
Thursday, July 09, 2020

Self-strangulating clown now the nation's SG

MM Online:

AG confirms controversial counsel in Teoh Beng Hock inquest is incoming solicitor-general

Attorney General Tan Sri Idrus Harun confirmed Abdul Razak’s appointment as Solicitor-General

Picture by Azinuddin Ghazali

KUALA LUMPUR, July 9 — The Judicial and Legal Service Commission Crime Prevention Board chairman, Datuk Abdul Razak Musa has been appointed as the new Solicitor-General (SG) to replace Datuk Engku Nor Faizah Engku Atek who will retire next week.

Abdul Razak Musa appointed as new Solicitor-General | The Star

Abdul Razak Musa 

Attorney General (AG) Tan Sri Idrus Harun confirmed Abdul Razak’s appointment and said he would assume office on July 14.

The SG assists the AG and is by law empowered to perform any of the functions that can be performed by the AG. This is provided for under Section 40A of the Eleventh Schedule of the Federal Constitution

Razak Musa, DPP at the Teoh Beng Hock inquest, promoted to ...

And now, extracts from my 21 July 2019 post Unsolved - Malaysia's most horrible death:

As Pakatan Harapan reopens investigations, Malaysiakini revisits the RCI report and judgments of all three Court of Appeal judges.

Here are five mysteries that are yet be resolved:

1. What caused the bruises on his neck?

After he died, two post-mortems were performed on Teoh.
In the first, government forensic pathologists Dr Khairul Azman Ibrahim and Dr Prashant Naresh Samberkar concluded that he had committed suicide.

However, Thai forensic pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand (photo, below) testified that she was 80 percent sure Teoh had been strangled before falling off the building. This was based on bruises on his neck seen from photographs of the body taken by Prashant.

Khairul and Prashant believed otherwise, contending that the bruises were the result of “staining” caused by the post-mortem procedure.

This caused MACC’s lead prosecutor Abdul Razak Musa to call Pornthip’s findings and credibility into question during the inquest.

Abdul Razak famously, and hilariously, attempted to strangle himself when cross-examining the Thai expert about the possibility that Teoh had choked himself.

Kaytee notes:

I was partially following the case when I read that one MACC (quite senior) officer (deliberately) absent himself when a DNA check was carried out to identify whose DNA could be on Teoh Beng Hock's broken belt. 


The above 'disappearance' was revealed by an insider to the press.

Many might not have remember this but I wondered then (still do) whether Teoh Beng Hock fell to his death from the 14th floor of the MACC building because his belt broke at an unfortunate moment (when he was hanging outside the 14th floor window just by the grip of someone holding his belt, possibly to frighten the sh*t out of him?)

And please remember this too:

Lim Kit Siang with MACC strategic communications director Rohaizad Yaakob (centre) and other opposition leaders at the MACC Office in Putrajaya, August 6, 2015

Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

what a fCking hypocrite and traitor to Teoh Beng Hock's family and his memory

and just one lousy year after his pathetic pompous speech vowing:

Beng Hock’s death would be “in vain” if firstly, his killers remain free and unpunished; and secondly, the MACC is not held responsible and liable for his death and instead allowed to “go to great lengths” to participate in a “cover-up” of the actual causes and circumstances of Beng Hock’s death at the TBH RCI, with MACC officers telling “lies after lies” at the RCI.

I call on Malaysians to stand for justice and to make a commitment that they will not rest until the “cover-up” of Teoh Beng Hock’s criminal and senseless murder is exposed and the killers, including MACC, are brought to justice.

"I had to haap-cheok" with MACC because Atuk wanted to use them to tangkap Ah Jib Gor lah, so eff principles & vows

And now the kerbau-ing self-strangulating clown is our Solicitor-General!

Oh, the shame! | The People's Parliament

self-strangulating clown the nation's SG?

Related: [Especially for my visitor-commentator 'TS']:

Najib avoiding the real question of Teoh Beng Hock's death


  1. KT's hatred for LKS has no limit of stupidity. Poor TBH died in 2009.

    MCA was in government from then till 2018. But they kept silent for NINE YEARS; in fact they still keep silent today when they are back in government through the back door, probably because TBH was working for the wrong party, ie DAP.

    Liow Tiong Lai's insensitive retort to TBH's sister when she pleaded for help in 2015.....

    "It's still in court isn't it.....?"

    But KT does not have a single chastising word for MCA, but instead a continuous litany against LKS, even though he was fighting a losing cause, a brick wall for TBH since 2009.

    In pursuit of justice, Beng Hock’s family goes after ministers in Parliament
    Wednesday, 19 Nov 2014


    KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 19 — Five years on and yet to find an acceptable answer for his mysterious death, the family of Teoh Beng Hock turned up today in Parliament here to press Barisan Nasional (BN) ministers to fulfil their promise to bring the former DAP aide’s to justice.

    With tears in her eyes, Beng Hock’s sister Lee Lan door-stopped several ministers Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong as well as Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim and questioned them on the lack of action despite the government’s promise in 2009 that the perpetrators would not be left unpunished.

    “Wee Ka Siong said until now, MCA is still supporting us in seeking the truth and in ensuring that Beng Hock’s killers are punished,” Lee Lan told reporters here, referring to the MCA deputy president.

    Lee Lan said her mother Teng Shwu Hoi—who was also present today and had gestured angrily as she spoke to Wee in Mandarin—had asked the minister in the Prime Minister’s Department if it was reasonable to tell Beng Hock to go to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office as a witness only for her son to turn up as a corpse the next day.

    “No one was held responsible and in fact, one officer was even promoted,” said Lee Lan, translating her mother’s remarks to English for reporters.

    The Court of Appeal ruled last September that Beng Hock did not commit suicide and directed the Attorney-General’s Chambers to reopen investigations.

    The appellate court judged that Beng Hock’s death was caused by the act of “person or persons unknown”, including the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers who had questioned him overnight at their then Selangor office in Shah Alam before he fell nine floors to his death on July 16, 2009.

    However, Mohd Anuar Ismail, a senior MACC investigating officer who was among those who interrogated Beng Hock that night, has been promoted to Grade 48 from Grade 44.

    “It’s very unreasonable, ridiculous and unacceptable,” Lee Lan said in response to the officer’s promotion.

    Beng Hock’s mother also told Liow today that five years have passed with no answers on her son’s killing.

    The transport minister replied, “It’s still in court, isn’t it?”

  2. MCA did nothing to help TBH since 2009 - 2018 when they were in power. Now today MCA are back in power through the back door. Did they approve or had knowledge of the promotion of the prosecution lawyer to be SG?

    Will MCA bang table at the cabinet meeting to protest this appointment?
    Or will Wee KHAT Siong hap chiok with the PN-Muah-Fart-Karat government to stay in their jobs?

    And what does KT have to say to Wee KHAT Siong, the sole MCA Minister....the same as what he used to say to LKS?

  3. Is Ktemoc implying that Lim Kit Siang supported or in some other way facilitated Abdul Razak Musa's appointment ?

    If not, why all the writing attacking Lim Kit Siang ?

  4. Ah...Ktemoc's ever so gentle and respectful question to Najis....
    As for me, Najis' complicity in the factors surrounding Teoh Beng Hock's death is one key reason I detest Najis.
    One, the cover-up of who did what happened relating to Beth's death certainly occurred under Najis auspices, with his concurrence.

    Two, Teoh died because he was caught up in the Najis directed campaign at the time to Destabilise the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor State government.

    Najis is a person I abhor.

  5. KT reproduce court camera images from the TBH proceedings. This is illegal. Tak tahu undang kah...?

    Malaysian FB scared shit like Honkies under Big Bully.

  6. Why KT keep reminding us of LKS's promise to get Justice for TBH? He was not the only one to make such promises.

    Then President of MCA Ong Tee Keat also championed Justice for TBH. But OTK already resigned from MCA in 2017.

    Now today back in power through the back door is the current President Wee KHAT Siong going to champion Justice for TBH again.....?

    Or already Hup Cheok with PN-Muah-Fart-Karat...?

    MCA ministers to push for a Royal Commission over Teoh's death
    Monday, 20 Jul 2009

    MALACCA: MCA Cabinet ministers will forge a united front in the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday to push for the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to probe into the death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock.

    Its president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat said this was the assurance given to Teoh’s grieving family when he met them at their home in Taman Seri Kelemak here last night.

    “MCA ministers will make a united stand in the Cabinet to call for a Royal Commission,” he told reporters here yesterday.

    Ong, who was accompanied by party vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and several state party leaders, said the party had come forward to assist the family in whatever way possible on humanitarian grounds.

    He said the party’s decision to help the family should not be misconstrued.

    “It is unfortunate that such a tragic death is being exploited by certain quarters to achieve their political aims,” he said.

    Ong, who is also Transport Minister, said that MCA would help the family in several other matters, of which he said were personal in nature.

    Earlier, Teoh’s family members were seen having a private talk with Ong in their home after he paid his last respects.

    The emotional meeting saw Ong explaining to the family members of MCA’s willingness to assist.

  7. Come on KT, you must hentam MCA and Wee KHAT Siong now, to seek JUSTICE FOR TBH, after all their past President Ong Tee Keat made that promise 11 years ago (see my comment above) far KT only hentam those he LKS....

    ...or has Wee KHAT Siong "Hup Chiok" already with PN-Muah-Fart-Karat-MACC Baru...? Ha ha ha....what goes around comes around......

    Is PN mad - Teoh Beng Hock family dispute choice of new solicitor-general

    The family of the late Teoh Beng Hock has voiced their objection to the appointment of Abdul Razak Musa as the new solicitor-general.

    Given the latter’s controversial involvement in Beng Hock's inquest back in 2011, the family asked if there was no one else available for the role.
