mental health care, says he still suffers from double vision. He was unable to pursue a career in surgery due to his injuries.

But both stories involved virtually the psychic ability of two different Buddhist monk, one a Thai in Malaysia and the other, probably a Nepalese (or even Tibetan) in Nepal.


  1. Yes, some Buddhist as well as Taoist monks of particular levels of spiritual insight are known to have the ability to sense where a person , alive or deceased may be.

    I have seen it myself.
    Of course, I am a believer, while Atheists and pure Materialists may scoff at such beliefs.

    1. Atheists don't believe in a Creator God but that doesn't mean they don't believe in psychic powers which may turn out eventually to be a branch of future science.

      Wasn't it Arthur Clarke who said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

    2. materialist believe in qikong besides money n mistress.

    3. What an super adept description of 台毒 katak!

      Ooop… if substitute working with 发轮功, u have mist of the western demoNcratic dickheads!

    4. Yup, the ultimate extreme Materialist Zombies are the CCP, after the collapse of the CCCP.

    5. What's the definition of materialist in yr katak-ised dictionary?


      noun. a person who is markedly more concerned with material things than with spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.

      Not willing to share his/her procession too!

      A simple question, if CCP Chinese r truly materialistic then how did the country uplifted 800m+ poverty striken rural peasants to decent living standard?

      Yet, the wealth inequality of the US populace is getting worst. The top 20 percent held 77 percent of total household wealth in 2016, more than triple what the middle class held, defined as the middle 60 percent of the usual income distribution. (

      As of Q3 2019, the bottom 50% of households had $1.67 trillion, or 1.6% of the net worth, versus $74.5 trillion, or 70% for the top 10%.

      U.S. Federal Reserve data indicates that from 1989 to 2020, U.S. net worth became increasingly concentrated with the top 1% and top 10% wealthiest, due in large part to corporate stock ownership concentration in those segments of the population; the bottom 50% have little if any corporate stock.

      Old moneyed mfer, where r yr reference data?

      Dug out from that fart filled well!

      Yup, proven the ultimate extreme materialist zombies (such fluid England!) r residing in yr US demoNcratic promise land!

    6. CK, what do you expect from this useless Monster who would not allow any truth which is very inconvenient for would certainly prevent him from using a very broad brush to run down anything the Chinese Government had achieved. His bigoted mind is so full of blind hatred he can't see straight to make any pretense of being objective. It's all meaningless snarky remarks almost on a daily basis and when he sally forth with ridiculous statements, he gets shot down kau kau, then sling away wordless and on another fine day, will repeat the same stuff all over again..this is the MO of the bigoted, the prejudiced, the small-minded and the petty closed-minded. Long live the BlindMiceClub of the BananaBondUnited, hehehe

    7. i dun know whats the connectivity btw materialist n poverty, school never taught, but to compare capitalism against fake socialism is sort of dialectics, which common among ccp lover, n to add on, dialectical materialism talk abt class, for eg emperor n eunuch, thats exactly what ccp materialist is abt, however qikong is necessary though seem spiritual n metaphysical, simply bec it facilitate the eunuch main skill, blow n suck.

    8. Wakakakakaka…

      R u sure u know what u r talking about?

      Dialectical materialism!

      Dialectical materialism is a philosophy of science and nature developed in Europe and based on the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxist dialectics emphasizes the importance of real-world conditions, in terms of class, labor, and socioeconomic interactions.

      AGAIN, what's yr definitions of "materialist n poverty"?

      Wow!!! Such bombastic England that, unfortunately, u know zilch in meaning.

      All the western - propaganda &/or research sopo-economical literatures, they r always based on materialist & poverty correlational comparisons!

      Of course lah, how could a school inside a fart filled well COULD teach a bunch of katak that only keen to cloak for a mate.

      Connection "btw materialist n poverty" dissertations r a plenty.

      If u despited socialist/communist writings, then go read some of the postulations by Keynes (whom u disqualified as a socialist) lah. Milton too.

      What a confused fart!

      BTW, qikong is good & keep u healthy. While yr 法轮功 will indeed does what u so wanted - "necessary though seem spiritual n metaphysical, simply bec it facilitate the eunuch main skill, blow n suck".

      Bet u must have done that on yr 蔡妹妹!
