
Thursday, June 18, 2020

DAP shows stupefying greed by backing man who wanted a solely 'Malay Unity' coalition with UMNO & PAS


Anwar's aide wants DAP and Amanah to state their stand behind Anwar

Petition · Rakyat tuntut Lim Kit Siang tunaikan janji untuk ...

DAP and Amanah should state their stand behind PKR president Anwar Ibrahim, said Perak PKR chief Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak.

Farhash who is also Anwar's political secretary, described the actions and statements by DAP and Amanah for not standing firm behind Anwar as "disheartening and unbecoming of a leader."

"DAP and Amanah should state their stand behind the man who brought us all together.

"Is this how you repay Anwar for a friendship built over 20 years?

"Anwar faced many challenges and was often labelled as being too liberal and distant from the Malay community for his loyalty to DAP," he said.

Borrowing DAP organising secretary Anthony Loke's remarks - "There must be a clear direction of what is the way forward.”


"For PKR it means that we will never let Anwar and Malaysians be taken for a ride ever again," Farhash said.

In an exclusive interview with Malaysiakini, Loke (photo) had revealed that in a meeting on June 13, DAP and Amanah were in favour of the Dr Mahathir Mohamad-Anwar combination as the prime minister and deputy prime minister respectively.

This was after the suggestion for the Anwar-Mukhriz Mahathir combination could no longer be pursued due to the lack of support from Harapan's allies.

Earlier today, Anwar had apologised on behalf of Pakatan Harapan for not coming to a decision.

Meanwhile, PKR chief organising secretary Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said it is unfair to push the Anwar to accept Mahathir as the candidate for prime minister due to the latter's past record under the previous Harapan government.

"Mahathir has a record in the issue of the power transition which caused uncertainty during the Harapan administration," said the Setiawangsa MP.

Nik Nazmi (photo) also pointed his finger to Mahathir with regard to the Sheraton Move.

"Part of the political crisis which we faced after the Sheraton Move was caused by his (Mahathir) decision to resign (as the prime minister) without consulting comrades in Harapan.

"He was also confident that lawmakers from Umno and PAS were with him."

Naming Anwar as the best candidate, Nik Nazmi said the country needs a new beginning.

"A clean government which focuses on fair economy for the people," he said

[KT qualifier: My write-up below doesn't include salt-of-the-earth DAP members, good people like Ronnie Liu, Ramkarpal Singh, Sangeeta Kaur, etc who do NOT support the treacherous old man Mahathir]

I guess the reason why Anthony Loke has been assigned the backstabbing role is because "someone" lacks the laam-phar to do it himself, that is, stabbing Anwar in his back by placing the DAP bizarrely and betrayingly in support of Mahathir instead of old-time matey Anwar.

As one of my FB mateys Loong Wong (from Sarawak) wrote in his FB page (extracts only):

The DAP (Desperate and Pathetic) Publicly Executes Anwar and Supports Madey

The Sheraton Move was meant to stop Anwar and finished him off.
It did really, but to ensure Anwar is dead completely, the Desperate and Pathetic (DAP) carried out the coup de grace.

Yes, it is a coup. Why?

PH is a coalition comprising PKR, Amanah and the DAP. They appointed Anwar as ITS leader. When it came to ULTIMATE support, the DAP and Amanah broke ranks and chose to support Madey and the two small minnow parties, Madey's Party and Warisan. In effect, they said it loud and clear, "WE don't have confidence in YOU as leader. WE prefer Madey".

Is that how honourable people of goodwill, integrity who are trustworthy behaved?

Obviously not.

What it shows is that the purportedly junzi (honourable people) cares about their own power and ambitions. In Mandarin, these people are the wei junzi (despicable and false honourable people). who pass off their naked ambitions as acting for the public and greater good!!

Yes, the DAP is an active member of the coup killing off Anwar. It behaves like the kingmaker which many Malays fear it is because of its alleged majority numbers but it got there through LIES and subterfuge.

If you read a little about Chinese history or even watch Chinese wuxia movies, the DAP is really more like the dreaded and feared Jing Yi Wei (Royal Guard) who served the political eunuchs in killing off their enemies.

The DAP has finished off its internal critics quite ruthlessly in typical Stalinist style. It learnt from the PAP in Singapore - kill off your critics and ensure there's no retreat for them. No, to get rid of them, you have to uproot them - zhan cao cu gen (斩草除根), and today, the DAP is just a bevy of stormtroopers (the Jing Yi Wei) loyal to its eunuch numero uno, (LKS ) and his dynasty.

The Jing Yi Wei has never been loyal to the emperor but to the eunuch and indeed, we have seen how LKS and the DAP suck up to Madey before the 2018 elections, during the 22 months of office and has NEVER stopped politicking despite calling on PN to do so as Covid-19 unfolds and is progressing.

Why have they (Desperate and Pathetic - DAP) taken such a public execution of PH's leader, Anwar?

Simply, because it can. It has the numbers and wanted to show its strength.

And as Nik Nazmi (PKR) claimed, "Mahathir’s record in the power transition issue is what creates uncertainty when PH was governing before this.”

“The political crisis we’ve been through after the Sheraton Move is in part caused by his action to resign without discussing with PH allies and his confidence that Umno and PAS MPs are with him.”

That's right, DAP is now stupidly (or greedily) supporting a treacherous Old Man who had already abandoned DAP and PKR in the earlier Harapan government by resigning so as to play footsie with UMNO and PAS, without even having the decency to advise his former allies he was going to 'triple talaq' them.

At his Malay Dignity Congress where he consorted with PAS, UMNO and all the ultras (prior to his sudden resignation as Harapan's PM), Mahathir referred to non-Malay Malaysians as 'orang asing' [foreigners] 

Once a racist, always a racist

Bizarre, moronic or just plain greedy for more cabinet positions?

And most annoying has been Anthony Loke airing the DAP's intention in public in a sad and equally treacherous attempt to pressure Anwar into walking into another trap set up by Mahathir.

Six months can be more than enough to eff Anwar kaukau, for example, by sending him back into prison for Sodomy III, considering Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla, Mahathir's lawyer, has been representing Muhammed Yusoff Rawther who has accused Anwar of sexual assault.

The DAP has been disgusting unconscionable and shamefully complicit with Mahathir in its 'new normal' political stance. Where has its reformist credentials flown to when it now backs Malaysia's most un-reformist politician?

Maybe it thinks it can ride the Mahathir-Tiger as Lee Kuan Yew rode the Communist-Tiger? But KHAT-aSS is no Lee Kuan Yew, and the Rocket Party has through this disgusting betrayal dooms itself.

Back to the issue - Indeed, PKR has been absolutely spot on in declaring: "For PKR it means that we will never let Anwar and Malaysians be taken for a ride ever again." 


  1. so glad i was never a dap fan.

  2. DAP deserves to be screwed for supporting MM.

    And I hope Anwar will hold firm - never, never ever trust MM

  3. You have to be really stupid to be tipu 3x.

  4. DAP know very well to be back in power again they need the Malay votes. They know only Mahathir can generate Malay votes, not Anwar. They tried with Anwar for 20 years and failed. They finally won only when Mahathir jumped in. So who needs Anwar then?

    1. DAP back in power ? When was DAP ever in power except for Penang ?

      Imagine if DAP withdraw totally from PH....but knowing DAP, they are NOT into merajuking. What they fear most is exactly what we fear too....all those creepy crawlies sucking greedily at the honey pot....looking at them, one could be forgiven thinking we are in a boom time instead of being in a badass recession.
