
Monday, June 01, 2020

Hongkies have been undeniably batu-api-rised, wakakaka

From Wong Chun Wai:

Fragrant Harbour still raising a stink

Hong Kong's Revolutionary Anthem Is a Challenge to China - The ...

idiotic and very seditious dreamers

CHINA’s introduction of security laws is likely to sound the death knell for Hong Kong, at least that’s the general impression.

However, in a case of shooting itself in the foot, the island’s rioters – dubbed pro-democracy protesters – killed its economy through their protests in March last year.

Their year-long rampage has led to the former Commonwealth territory’s worst economic results, which consequently tipped it into recession.

A U.S. Consulate representative (left) receives a letter from protesters as people march from Charter Garden to the US consulate in Hong Kong

Hong Kong rips ‘radical protesters’ for asking Trump to intervene

Hong Kong’s government warned the US to stay out of its affairs on Monday after thousands of protesters urged President Trump to “liberate” the China-ruled city and called on Congress to pass a bill that would allow Chinese and Hong Kong officials to be slapped with economic sanctions.

It blasted the crowds who sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” as they marched to the US Consulate on Sunday as the “illegal behavior of radical protesters” and cautioned that ​“foreign legislatures should not interfere in any form in the internal affairs” of Hong Kong.

​The throngs of protesters appealed to Trump to “stand with Hong Kong” and “liberate Hong Kong” and make sure that Congress pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019. 

Joshua Wong
'darling' of Western (especially US) Press

He played major role in persuading US politicians to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act during the recent protests to eff up his own Hong Kong's trade and economy

The Covid-19 pandemic was the last nail in the coffin and the fresh protests, which began a few days ago, will be the final rites for the ailing island.

So, let’s not kid ourselves into believing that the introduction of laws to stop secession, sedition and terrorism is the tolling of the bells for Asia’s World City.

These laws are, in fact, long overdue, because the HK government had tried to enforce its own security measures.

No government, be it in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia or Canada, would tolerate year-long protests, where forms of violence have included people being bashed, Molotov cocktails employed and shop fronts on main streets desecrated.

When the looting starts, the shooting starts' Trump threatens to ...

It's Real Ugly': Protesters Clash With Minneapolis Police After ...

CNN Reporter And Crew Arrested During Live Broadcast Of ...

2020 Is The Weirdest Year: He Broke Into Planet Fitness Just To Do ...

Black CNN reporter is arrested live on air by Minnesota state ...

Try doing that every weekend at Oxford Street in London and Fifth Avenue in New York, and see if their policemen will just sit back and applaud these actions in the name of democracy.

And if cops even gently patted these protesters to stop, it would constitute police brutality.

It’s not just China tourists who have stayed away from HK, but holidaymakers from many parts of the world, too, especially those from nearby South-East Asia.

No one wants to be inconvenienced by road closures, especially those leading to the airport, or subway stations near protest areas. After all, HK is such a tiny place.

These protesters, encouraged by the West, have driven tourists away and decimated businesses. It’s common knowledge that rentals there are sky high and when operating hours are shortened, it simply means less revenue for business owners.

On the contrary, these new security laws will bring stability and hopefully end this situation once and for all, especially the secessionist and terrorist behaviours.

Why should the US or UK worry, or even care, about what’s unfolding in China, which is often described as the Far East? Yes, HK is that far from them.

If democracy is the focus here, let’s talk about several Arab ally nations that have blatantly violated democracy. The point is, the West seems to turn a blind eye to this because these nations are on their team.

Chile's president condemns police violence after four weeks of ...

Police 'abuse and brutality on rise' in Egypt | Mena – Gulf News

Petition · Stop police brutality against protesters in India ...

US' 'friends' in Middle-East

It’s mind-boggling that security agencies (like our Special Branch) are forbidden by law to operate in Hong Kong. With the introduction of the law, intelligence gathering on the island will be more effective.

We have seen how a man was torched, a policeman slashed in the neck, an elderly cleaner killed, police stations fire-bombed, subway stations and streets vandalised, and campuses trashed.

On Sunday, a lawyer who heads the Law Society, was beaten up by a mob clad in black at Causeway Bay.

[see kt post: Sorrow of Hong Kong]

Unbelievably, these violent acts have been carried out in the name of democracy.

Not all HK citizens share the view that it’s the protesters who are often beaten up, and it’s acceptable having the names of policemen and their families exposed on social media.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has long been stationed in Hong Kong but has confined itself to its garrisons. So, we have a situation where China’s army can’t be used in its own territory because of the potential hysterics that could ensue should armed personnel be summoned to the island’s streets.

So, as the mayhem continues, the police can only politely hold banners to warn protesters to disperse before water cannons and tear gas are used.

No doubt that HK is still important to China since it still has extensive capital controls and often intervenes in its financial markets and banking system, because after all, the island is one of the most open economies in the world and one of the biggest markets for equity and debt financing.

Under the one country, two systems formula agreed as part of Britain’s handover of the territory to China, HK is guaranteed liberties.

These freedoms give HK a special status internationally, allowing it to negotiate trade and investment agreements independent of Beijing. For instance, it doesn’t have to pay the tariffs imposed by the US on Chinese imports.

But the size of HK’s economy is now only equivalent to 2.7% of mainland China’s, down from 18.4% in 1997.

Even with the introduction of these security laws, the elections of HK’s legislative council are not going to disappear.

WhatsApp and Twitter won’t be replaced by WeChat, and freedom of speech will continue to exist.

What most people don’t want is the continuous violent street demonstrations.

Hong Kong protests turn violent, several policemen injured ...

Hong Kong protests paralyse city with marked escalation of violence

China condemns Hong Kong protesters for violence | CBC News

HK has degenerated into a state of anarchy with marauding gangsters. Realistically, no government, in any part of the world, will allow such actions to prolong.

The destruction of public property, police stations and shops with home-made bombs are nothing more than acts of terrorism.

The future of HK lies with China. The young can’t change that. Waving the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack won’t help one bit, and certainly won’t earn them the passports of these countries.

What is the weirdest thing about Hong Kong protests? - Quora

Are Hong Kong protesters pro-American or British when they wave ...

British Flags In Hong Kong - About Flag Collections

those clowns just want to migrate to Britain or America

and indeed, God save the Queen from them, wakakaka

HK is part of the planned Greater Bay Development Area, including Guangdong and Macau, and the people of the island should take a more positive and realistic outlook on their future.


  1. Why so many foreigners like Wong Chun Wai want to kacau Hong Kong, and deny Hong Kong residents their right to demand self-determination?

    1. Indeed, why so many foreigners like USA, Australia, UK want to kacau Hong Kong, and deny Hong Kong residents their right to obey the Basic law of the HK SAR, unlike residents of Minnesota?

    2. image had gone viral on Wassup...US protester holding a flag of China, seemingly shouting for the oppressed to be liberated by China from the tyranny of their brutal police state.

      Nice ! Could do with more of this tongue-in-cheek, ha ha ha ha

  2. Everybody who have been following the developments in Hong Kong should by now know that the protesters have been played like fools by the Americans,British and their orang putih allies.They have been sucking their tiny pricks and been fucked in the backsideswithout even noticing it.These are what fools are.

    1. bruno matey you sure have a Shakespearean command of choice words, wakakaka

    2. ... and and been fucketh in thoth backsideths without a glimpseth of thy senseth - wakakaka

  3. The Chinese used to say,"look after your own house before meddling in other people's house's".If you cannot look after your own house and want to meddle in other people's houses,please go fuck your own selves in the ass first.

  4. 5,000 year old civilization should be teaching 500 year old civilization how to handle dissent. But no, same-same: bully and rampas.

    Be patient lah, what is another 27 years compared to 5,000?

    1. Tactic like this had been used by Hitler and adopted wholesale by the West, particularly the US, isn't going to work in this internet era la.

      The repeat of 'same-same, bully and rampas' a few thousand times might work during the Fuhrer's era. Today, many had seen through even the mighty US' tactic, especially under the bungling Orange Buffoon. You have even worse chance than a snowball in hell with your bully-and-rampas chant, hehehe

    2. 5000 yo oso a myth with chinese kharacteristic la. 5k yo xia dynasty is a legend, not proven one. 4000 yo shang oso many blur blur story, zhou deemed ok.

      i wonder y ccp territory claim not basing on zhou history, n return whatever not mentioned, for eg hk taiwan tibet xinjiang guangzhou xiemen n of course beijing.

    3. 犬养mfer, what do u know about Chinese history?

      From 台毒水炮?

      From yr elders? Ooop… u r nochinese mah. So do yr elders know farts about China history to tell u!

      Mfer, u MUST have let yr dangdut pals claimed & utilized yr family (members too) & assets since it's very unlikely u can prove any of them of yr legal procession!

      That's why u can come up with such a write using yr 南魔萬 England. Yes?

  5. mca is dying, zero star is dying, the consequences of choosing not to fight, now survive kissing a no people mandate pm ass n be the foreign propagandist of a no people mandate ccp.

    hker fight must go on, kick xi n carrie ass, achieve mutual destruction is the first step, ccp go bust the second, xi n carrie forced to step down the third, return people mandate to hker the final.

    hker jiayou.

    1. Kick out Xi ?

      Read and weep

      "EU won't follow Trump into trade war over Hong Kong" (

      "US, UK fail to push for U.N meeting over Hong Kong issue"

      " New Zealand refused to be included in the Gang of 5-Eyes club joining Australia, Canada, UK and US to condemn the National Security Law on Hong Kong by China". hehehe...Gang of 4-Eyes now ?

      Go console Orange Buffoon....might stop him shitting in his pants in that bunker of his, wa ka ka ka.

    2. A little bit more of pressure on this 犬养 mfer WOULD ultimately force him to reach his tipping point of irrationality.

      He might REALLY do a suci act too.

      Keep the turns on the screw, it's close!
