
Monday, May 06, 2019

Odds stacked against Anwar Ibrahim

Star Online - Worrying signals from the heartland (extracts):

Hundreds of such joint gatherings – known as himpunan perpaduan or solidarity gatherings – of these big Malay parties have been taking place all over the country since last November.

They have ranged from smaller ceramah like the one in Pendang to a mammoth rally in Kuantan last weekend where Datuk Seri Hadi Awang and Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan were the star attractions.

It was quite a sight to see the Umno deputy president driving a buggy with the PAS president by his side through a sea of people with the brightly-lit state mosque as the backdrop.

The Malay momentum is growing, and leaders of the two parties claim that the cooperation has gained acceptance among their base which was initially sceptical about working with a former enemy.

“The last three by-elections opened their eyes to what is possible if the Malays unite. [...]

“Don’t blame us for being angry when you have DAP politicians asking the government to throw out Islam from our ICs or when an egg costs 50 sen each,” said Kok Lanas assemblyman Datuk Alwi Che Ahmad, referring to a DAP senator who had proposed that religion should not be stated in the identity cards of Muslims. [...]

It is unclear when the Malay ground went sour on the government.

It probably had to do with the endless string of issues from the Cabinet appointments to the Rome Statute, all building up like layers of an odorous onion amid disappointment over unfulfilled election pro­mises.

“Do you know that (Attorney General) Tommy Thomas is now a household name even in the kampung? I don’t need to elaborate why,” said Alwi, a much sought-­after speaker at these solidarity gatherings.

How worried should Pakatan leaders be about the Malay swing to the opposition? [...]

The irony is that while all this has dented Pakatan’s image, it has strengthened the hand of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad over the coalition. The Prime Minister has emerged as the only person who can hold the ruling coalition against the surging Malay tide.

But it is rather awkward for the incoming prime minister because this Malay momentum is also rather anti-Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

During the inaugural meeting of top PAS and Umno leaders at the home of Mohamad, Hadi had set the tone by asking the Umno deputy president whether he is with Dr Mahathir or Anwar.

Mohamad’s answer that he had always regarded Dr Mahathir as “my former boss” seemed to satisfy the PAS president who said bluntly, “that’s good because we don’t want Anwar”.

Unpleasant and unwelcome news for poor Anwar Ibrahim who has waited for nearly an eternity to be PM.

On a matter of 'conflict of interest', Hadi Awang's hostile statement regarding Anwar, namely that PAS doesn't want the incoming PM, has historical bias against Mr Manmanlai.

jealous of Anwar Ibrahim 

Aeons back, Anwar Ibrahim was actually groomed to be the President of PAS by then-PAS President Fadzil Noor (PAS President 1989 - 2002) instead of Hadi Awang. But Anwar disappointed Fadzil when he leaped over to UMNO. When Fadzil passed away in 2002, Hadi Awang became president. He has always maintained a hostile (probably jealous) attitude towards Anwar.

The second issue that sets PAS against Anwar has been his sodomy notoriety, regardless of the veracity of the case(s). In Malaysia once poo has been flung at you, it's damnably difficulty to remove the stink. And sure as neraka is hot, PAS members don't fancy an alleged sodomite to be PM.

Thus, Anwar even if he gets to be Malaysia's 8th PM, may not remain for long in that seat, not against the impending PAS-UMNO avalanche ........ unless he performs a 'Mahathirism', wakakaka.

But before all that, he needs to pass the Mighty Mafulat-ish Mahathir Obstacle, wakakaka. Yes, I have noticed lots of anti-Anwar writeups in FaceBook and even at Malaysia-Today - the signs for DSAI are ominous.

Good luck to Anwar Ibrahim.


  1. jt writes is quite similar to rpk, minus off the lying habit, she also tend to magnify n exaggerate.

    1. Tan Tee Beng's sister...what do you expect...the langsat doesn't fall far from the tree.

    2. with dedak-you around, no one gets to do a job unless he/she sucks up to Mahathir

    3. In Ah Mok's world, those who criticise the PH government cannot be held to accountability.

    4. but your demand for accountability was a preemptory dismissal of JT's article because she is Tan Tee Beng's sister. Does she have to suffer from the sins of her brother who incidentally was a PKR member?

    5. so, what were the criteria of accountability that you demanded? that she must NOT be related to Tan Tee Beng or father the late Tan Ghim Hwa (mortal enemy of Lim Kit Siang)?

    6. Wow!

      She must NOT be related to Tan Tee Beng or father the late Tan Ghim Hwa (mortal enemy of Lim Kit Siang)?

      Precisely bcoz of the last criteria - her father is the mortal enemy of lks, that she is disqualified to write anything about lks!

      That's accountability that every news person MUST uphold in the name of professionalism.

    7. wakakaka, the venturi Apollo fault analyser sets his own idiotic criteria

    8. Now u have recalled that syioh-sendiri label that u so quietly dropped!

      Clarified some more lah!

      My nuke is waiting.

      Idiotic criteria?

      Just like yr buffoonery labelling of venturi Apollo fault analyser.

      Go ahead. I'm waiting for a much better monkey show from u than that hy pimp!

  2. Is it Karma biting at DSAI or will it be PAS Hadi? Both rose up in politics using religion as their base for support.

    DSAI engineered Malaysia when he was in UMNO to be more Islamic in everything from civil service, education, banking system, syariah courts system etc while PAS did nothing but only shouting rhetorics about Islamisation and migrating towards Wahhabism/Takfiri Islamism.

    Why do PAS leaders prefer to think and dress like Arabs rather than Malays? Is being more Arab in speech and dress makes one more pious and Islamic and less of a sinner?

    And now PAS is using religion/ISLAM as the basis/reasons to prevent DSAI from being the PM.

    If a sinner is disqualified by religion to be a leader, you wonder who is the greater sinner and how sins are graded to be higher or lower according to Malaysian Moslems to be more acceptable as a leader.

    Hidden under the carpet, is how do you reconcile with those leaders from MCA and MIC being labelled kafirs automatically who also cannot be elected leaders in a PAS-UMNO/BN coalition when they come into power. So, you also wonder what Malaysians who are non-Moslems are thinking if they voted for MCA/MIC but cannot become leaders? Do they serve instead as Slaves, Eunuchs or Concubines?

    And why not a squeak from PAS when the Royalties also committed sins?

    Who do they fear more? God or Royalties?

  3. I can assure you absolutely that there is no jealously in Hadi of Anwar. Just that until the next election it is 1000.0% better for TDM to manage this country than Anwar. The reason is so obvious.

    BTW UMNO lost the last election because of aspersions and false hopes given to the people by the present government. God gives HIS promise that the truth shall always prevail and in the end good will triumph over evil. Unfortunately, TDM also is casting aspersions on UMNO in order to propagate UMNO Baru-er for reason(s) best known to him. The majority of the Malays are not so blinkered and gullible, otherwise UMNO and PAS political-get-together will not materialise/succeed. We saw, we felt, and we know what to decide and what action to take.

    1. ["He (Jho Low) stole and lost it all. (With) 1MDB alone, he had taken RM42bil. Who got the money? Who is keeping the money? Where is the money?"]

      Monsterball, you said Najib took the RM42.0 billion?

    2. U CAN assure what??

      Melayu palsu yang terlampau melayu, please lah, just the other day that unknown zombified ketuanan freak was chanting about the supports of melayu tulin ONLY in championing alifbata!

      So, now, there r multi camps of melayu - palsu ke, tulin ke, ALL dying to have a piece of the spurious ummat action!

      Just speak for yrself lah - "We saw, we felt, and we know what to decide and what action to take" under yr cozy tempurung, guided by those 'pious' f*cked heads.

      Don't u know this is Ramadhan - the time for soul reflection?

      Ooop… my bad, for f*cks like u, it's time to gain weight while doing every things in slow motion.

      Yr me-layu-ing time is up very soon.

    3. With the kind of massive monstrous megalomaniac greed incubating in the hearts of Roastma Pork and her husband, only the stupids will think that they can be easily cheated out of the lion share of the loot in favor of their macai agent fei low. Part of the money, 2.6 billion went into MO1's Ambank account is just 'donation' la supposedly for election funds. The rest safely squirrelled away in-impossible-to-trace overseas accounts, with spare change held by nominees. And with additional stealings from SRC, TH, KWaP, FVG, etc etc etc....this Klepto couple is easily worth 200 Billion....but of course they won't feature in Forbes Ten Richest, wakakaka. All Jibby need do is to hunker down in jail for 8 to 10 years, and when he gets out, he can eat caviar and drink champagne everyday for breakfast for the rest of his life

    4. Wakakaka.. can we hear Monsterball's version, please, please Mont. Wakakaka satu kali lagi..

    5. Hello you FARTS.. don't waste your farts lah!

    6. U should direct that to that farting chamber operator aka hy to infuses the level of foulness u so demand!

    7. Najib at the time he was in power, made it clear there was no wrong doing with 1MDB because NO, repeat NO 1MDB money was missing.
      That would still have been the position of the Malaysian government today if BN Najib remained in power.

      Who exactly has the stolen money is for the investigators to ferret out.
      Najib definitely had a significant chunk of it, Cukup untuk 6 generasi. Najib was the key Enabler, because all 1MDB investment decisions had to receive his OK.

  4. Time to change our First Past The Post (FPTP) to a more equitable proportional representation system, and also correct all the gerrymandering and malapportionment.

    1 rural vote = 8 urban votes....???

    But the urban guy pays high taxes, the rural one pays next to nothing and may even be receiving government subsidies (not that I begrudge him for that, but heck don't penalise the urban guy just because he lives in the city, at least give his vote equal or near equal weightage to the rural one).

    Art Harun must find a way to correct all these shortcomings in our electoral system and not have to wait the 8 or 10 years before the next delineation.

  5. Anwar has been the target of demonisation, from 1998 onwards, 20 years of non-stop attacks. It has not stopped him.

    He is a classic example of the saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

    There is a massive campaign of on-line attacks against the PH government, both from the Malay chauvinist side, and the Chinese chauvinist side. On social media such as WhatsApp and Facebook, it is very effective.

    I fault PH for being thoroughly incompetent at communication after May 9, 2018. They put in a very strong cyber effort in the runup to the elections, but it seemed to have dissolved completely after the elections.
    The on-line narrative has been ceded to UMNO/PAS/MCA.

    1. Kim Quek has the probable answer :

      "I totally agree with the view that this supposedly reformist coalition government has miserably failed to use its state-controlled media such as RTM and Bernama to “sell” its policy to the masses, so to speak. The coalition seems to be unaware that such media is the most powerful instrument of mass education through which minds are influenced and moulded.
      Had these media been frequently featuring respected and prominent Muslim leaders in forums and speeches on the true teachings of Islam, PAS could not have gained so much ground in poisoning the Malay mind with its bigoted ideology.
      Similarly, had our PM and other Malay Harapan leaders been prompt and effective in rebutting the racist rant of Umno leaders, and vocal in advocating human right issues such as those relating to Icerd and Rome Statue, all given wide publicity in the state-controlled media, Harapn would not have suffered so much setback in pushing forward its reform agenda to eradicate racism and enhance human rights.
      Or are the above-mentioned failure/omission not a reflection of administrative weakness but due to a faction within Harapan holding the Umno racist ideology?
      Could this be the real reason why the much-hyped New Malaysia is experiencing such birth pain?"
