
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Toxicity of Mahathir

Extracts from Malaysia-Today's Mahathir Is Just Plain Toxic:

In those days, race did not matter. Today, it does. And while the Tunku is Bapa Merdeka, Tun Razak Hussein is Bapa Pembangunan, and Tun Hussein Onn is Bapa Perpaduan, guess who is Bapa Perkauman. No prize for the right guess.

Mahathir and the ‘Young Turks’ played the race card to oust the Tunku, and race relations has never been the same again since then.

And this is the man the Pakatan Harapan supporters voted into office in May 2018. How can you elect the problem to become the solution? Only Pakatan Harapan people and DAP Chinese would be stupid enough to put the fox in charge of the chickens. And how can I not feel superior when I am surrounded by morons?

Yes, Mahathir is toxic in more ways than one. He and his Young Turks divided Malaysians more than 50 years ago and Malaysia has never been the same again. Mahathir triggered turmoil in Umno in 1969, 1976, 1981, 1987, 1998, 2006 and 2015. And now he is creating turmoil in Pakatan Harapan.

Mahathir resigned from Umno twice during the time of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Tun Razak because both those Prime Ministers would not give in to his tantrums. And now he resigns from PPBM and Pakatan Harapan for the same reason.

he not only sells snake oil but croc tears as well 

Mahathir resigned as Prime Minister twice, once in 2002 and now in 2020. In 2002 Mahathir was persuaded to withdraw his resignation and stay on but today Mahathir is still waiting for Pakatan Harapan to request him to withdraw his resignation (but it looks like on this second occasion Pakatan Harapan is going to tell him to just go).

Mahathir ousted or had a role in ousting every Prime Minister save Tun Razak Hussein (who died in office). Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Tun Razak were all forced to resign one way or another.

Mahathir forced Umno and PAS into each other’s arms, and that is going to be the greatest threat to Pakatan Harapan.

Mahathir caused Umno to split in 1987, 1998 and 2016. And now he is trying to split Umno yet again in 2020.

DAP, in its euphoria to oust Umno and Barisan Nasional, thought they could use this very toxic Mahathir to do that job and after that control him. How wrong they were. And now the very animal that DAP let loose on Umno and Barisan Nasional is going on a rampage in Pakatan Harapan. Kalau cakap Cina bodoh, marah. Tapi kalau tak panggil bodoh nak panggil apa?

the hypocrisy of Lim KHAT Siang 

If Mahathir plays his cards right he can get Malay support. But he must abandon DAP and tell the Malays that Pakatan Harapan is now dominated by the Chinese and that the Malays have lost their political domination. And that will not be hard to do.

The majority still rests in the hand of the Malays. Umno and Barisan Nasional fell because of the Malays, not because of the Chinese. If Mahathir can get solid Malay support then Pakatan Harapan is finished. But Muakafat Nasional plus Sabah and Sarawak are the kingmakers. So how is Mahathir going to get them to rally behind him?

Mahathir will have to tell the Malays that Pakatan Harapan is a Chinese-dominated government if he wants them to rally behind him

Mahathir will need to play his race card to the hilt. He will need to tell the Malays that Pakatan Harapan is Chinese and they need to unite to defend their rights and not become hamba di negara sendiri and lose Malaysia to the pendatang. That may work.

Pakatan Harapan has washed its hand of[f] PPBM and Mahathir and they want Anwar Ibrahim to take over as Prime Minister. Basically, Mahathir is living on borrowed time and the clock is ticking. Mahathir had better pull a rabbit out of his hat if he wants to survive this last tango. And money may do the trick (because it was Mahathir who said “cash is king”).

Neither Mahathir nor Anwar has the majority in parliament. So, Mahathir will need to stay on as Prime Minister via a vote of confidence in parliament. And how many millions do you think each MP’s vote is going to cost (which in essence the taxpayers are paying for)?

So, fasten your seat belts and get ready for the most exciting and expensive ride in Malaysian political history. This latest political turmoil has cost Malaysians tens of billions and is going to cost tens of billions more to keep Mahathir in power. But look on the bright side, at least you do not have to pay any GST on it.

1 comment:

  1. This time around the fox got out-foxed.Anwar,DAP and Amanah caught his "puppet showmanship" and forwarded Anwar's name for PM instead.The loser is Mahathir,Azmin and his cesspool of leeches.
