
Monday, May 06, 2019

Resigned for Palestinian cause


Labor candidate for Curtin quits over Israel comments

Melissa Parke, Labor's high-profile candidate for the WA seat of Curtin, has quit after she attacked criticism over controversial comments about the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The Ex-Rudd government minister reportedly made claims about the treatment of Palestinians at a public meeting last month that Jewish groups say are nothing more than conspiracy theories.

Ms Parke, who previously worked in the Gaza Strip for the United Nations aiding Palestinian refugees, said in her withdrawal speech that her views on the conflict were well known, but she didn't want them to be a 'distraction from electing a Labor government'.

Curtin was the former seat of Julie Bishop and is one of the safest Liberal seats in WA.


kaytee note: Melissa Parke courageously resigned in order not to become a figure for Jewish anti-Labor voting 


  1. It’s time for a Labour government. I can’t wait.

    Then we will have no-nonsense Malaysia-born Penny Wong as the Foreign Affairs minister, she has promised to visit Indonesia and Malaysia first if elected. One tiny issue will be if she brings her partner along will certain of our leaders shake her hand...or simply turn a blind eye? Awkward indeed.

    Political expediency just like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Protest loudly only if it serves our political purpose?

  2. Wakakaakaka

    And the moral of the story for Malaysians is? Elaborate a bit more la, next time.

  3. The background story on Melissa Parke is that she had alleged in a public forum the story about a pregnant Palestinian woman being forced by Israeli personnel to drink bleach at an Israeli checkpoint at Gaza.

    No one denies the many inconveniences and indignities that Gaza residents face trying to enter Israel.
    However this serious incident , if true, could have amounted to murder or attempted murder, because it could result in death or severe internal injuries for the woman forced to drink the bleach.

    Naturally, she was challenged to produce the date, time and place of the incident. It would have been a crowded place, with no doubt many witnesses.
    There is no shortage of pro-Palestinian Westerners on the ground in Gaza who could assist track down the corroborating evidence.

    The outcome was...she could not specify the date, time and place of the incident, the woman could not be found, no witnesses could be found.

    Some of her less polite critics have tarred her allegations as Fake News.
    In any case, she has gravely damaged her own credibility, and in reality she had no choice but to quit as a Labour election candidate, else she would have dragged down the Labour party along with her.

    Damage control, not courageous.

    1. Wakakakakkaka.

      Kaytee, your zipper is undone with nothing to show down there also.

      And what was Kaytee summary on this issue?

      "kaytee note: Melissa Parke courageously resigned in order not to become a figure for Jewish anti-Labor voting"

      Courageously resigned?

      Jewish anti-Labor voting?

      Does it not show Kaytee to be a pro-Palestinian fanatic (whether real or based on Fake news), anti-Jew blogger camouflaging it under as Australian news and politics?

      At least TDM unlike the blogger Kaytee is brave enough to show outwardly his anti-Jew sentiments and everyone either agrees or disagree with him.

      Anyway, all is forgiven if it is his way as well as those other bloggers like RPK and most of the others in Bloggers Alliance who "Cari Makan" type. They are just like the good old days of the BN regime when "I scratch your back, and you scratch mine" philosophy by all the corrupted politicians, civil servants, corporates, businessmen, holy men etc.

      Just don't be stupid in asking pittance for your effort to prop up or trying again for the return of a Kleptocratic corrupted regime.

      Milk it fast, before those kleptocrats still having their loot hidden start having second thoughts and know it is a battle with a lost cause.


  4. Case of Fox news presentation.

    & KT is a keen reader of this trashy broadcasting outfit favours by trump!

    So, no surprise in cut& paste in news selection lah.
