
Sunday, May 05, 2019

Lim Kit Siang's perennial double standards

From Malaysiakini (extracts and also some paragraphs re-arranged by kt, wakakaka):

Last December, Kit Siang mocked MCA president Wee Ka Siong for holding its AGM behind closed doors.

At the time, he accused Wee of being afraid of the media picking up on purported grassroots anger at MCA's role in defending former premier Najib Abdul Razak over the 1MDB scandal.

[But now] ... DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang said the closed-door session would encourage party delegates to give their views.

"We want all to give their views," he said. "We don’t want selective reports; we want to avoid that."

[wakakaka, what a blardy go-starn-ing Apek]

DAP has moved to hold the debate session of its National Conference behind closed doors, a departure from its decade-long practice of opening up all of its sessions to the media.

Its secretary-general Lim Guan Eng later told reporters that the closed-door session with 969 delegates, which is being held at the Ideal Convention Centre in Shah Alam, is to allow for discussions on policies.

"Now that we are in government, we want to discuss issues which are important for policies, which need to be confidential," said Guan Eng, who is also the finance minister. [...]

Quizzed on whether concerns about any sensitive issues prompted the close-door measure, Guan Eng said some "internal governance affairs" will be discussed.

"We want to have a frank discussion," he added.

DAP national organising secretary Anthony Loke, meanwhile, said that with reporters being present, delegates tend not to voice their thoughts freely.

"We want to give them a free environment to voice their opinion.

"Usually when there is the presence of media, they tend to reserve their comments. 

"It’s not that we control them," he said, adding that the problem was observed after opening the annual congress to the media for a decade.

"We understand the psyche of our members. They are worried they might hurt the party if they voice out something in the presence of the media.

"We are in government now and that’s why we want to give them a free environment to say it out loud."

Whether DAP wants to hold their intra-party discussion-debate openly or in private, that is, behind closed doors, is DAP's prerogative but what needs to be highlighted has been Lim Kit Siang's brazen double-standards.

Goading the MCA last December for holding its party AGM behind closed doors and then giving excuses as to why the DAP is now doing it is disgusting, duplicitous and disgraceful. Don't lah set standards for others that you can't keep to yourself.

Thus the DAP can go ahead with its closed door session but it or its BS leader Lim KS should not mock other parties for not doing something what itself ALSO does NOT want to do. But alas, that's the double standard of Lim KS.

Now, when the DAP closes its doors to non-party members we can expect it to do two things or even both, namely:

(a) talk about the eff-ups of Pribumi, the nyanyuk-ness of Mahathir, the royal forays into the political arena, the frightening powers of ever treacherous Azmin Ali, the growing dangers to Anwar Ibrahim's aspirations, etc, and

(b) talk about the stupidity of Lim GE vis-a-vis the pandai-chong-ness of the Old Man and Daim, the dilution of the FM's powers, ripped off to now give away to Azmin Ali, the growing irrelevancy of Lim KS's power within Pakatan, the greed of minor party Pribumi and the disproportionate gluttonous grab by Mahathir's Party of the MBs' positions, etc. 

hmmm, is it time yet to eff the DAP? 

I don't want to hear that 'B' name here 

I am totally eff between M and HM
I wonder whether Mazlan will kowtim me? 

Good luck to its secret discussions - we hope the authorities don't wiretap your proceedings, wakakaka.


  1. i still puzzle y people believe lks is great, since 30 years back when i first heard him talk, i already know he is just a hypo.

  2. Wakakakakaka…

    Talking about swaying with the wind yr sifu is really the number 1 gamer.

    But u r learning fast too!

    With the growing popularity of the mamak, due in part to his current defanging gauntlet with the southern blueblood, all of u f*cks r as timid as dog with tail between the legs vis-a-vis mamak's gameplay.

    So cinapek - lks becomes the current favourite as a punching bag!

    But both of u r targeting the wrong person. Lks is a back bencher, maybe a bit vocal, holds zilch position of power (many f*cks would dying to associate him as the master Puppeteer of PH).

    Too much time to fart as puasa time is at the door step. Everything will be three quarter speech slower.

    1. we talk fact, not philosophy, fact tell us lks is a hypo.

    2. U talk FACTS?

      Perhaps, more likely twisted FARTS based on interpretations of yr own choosing!

      Go & elect a pet cat monument to mourn yr sorrow lah.

  3. Wakakakakakaka

    Why Rock the Boat just to have publicity?

    At least, LKS is not senile/nyanyok yet and can see what's coming with the DAP Annual Conference discussions and all the Hellhounds outside circling to attack/twist on anything discussed especially touching on or smell/resembling on Ketuanan, 3 Rs and together with their media controlled papers to make it a DAP bashing galore again for their own political interests.

    He knows there won't be fair reporting/everything gets twisted by still surviving BN controlled media and not worth it at the expense of just having publicity for the public to know what's been discussed or debated. Well, he/party at least should provide perhaps press releases carefully vetted and politically correct (wakakaka) for the consumption of the other medias from other countries and independent reporters.

    On the other hand, why was the last Dec 2018 MCA AGM held indoors? They already were thrashed and lost GE 14 and the chinese media were still under their control and more publicity on issues discussed would raise the morale of their MCA members/supporters?

    Now, why does PAS also not have their annual Muktamar/conference open to all media? Are they planning/discussing to have an Islamic State ruled by clerics instead of democracy via the Malaysian Constitution?

    And why UMNO is the only one Gung-ho to having their annual conference open to have as much publicity as possible with all the Keris waving, rhetorics and shrieks of Ketuanan, 3 Rs?

    Wakakakaka Let the Hellhounds go hungry, be stressed and speculate what was discussed. Maybe the Hellhounds can consider joining DAP, work your way to be a delegate and be nominated to their Annual Congress.

  4. Talking about double standards Australian politicians must take the cake.

    Australia has rejected Malaysia exporting hazardous waste from their Lynas site in Malaysia to Australia but they have no problem exporting Australian plastic waste to Malaysia.

    I think this is a MUCH MUCH bigger issue than DAP AGM. So please write to all Australian MPs to stop being hypocrites.

    Australia says no to taking in waste from Lynas

    FMT Reporters - May 6, 2019

    PETALING JAYA: Australia has rejected a proposal for it to accept waste from the Lynas rare earths processing plant in Pahang, as the company awaits final confirmation on the status of its operating licence from the Malaysian government.

    Western Australian mines minister Bill Johnston said importing waste from overseas is illegal under the country’s laws.

    “We won’t accept waste from overseas,” he was quoted as saying by The Australian.

    “Generally speaking the best place for contaminated material is where it comes from, which in this case would be in the mine void, but we are not going to take mine waste back from overseas,” he said.

    The rare earths ore processed in Lynas’ plant in Gebeng comes from the Mt Weld mine in Australia.

    For the Past 1 Year, Australia Has Been Dumping 71Mil KG Of Recyclable Plastic Waste in M’sia

    Published 3 weeks ago on April 15, 2019 By Tara Thiagarajan

    Source: 9News

    Popular Australian documentary series 60 Minutes Australia just aired its latest episode last night (14th April), exposing the ugly truth behind the country’s plastic recycling efforts.

    According to 9News, it was discovered that mixed plastic waste intended for recycling was traced from the recycling bins of Australian neighbourhoods to dozens of illegal processing sites in Malaysia, basically turning the country into “Australia’s dumping ground”.

    For the past 20 years, Australia depended on China and has sent over 125,000 tonnes (125 million kg) of plastic waste to the country on a yearly basis. However, since China stopped accepting plastic waste in January 2018, Australia has resorted to dumping their waste in Southeast Asia, particularly in Malaysia. An excerpt from 9News’ report on this reads,

    “Almost overnight Malaysia overtook China as the world’s largest importer of plastic rubbish.”

    “Australia alone has dumped more than 71,000 tonnes (71 million kg) of it in just 12 months and it’s helping fuel a criminal underworld in plastic recycling, harming the environment and the people of Malaysia.”

    However, 60 Minutes Australia also highlighted the efforts of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment, and Climate Change Minister Yeo Bee Yin, who managed to shut down about 150 illegal factories since July 2018.

    In an interview with 60 Minutes, the minister stated that while there were efforts to curb this issue, she admits that Malaysia does not have the resources to adequately monitor and police unlawful plastic waste trade. She was quoted as saying,

    “I want to send (plastic waste) all back to the counties of origin and have to really ask you (Australia) to solve your own problem.”

    “I do not blame ordinary Australians. I think most of the people do not know this is happening. But, now we know that this is happening, we need the solution.”

  5. LKS has no official position either in the Cabinet or DAP.
    Why so kaypo to continue to attack him ?

    1. why r u so defensive of him? in this post he's being criticised for double standards, telling MCA what to do when he couldn't do the same for his own party. that's what double standards mean

  6. You seemed to be on "overdrive" on LKS, it's really creepy ...... wakakakaka
