
Monday, April 06, 2020

Boris Johnson hospitalised over Covid symptoms

Star Online:

Sterling falls after PM Johnson hospitalised over persistent Covid-19 symptoms

FILE PHOTO: Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson leaves Downing Street, as the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues. London, Britain, March 25, 2020

REUTERS/Hannah Mckay/File Photo

TOKYO: The pound fell against the dollar and euro on Monday after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was admitted to hospital for tests after showing persistent symptoms of the coronavirus.

The yen fell against the dollar and the antipodean currencies after Japanese media reported Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may declare a state of emergency as early as Tuesday to curb an alarming acceleration in coronavirus infections.

The dollar was on the back foot against the euro after data last week showed companies in the United States shed jobs at break-neck speed as the COVID-19 pandemic leads the global economy into a deep recession.

"When a head of state or government is stricken like this, it will cause concern for holders of sterling and sterling assets," said Masafumi Yamamoto, chief currency strategist at Mizuho Securities in Tokyo

It seems Boris covid symptoms have persisted and perhaps even strengthened. It's worrying for Britain because a stricken PM at this pandemic stage will throw the near Brexit-ed nation into a tailspin.

The Star Online article also remarked: Also weighing on sterling is Britain's constitution - an unwieldy collection of sometimes ancient and contradictory precedents - that offers no formal deputy or caretaker who would take over if Johnson cannot continue to lead.

But news report have indicated that Boris' replacement, should the unthinkable occur, is Dominic Raab, who is now the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and since July 2019, effectively the de facto DPM.

Dominic Raab 

This must be disappointing news for a local Malaysian who had earlier crowed on FB that an Indian Rishi Sunak, the current Chancellor of the Exchequer (equivalent to our Finance Minister), may become the PM, and thus making it 'sweet justice' that an Indian will become the political head of the United Kingdom when that nation had colonised and ruled India for aeons.

The Indians, of course now of British nationality, have done very well in UK - there are two high level cabinet ministers and the AG. All are right wingers and pro Brexit, otherwise Boris would not have placed them so high up in his government, wakakaka.

And likewise in Canada, indeed especially Canada, Australia and to a certain extent, the USA.

Harjit Singh Sajjan

Canadian Defence Minister


  1. I subscribe to the theory that the COVID-19 virus has been circulating in humans for many months, even years. It was not born in Wuhan or China and did not jump from wild animals to humans there.

    The lack of symptoms or very mild symptoms meant it went undetected or was mis-diagnosed by doctors worldwide as the common cold, flu, URTI etc.

    Globally, hundreds of thousands of people die from influenza every year, so early COVID-19 deaths, initially small in number, may have been buried within.

    Then over time COVID-19 evolved into a form that is much more virulent and nasty. Maybe something triggered this change.

    It took some pretty sharp eyed doctors in Wuhan to detect this new virus.....and the rest is history....or should I say the rest is what we are seeing now....

    Watch this video...

    So to call this the Wuhan or China virus is a mistake, unless you wanted to give credit to the nationality of the smart doctors who first detected it.

    1. i can sort of agree with u on this if there is no evidence to tell where it come from, but wuhan start first n conceal truth is an undeniable fact. to accuse other countries is very ugly, borrow boyang words.

    2. You could argue reading below that the Italians and Welsh doctors concealed early cases of COVID-19 but more likely they were just mis-diagnosis or the doctors simply had no idea what it was.

      CGTN is Chinese media so maybe biased, but maybe not.

      Italian expert says strange pneumonia cases were seen in northern Italy and Wales in November
      By Pan Zhaoyi

      During CGTN's exclusive email interview with Dr. Giuseppe Remuzzi, director of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan, he revealed that:

      • More than 10 strange pneumonia cases were discovered in late November and December in the areas of Gera D'Adda and Crema, northern Italy.

      • All of these patients had been vaccinated against seasonal influenza.

      • Patients recovered within 15 days after 2 to 3 courses of antibiotics treatment.

      • Wales was found to have what clinically appears to be COVID-19 patients in November.

      Dr. Giuseppe Remuzzi's reply to CGTN

      The statement by Italy's leading medical expert on the strange pneumonia cases circulating in northern Italy weeks before the novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, was widely spread on social media.

      During the interview with U.S. media outlet National Public Radio (NPR), Remuzzi recalled that he heard from general practitioners in the country's Lombardy region that "they remember having seen very strange pneumonia, very severe, particularly in old people in December and even November."

      "This means that the virus was circulating, at least in [the northern region of] Lombardy and before we were aware of this outbreak occurring in China."

      Besides, in an interview with Italy's local media La7 Attualità, he also mentioned the special pneumonia symptoms have been discovered in October, November, December.

      CGTN Digital reached out to Dr. Giuseppe Remuzzi, asking for more details concerning the strange pneumonia cases that happened in Italy.

      He stressed what he heard were just rumors from a small group of people who have yet to confirm with him, and were just impressions from a few doctors.

      But what he knows for sure is that there were indeed patients with strange symptoms suspected to be COVID-19. Over 10 cases in Scanzorosciate, Gera D'Adda and Crema, Italy, developed high fever, cough, fatigue, and difficulty breathing that were not related to seasonal influenza, since all of these patients had been vaccinated.

      "The reason we don't know if it was COVID-19 or not because at that time this could not be tested; patients didn't do X-rays," Giuseppe said. "But these were 10 more cases of pneumonia than they (general practitioners) usually see."

      In addition, he also mentioned the correspondence he received from patients in Wales, whose names we cannot disclose, saying that there were cases of what clinically appears to have been COVID-19, even though they got sick in November.


      i sincerely hope u r diff with ck n jj. btw, u may reread again n the operative word is "aware". ccp propagandist spin it into "italy happened before china"

      "This means that the virus was circulating, at least in [the northern region of] Lombardy and before we were aware of this outbreak occurring in China."

    4. Wakakakaka… r u trying to he a wordsmith?

      Please lah, wakakakaka…

      I have watched multiple news of Italian scientist, Giuseppe Remuzzi, interviewed by BBC, CNN, CNBC etc.

      The Times is wrong!

      Do go & dig up those news interviews. They r still available on the WWW!

      That ONLY means The Times is in the category of news twisting, liken to The New York Times, The Washington Post!

      So, mfer, who spins?

    5. BTW, since now u read (understand??) scmp, what have u gained?

      More CCP China bashing diatribes with a even more confused line of thought?

      A 'notable' quote on scmp - As a result of this incident, Fiskesjö said that "the SCMP can no longer be trusted as an independent news organisation."

      Magnus Fiskesjö is an associate professor at Cornell University & a loud voice about the arrest of Gui Minhai. Know who's Gui Minhai, mfer?

      And the funniest part about Fiskesjö criticism on scmp is the way that scmp disclosing Gui's alleged arrest!

      Better listen to those 台毒上炮! At least they don't change their cocooning mindset like them Viking.

    6. like kt, u to make up yr mind as well, usa or italy? msia chineese forum even said the wuhan virus originated from pangolins imported from msia, most probably in penang, next to kt dads home.

    7. my late dad? aisehman, you;re getting too personal - must be mad at me ... for what, wakakaka

    8. i mean 祖屋 or house inherited from ancentor.

    9. Walau-eh!

      'msia chineese forum'!!!??

      Shot from the mouth with claim that no respectable virologists dare to confirm! Blog statements mah - no need to show proof bcoz u r preaching to yr own converted morons.

      No wonder lah. Sama2 - the one that labelling others stupid w/o knowing him/herself acting stupid!

      Yr type of long genuflecting & panegyrizing to wasp 'cina'? Wakakaka… subconscious Freudian slip - msia chineese!!

  2. My vote was for Gobind Singh to be DPM, if that old fart had kept his promise....

    Actually I think Gobind was the first Sikh to become a cabinet minister worldwide outside India, even before the Canadian guy.

    1. Harjit Singh Sajjan became Canada's Defence Minister on 04 Nov 2015

    2. It's nothing new for Britain to be headed by someone with ties with a former colony. It's already happening now.

      Boris Johnson was an American citizen until 2016. He held dual citizenship. Boris Johnson was actually born in the former colony, unlike Rishi Sunak who was born in Britain.

      The original 13 US colonies were under British rule from 1607-1776.

      Boris Johnson among record number to renounce American citizenship in 2016

      Thu 9 Feb 2017

      Boris Johnson has renounced his US citizenship, ending years of ambiguous loyalties and probably ridding himself of a hefty tax bill.

      A list released by the US Treasury department showed the UK foreign secretary was one of 5,411 individuals to renounce his American citizenship in 2016.

      Johnson was born in New York when his parents worked there, but has not lived there since he was five years old. His decision does not appear to be an attempt to distance himself from the politics of Donald Trump, but may instead be a move to ensure he is out of reach of America’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

  3. I am probably wrong, maybe Justin Trudeau appointed a few back in 2015...but Gobind would have made a good DPM.

  4. Leading scientists tell CNN that it's possible the virus didn't just come from bats in the past months, but that it may have existed in humans many months or even years before it grew into a deadly pandemic. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports.Source: CNN

    The above report is interesting and warrant further studies. CNN will only pick this up because the opinions of these leading scientists have been circulating for weeks all over Europe and scientific papers around the world. But that does nothing to stop CNN to persist in its relentless propaganda to put the blame on China as the originator of Covid19.

    The US mass media, whether pro Republican or Democrats, paid scant attention to the interview of its Director of CDC Dr Robert Redfield in the House Oversight Committee discussion.

    [ US CDC director Dr Robert Redfield said some of the deaths from the flu season of Sept 2019, had actually died from coronavirus which have been discovered posthumously, during the House Oversight Committee discussion on the novel coronavirus response. Rep Harley Rouda asked Dr Redfield if it's possible that some of the flu patients may have been misdiagnosed and actually had coronavirus.]
    The White House has ordered Federal Health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restriced information and hampered the US government's response to the contagion, according to four Trump's administration officials.
