
Tuesday, July 02, 2019

FOREX - How Lim Kit Siang falls from grace

As I posted in RCI on FOREX in "New" Malaysia?? Wakakaka, de facto Law Minister Liew Vui Keong has tutup pintu to further actions on the findings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Bank Negara (BNM)'s foreign currency dealings (FOREX) in the 1990s.

Liew said the NFA (no further action), presumably a Putrajaya decision (wakakaka), has been because of a lack of documentary evidence of the alleged misconduct.

Furthermore, and this beats the hell out of me, the RCI’s secretary Yusof Ismail, who made the original police report on 30 Nov 2017 (then under a BN government, wakakaka) has now retracted that police report.

RCI’s secretary Yusof Ismail on 30 Nov 2017

submitted police report on 30 Nov 2017 (under BN govt)

withdrew police report presumably after 05 May 2018 (under Pakatan govt)


Hilarious, ain't it? It calls for a BIG wakakaka.

The RCI findings tabled at the Dewan Rakyat on 30 Nov 2017 (remember, the government then was still BN, wakakaka), claimed that a humongous RM31.5 billion [doesn't that beat the alleged Najib's RM2.6 billion?] was lost due to Bank Negara's "excessive" and "speculative" foreign exchange activity between 1992 and 1994.

I wonder who was the 'hands-on' PM then? Wakakaka.

OK, the RCI also established that Nor Mohamed Yakcop, who was part of BNM’s management at the time, was the person in charge of the FOREX dealing operations. But we know he was the 'scapegoat', wakakaka.

The RCI finding also said the FOREX incident involved a criminal breach of trust under Sections 406 and 409 of the Penal Code.

It further reported that former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad (but today the PM, wakakaka) and his then-deputy Anwar Ibrahim (today what is Anwar? wakakaka) had likely abetted Nor Mohamed and hid certain facts from the cabinet.

Wakakaka, what could be more clear that that. In fact, let's read what the RCI finding said:

“Although he
[ie. Nor Mohamed Yakcop] had dominion over BNM’s funds and seemed to have had a free hand in forex dealings, he could not have carried on for such a long time without the direct or tacit approval of his superiors and/or other persons in authority."

“Therefore, the commission assessed the joint liability of these persons, which could fall either under Section 34 or Section 107 of the Penal Code and explained as having the common intention or abetting.”

The RCI named then-PM Mahathir, then-DPM Anwar, BMN Governor Jaafar Hussein, his deputy Lin See Yan, and BNM's board of directors as having joint responsibility for the humongous loss.

The RCI recommended that then-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his deputy Anwar Ibrahim be investigated to determine whether they had concealed facts from the cabinet, wakakaka.

In fact, the RCI was reported to have use that 'yucky' word (which required palm oil to assist, wakakaka) 'PROBE'.

Malaysiakini's headlined the findings as RCI recommends Dr M and Anwar be probed, claims Daim abetted CBT.

Huh, why Daim?

The RCI accused former finance minister Daim Zainuddin of abetting Nor Mohamed in committing CBT.

Daim was finance minister until 1991, after which he was replaced by Anwar.

I wonder whether you know what CBT is?

Under financial impropriety, it is NOT 'Cognitive Behavioural Therapy' as some of you might suspect, BUT the following:

Whoever, being in any manner entrusted with property, or with any dominion over property, dishonestly misappropriates or converts to his own use that property, or dishonestly uses or disposes of that property in violation of any direction of law prescribing the mode in which such trust is to be discharged, or of any legal contract, express or implied, which he has made touching the discharge of such trust, or wilfully suffers any other person so to do, commits “criminal breach of trust”.

Yes, CBT is “criminal breach of trust”.

Yusof Ismail, the belakang-pusing-ing RCI secretary, had said when submitting the police report (then in 2017 under a BN govt, wakakaka):

"The report is based on the RCI's investigations. We found that there is a possibility of wrongdoing by those involved in the forex dealings then."

"After this police will hand over their report to the Attorney-General's Chambers for further action."

But he has since 05 May 2018, wakakaka, withdrawn the report. I would have imagined the RCI disbanded after its report was completed (30 Nov 2017 or a few weeks after), so did Yusof Ismail withdraw the report after the RCI had bubar (disbanded), even when he was NO LONGER the secretary of a non-existing RCI?


Yes, I know the RCI recommendations have been scattered to the winds when one of those found guilty is the current PM and another an eminent head of the Malaysian Council of Elders, wakakaka.

But the most striking silence in this revelation, that of the current Mahathir government classifying the RCI's findings on FOREX as NFA, has been that of loudmouth Lim Kit Siang.

He had for 30 over years raved and ranted about bringing Mahathir to accountability in the humongous FOREX loss, a scandal of international notoriety, yet today he keeps quiet like a kuai kuai mouse.

Lim KS had even written a book titled ‘The Bank Negara RM30 Billion Forex Losses Scandal’.

Now, how low has Lim KS descended to?


  1. a dad to a stupid n corrupted son?

  2. That’s why RCIs are a waste of time.
    Toonsie learnt that quickly.

    Jibby was such an idiot. He thought he could “scare” Toonsie before GE14, run a sham RCI and publish the report quickly, hoping to convince voters not to vote Harapan. Obviously it didn’t work. After winning GE14, Toonsie didn’t bother with RCI for 1MDB. He simply appoint a Christian AG and Sikh PP, file charges against Jibby, Rosmah and the rest of the 40 thieves and go straight to court. It will be the same for Tabung Haji, Felda etc.

    As for LKS, what’s there for him to say? Read his book. It’s all there. And it was an “academic exercise” just like Rais Yatim’s PhD thesis...ha ha ha...

  3. LKS is not saying anything now because Toonsie is now doing his bidding. Bersatu has become the bitches’ bone. Enjoy.

    1. Yaa llarrr...LKS wants to keep Malay quotas and NFA First Mamak era scandals he used to bitch about...

      Mamak says: yes!!!

      As Cina as Ah Q. The Malay Deep State cannot do without you.


  4. Wakakakakakakakaka

    I bet Kaytee is having an exhilarating orgasmic moment writing on this topic thinking he has found a new attack dog approach to kill 2 birds with one stone. Maybe 3 or more depending on who he doesn't like and what his Sifu instructs to do.

    It's clear Ahjibkor was trying to nab TDM and his team via a fixed up RCI where the best they could do in the lack of documentary evidences was to come out, by hook or by crook, with a CBT allegations.

    Now, how do you charge anyone for CBT without any documentary evidence to support it? If the AG can't charge anyone without any documentary evidence, it should either be reinvestigated by the police or enforcement authorities concerned to find the evidence required or the case thrown out.

    In fact, all the members of the RCI and the RCI's Secretary should be charged with Perjury and dereliction of duties in coming out with an unsubstantiated findings of CBT.

    And LKS already knew a long time ago and realise that pursuing this Forex Scandal was a lost cause in the absence of any documentary evidence. Why twist it to make it look like he is now a Lapdog just because TDM is now back as PM?

  5. In conducting a sham RCI, Jibby was guilty of using the Agong to serve his own political purposes. He should instead be investigated for abuse of power using an RCI to suppress the then opposition in GE14.

    Dr M’s lawyer says RCI report on forex losses flawed, no need for action

    Nur Hasliza Mohd Salleh and Vinodh Pillai - July 2, 2019 9:31

    PETALING JAYA: Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s lawyer said there is no need to follow up on recommendations in the royal commission of inquiry’s (RCI) report into Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) foreign exchange losses in the 1990s.

    Haniff Khatri Abdulla said the RCI report was flawed as it did not contain crucial material supplied by Mahathir.

    He told FMT that the RCI was conducted in a way “where the laws of the jungle” and the “rules of the circus” were applied in order to come out with “a pre-kindergarten outcome”.

    He was commenting on the statement by Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah that the government had a duty to implement the RCI’s recommendations.

    “It is important for any government to realise that you cannot use an RCI or any other commission for the purpose of political intent, which is what was done when the government of Najib Razak called for the RCI,” Haniff said.

    He said Najib’s government had called for the RCI as part of its strategy to face the 14th general election.

    “And of course, it backfired.

    “Inadequate and inaccurate findings of any RCI need not be carried out. The government is correct in refusing or not attending to the purported, inadequate and improper recommendations of the RCI report on the forex issue,” he said.

    The RCI had recommended, among other things, that Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim be investigated for their roles in the losses as they were then prime minister and finance minister, respectively.

  6. "IGP: Cops working round the clock on forex scandal probe"

    Wakakaka...that was in Dec 2017... Najib , and his Attorney General and his IGP was fully in charge.

    Why no charges brought against anybody then ? Najib at the time had every reason to destroy Mahathir "forever".

    Why blame the PH Government now ?
    Tin Ko Song ?

  7. Lim Kit Siang and Ah Mok are actually very similar.

    Kit Siang raved and ranted for 30 years about issues that he keeps silent as a mouse these days.

    Ah Mok today raves and rants about issues that he kept silent as a mouse before May 9 2018.

    Ah Mok may well have to rave and rant for another 30 years.

  8. If being the leader of the political party that is about to have the most number of seats in Parliament (after PKR splits) is "falling from grace" then LKS certainly does not mind that.
