
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

EU warning to UK: You can’t have your cake and eat it


EU chief to UK: You can’t have your cake and eat it

European Council President Charles Michel speaks during a media conference at an EU summit in Brussels on Oct 15. (AP pic)

BRUSSELS: EU chief Charles Michel urged Britain on Wednesday to decide what kind of a future it wants for itself rather than trying to win an advantage in negotiations with Brussels.

“You can’t have the butter, the money from the butter and the milkmaid’s smile,” the president of the European Council said, a French maxim that means: “You can’t have your cake and eat it.”

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson has described himself as a “cakeist” and he has accused Brussels of thwarting negotiations on a free trade deal by insisting the UK submit to EU rules.

But Michel said Britain would have to decide what it wants, warning: “It’s a matter of the integrity of our Single Market. A question of fair competition.

“Our UK friends say they want an ambitious and close relationship. We welcome this, because we want the same,” said Michel, whose Council represents the leaders of EU member states.

“But the UK wants access to our Single Market, while at the same time, being able to diverge from our standards and regulations, when it suits them,” he complained, in an address to the European Parliament.

“In fact, the United Kingdom now has an important choice to make about its own future,” he said.

“It’s not about choosing a negotiating tactic. It’s about choosing the model of society and the model of economy for their own future.”

Michel urged Britain to commit to high standards of business regulation in any agreement and to withdraw the UK’s internal markets bill, which if passed would violate the Brexit withdrawal agreement.

“We want to keep access to UK waters for our fishermen,” he warned, “exactly like the UK wants to keep access to our huge and diversified markets for its companies.

“Do our British friends want to regulate state aid?” he demanded. “And do they want to maintain high standards in health, food safety, and climate, in close relationship with Europe?”

“If so, why not commit to them in our future agreement?” he asked.


  1. british manyak bodoh, they shd learn from ccp, plomise n commit first mah.

    1. Another 言而无信 fart coming from an immoral yellowed toad!

    2. Yes, Yes, Yes, Brexit negotiations would be so much easier for UK if they leant from CCP.
      Promise first, then later mention "diffuculties" and "national rights".

    3. Learnt from China?

      That's how those fart filled well toads turn facts into fart!

    4. learn from ccp, not china, its diff.

    5. To a nonchinese 犬养mfer, ZILCH - does it know about China's socialism with Chinese characteristics!

      Quoting yr fart, as expounded by those f*cked 反共不反中 公知 & wagging-the-demoNcracy-tail 台毒 katak, of course lah CCP≠China!

    6. China has been around 3,000 years.
      CCP rule , about 72 years.

    7. i hv to agree chinese characteristics is a fantastic answer y ccp=china.

    8. Didn't u mfers been very forthcoming about things China/Chinese?

      Ain't those cases u farted about then ALWAYS juggling indifferent between CCP & China?

      So, when have u mfers start to differentiate CCP & China?

      When fart suits yr rants, right?

    9. ccp anti religion, anti confucius, worship marx lenin stalin, what ccp have to do with china n chinese, they r just a band of robbers similar to our pencuri perombak penyamun n peculik disguise as malay n islamist to trick zombie.

    10. CCP is secular. Just like many other political parties of yr demoNcratic countries.

      CCP allows the proliferation of Confucius Institutes throughout the world. So what's in that anti-confucius fart of yrs? Syiok-sendiri!

      U should instead ask what have those 台毒 anglophile katak & demoNcratic dickheads, like u, have anything to do with China & Chinese? Mfers, like u, don't even consider yrselves Chinese! What's yr base of complaints? Spreading surious anti Chinese farts, right!

    11. ccp is officially atheist, not secular, lu dun know the diff la.

      confucianism never become the main thot within ccp china, be it govt or education. no country would allow ccp to set up a marxist, mao or xi institution, hence what ccp robbers did is as usual copy the intellectual property of china confucius disgusted as learning from institution of a great china philosopher but in fact is a spy n propaganda centre with aim to curi n promote ccp shit.

      twnese the chinese educate their kids “do unto others as you would have done unto you.” while ccp fake chinese tell their children there is no god n deity, only materialism, materialism in layman term mean materialistic n money, so lets work hard for the money, god n deity pls fuck off.

    12. Using yr 南魔萬 England, do distinguish what's the difference of secular & atheist.

      Don't just play yr label quoting game lah.

      犬养mfer, yr f*cked take is "anti confucius". Why do much tok3tok4tokskytokearth about this fart of "usual copy the intellectual property of china confucius disgusted as learning from institution of a great china philosopher"?

      Wakakakakaka…… CCP China promoting Confucius learning via Confucius institute is "s a spy n propaganda centre with aim to curi n promote ccp shit"!

      Wow! Such a thick wave of fart bubbling out from that deepest part of that fart filled well!

      If any country on earth that has the RIGHT to promote Confucianism, China is the only one. Not even that f*cked Formosa comes any second - since the want to know as Taiwan. Let her promote the 阿里三-ism lah.

      Just said u have been hit kaux2 lah - 死鸡撑饭盖 to the nth.

      "twnese the chinese educate their kids “do unto others as you would have done unto you.”"


      Mfer, 台毒 dickheads & u have consistently claim to be different from chinese. Base on what both of u lay claim to champion things China/Chinese?

      Ooop… maybe sharing that forked-tongue outlook.

      Haven't u forgotten the hidden hands of 台毒 in instigating the recent HK 废青 riots? & U promoting don't-spook-the-melayu-sensitivities?

      If u want to tag materialism, then look no further than the recent outcome of covid-19 prevention.

      China went all out to save everybody, young & old, rich & poor within/without the country.

      While yr admited demoNcratic nations have all sorts of excuses - herd immunity, old folks triage, challenge trials etc etc just to save the economy!

      Which country practice true humanitarianism over materialism?

      Or yr katak dictionary has a different meanings to both words?

      Mfer, DON'T u dare to label "materialistic n money, so lets work hard for the money, god n deity pls fuck off"

      U r one truly f*cked hypocrite!

    13. read the anti confucius campaign in 1973 to 1974, in contrast to what happened in taiwan under chiang at that time, but of course u pick whatever that suit you.

      even msia have a primary n cis name after confucius or zunkong, find me one in ccp land.

      when i first read ccp land books on china philosopher, they even interpret n making remark on confucius text using marxism n maoism, what a load of shit from ccp zombie.

      u dun read much on anything ccp china n chinese, do u?

    14. Wow!!

      Didn't u puck whatsoever farts that suit yr arguments? The most pathetic part is u think the readers here can be easily conned.

      The China in the 70s wasn't the same China of the current era. Then 百废待兴 vis-a-vis currently 民族复兴!

      U want apple to apple comparison?

      The Formosa under yr 蔡妹妹 has f*cked with the history of China so much so that chiang wouldn't have recognized anything he used to build if he ever has reawaken now.

      尊孔 was founded by the Chinese Malayan of the days past. What has it gotten to do with the m'sia govt?

      济宁国际孔子学校 is named after Confucius! There r other 孔子学堂 scatter all over China proper.

      Yr twisted source in that fart filled well said otherwise, right?

      Mfer, what's wrong in interpreting & making remarks on Confucius text using marxism & maoism? Haven't u learnt of comparative philosophy studies?

      Most likely no such idea ever exists in that fart filled well. Everything MUST be demoNcratic & capitalistic based. No alternative thinkings r allowed. Anything outside what has been designated is deviant & must be punished & condemned!

      Sounds so familiar, as in yr Abrahamic cult of zombieicism!

      Indeed, what a load of petrified shit coming out from a 犬养mfer devoid of shame & honor!

      Do keep farting about what u have read. & continue to display yr f*cked rants here, so that many can be kept acknowledging about a know-nothing mfer spreading lies all over.

  2. EU is now the European Bully, like Bullyland bully Hongkong.

    Bully wants to make Britain suffer for thumbing its nose nyeh nyeh, daring to Brexit. Teach them a lesson in case anybody else dares to exit the Bullykingdom. But like Hongkong, mother Britain must stand tall and brave, Rule Brittania....we defeated Nazi Germany all by ourselves and we will win this Brexit war as well....tapi pasal virus lain cerita ha ha ha.... nanti kita punya vaccine Oxford-AstraZeneca kita tak bagi depa.....

    Britain did the right thing at the start of negotiations, ask for cake, pudding, cream, icing, candles too please. After all they are the masters of negotiation, didn't they get free lease from Bullyland for 150 years?

    1. Anglophile yellowed toads come to rescue auntie pommie self dug cesspool!

      Yr nowadays auntie pommie isn't the Victorian pommie of the days pasts. She has zilch ability to strong arm-twisting ANYBODY into her spurious superiority. Not even by hiding under the uncle Sam's apron!

  3. A true masterclass in negotiating, how to pay for Chinese tea with Opium and in the process get a long term lease for Hongkong and Kowloon. That is like having the milk, butter, cheese, cow, the farm and the milkmaid as well. Ha ha ha.

    1. That's how a genuflecting mfer learnt to be a doggie after 200+ yrs of meme-ed demoNcracy under their pommie master!



      It's long been germinated within that caste system. The pommie ONLY extracted that trace.

  4. The topic in discussion is Europe and its divorce with Britain and these NoBrainRats coming out in full force railing against China, hehehe. Toldya these tikus bananas couldn't live a day without running down the Chinese Govt, tsk tsk tsk....
