
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Shah Alam roadsigns - How facts get distorted under racial provocation

MM Online - Shah Alam's dual-language signs defaced, as council slammed for wasting money:

SHAH ALAM, Nov 21 ― Several of the road signs in Shah Alam with Chinese characters appeared to have been defaced, following public complaints and the subsequent decree by the Sultan of Selangor calling for their removal.

Checks by Malay Mail in the Subang Perdana, Subang New Village, and Kampung Melayu Subang areas yesterday found that on some of those signage, the Chinese characters were sprayed over with black paint.

Some were painted over neatly with green paint, similar to the original colour of the signs. It could not be confirmed if the latter ones were done by the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA), who said yesterday it was in the middle of replacing the dual-language signage.

This comes as several local residents told Malay Mail their displeasure at the amount of public money being spent to install new signage with either Chinese or Tamil script, and subsequently the removal and replacement following the royal decree.

Ng Ket Leng, 69, speaks to Malay Mail during an interview in Subang November 12, 2018

But several of the ethnic Chinese locals interviewed also pointed out that they care little for the signage with Chinese script.

“I didn't pay attention to all these. Even if the signboards are here, it’s no use. It’s still difficult to find your way here,” said 68-year old Ng Ket Leng when met at Subang Perdana.

“This one is just a waste of money. When finding routes here is already difficult, writing the road names in Chinese is of no use.

“This is not a problem at all. Let's all not fight over this. It's enough with just one language,” the pensioner added.

Just like Ng, tailor Chor Chong Tin, 59, was also indifferent. But he felt that having Chinese spellings may come handy for those who have poor knowledge of Malay language.

Chor Chong Tin, 59, speaks to Malay Mail during an interview in Subang November 12, 2018

“Some people don't know Malay or English, so they just read the Chinese language.

“However, just Chinese language alone too won’t do. For me, it’s not a problem. I don't care. I'm very simple,” he said.

Inclusivity or provocation?

But several Malay residents interviewed saw the initial move to install dual-language signage as provocation, with some even suggesting a conspiracy.

“Why must the Chinese wordings be on top and be prioritised?” asked a 65-year-old self-employed resident of Taman Subang Baru, Abdul Majid Sumal.

Abdul Majid Sumal, 65, speaks to Malay Mail during an interview in Subang November 12, 2018 

“I was meaning to ask. Now this is simple. Who did this, and who approved it? That person must face action, because this person, I am sure they know that in Malaysia, Chinese language is secondary to Bahasa Malaysia.

Abdul Majid suggested that the issue may not have been controversial had the Chinese writing been printed below the Malay version.

“If the Chinese wordings are beneath, maybe we can still accept, but the Chinese language was placed first. So, it's as if in Malaysia, the Chinese language is number one and Bahasa Malaysia falls to number two,” he said.

Omar Hassan, a resident from Kampung Melayu Subang, said he had contacted Kota Damansara state assemblyman Shatiri Mansor, to express discontent over the use of Chinese language on the road signs, claiming that local council rules do not allow such practice.

“If according to the specs issued by the local council in 2017 the council allowed that Bahasa Malaysia must be 30 per cent larger than Chinese writings or the Indian language.

“Chinese and Indian words were also allowed beneath Bahasa Malaysia, but it must be smaller than the wordings of the national language. Likewise, with postcodes and others,” the self-employed Omar told Malay Mail.

Omar Hasan, 61, speaks to Malay Mail during an interview in Subang November 12, 2018 

“However today, we here, have a new village head, and a new state executive committee member, and they raised this type of signboards here,” Omar claimed, although he did not provide any proof.

He also expressed fear that the signage issues might lead to racial tension, claiming that the recent signage have broken the purportedly harmonious life of the residents here.

The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, in a decree relayed earlier this week through his private secretary Datuk Mohamad Munir Banir, wants the road signs to be changed and the work completed before the Sultan’s 73rd birthday on December 11.

MBSA had previously explained that the Selangor government had previously decided to use dual-language signages based on the local community.

now, who shall I blame this on? 

But Malaysian National Writers Association was quoted saying the act of changing the name of roads on Malaysian signposts from being displayed in the Jawi script to being written in other languages such as Mandarin and Tamil was “rude”.


KT note: In my previous post HRH Sultan Selangor on Chinese road signs I mentioned the following:

The Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) explained via its official Twitter account that it was in fact the Selangor government (of 2017) who decided to use dual-language signages based on the local community. That would have meant the state government then had comprised PKR, PAS, Amanah and DAP politicians.

The key phrase was that the road signages would be "based on the local community".

Thus, the Selangor government’s local government executive committee had on January 13, 2017 decided that besides using Latin script for (dual language) signposts for road names, the road names in traditional (or Malay) village areas would use Jawi script, while those in in new villages would use Mandarin characters - thus the signages would be in line with the community in that area.


  1. As one read, one sees WHO r the section of populace, laid with siege-mentality fear of spurious shadows that r going to do them in!

    Either they r forever trapped within that mentality due to ignorance or just like amokism they want to wear it proudly!

  2. Most people use Waze or Google Map to find their way. We must also pass a law that all GPS software use MELAYU and JAWI only, otherwise Gobind Singh and Waytha must be sacked.

  3. It looks like a deliberate attempt of sabotage by hidden hands and motives towards the State PH Govt. by the Municipal Councillors who knew that such issues are already played out previously for years and wants to keep repeating the same mistakes. Are they dumb or what?

    Just have all the signboards in as many major languages as spoken in that community/area with the Malay Language (with bigger Font Size in respecting the Constitutional requirement) and it will serve the community and everyone well. If that is also controversial, then at least everyone knows the real motives and intentions of those objecting and raising unwarranted issues for the purpose of politics or inciting others towards their racist and bigoted minds.

    Why create problems and not more amicable solutions in a diverse and multilingual country like Malaysia with it's own Constitutional requirements on the subject of Languages used?

  4. It's all part of the shit-stirring package
    Chinese Language signs

    UMNOJibby is facing The End Of The Road. It is playing its last card, the Race and Religion Card for political capital.

    Unfortunately, the Selangor State Exco fell into the trap. I personally don't see why Chinese Language road signs are needed. It's an insult to think people can't read Romanised Road Signs.

    On the subject, I object to Jawi road signs as well. Jawi is NOT the National Language script.

  5. We are soooo sensitive about language, race and religion.

    Saudi Arabia got no problems with ICERD.
    Indonesia got no problems with ICERD.
    Turkey got no problems with ICERD.
    Iran got no problems with ICERD.
    Egypt got no problems with ICERD.
    Bangladesh got no problems with ICERD.
    Pakistan got no problems with ICERD.
    Sarawak natives got no problems with ICERD.
    Sabah indigenous people got no problems with ICERD.
    Malaysian Chinese got no problems with ICERD.
    Malaysian Indians got no problems with ICERD.


    PUMNO got problems with ICERD.
    Want to mengamok. Buat orang takut.

    1. nothing to do with Islam but race, specially the ketuanan Melayu issue. It's not about being Muslim but being Malay that objects to ICERD. That's why Saudi Arabia etc don't worry about ICERD.

      Hadi Awang wants to conflate the two issue of being Muslim and being Malay to avoid and object to loss of Malay (not Muslim) privileges

    2. Holy Hadi and Ah Moc are bedfellows these days.
      Strange bedfellows, but on the same political side nevertheless.

    3. LGE/LKS/DAP are wise to stay silent on ICERD. Their stance on equality amongst the races is already clear, from time immemorial.

      But one false comment on ICERD and you can bet any violence at the anti-ICERD rallIes this Friday and on Dec 8 will be blamed on DAP. PUMNO are itching for violence, they are baiting DAP for an excuse. If none forthcoming Waytha/Hindraf will have to do.

    4. ICERD/Human Rights is sponsored/dominated by the West. The Malays/Islam had rejected the Malayan Union before. So, why can't they reject ICERD?

      History had taught us that race crossed with religion can result in the release of unimaginable energy which might be dangerous if irrationality and fanaticism awaken some minds? Yes, suddenly, something has returned?

      From my reading, UMNO, PAS, PAN, and PPBM have indicated that they all reject ICERD. Perhaps, the dawning of a new lease of life for ...? A monolithic task indeed to keep on fanning the fire of FITNAH?

    5. nothing to do with Islam; it's the Malaysian Malay "privileges" that militate against ICERD - takut hilang untungan khas istimewa

  6. PUSUMNO are politically bankrupt. Inciting violence for Race and Religion issues is their last available political card.

    And there are stupid Chinapek like the author who are rushing to fight with them on their terms.

  7. DAP started this war.

    They put ICERD in their manifesto to entice non-Malays to vote for them. 94% of Chinese voted them. 94% of ALL Malaysians don't even know about ICERD until DAP put it into their manifesto. Now that DAP has won they cannot jut walk away after opening Pandora's box. Be a man and stand your ground. You want respect? You open the box and you cannot slunk away with tails between your legs. DAP should be a man and stand up and scream that you want ICERD ratified come what may even if parangs come out you will die to ratify....

    1. Wakakakakkakakaka.

      Who are you to teach DAP to be a man and how politics should be played?

      It ain't working and it won't bite.

      Go sulk in a corner and get a real life thinking others are fools and become zombies to your chants.

  8. e enemy of my enemies, M, A & W, r my frens. nothing else matters...

  9. Malaysia same2 with Myanmar and North Korea. They haven’t ratified ICERD either. Why? North Korea murdered the half brother of the Great Leader at KLIA, and Myanmar conducts ethnic cleansing of the Rohinyas.

    1. What about China ethnic cleansing of Uighur community/clan in Xinjiang?

    2. There is no credible evidence of Uighur ethnic cleansing by PRC government. Large numbers of detentions, yes. but that is mot the same thing.

      And I am a frequent PRC critic.

    3. Ethnic cleaning or not China still ratified ICERD.

      Similarly why should Malaysia be afraid of signing and ratifying ICERD just because of racist rabble rousers threatening to mengamuk and threaten public order. We should not cower.

    4. Mfer, how do u definite ethnic cleansing of Uighur community/clan in Xinjiang?

      As in the case of the Jews under Nazi Germany?

      As in the case of the Bosnians under Serbia?

      As the Kurdish under Isis Iraq?

      After u have cleaned it f*cked-up mind infused by the zombie toxin, then do a deeper comparison lah!

    5. Fact sheet of China Muslim ummat:

      Muslims live in every region in China. The highest concentrations are found in the northwest provinces of Xinjiang, Gansu, and Ningxia, with significant populations also found throughout Yunnan province in southwest China and Henan province in central China. Of China's 55 officially recognized minority peoples, ten groups are predominantly Muslim. The largest groups in descending order are Hui (9.8 million in year 2000 census, or 48% of the officially tabulated number of Muslims), Uyghur (8.4 million, 41%), Kazakh (1.25 million, 6.1%), Dongxiang (514,000, 2.5%), Kyrgyz (144,000), Uzbeks (125,000), Salar (105,000), Tajik (41,000), Bonan (17,000), and Tatar (5,000). However, individual members of traditionally Muslim groups may profess other religions or none at all. Additionally, Tibetan Muslims are officially classified along with the Tibetan people. Muslims live predominantly in the areas that border Central Asia, Tibet and Mongolia, i.e. Xinjiang, Ningxia, Gansu and Qinghai, which is known as the "Quran Belt".

      1) there r always violatile tensions between Hui & Uyghur even though both r both the Sunni sect.

      2) the Uyghur has a strong separatist movement, thus putting them only under a concerted state programme of draconian monitoring.

      3) of the known Isis fighters from China, all of them come from Uyghur. The increasing numbers of knife attacks on public places carried out by the Uyghur extremists spook the authority. This has highten the preventive safety of the central govt, resulting in more stringent security checks imposed on the Uyghurs.

      4) other Muslim populace don't face the same security checking procedure as imposed on the Uyghur, resulting in increased resentment towards the central govt by the Uyghurs.

      The problems of Uyghur in China r multifaceted.

      It has very little to do with Islam (cf hui & other ummat). The ignition point is the Uyghur separatist movement which the central govt WONT tolerate!

      It's an internal China issue akind to Sabah/Sarawak asking for independence.

      Keep that in yr zombieic mind, before u fart!

    6. do u think sabah sarawak have rights to ask for independence?

    7. do u think the Uyghur have rights to ask for independence?

      Mind u, Xinjiang IS not their territory alone!

    8. mean u disagree wrt xinjiang? what abt sabah n sarawak? is s&s not multiracial similar to xinjiang?

    9. Wakakakakaka……

      First Google the sopo profile of Xinjiang, then analyze (if u have a working grey matter) ONLY then u fart!

      Sabah/Sarawak, if given a state referendum, will vote for separation with overall majority!

      Xinjiang can never get that:

      1) central govt will not tolerate
      2) no obvious majority

      Real moron!

    10. what make u think msia central govt tolerate referendum? how u know who in s+s have obvious majority? what diff han move into xinjiang n muslim move into sabah?

    11. F*cked lah!

      Another topic to be debated in Reddit.

      Suffice to say, Han is not the majority in Xinjiang!

      Wakakakakaka…… real syiok-sendiri moron.

      If the m'sia govt can't tolerate Sabah/Sarawak's secession, what can she does? Sent in the troop like the Chinese mobilises the LPA!

      Wakakakaka…… u r not ONLY drown in yr own farts BUT also thinking funny too!

    12. its a pretty straight forward question, not much of an answer from u yet, y? u suddenly realise ketuanan is not limited to the malay n muslim kah? han as well?

    13. Where is that 'ketuanan' fart amongst the Hans in Xinjiang?

      U should ask the Huis why r they so hateful of the Uyghurs, even though they r from the same ummat!

      The Chinese strong hold on Xinjiang has nothing to do with race BUT intolerancy in territory demarcation by the West - as in That, HK, Taiwan & those islets/shoals within the 9-dashed line!

      RD f*ck, u need to brush up yr geopo readings AGAINST yr induced bigotry lens!

      I suggest u say this in Reddit forum!

      Wakakakakaka…… game?

      No teloq, for fear been drown out in the sea of laughter for yr silo farts?

    14. u have to ask uyghur if there is ketuanan han or not, similarly in msia, u pose this question to a non malay. malay sure say no one.

      hadi n mahathir oso from the same ummat. pas n amanah oso from the same ummat.

      u cant blame west all the time, just like the malay cant blame chinese all the time.

      i think i read enough to debate u on any topic relate to china n chinese.

      since kt keep silent, perhaps he is glad to see how i deal with a bigot wakaka.

      its up to u, u can choose not to reply n i will stop.

    15. Saihe!!

      If u have the teloq, do it on Reddit forum lah.

      Since u think u read enough to debate me on any topic relate to china n chinese. Goooood.

      Let's do it in a neutral forum like Reddit where there r many other experts too. They will tempt to engage two of us with a third view or more!

      No point u keep farting egoistically with me. In discourse like this, twosome is an abomination. & I don't intend to reawaken yr monotrack thinking - 吃古不化!

    16. not a matter of telog or ego. i dun necessarily disagree with yr view, the reason i keep questioning u is bec u apply diff std on very similar scenario, or the other way round, especially when come to msia n china, or spore. the so called experts may not know our msia background n most of the time, usa n west is referred as benchmark n basis for discourse.

    17. F*ck lah!

      "apply diff std on very similar scenario"

      Do reread yr fart:

      "experts may not know our msia background n most of the time, usa n west is referred as benchmark n basis for discourse."

      Do tell WHAT r u implying!

      Different circumstances call for different interpretations. RIGHT?

      Any different from what Have I proposed?

      Who's been consistently inconsistent?

      RD moron!

    18. since i always debate by pondering the stance of both side, i adopt the middle way, mean i may not fully agree with the western worldview, but i oso reject the wumao view, for example, u.

    19. Wakakakaka… wumao view?

      Butter than yrs 三毛, RIGHT?

      Yr consistently labelling habit in trying to win yr argument shows yr 底lah! Banyak may le.

      Hence yr f*cked up understanding of 中庸 in looking at any issues - 两头不到岸, 不能当机立断. Forever going in circle!

    20. most people r moderate n with wisdom, thats y 韩国瑜 柯文哲 can win, u wumao cant comprehend.

    21. Wakakakakaka……

      Typical Taiwan-influenced f*cked-head who can't see further than u want to see!

      韩国瑜 & 柯文哲 can win bcoz the electorate wants change!

      Don't be a syiok-sendiri fool. Both of them r far from moderate & with wisdom. They r just the usual politikus adjusting to the situation mah.

      柯文哲 is lucky bcoz 丁守中's vote was spliced by the 姚文智 of DPP. Otherwise Taipei would turn blue too simply bcoz the electorate wanted change!

      From 柯's past mayorship records, one can see he promised a lot but couldn't do much.

      Kaohsiung turns blue after a solid 20+yrs of green. 韩 is just lucky as in 时世造英雄. Wakakakaka 韩风 is just an abomination. He won't be able to do anything if Tsai Ing-wen's central govt refuses to cooperate.

      Just like what 柯 has been experiencing.

      The ONLY time Taiwan can be revitalized iff she has a true wise president who can see further than the current flatulence encompassing the island.

      Can a cliset 三毛 comprehend the real scenarios?

      Wakakakaka… guess not!

      BTW, do u know WHY at the end 三毛 committed suicide?

      Same situation can happen to a habitual labelling fool like u le!


    A didactic old poetry (Seloka Pak Kaduk) using metaphors and paradoxes as a subtle way to remind/advise the malays.

    Aduhai malang Pak kaduk
    Ayamnya menang kampung tergadai
    Ada nasi dicurahkan
    Awak pulang kebuluran

    Mudik menongkah surut
    Hilir menongkah pasang
    Ada isteri dibunuh
    Nyaris mati oleh tak makan

    Masa belayar kematian angin
    Sauh dilabuh bayu berpuput
    Ada rumah bertandang duduk
    Aduhai malang Pak Kaduk

    1. A chant from a closed minded f*ck still reminisce about a factitious past.

      A song of the zombies who move backward!

    2. Kalau nak betul2 dapat keinsafan minda, baca lah ketulisan Pendita Zaaba.

      Jangan lah di tipu puisi racun, keluaran penghuni zaman batu!

  11. There's no point trying to rationalise issues such as ICERD according to liberal, western democratic-style reasoning.

    Things don't work that way here and when issues such as ICERD have opened a Pandora's box.

    Below is the ending of Dennis Ignatius' commentary on Free Malaysia Today:-

    A PH-made fiasco

    ICERD has, undoubtedly, dealt a serious political blow to the PH government. Despite its good intentions, the government failed to do its homework, failed to build a clear consensus within its own ranks and failed to agree on a game plan to manage the ratification process once it committed itself to doing so. They came across as a party in disarray, unable to even agree on a common position. Worse still, they did not have the courage of their own convictions to stand their ground against Umno-PAS.

    PH’s mishandling of the ICERD issue has now given Umno-PAS a new lease of life. In a single swoop, Umno-PAS appears to have outmanoeuvred PH and put it on the defensive. ICERD has also allowed Umno-PAS to burnish their credentials as the preeminent defender of all things Malay. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a brilliant (if obnoxious) political gambit by a party that until recently was given up for dead.

    More dangerously, it has also allowed Umno-PAS an opportunity to claw back some of the political power it lost at the ballot box; by threatening to run amok whenever it feels Ketuanan Melayu is challenged, it will now be able to strongly influence national policies without even being in the Cabinet.

    At the end of the day, by exploiting ICERD, Umno-PAS has now forced PH’s Malay leadership to compete with them on the issue of who can best defend Ketuanan Melayu. Rather than being consigned to the dustbin of history after May 9, Ketuanan Melayu will now become the altar at which all Malay politicians will have to offer obeisance if they wish to hold power.

    If PH doesn’t act swiftly and decisively to extricate itself from this mess, it will be the end of Malaysia Baru as we know it.

    For the full article, read here:-

    When I see articles such as this, I wonder what Imran Khan has learned from Malaysia so far:-

    We came to learn from you, Pakistan PM tells Mahathir

  12. [Kota Kinabalu: Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Christina Liew hopes more multilingual road signages will be installed in Sabah, especially in the city.]

  13. [KUALA LUMPUR: The Housing and Local Government Ministry will issue stricter guidelines on the use of Bahasa Malaysia for road signs nationwide, says its minister Zuraida Kamaruddin.]

    That should include JB Forest City ya YB?

  14. No distortion. DAP has been wanting this for at least 10 years. It's only now they have the power to do something about it.

  15. "Changing the name of Jalan Marsh, named after Madam Mabel Marsh, the head teacher of the Methodist Girls School for 30 years, to Jalan Tun Sambanthan 4 seems a bit sad. Why would Tun Sambanthan need more than one road named after him?"
    ~ Professor Dr Mohd Tajuddin Rasdi
