
Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Johor car registration - Anthony Loke's tip-toed through the tulips

Prior to GE14, when told by his party, the DAP, to contest in the federal seat of Labis, Dr Boo Cheng Hau refused, preferring to contest in his old state seat in Skudai.

Dr Boo Cheng Hau (DAP)

too straightforward and not sly enough to be a politician, wakakaka

But the DAP for reasons unknown except to its movers and shakers, took Skudai away from Dr Boo and in a hurtful twist, nominated his mentee Tan Hong Pin, already ADUN for Mengkibol, to contest.

Dr Boo had questioned DAP's bizarre decision to place him in Labis when several other senior DAP members such as Teng Chang Khim, Gobind Singh Deo and also Johor-born Teo Nie Ching had rejected the Labis seat before him.

No wonder Dr Boo suspected something fishy for him in Labis. OK, now leaving aside the story of Dr Boo, badly marginalised-by-DAP, we came to know that the DAP eventually nominated a retired party old timer, Pang Hok Liong to the seat of Labis.

Happily, Pang, with nothing to lose as he was already retired, turned up heroically for duty in the 2018 GE14 to contest MCA's Chua Tee Yong (son of Chua Soi LeK) in Labis and, eff the odds, won the seat, wakakaka. 

Today, YB Pang Hok Liong MP, recently had the temerity to raise the status of 2 Johor vehicles with royal licence plates in Parliament. He 
asked if two vehicle licence plates in Johor, numbered 'TMJ' (wakakaka) and 'RZ', used by members of the state royal family, are registered with the Road Transport Department?

Licence plate 'TMJ' is used by, guess who?, of course TMJ himself, wakakaka, and licence plate 'RZ' by the Johor Queen, HM Raja Zarith.

That question in Parliament blew a fuse, raised a storm and initiated a Malay tsunami of vociferous protest, objection and outcry.

How dare:

(a) a Chinese,
(b) member of that biadab-ish Chinese-dominated party, DAP, and worse,
(c) a Johorean and the MP for Labis,

has the bloody blooming biadab-ish audacity to touch on matters royal to Johor, and quite frankly, out-of-reach to a Dhimmi.

BTW, 'Dhimmi' means, according to Wikipedia, (literally) "protected person", referring to the state's obligation under sharia to protect the individual's life, property, and freedom of religion, in exchange for loyalty to the state (and for modern times, a non-relevant and non-applicable [for now, wakakaka] tax).

Transport Minister Anthony Loke wisely refused to confirm or deny if the “TMJ” and ‘RZ” vehicle plates used by two Johor royals are registered with the Road Transport Department (RTD), which my bloody suspicious mind believes that under Anthony Loke's parliamentary Baguazhang, aren't, wakakaka.

Baguazhang is one of the 3 main Chinese martial arts of the Wudang school, the other two being Taiji quan and Xing Yi Quan. It is more broadly grouped as an internal practice. Bāguà zhǎng literally means "eight trigram palm," referring to the trigrams of the I Ching, one of the canons of Taoism

Even when pressed for comment, Loke evasively told reporters to refer to his ministry’s written parliamentary statement on the issue yesterday — which, wakakaka, neither confirmed nor denied the registration nor answered the question surrounding the road-worthiness of the vehicles.

In essence, Anthony Loke showed why he is today among the top leadership in the DAP - he Bagua-wise and Taiqi-wise, shrewdly tiptoed through the bunga raya, pokok daun pandan and sireh by saying sweet nothing (bugger all), demonstrating his high sense of political survival, unlike straight-as-a-ruler Dr Boo Cheng Hau, wakakaka.

Yes, he brilliantly 'walked the circle a la Baguazhang' and evaded any probable conflict with the Johor Royal Institution even though on legal points vis-a-vis Pang's query in Parliament, he was significantly A.W.O.L as the Transport Minister, wakakaka.

Pandai ponteng tanpa ketidakhadiran, (absent without being absent or silent without being silent), wakakaka again.

Meanwhile, the eff-up Johor DUN, with some (wakakaka) already in HM's black book, saw a golden opportunity to redeem themselves as Pahlawan Melayu a la Hang Tuah, fell over among themselves to show their outrage at Pang's non-Melayu biadab-ness, proclaiming their utmost loyalty to HM and the royal family.

They swore fealty to the nth degrees, indeed beyond the constitutional rights of HM and his royal family, but I guess in such a situation where their loyalty are already in question and in HM's black book, all gross exaggerations of professed fealty to their liege Lord would in their bodek minds be most welcome, wakakaka

However, what this demonstrates is that a Chinese Malaysian, no matter how loyal he is to 'King and Country', must not try to be too clever or even diligent in performing his statutory duties whenever his said duties may affect Malay royalty. No one will pat his back and say 'well done Pang'.

Thus, it's better to STFU, earn buta gaji, and let Mamak eff the Royals. Yes, Mamak's have been getting away with eff-ing Royals since the golden era of the Malacca Sultanate, but alas, Chinese, no matter how taat setia they might be, can't.

Ain't Dr Boo now happy he is not the MP for Labis? Wakakaka.


  1. Wakakakakakakaka

    That unfortunately are one of the ills plaguing not only DAP but also all the parties in Pakatan Harapan and even the previous BN. They have politicians elected into leadership posts without due meritocracy of intelligence, knowledge and leadership skills especially during selection of candidates during any GE and when they won, their bizarre antics and stupidity clearly shows when holding whatever posts as an MP or ADUN.

    You just don't stir a hornet's nest of questioning privileges accorded to Royalties which in no way affects or seriously undermines the Laws of the Country unless the system of Royalty is totally abolished.

    Isn't he as an MP or ADUN also accorded priviledges outside the scope of what is legally written on paper compared to other ordinary citizens is so many instances? Why don't he bring up these issues first?

    Is he just a plain old fool or a fool pretending to be a wise leader?

    Does he thinks the voters actually voted him in to question about the privileges on car number plates accorded to Royalty?

    If it is about politiking, then he has just consigned himself to be a one-term MP or ADUN.


  2. a legitimate question raised in Parliament and all hell break lose, a parliamentarian is one who is well versed in its procedures and experienced in debate, feudalistic mindset has no place in a modern society, God forbid if we are ever down that path again, the Duke and I are totally ashamed, we will have none of these nonsense

    the Queen of England, Scotland and whatever land

  3. It takes a Royal to question a royal. Today Ku Li suggested that businessmen declare their assets and income too, like politicians. Why stop there? Include all the rich. The food chain pyramid is pointy at the top. How about he ask royals to declare too?

  4. So in this era of new m'sia there r still 'untouchable' issues scattering here & there!

    When someone raises these issues, his/her background is been well-researched to the dot, so as to pinpoint where the fault lines have been stepped on!

    Wow……. Perhaps deep down these mfers r just plain lalang, swaying with the wind to fart about what their spurious bleeding heart has chosen to voice.

    On one hand they demand equal treatments irrespective of ANY hierarchical ranks. Yet on the turn of direction, they demand rank & file segregation for special treatment! They call it localised circumstances - wakakakakaka - as defined by who butter their sides of bread!

  5. Wakakakakakakaka

    The problem with politicians who are not capable leaders or pretenders is to to never understand an old famous Lao Tzu Quote "Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". Only Fools will try to do it in one great Leap.

    In other countries where Royalties still exists, I wonder what car number plates they have and whether what other privileges are accorded to them beyond what is written down as laws for the common man?


  6. i think there r many other issues this dap idiot mp can talk.

  7. A Raja Melayu cannot do anything he wants.

    He cannot disrespect Malayness or Islam.

    That's why the only people who can eff them are people whose Ketuanan credentials are unimpeachable, be they Melayu by keturunan, angkat, masuk, Bugis or Mamak.

    Ketuanan is more fundamental than Raja Melayu. Raja Melayu is only a symbol of it.

  8. Cinapek should stay out of criticising Royals.

    The Bumis will unite against you in a blink of an eye.
    DAP already has enough trouble shaking off the "Anti-Malay" and "Anti-Royalty" labelling.

    1. What you are describing is the reserve currency of Malaysian politics held in the vaults of the Malay Deep State.

    2. Wakakakaka…


      More like an empty vault that has seen the depletion over the yrs!

      Tak baca blogs dari melayu liberals ke?

      Or lagi best, mengapa sekarang lagi banyak tentangan kuat dengan raja2 dan issues ketuanan dari kaum melayu?

      YAS tak pakai lah!

      Melayu deep state tak pakai lah bila dana wang hiking kerana elite me-layu tau buka mulut sahaja!

      Keep yr mimpi putih in yr cozy tempurung while the water is getting hotter. U WILL die w/o knowing!
