
Monday, July 01, 2019

MenHEN at his again-disgusting self

From Malaysiakini:

'Is Zahid's return to save Najib's losing grip on Umno?'

Iskandar Puteri MP Lim Kit Siang has questioned whether Ahmad Zahid Hamidi will serve as a proxy for former premier Najib Abdul Razak after returning from leave to lead Umno.
"Will Zahid now lead Umno to demonstrate remorse, contrition or repentance among Umno leaders?
"Or is his return from garden leave is merely to ensure that Umno is nothing but a ‘Bossku’ outfit, with him playing the role of ‘Bossku’ proxy, as Najib senses that he might lose control of Umno?" Lim asked in a statement today.
Zahid announced his return yesterday, in conjunction with the first anniversary of him being elected Umno president.
"So the one year is significant and important to me, hence on June 30, 2019, I wish to announce that I am ending my (garden) leave today.
Constant incomprehensible snapping at anything that moves to dig at Najib. Irritating useless housewife stuff.
This has been why I have turned from being once an adulating hero-worshipper of Lim Kit Siang into someone now who is utterly disappointed, dismayed and disgusted by/with his change from being once the nation's respected senior statesman (albeit from the once-Opposition) who touched on significant issues of deep import into a mere mean mafulat-ish mealy-mouthpiece of his master, Mahathir the Imperator. 
On orders from his Master, who hates Najib with a vengeance, to attack Najib on whatever, whenever, whichever way, he does so loyally like a cuddly lapdog.
What has happened to that once dignified senior statesman?
MenHEN or as his shameful pseudo-title says 'Menteri Hal Ehwal Najib', his main task today consists of attacking Najib every which way, even in the low gutter depth, and by golly, indeed he finds ways and ways to please his Master, Mahathir Imperator.
Some sympathise with his need to protect his Chye-Chye in the latter's post, but surely there must be a line in the sand drawn clearly for his own personal dignity and self-respect. Alas, it seems he has none, finding fault with Najib even with Zahid's return from leave.
Weren't Najib and his UMNO the loser in GE14? So?
What's with Lim Kit Siang, apart from that demand from Mahathir Imperator to take on his new job as MenHEN, only because Mahathir hates, detests, abhors Najib
from this 

to this

the sad pitiful transformation of a once senior statesman into a whining lapdog 


  1. When LKS keep quiet you say he Buat Tak Tahu, Heads Down Play SuDah Aku Punya etc etc.

    When he ask one little question as backbench MP we call him all sorts of names.

    Meanwhile Jibby also ask many questions like why Guanee is not paying the huge 1MDB hutang that he accumulated. Everyday the foreign Ah Longs are calling his HP for settlement.

    1. najib question is relevant, lks question is not. to me, i am only interested in those that r in power, bec whatever they do will impact the people greatly. lks is now like umno, become irrelevant, y not he just retire? a waste of people money to feed another parasite.

  2. Lets compare who is more disgusting with unrelenting whinings.

    A man awaiting court trials for charges of corruption and other pending crimes and still preaching about good governance, morality of others, racial and religious diatribes etc


    A man who unrelentlessly still criticizes his political opponents and parties even after they have fallen as he has been doing so for the past decades in politics.


    For those who can't differentiate, either you are an ass licker or you like your ass being licked/sodomised.


    1. "A man who unrelentlessly still criticizes his political opponents and parties even after they have fallen as he has been doing so for the past decades in politics."

      Except when his opponent is needed to keep his anak out of jail, swimming pool or not. Even though this opponent is the one that actually fucking jailed him. A suck after a fuck, DAP punya sedap...

    2. When your supporters have to start comparing you to your enemy...priceless...

    3. And when you have to suck your jailer's cock...that's top grade prison meat...yes.. that's DAP today.

  3. Re your "A man who unrelentlessly still criticizes his political opponents and parties even after they have fallen as he has been doing so for the past decades in politics", you have been wrong, wakakaka.

    Is Lim KS still raving and ranting about Mahathir as he (LKS) did for 30+ years?

    Relentless? Wakakaka

  4. Hello KT,
    Long time no hear and no see..
    Great writing...
    Abdul Rahman Othman

  5. I see it the other way around.

    In the 80s and 90s Toonsie in UMNO 1.0 and 2.0 reigned supreme, commanding over a tiny DAP in opposition, often with LKS alone flying the flag. Often times LKS was ridiculed and humiliated by Toonsie, even jailed.

    Fast forward to today DAP has 6 attack dog Ministers and 7 Deputies, even more than Toonise's Bersatu. Is Toonsie still humiliating and ridiculing LKS? No he must swallow his pride, quietly sit side-by-side with LKS and listen to his advice.

    LKS doesn't have to bark any more, even mere DAP MPs like Ramkarpal does it for him.

    So stop yappin.

    1. So DAP advise is to keep Melayu quota?
      NFA on the First Mamak era scandals they heboh about in the past?

  6. how apt can it be, the same can be said about you going on and on and on about maddy, if he is the kettle you must be the pot, but don't go potty

    what lks said makes sense, is relevant and significant, this is how an astute politician think, but you are not a politician are you? you don't expect lks to talk about cars do you?
