
Thursday, October 22, 2020

MCA excoriated AG-Police for NFA on quarantine-breaking minister


Why was Khairuddin fined if he did not break any rules, asks MCA

Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Khairuddin Aman Razali was fined the maximum amount of RM1,000 for breaching quarantine regulations

PETALING JAYA: MCA spokesman and Central Committee member Chan Quin Er has questioned the decision by the authorities to classify as “No Further Action (NFA)” an investigation into PAS minister Khairuddin Aman Razali, who had allegedly failed to undergo mandatory home quarantine after returning from Turkey.

She said it was reported earlier that Khairuddin had been fined the maximum amount of RM1,000 for not observing the home quarantine and for failing to abide by the rules under Act 342 (the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988).

“What rules did he break? Why was he issued a compound fine if he did not break any of the rules?” she asked in a statement this evening.

Chan said previous announcements in multiple government circulars had said all individuals entering Malaysia from abroad are considered to be Persons Under Surveillance (PUS) and must be subjected to a mandatory 14-day quarantine, unless they were given an exemption.

Chan Quin Er

“You do not become a PUS only upon being given a copy of Form 14B. You are automatically one if you enter or re-enter Malaysia from abroad.”

She said if Khairuddin was given any exemption from compulsory quarantine, then the authorities must explain the matter in detail.

“Otherwise, this sets a dangerous precedent.

“Any PUS that the authorities forget to issue Form 14B to can breach quarantine rules without facing any consequences,” she said, referring to a form issued by the health ministry to those ordered to go under home quarantine upon returning to Malaysia.

Earlier today, police had said no further action would be taken against the plantation industries and commodities minister over his breach of the quarantine order after returning from overseas on July 7.

Bukit Aman CID chief Huzir Mohamed said the decision was made as the minister had not been issued the form, which is necessary to undergo quarantine, upon returning to the country.

Chan said an appeal can still be made on the decision to NFA the case to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

“We cannot jail the common man for breaching quarantine rules when a minister can get off due to a ‘technical error’.

“There can be no double standards as we are all equal before the law.”


  1. MCA is sooo useless....hahaha...but at least the sweetie croaked.

  2. Mych as I admire Ms Chan's efforts, I believe it will all be in vain. Idrus Harun is certainly not going to do anything. He is obviously in someone's pocket. Remember Musa Aman!

  3. When Ronnie or Ramkarpal used to hentam gomen Guanee the DAP Sec Gen get blamed by KT as Boh Lam Phar, not listening to DAP grassroots etc, now when Ms Chan hentam gomen why MCA Presiden Wee KHAT Siong get free pass?
    MCA 2 MPs can bring down PN govt, but choose to keep quiet.

  4. mca insult the malay again n again.
