
Monday, April 06, 2020

Heineken ops under MCO revoked - goons have acted in 'mysterious ways'


Putrajaya revokes Heineken's approval

Putrajaya has revoked its approval for Heineken Malaysia Bhd to continue its operations during movement control order (MCO) period, according to Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa.

This came after Umno, PAS and Bersatu leaders criticised the government for making such decision when alcohol was not an essential product.

Taking to Twitter, Annuar said the approval for the alcohol beverage manufacturer to work was not in line with MCO policy.

"It has been cancelled this morning ... because this was not in line with the policy of the government," he said.
Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry, in a letter to Heineken sighted by Malaysiakini, agreed that the alcoholic beverages producer was a food supply operator and therefore can operate during the partial lockdown

What policy kerbau?

The latest belakang pusing is yet another comical backflip by this government (and Mahathir's as well), but it's not so comical (funny) when you look at the consequences.

Yet another concession to the ultra religious, stomping all over our (non Muslims') rights (not that we have many).

Remember the recent viral video of a Chinese woman misbehaving and insulting frontliners came under the scrutiny of the Perlis mufti who implied that her citizenship be revoked.

As Malaysiakini columnist Commander (rtd) S Thayaparan quoted Khalid Samad then criticising Dr Asri's double standard in implying the Chinese sweetie's citizenship be revoked:

“There are those who mocked the police, calling them pigs, but they are accepted because they are Malays. When it comes to Chinese yelling at the police, then he speaks."

Really p
odah lah, it's a non-Muslim issue so why must some Muslim leadership intrude into our affairs. But I suppose to PAS, the wrath of Allah swt has manifested. HE swt has (or rather the goons have) acted in 'mysterious ways'.


  1. "But I suppose to PAS, the wrath of Allah swt has manifested"

    That's really fortunate, otherwise,

    “If not, the country will need to prepare for *wrath greater than Allah* .........” said Khairil (of PAS)"

    Only wonder who is greater than Allah? someone above Khairil ...?

  2. Where is Wee Khat Siong ?
    Balls shrink already ?

  3. Where is Ti Lian Ker ?
    No Balls ?

  4. The silence of the Lam Par-less MCA.

    1. wakakaka, you haven't even allowed the MCA a chance to think about it as the revocation has been made only today,. Too eager lah, wakakaka again

    2. So the decision to ban the production of beer is made by a bunch of people who don't drink beer? Those who drink are left out altogether? Is this being consultative?

      Isn't Wee KHAT Siong in the cabinet? Is he like a Junior Member with no voice? Did he speak up about the revocation? Was he even consulted?

      Who is now Boh Lam Pah...??? Who is now playing Sudah-Aku-Punya on his smartphone pretending Buat Tak Tahu? Guanee or Wee KHAT Siong?

      Is KT now shy to call out Wee LHAT Siong and all other non-Malay-Muslims in the cabinet who were not consulted/not daring to speak up as

      Boh Lam Pah...?

      Give Them Time Pulak? KT never gave Guanee any time, hentam immediately before he has time to pang sai.

      We are waiting for KT's new slew of mocking pictures; instead of LKS/Guanee playing Sudah-Aku-Punya, this time with Wee KHAT Siong etc helpless in the quagmire of PN disasters, all in the space of one month.

      KT also needs to refresh all the mocking pictures with Toonsie's scandals swirling around LKS's head, this time with the PN government screw-ups swirling around Wee KHAT Siong's head.

      We are tired of the same old same old old pictures.

      Swirling Doraemons, Hazmat Suits, Jambans and Beer Bottles for a start..ha ha ha...see I help KT with some ideas.

    3. heard anything YET from DAP?

    4. DAP is no longer in the government.
      I'm sure they will make a statement, but they are not a party to the decision.

      MCA IS.

    5. all the more reason DAP should - boe lampar?

    6. Day 2 of The silence of the Lam Par-less MCA.

      I'm still giving them a chance to think about it....wakaka

    7. 36 hours have passed, has Wee KHAT Siong said anything yet...? Or is he still stuck in the toilet...?

  5. nvm, i buy imported beer like san miguel, more effective to kill imported virus, for eg wuhan virus.

    1. wakakaka, I am waiting for CK and JJ to riposte to your anti China insinuations, wakakaka again

    2. pls ask them, n u as well, to read below.


      paste again correct link.

    4. SCMP is known to be anti China, wakakaka

    5. Plenty of Pro-Beijing articles in SCMP

    6. SCMP by virtue of its long existence, even under the British, has always been not friendly nor sympathetic to China

    7. scmp hv both voice, unlike people daily, xinhua, globaltimes, which r all ccp propaganda machine. some southern china newspaper used to be quite vocal but now all quiet like pas after xi become lifetime chairman.

      nyt n wp is leftist, i guess their existence is to criticise republican, cnn whack trump from morning to midnight, regardless how, one can still read many side of story.

      the scmp piece is oped, but list out all the essential fact n time to rebut ccp lies. if even a fella who can read well (read doesnt mean educated) like ck n jj would believe in those propaganda, what abt millions or billion zombie in mainland?

    8. Wakakakaka…

      New York Times & Washington Post r leftists!

      Ain't u ONLY believe in trashes mined with China bashing?

      New York Times & Washington Post have been relentlessly in carrying out our favorite theme, ever since CCP took over China.

      Have yr brain been reconstructed by whoever? Maybe those 台毒水炮!

    9. Wakakakaka…

      "scmp hv both voice"!!?!!

      What an understatement of the confused kind.

      SCMP, as claimed by many, was controlled by R Murdoch, R Kuok & then Jack Ma. The last two r supposedly CCP supporters.

      Now, mfer, let me ask u a question.

      News media owners, all over the world, exercise strong (sometimes draconian) controls over editorial policies.

      What make scmp so special that it can exercise editorial independency (is it??) to criticise both spectrum of the political divides?

      Benevolent owner? Wakakakaka… how to jive in with yr continuing CCP authoritarian bashing?

      Special golden clauses for editorial during ownership change? Why must there with such an undisclosed ownership clause? If so, what else?

      Truth editorial independence? Tell that to yr kids while she is still been indoctrinated with the 台毒 cocooning mindset lah.

    10. y not u tell me instead of running around the bush?

    11. Can't u read?

      Oooop… England tak bolih pakai yet still want to play around with England words/phrases!

  6. Carlsberg and Heineken are smarter than we think.

    Just as the MCO started they filled up all their fermentors to the max and by the time MCO is over the brew will be just ready for bottling. And their bottling process is practically automatic so it's pretty quick.

  7. As the owner of SCMP, Jack Ma can never win, given the propensity of the paper's unruly editors and journalists to annoy, on a daily basis, the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    "Even if it is not his intention to do Beijing's bidding, he will always be suspected by some of doing just that.

    As the only English-language paper of record focused on China...the SCMP runs so many stories about the country - both positive and negative - that its critics and admirers can simply highlight those that prove their point about its alleged pro-China bias or lack thereof."

    And true to his funn-kuat-chai-ness, hehehe, no prize for guessing how si celaka OCBC ( orang cina bukan cina ) has unerringly zero in those nasty pieces in SCMP to further showcase his hysterical anti China anti CCP foaming.

    1. jerkx2, u can always rebut the scmp critic with factual argument, or else pls jerk off at the side of yr mum bedroom corner wakaka.

  8. An Ethnic Chinese does not become a funn-kuat-chai or any less Chinese just because he refuses to support the CCP.

    China has a 3,000 years history, the CCP is only 73 years old.

    1. A ethnic Chinese IS definitely a funn-kuat-chai (反骨仔)& acting very much less Chinese when he/she, while criticism CCP, blackgoating ALL Chinese (especially the Chinese mainlanders).

      The mfer forgets that the 5000 yrs of Chinese history HAS been sustained by all Chinese, in & out of China.

      Like it or not, CCP has managed to initiate the revival of the Chinese dignity that many of those wasp-&-demoNcratic coconuts/bananas r refusing to admit. W/O that awakening, that long history is just a laughing stock for the past/present malefic & execratic sour losers of all kinds.

      Exactly liken to those HK 废青, 台毒 morons & genuflecting coconuts/bananas all over the world.
