
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The prejudiced silence of US Congress

Star Online:

Home from home: Hong Kong police group plans retirement in mainland China

A policeman holds a sign while another warns people marching to protest against what they say is the abuse of pro-democracy protesters by Hong Kong police, at Chater Garden in Central district, Hong Kong, China October 18, 2019. REUTERS/Ammar Awad

HONG KONG (Reuters) - A Hong Kong police association is in talks with a Chinese property developer about a planned Hong Kong-themed retirement community in mainland China, it said on its website.

A letter from the Hong Kong Junior Police Officers' Association, dated Wednesday, coincides with more than four months of sometimes violent protests in the Chinese-ruled city, much of it aimed at the police.

"Hong Kong City" will be in Zhaoqing, one and a half hours by high-speed rail from Hong Kong, with the first phase expected to be completed by the end of next year, the letter said.

The developer, Agile Group, said it was talking to the Zhaoqing municipal government about the development which it said would provide retirement for all walks of life, not just the police.

In the past few weeks, demonstrators have hurled petrol bombs and other objects at police, who have responded with tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannon and several live rounds. One police officer was slashed in the neck with a knife.

Many protesters have accused the police of using excessive force but police say they have shown restraint.

A Hong Kong court granted an injunction earlier this week to ban anyone from blocking or damaging married police officers' quarters that have been targeted in the protests.

The Hong Kong City aims to provide a "high-quality life with low cost", the police association said in the letter, adding it would try to get a good price from Agile for its members.

The Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servants' Association was also involved in the collaboration, it said.

Such is the violence against Hong Kong police that the men in blue no longer feel safe for their families currently residing in Hong Kong.

Cowardly protesters have taken to perpetuating violence also on innocent members of police families. A couple of policemen off duty were stabbed by several men, with some lured into ambushes.

Chinese actors and actresses who did not support the protests were reviled. The most famous were Jackie Chan and Liu Yifei (my heart-throb, wakakaka). A Western entertainment commentator said Jackie Chan 'sucks' - Why? Prejudice lah.

(l) Jackie Chan, (r) Liu Yifei

Liu Yifei shared a post by China's People's Daily news outlet which carried an image with the words: "I support Hong Kong's police, you can beat me up now"

MRT infrastructures including stations and some tracks have been recklessly vandalised without any thoughts for public safety. And shops, particularly those owned by Mainlanders have been damaged by vicious protesters' attacks, as if all Mainlanders (civilians) are now the protesters' enemies.

It's little wonder the police are now looking for a safer abode for their families on the Mainland.

And some idiots have nominated those violent vandals for the Nobel Peace Prize - such has been the prejudice of Westerners against China while acting 'dunno' towards riots in Catalonia, Spain and Chile (where 15 died).

Catalonia, Spain
not a squeak from the bullshitting & prejudiced US Congress  

Chile where 15 died
not a squeak from the bullshitting & prejudiced US Congress


  1. Not surprising development that they would prefer to retire in Mother China.

    In the last 10 years, the Hong Kong police have steadily descended from the much respected RHKP to a much discredited enforcement arm of the CCP.

    1. any evidence of HK police standards dropping?

      The reasons they have (not prefer) to live in China are two, namely, safety from violent protesters for their families and cost of housing

    2. U trying to talk sense to a zombified ketuanan freak with petrified stone as grey matter?


      The only thing it knows is to react impulsively with anything that touches its tongkat supply line!

  2. Spain is a liberal democracy with a strong record ( in the last 30 years) of rule of law and respect for Human rights.
    US support for Catalonia to peacefullly remain part of Spain is sensible and in everyone's best interest.
    Similarly, Chile is a friendly US all , has made much progress in human rights and democracy. No reason for an abrupt change of course.

    In Hong Kong case, there is a strong fear of an authoritarian crackdown by China.

    The US has not actually not taken any real action over Hong Kong. The Congress legislation is a healthy reminder to China that an authoritarian crackdown will have consequences.

    1. wakakaka. Hitherto, China has not made any move, not even a teeny weeny lil' finger, yet the USA keeps accusing her of "eroding" the rights of HK people - what kerbau

      Chile was very recently a Pinochet stronghold, one of very rightwing government, but of course that's right along the US preferred alley

  3. thats the true 1c2s, whoever prefer a communist hk can move to hk city, whoever prefer democracy hk stay on.

    the very brave hker deserve a noble peace price, its the world chinese honor to see how our folk battle a authoritarian regime.

    1. WRONG!

      Whoever prefer a HK under 1country2systems can stay. While those 废青 whoVprefer democracy should move out to whichever piece of shit that uncle Sam or auntie pommie care to prescribed.

      Don't u forget, HK is part of inseparable China.

      It's a shame that the 蝗民 culture could be fermenting in HK. Guess the pommie had done a good job in cultivating dogs, which were not allowed to enter the house.

    2. inseperable? sound exactly like those who claim peninsula belong to melayu ultra. when to hv a ccp dignity congress?

    3. Ooop… mana sama macam peninsula belong to melayu ultra.


      Only those with inferiority complex like to keep reminding themselves as their insignificant maruah!

      Perhaps u should suggest tsai to copy that melayu dignity Congress. That will help her reelection as a president of a country with the least diplomatic ties in the world. Boosting her ego too!

  4. "Chile was very recently a Pinochet stronghold"...

    Pinochet died in 2003, and along the way Chileans have actually elected a Socialist Government. They subsequently elected a conservative government , but that is normal in the development of a 2-party system.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Chile a 2-party system!

      Wow! So easy to fart from thousands of mile away & feeding on western demoncratic shits.

      Go Google & u will get yr support pieces of farts.

      Why not trying to watch RT for a change of prospective?

      Guess not! Die2, wouldn't touch a cookie mouthpiece even though a much balancing view is been presented than all the CNN, BBC & of course Foxnews!

    2. Little Chile, in less than 20 years after Pinochet' death , has become far more free, democratic and respectful of human rights than your beloved People's Republic of China

    3. Talking through which one of our orifice?

      Reading loud from a western script proves how u behave like a dog with a bone!

      If yr little Chile in less than 20 years after Pinochet' death , has become far more free, democratic and respectful of human rights, WHAT makes ARE of those current riots now?

      Dissatisfactions DON'T happened overnight. In Chile's case, they have been germinating underground waiting for a spark.

      The HK 废青 rioting formats have throw them a sign!

      That's DEFINITELY not a passed mark for far more free, democratic and respectful of human rights!

      Perhaps, on our definitions under demoncratic principles!

      As far as people's satisfaction about nationhood - which country has the highest fulfillment rating?

      Go do a Google (yr dark handed info manipulator) to find out lah.

      Ooop… one more thingy u should ponder is why Chile, why Catalonia? Why not any one of their SARs?


      Get ready to join our k9 caretaker's pipedream stampede soon?
