
Thursday, July 09, 2020

FB barred my last three posts

Looks like "someone" at FB doesn't like my posts - last three were dismissed as 'not meeting community standards' including the one on self-strangulating clown, which BTW was reported widely on many Malaysian newspapers in 2011, wakakaka.

FB works on the basis of "some" unhappy people reporting on the undesirability of my posts - I have been blocked out, wakakaka, for how long, I'm not sure. Even this one is blocked out - that's the tyranny of local FB administrators.

Razak Musa, DPP at the Teoh Beng Hock inquest, promoted to ...


  1. No need to blame Facebook - just look at the ongoing cases of ad placer withdrawals in US to get a hint.

    A court jester can be promote to be the AG, says a lot about the caliber of the legal professionals in the bolihland govt sector.

    It's ALWAYS about race, cronyism & kabel. Expertise & bare basic professionalism be damned!

  2. If KT don't like this censoring then he should feel sympathy for Honkies who are now under the new security law...Honkies now busy deleting all their past posts on social media because Bully is now watching....

    Pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong are disbanding and deleting their social-media accounts hours after China passed a sweeping national security law

    Bill Bostock Jun 30, 2020

    Activists in Hong Kong are deleting anti-China content from their social-media accounts and disbanding political organizations in the wake of a new national security law.

    China on Tuesday passed legislation giving it sweeping new powers to crack down on dissent as it sees fit in Hong Kong.

    Four major pro-democracy figures — Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, Nathan Law, and Jeffrey Ngo — resigned as leaders of the Demosisto organization within hours.

    Demosisto itself disbanded shortly after, as did the Hong Kong National Front.

    Other Hong Kongers are deleting posts and pictures from social media that could associate them with past protests.

    1. R u still acting blurred by reading ONLY the title of the news?

      The HK national security law seeks to prevent external interference in Hong Kong's affairs, criminalise acts that threaten national security such as subversion and secession, allow the Central People's Government (State Council) of China to establish a national security agency in Hong Kong when necessary.

      What's wrong in acting according to the letters of the NSL?

      All over the world, every country would enact such law to protect their true sovereignty.

      Why r those activists in Hong Kong deleting anti-China content from their social-media accounts and disbanding political organizations in the wake of this new national security law?

      SIMPLE - those who do no wrong wouldn't be afraid of the dark!

      These demoNcratic instigators were actually doing everything that the NSL prohibited. Lucky for them that the law isn't enacted retrospectively. Hence, their eagerness in removing/deleting all incriminating evidences.

      Mfer, no need to go to such extend to look for news/stories/urban legends to blackgoating China.

      Take a page (through that old moneyed mfer's do&say incompatibility) - "Its a complete waste of time to reply to your batty looney post on Tiananmen."

      It's easier to just shout u DON'T like China. U DON'T trust China. That were make yr miserable live so much tolerable!

    2. These blind mice here are almost the exact copy of the die hard supporters of the Orange POTUS. Even in the face of hard facts and revelation refuting their lies and false assumptions, their indoctrinated brains just refuse to compute and acknowledge as this would mean a total collapse of their entire belief system and they simply cannot accept the horror of it. It goes beyond their stubborn pride or beyond their silly desire to be always in the right or never be proven wrong in anything at all. So for every fact proving their lies or wrong belief, they would double down with even stronger zeal and will lash out with personal attack as obvious knee-jerk reaction. Sad state of affair, hehe...indoctrinated too deeply for any redemption, just like being religiously indoctrinated for life.

      I have shown this video to those who insisted on the myth of the Tiananmem Square 'Massacre' and their reaction is unbelievable !

      That scene was THE DAY AFTER the Square was cleared of the protesting students who all peacefully left the area. That nutjob 'tank man' was hailed as a 'brave hero' after the lying Western media cropped the video to tell an infamous lie to the whole world and some shameful reporters even suggested that the crazy asshole was crushed flat like a pancake, rolled over by the tank. Assange did a marvelous job when Wikileaks spilled out the truth of the matter but strangely, the Western media strenuously avoided this revelation and none of them wrote even a single line about this or spare even a second on the air wave. That's the Western media for you. Watch the whole clip to see for yourself this duplicity.

      And guess what's the reaction of the brainwashed cohorts ? They simply ignore this and CONTINUE their attack. Not for them..." Wait a minute...I guess I was wrong" moment. Damn assholes, hehe

    3. Britain, Oz etc want to offer refuge, residency, even citizenship to eligible Honkies but Bully now throwing Bully Tantrum, says this is "Gross Interference". What logic is this?

      Does Oz need permission from Malaysian government before they give Residency/PR/Citizenship to eligible Malaysians like KT?

      Does Malaysia need permission from foreign governments before we offer 10 year MM2H residence visas to eligible foreigners?

      Does Malaysia need permission from Myanmar before giving refuge to Rohingyas?

      China accuses Australia of 'gross interference' after offer of safe haven for Hong Kong visa holders.

      Prime minister Scott Morrison cancels extradition treaty citing the new national security law as ‘a fundamental change of circumstances’

      China has accused Australia of “gross interference” after Scott Morrison granted a range of visa holders from Hong Kong a five-year extension and suspended an extradition treaty with the city.

      The prime minister announced on Thursday that Australia would allow a range of visa holders to stay in the country for longer and then offer them a pathway to permanent residency – but has stopped short of creating a special humanitarian intake for Hongkongers fearing persecution under the new national security law.

      The government said almost 10,000 temporary skilled, graduate and student visa holders in Australia would be eligible for the special arrangements, along with a further 2,500 outside Australia and 1,250 applications on hand. There are also opportunities for future applicants and attempts to attract entrepreneurs.

      Morrison said Australia would also suspend its extradition treaty with Hong Kong – following a similar move by Canada – because it believed the national security law “constitutes a fundamental change of circumstances”.

    4. Mfer, can't use yr brain!

      The gross interference refers to the suspension of the signed & agreed extradition treaty between the two countries.

      Besides, WHY choose only those that have the financial means to last over that 5yr probational period? What about those blurred & misguided low wage 'runners'? Ain't they also 'fighting' for that demoNcratic doctrines that these 5eyes championed?

      By all means, accepting those 'runners' to be yr potential citizen after 5 yrs of probation.

      But, WHY suspend the mutually consent extradition law when a crime committed is been unearthed? Furthermore, only select & protect those 'loaded' type!

      These demoNcratic countries r only having eyes on the money that these 'runners' bring with them while staying there. Since most of them can't work & the daily livinghood requires sufficient finance to tie over that probational period.

      Mfer, can't u see the evil part of no-money-u-die-yr-own-business?

      Just read & regurgitate w/o thinking?

      Maybe, that catch is beyond yr petrified lump of jelly located between yr two ears.

    5. Blurred mfers, here is a local hkie analysis of the 3M bno 'offer' from the 5eyes nation.

      Make very sure u get someone who can understand HK Cantonese to enlighten u.

      These WASP nations r always on the lookouts for ways to ease their own mess. & mfers, like u, r their cheerleaders!

    6. Sorry, here is the missing link

  3. I ever flagged your posts to Facebook, as well as your Blogger posts.....Wakakaka..

    The censorship Ktemoc received is Nothing compared to the oppression daily committed by the CCP, which Hong Kong'ers will soon face the brunt of.

  4. The problem I see is that now FB is being the powers to censor posts or block users.

    This, to me, is great power.

    Who then monitors FB?
