
Thursday, April 16, 2020

US President is not a king


Coronavirus: Donald Trump speaks of mutiny as New York’s Andrew Cuomo says president is not a king

US President Donald Trump speaks during a daily coronavirus briefing at the White House in March

Photo: AFP

US President Donald Trump suggested on Tuesday that some Democratic governors were “mutineers” after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said he would refuse any order to reopen the economy too soon and risk reigniting the coronavirus outbreak.

The debate continued even as the president’s top infectious disease adviser said the same day that Trump’s May 1 target for easing pandemic restrictions was “overly optimistic”.

Cuomo, a Democrat whose state has been the epicentre of the outbreak in the United States, and governors of six other northeastern states said on Monday that they would formulate a regional plan to gradually lift social distancing restrictions that have shut down non-essential businesses and schools.

Andrew Cuomo

Governor of New York State (not city)

On the Pacific Coast, the governors of California, Oregon and Washington state said they also would take a regional approach, but cautioned that any large-scale reopening would depend on a decline in the rate of spread in their area.

“Tell the Democrat Governors that ‘Mutiny On The Bounty’ was one of my all time favorite movies,” the Republican Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday, referring to a film classic about a rebellion against the commanding officer of a British naval vessel in the late 18th century.

“A good old fashioned mutiny every now and then is an exciting and invigorating thing to watch, especially when the mutineers need so much from the Captain. Too easy!” Trump wrote.

Offering an expansive assessment of the powers of the presidency, Trump on Monday asserted he had ultimate authority to reopen the largely closed economy even though he earlier had deferred to state governors in putting social-distancing orders in place.

“If he ordered me to reopen in a way that would endanger the public health of the people of my state, I wouldn’t do it,” Cuomo told CNN early in the day, referring to Trump.

At a news conference later, Cuomo added, “We don’t have a king in this country, we have a Constitution and we elect the president.”

Trump’s administration has recommended stay-at-home guidelines through the end of April, and the president has floated May 1 as a possible date to start reopening some areas.

That date may be “a bit overly optimistic”, said National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Anthony Fauci, who has become a trusted national figure during the pandemic, said in an interview with Associated Press.

Dr Anthony Fauci 

“We have to have something in place that is efficient and that we can rely on, and we’re not there yet,” Fauci added.

Fauci, who frequently appears with Trump at White House coronavirus briefings, has previously contradicted Trump on issues including an unproven treatment touted by the president. Trump on Sunday reposted on Twitter a call by a conservative political figure calling for Fauci’s firing but the president later denied plans to dismiss his adviser.

The wrangling over when to restart the economy coincides with signs the outbreak has been slowing in New York and other states where it struck early.

The US death toll from Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the virus, stood at more than 24,400 on Tuesday, out of more than 583,000 known US infections.

Cuomo said on Monday that “the worst is over” for New York as hospitalisations appeared to be reaching a plateau and deaths increased by 671, the lowest daily total in a week.

Even so, the governor said on Tuesday, any reopening would have to come in phases and take months to complete. Widespread testing is the key to a successful restart, Cuomo said.

Over on the west coast, California Governor Gavin Newsom on Tuesday unveiled guidelines that would determine when and how to gradually reopen the nation's largest economy.

Gavin Newsom

Governor of California 

While he did not provide a timeline for easing the stay-at-home orders over the state's roughly 40 million residents, the governor cautioned that the future of gatherings, movement and everyday life will not go back to "normal".

He set out six parameters to be met before altering the stay-at-home orders, including widespread coronavirus testing to track the virus, protecting vulnerable populations, enabling hospitals to prepare for a surge, developing therapeutics and instituting social distancing in businesses and schools.

Trump on Monday had pushed back against the idea that governors should determine when and how to reopen their state economies, insisting that he had that right as president.

“When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total,” he said a news briefing. “The governors know that.”

The New York governor, who has made a point of saying policy should be guided by science and not politics, cautioned that a premature order by Trump would set off a federal clash with the states that would end up in court.

Trump, seeking re-election on November 3, also fired back at Cuomo by name in his Tuesday tweets.

“Cuomo’s been calling daily, even hourly, begging for everything, most of which should have been the state’s responsibility, such as new hospitals, beds, ventilators, etc. I got it all done for him, and everyone else, and now he seems to want Independence! That won’t happen!” Trump wrote.

Some Republicans, including the governors of Ohio, Maryland and New Hampshire, have also said the states had the right to decide when and how to reopen the economy.

“It’s the governors that are going to make decisions about when certain activities are allowed,” US Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican, told CNBC on Tuesday.

Senator Marco Rubio 

“Obviously, the guidance from the federal government coming from the White House is going to be very influential in that.”

Cuomo said total hospitalisations in New York were “basically flat,” adding, “We think we are at the apex on the plateau.” Cuomo said there were 778 deaths in his state in the past day – up by more than 100 from the prior day.

“It has been the most painful number every day,” the governor said.


  1. but the lifetime president in ccp china is.

    1. Mfer, check yr f*cking history where, when EVER has a lifetime president in CCP China!

      Ooop… in yr wet dream mah.

  2. In a national emergency, the US President's power is still subject to daily checks and balances, and most importantly subject to public scrutiny.

    Nobody in China has been able to question Emperor Winnie the Pooh, "what did you do for an entire month from December to January ? " and survive.

  3. Cuomo told off Trump : you are not a king, hehehehe. The nearest that he could get to be king is when he goes back to his old nick where is he widely known as Don the King Con, hehehehe

  4. Podah to the nth!!!

    During the high of the Cuban missile emergency in 1962, the US President, J Kennedy kept all the military decisions within his small cacus. Never was his power been subject to daily checks and balances. Neither was, and most importantly, subject to public scrutiny.

    If he made a wrong decision & Nikita Khrushchev didn't back down, there would ONLY be vast expanse of radioactive wastelands at North America & Soviet territory!

    Likewise, Trump's total silence on the deadly germ leak from the B4 lab at Fort Derrick is a glaring demoNcratic high-handedness in blanketing public awareness.

    If CDC, a public health safety organisation was not been informed by the concerned surrounding populace about the high incidents of unaccountable deaths caused by unknown health issues, nobody would know about this toxic leak!

    The potus didn't advise the CDC to investigate as Fort Derrick is ONLY subjecting to military inspection protocol. CDC has NO jurisdiction until public health is involved.

    So, keep farting lah!

    Or else yr current stage of delirium, induced by yr failed cash flow in yr old moneyed business, WOULD likely to force u to commit suicide.

    What do u think President Xi must openly telling everyone what he did for an entire month from December to January?

    Mfer, the results count!

    The current potus is a typical loud mouth who has mastered the art of bertelur sebiji, riuh sekampung! Especially in preparing for his November reelection.

    He only engage public awareness when it's to his reelection advantages. Even then, he tries to ramp through his thought as if he is the emperor!

    1. thats y we hv wuhan virus, not newyork or chicago virus.

    2. Wakakakaka…

      Why named it the Cuba crisis, not American or Soviet crisis?

      Same principle in work mah!

      Or yr fart filled mind ONLY choose what is fitting to that 'mind'?

      Taking advantage of the Chinese characteristics in handling crisis - work quietly to solve a mounting problem! That's yr art learned from wasp worshipping, no?

      Instead, a nonchinese, who keeps genuflecting to a demoNcastic high priest who ignored the pandemic prevention window secured by the Chinese at great sacrifices.

      Now u r trying to showcase their 'gold-plated' WEF oneupmsnship of world pandemic preparedness in a real life shambleness!

      Wakakakaka… the best part IS the use of one liner.

      Bravo… nametag is the usual work of scumbag cheaters to cover up their incompetence.

      Do ready one for yr beloved prevaricating Formosa! Soon her charlatan made-believe covid-19 record WOULD follow her uncle Sam.

      Mfer, I'm wondering would u rush back to that desecrated island to contribute to her final demise?

    3. Couldn't resist reposting a random comment spotted on social media, hehehe :

      "Dun be like Chiang Kai shek who boasted that during WW2 fighting Commies wuz more important than the invading Japs as Commies was a greater evil.luckily these traitors have been contained in Taiwan where they survive as dogs. We also have our fair share of pariah Ah Bengs with no roots and ancestors , loyal only to the fictitious heroes of Hollywood and Disney."


    4. some people know only half truth, or ccp version.

      1 mao said thankful to japs, else ccp wont win the civil war, how is he act differently versus chiang?

      2 who play the major role to fight japs, kmt or ccp? read the history of general that fight courageously against the japs, name me how many is from ccp?

      yr type learn only the distorted version of china history, sama dgn itu umno malay.

    5. Yr type learn only the distorted version of China history made by 台毒 minions under yr oversee-ed WASP masters.

      Thus, these 1&2 farts.

      But then what do a nonchinese know ANYTHING about the true Chinese history?

    6. Trust Dangdut HY for Chinese history ? Hahahaha...he knows only how to eat out of Tsai's butt, hehehehe, this cow sai politico buruk only know how to donate face masks free to other countries while her own people have to line up to get that few pieces that couldn't even cover for 2 weeks. Even Orange Buffoon stupid and bigot that he is, wouldn't go to that length. Only a taik Tsai a fake cina would go down do that sort of shit.
