
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Don't ever believe Mahathir

LATEST UPDATE (showing Mahathir has been wrong and unconstitutional):

Malaysiakini - 
No one has clear majority, King leaves it to Parliament on Monday - Dr M:

Does anyone believe the Old Devious Diabolical Devil?

My first instinct is to disbelieve in ANYTHING he says, does, and/or suggests. That would be the safest approach to avoid his lies, which he has amply demonstrated in the last two years.

Don't believe me? Ask Anwar, wakakaka.

My blog visitor TS commented (slightly edited):

The Agong has already said he will meet the Conference of Rulers tomorrow. So why is the interim PM calling for a Parliament Session on Monday to choose a PM?

Is he afraid of what the Sultans will decide? Toonsie knows the Sultans still remember what Toonsie did to the Rulers in the 80s.

The Old Fart is not giving up without a fight.


Meanwhile MKINI reported:

PKR MP (Tanjong Malim) Chang Lih Kang 

PKR vice-president Chang Lih Kang questions why Mahathir needs to call for a special sitting to decide the prime minister candidate when the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah completed a similar process in the past two days.
"The strangest part is I am made to understood that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong will discuss the matter at the Conference of Rulers tomorrow. So, why the need to make a decision today?

"I cannot think of any other reason except that the outcome may not be in favour of him (Mahathir)," he adds.

FB matey Ang Hong also commented: Dictator Mahathir is delusional as he thinks he is above AGONG and the Constitution

Visitor TS continues:

The Old Fart decides to return to Bersatu as Chairman, which means he is in charge. Muhyiddin must listen to him.

Then he nominates Muhyiddin as PM, saying Muhyiddin "may be willing" to allow UMNO into the Perikatan en masse. This is a trap and a lie. He just wants MPs to vote for Muhyiddin as PM on Monday, following which as Chairman of Bersatu, Toonsie will block the UMNO people he doesn't like from the government.

I have a slightly different take to TS on his last point in above paragraph. I don't think Mahathir will block any UMNO people he dislikes from the 'new' Muhyiddin government.

In fact he wants MAXIMUM UMNO support for Muhyiddin to defeat Anwar's greater Dewan support where it's said Anwar has 92 to his approximately 70 - he just hates Anwar and DSAI's far greater support riles him to no end, wakakaka.

And let me tell you, man, is he terrified of Anwar becoming the PM?

But after some recent hash words such as 'kleptocrats' etc against UMNO, he is too embarrassed and at the same time  too proud to invite the much needed UMNO support over to his Parti PRIBUMI. So being the devious Devil he is notoriously known to be, he sneakily puts Muhyiddin as a by far more acceptable PM-candidate who may be viewed by UMNO old timers as 'juga seorang lama UMNO - member kita'.

And of course should Muhyiddin be miraculously appointed as the new 8th PM (hopefully with UMNO and perhaps even PAS support), he fantasies controlling PM(to be) Muhyiddin like his puppet, which he had unsuccessfully attempt with AAB and Najib, wakakaka.

There is no end to Mahathir's mischief, wickedness and lusts for power.

LATEST UPDATE (showing Mahathir has been wrong and unconstitutional):

KUALA LUMPUR: The Federal Constitution does not provide for the Dewan Rakyat to elect among its members a prime minister, said constitutional lawyer Dominic Puthucheary.

Dominic Puthucheary 

“The Dewan Rakyat is only the place to test whether a prime minister appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has majority support,” he told FMT.

He said one had to obtain the support of at least 112 of the 222 MPs to remain in office to administer the nation with the help of his Cabinet.

Puthucheary said this in response to interim Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s announcement today that the next head of government would be elected in the Dewan Rakyat (Parliament) on March 2.


Puthucheary, a former Nibong Tebal MP, said the constitution was modelled along the British system and that the procedure stated by Mahathir was “strictly flawed”.

“There could be greater risk and more complicated problems could arise,” he warned.

Soon after Mahathir submitted his resignation, retired Federal Court judge Gopal Sri Ram said the king would have to appoint a prime minister from among Dewan Rakyat members.

He said the appointment was at his discretion and could not be challenged in a court of law.

Article 43 (2)(a) of the Federal Constitution states that the king appoints as prime minister a member of the Dewan Rakyat who, in his judgment, is likely to command the confidence of the majority.

Sri Ram said the prime minister would then form a Cabinet to run his administration and preferably should go to the House as soon as possible and take a confidence vote.

“If he wins the vote, he remains in office with his Cabinet members. However, if he loses the vote, he goes back to the king to report the outcome. The prime minister can then request that the king dissolve the House for fresh elections to be held.

“If the request is refused, he has to tender his resignation for the king to appoint another MP as prime minister,” he had told FMT.

Another lawyer, Bastian Pius Vendargon, said Mahathir’s announcement was unprecedented as such a procedure could not be found in the supreme law.

“We are going to have a constitutional crisis if the procedure (to allow the Dewan Rakyat to elect the prime minister) proceeds,” he added.

He said to start with, the appointment of Mahathir as interim prime minister itself was not provided for in the constitution.

“The king should have accepted his resignation and looked for another MP to be appointed prime minister or accepted Mahathir’s advice to dissolve the legislature,” he added.

Lawyer Zainur Zakaria said he did not understand what the king meant when he said there was no distinct majority support.

Zainur Zakaria 

“The constitution does not require a ‘distinct majority’. Article 43 (2)(a) states ‘who in his judgment is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the House’,” he added.


Imagine making him PM (again) of an unaccountable dictatorship 'unity' government?


  1. The Interim Prime Minister calling a special Parliamentary session is Not the correct form.
    Many liberal democracies have long experience dealing with lack of One Party majority.

    The correct form, which I hope the Agong follows. is the party with the highest number of support, even though a minority, gets first right to attempt to form a government.

  2. This is a C-grade drama with script written by Mahathir, directed by Mahathir, and he is the main actor.

  3. QUOTE
    I have a slightly different take to TS on his last point in above paragraph. I don't think Mahathir will block any UMNO people he dislikes from the 'new' Muhyiddin government.

    In fact he wants MAXIMUM UMNO support for Muhyiddin to defeat Anwar's greater Dewan support where it's said Anwar has 92 to his approximately 70 - he just hates Anwar and DSAI's far greater support riles him to no end, wakakaka.

    Will Toonise accept Jibby into his Unity Government? Who does he hate more? Anwar or Jibby?

    First things first. Let's see if Jibby will vote for Muhyiddin (Toonsie's Stooge) to become PM on Monday.

    Even UMNO have hesitated on Toonsie's latest move to propose Monday Parliament session to choose a new PM. They want to hear from the Palace first.

    If Toonsie gets his way, Muhyiddin becomes PM and he gets to form a Unity government, Toonsie will select certain UMNO MPs into his government/cabinet, leaving out others, thus splitting UMNO again. Word is out that UMNO is on the verge of splitting anyway.

    Toonsie is the Master of DIVIDE. He doesn't even have to try. Everything he touches breaks up into pieces. Latest is PKR. Only DAP and Amanah stand united. Good for them.

  4. Malaysians should reject Toonsie, Azmin and Bersatu leaders who are traitors.

    Give your support to our elected leaders who believe in Democracy, are doing their best to deliver Justice and who deserve our Trust.

    Even till the last moments of the previous Harapan government, as the Minister of Economic Affairs was busy plotting a coup de etat to kick out DAP and Amanah and split PKR, our "Book-keeper" was hard at work, diligently putting together an Economic Stimulus package to pull Malaysia out of the Covid-19 crisis. He then put politics aside and sat down with the man who was orchestrating to kick him out, (or at the very least knew about the coup but allowed it to happen), explained the details of the package to the traitor so that it could be delivered to the rakyat. Who got the credit? The traitor.

    Our ex-Health Minister and his Ministry did a fantastic job controlling the crisis. And what did Toonsie/Azmin/Traitors do? Put him out of his job. Mass gathering events (sports events, concerts etc) everywhere are being postponed and cancelled. Saudi have stopped issuing umrah visas, many countries have issued travel warnings, and what does UMNO/PAS want? GE15. Allah help us if it comes to that.

    Tiger Teresa was busy scrambling all over the world trying to prop up our second most important export (palm oil) to counter Toonsie's idiotic act to upset our biggest market India. Even at the expense of "neglecting" her own constituents Seputeh; we see the anger shown at her recently over the condominium accident at a project approved by the previous government (Adnan etc).

    And we the common rakyat are now seeing our elected MPs saving these very traitors? I hope the Council of Rulers do what is right, and correct today.

  5. Never did just used him until we Achieve a Singapore 2 Malaysia...Nothing else matters....Constitution & Rakyat is King and Sultan-Agong don't play-play.... Like lasts days of Sadam, Gadaffi, Morsi.....even Erdogan....Evil Will Not win no matter what!!
