
Friday, September 14, 2018

Mahathir admits he wanted Shafee to prosecute Anwar

FMT - Yes, I told Shafee to lead Sodomy II prosecution, says Dr M:

Mahathir & his Pribumi's 

PETALING JAYA: Dr Mahathir Mohamad today confirmed that he had suggested that Muhammad Shafee Abdullah lead the prosecution team against Anwar Ibrahim during the sodomy trial four years ago, but said it was after the Umno lawyer warned him that the then attorney-general (AG) would not be able to secure a conviction.

Mahathir said Shafee had approached him and complained that then AG Abdul Gani Patail could not win the case for the prosecution.

“Shafee wanted so much to become the AG. He came to see me. He said the AG cannot win against Anwar in Sodomy II,” Mahathir told reporters at the PPBM headquarters today, when asked about Shafee’s claim that it was Mahathir’s idea for him to lead the prosecution of Anwar.

“I said if you think you can win, you see Najib lah,” Mahathir said, referring to former prime minister Najib Razak.

Shafee had said that his appointment to lead the prosecution team was one of the six demands made by Mahathir for Najib in exchange for support for his administration.

M: Jibby boy, get that treacherous bastard
N: but Tun, Gani will be furious if I interfere
A: fCk Gani, do it if you want my support

On Shafee, Mahathir said today: “According to him, I love him so much. You think now I am fighting Najib (Razak) because I love Shafee so much?”
Mahathir added that his meeting with Shafee took place when he was still in good terms with Najib.

Anwar was charged and convicted with sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan. He spent more than three years serving his five-year jail term, before he was released following a royal pardon in the aftermath of the May 9 polls

What might have been Shafee's motive and what might have been Mahathir's then-attitude towards the lawyer, the fact is that Mahathir has now admitted to doing what Shafee has accused him of, namely:

He (Mahathir) had demanded of Najib that Shafee lead the prosecution team against Anwar Ibrahim in the Sodomy II trials.

Of course as usual he tambah (added) words to show it was Shafee's personal desire to become AG that made Shafee persuade him so (to demand of Najib that Shafee lead the prosecution against Anwar.

Mahathir has always used such pathetic excuses to wriggle out of his responsibilities.

In a previous post Bombshell - how Mahathir kowtim-ed Anwar Ibrahim kaukau I wrote (extracts only):

What a bloody bombshell - it exploded right in front of Maddy's face. And it's not that Anwar has been unaware of Maddy stabbing him every now & then - they have been and still are mortal foes.

But I find it reasonably plausible as I have often written how Maddy hates Anwar with a vengeance - once the Old Man hates you, he'll be out to get you, and kaukau too.

The three persons he hates MOST are Anwar Ibrahim, KJ (sometimes Maddy whacks AAB because of KJ but the s-i-l is the real target) and today of course Najib. [...]

... everyone of his arch-foes had something to do with one of his sons - no one fCk around with Maddy's sons.

Anyway, back to the bombshell by Shafee, as I said, it isn't implausible that Mahathir wanted to kowtim Anwar kaukau. He hates Anwar invincibly, thus I have often said, he won't give up the PM seat to Anwar.

One of the ways is to fCk up Anwar's chances in the coming by-election organised for the PKR Boss. And that has been why PKR is keeping it highly confidential where Anwar will be contesting, apart from throwing a few red herrings around.

Pre-knowledge of the constituency Anwar will be contesting will be a danger to Anwar's chances as SABOTAGE is most likely. If Anwar fails his by-election, he is totally kaput.


(1) Bay-Chay-Tian.

(2) Friendly Fire for Anwar Ibrahim.


  1. Shafee taking a ride on TDM's follies to try and wriggle his way out of his current predicament.

    And now Kaytee making it a big issue to disrupt and breakup PKR and PH bringing in also current suspected conspiracies against AI?

    Does AI knows all these?

    Of course, he knows and he has already forgiven TDM and hence the pact finally made that is now publicly known to all.

    And he has also played his by-election game well against these conspiracies by having the by-election in PD and not in Pandan or Permatang Pauh or anywhere in Selangor.

  2. He said she said.

    The comment attributed by FMT to TDM paraphrases (not literally quotes) him as saying that he "...suggests Shafee leads the prosecution team against Anwar for Sodomy 2". But does this mean that TDM instructed/told Shafee to lead the prosecution? The title is totally misleading.

    His quoted words were: "...if you think you can win, you see Najib lah".

    Very different meaning. He may be sarcastically suggesting that if this "hot shot" lawyer thinks he can do a better job than the AG at that time then go see the PM and convince him lah. Why complain to me? What can I do?

    1. as mentioned, as usual he tambah (added) words to show it was Shafee's personal desire to become AG that made Shafee persuade him so (to demand of Najib that Shafee lead the prosecution against Anwar.

      Mahathir has always used such pathetic excuses to wriggle out of his responsibilities.

    2. As I said....he said she said. TDM maybe tambah, Shafee maybe kurang...who knows...

    3. Wakakakaka……

      Wasn't it a KNOWN secret amongst jibby sycophants that mamak lawyer buruk had made his AG dream loud & clear?

      Or kt was mixing with the wrong jibby clowns at that time!

  3. About the new revelation / admission from Najib about the RM2.6B or USD800M or whatever huge sum that he says was a "contingency fund" donation from the Saudi Royal family. This fund was purportedly to be used as ammunition in case Pakatan lost GE13 and tried to buy over BN MPs to cross over. Or I assume (but Najib leaves this other scenario out), if BN lost the election and needed to buy over Pakatan MPs to cross over to BN.

    I think we are missing one very important angle. I think Najib / UMNO has admitted committing treason. He thinks there is nothing wrong in a foreign sovereign power funding and deciding who controls the Malaysian parliament. In any other country this is a treasonous act, worse than corruption.

    1. If indeed there is such a donation in the first place for SUCH purposes, then he has committed treason. But for now, no one on the other side believe a Saudi prince had given such a donation to the Chief Thief Klentong. All those 'supporting' letters and documents are just fakes....and he fooled no one by bringing these out so late in the day, AFTER he has lost power and is facing jail time.

  4. A drowning man will clutch at Anything to stay alive, ghosts, shadows, mists etc, and both Najib and Shafee are drowning men. They are in deep legal shit.

    It is no secret, as many of us are convinced, that Sodomy II (in addition to Sodomy I) was a grave injustice, and largely the outcome of nefarious secret plots and intrigues by powerful UMNO people to destroy Anwar Ibrahim. Shafee was right at the centre of the evil schemes.

    It is also no secret that Mahathir was aligned to UMNO at the time.
    However, anyone who knows the political situation would know during the time frame - 2013 - Najib was not in any frame of mind to just accept any Mahathir "suggestions". So , its pure desperation to pass off Shafee's appointment as something pushed by Mahathir.

    Shafee's appointment was a Najib decision, and trying to pass if off as anything else is Crap.

    1. Bakri Musa said "Mahathir is also the one who had that "Korek! korek! Korek!" lawyer as his personal attorney!!!"

  5. Also following this admission by Najib that the money received from Saudi Arabia was for buying MPs to cross over needs to be investigated by MACC, ROS and the Election Commission. He has opened a can of maggots.


    Najib 'forced' me to use Shafee as my lawyer, Deepak says

    Deepak is the latest person to confirm that Najib regularly uses Shafee as his legal hatchet man.

    The slimiest lawyer in Malaysia ?

    1. so you are one of Deepak's admirers, wakakaka

    2. Just highlighting just how credible or no Shafee is.

      No doubt you are one of Najib and Shafee's admirers.

    3. you know everything and anything
