
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Why Do You Think Mahathir Insists On Being PM Again


Why Do You Think Mahathir Insists On Being PM Again

by Matthias Chang

Matthias Chang 

Why do you think Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad insists on being PM again?

Money lah.

Since he has provided monies to Pakatan Harapan for the 14th General Election, he could set his demands and got what he wanted – to be PM.


Again, Tun has offered the war chest and therefore his demands to PH now, to be PM again.

Common sense.

Why should he allocate RM100 million at the minimum and let ANWAR HAVE THE PLUM PRIZE OF PM? And then get stabbed in the back by Anwar?

No money no talk. Tun is saying, “I got money, my way or no way or you PH AxxxHOLES go your way.”

Follow the money. Where do you think Tun has kept his slush-fund and why is it not one SEN can be traced back to him? Zilch!

Simple. His slush-fund has been hidden in plain sight and lawfully constituted.

Syed Mokhtar is one of Mahathir’s many proxies holding his billions under trust 

Syed Mokhtar Albukhary’s empire. Public listed companies and private companies and assets. The latter are sold to public vehicles for cash, etc. Syed protect himself by financing UMNO and its power-brokers and donated RM billions to build mosques and schools. His ISLAMIC crown jewel is the Islamic museum. In exchange for funding the museum, he got the huge land behind museum for free and other perks. So, how can Malays or Muslims whack him? Killing the Goose that lays golden eggs?

Too much to write here.

Fact check ASAP. Recently, he sold one of his private company/assets to DRB for RM100 million. Wow, the timing lah. Who needs this cash so desperately?

Obvious lah!

Vincent Tan, another billionaire proxy of Mahathir 

This method was copied from Japan lah. “Look East” is more than just development. Otherwise, how can the party have ruled for so many years. The SOP is Japanese The Yakuza way of political control. Many past PMs in Japan were linked to the Yakuza. Check lah the history. Nakasone, a mentor of Tun was a Yakuza big boss.

Foundation is a stupid route.

Companies, public and private can, through creative accounting, mergers, listing etc quietly acquire and dispose of assets and monies with TOTAL SUPPORT OF THE VARIOUS AUTHORITIES, eg, Security Commission etc.

Kalimullah copied by using ECM Libra. Analyse the model lah How, literally overnight, billions were “created” from nothing through a backdoor listing. Why do you think I was imprisoned for contempt? I sued Kalimullah in court. The court transcripts show Kalimullah admitting he cannot account for at least RM100 million.

500 million shares issued to his consortium by Azman Hashim of Arab group, one of his public listed vehicles, to acquire Kalimullah’s “junk” at RM1 PER SHARE VALUE. THEN STIR THE FRYING PAN AND VALUES GOES UP TO RM4 per share for new shares issues. I Told Tun. But he kept quiet. Why?

Then mergers. Another round of cash. Check it out lah.

AIYO, so easy. Sold all the shares he acquired and Kalimullah gets free shares, cash and was the frontman for Pak Lah.

Who do you think really owns PWTC and all the other Umno assets worth billions?

Old man was freaking mad.

Old man also freaking mad with NAJIB lah for doing similar tricks.

No one can get rid of Syed Mokhtar because he and his companies are the slush-fund lah and he covers all UMNO with Tun having the biggest share. Syed is looking after many of TUN’S boys lah in PLF and PMO.

Would you dare expose? Don’t think so. But many grassroots MALAYS are getting mad. Slowly finding out they are being betrayed by leaders. How come you are so blinkered?


Have you asked yourself why till today, when Tun, Daim and one other person are still registered as Trustees/owners of UMNO assets, eg, PWTC, etc. Resigned twice and still owners? Give me a break.

Then formed a new party. No one dares touch this issue. Because, Tun FOOKING told everyone, he PROVIDED the monies for UMNO BARU, then BECOME UMNO 2.0, ETC. THE REST is history.

Think and do the bloody homework.

If as you say, you are FIGHTING for Malays and Muslims (being the majority, which I have no problems with. This is reality) I am puzzled that all these years, you remain silent. I give you benefit of doubt, maybe you are not aware as are so many MALAYS.

Bet you, the ownership issue of UMNO assets must have shocked you.

Stay safe and take care.


  1. conman, time to feed yr dog, else bark non stop.

  2. Mahathir must not be trusted to be PM a 3rd time.
    However, this Matthias Chang screech is really looney territory.

  3. Mathias Chang should write in his usual proper way rather than intersperse his sentences with "lah" as if that will make him "one of the masses" and endear him to the said masses

  4. Everyone and his dog knows that these luminaries go only for the money..this has been going on for decades la

    And every now and then someone spill some beans on the circuitous money route

    To date, 1MDB managed to be 'transparent', to the delight of the rakyat, hehehe

    We can confidently surmised that more than half of the country's total wealth have gone into the pockets of just a handful of these fat cats.

  5. a classic or should I say tragic case of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, once worshipped the wind that maddy breaks, he could have said something then

  6. I worked for u in 1984 selling kids book at Damansara office. All the best to u. Just too many dealings, manipulating share markets and public funds to serve their own group of will catch up.keep well.

  7. Hearsay at best...fairy tale otherwise...who is rpk, who is k temoc, who is this Matthias c, one n the same? M Tday has no credibility lah
