
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Traumatising Horror of UEC

MM - Rescind UEC recognition in seven days or face our wrath, Muslim groups tell Maszlee (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, July 14 — A coalition of Malay-Muslim groups has threatened to protest against Education Minister Maszlee Malik in seven days, should the latter ignore its call to not recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC).

In a statement, Ummah said it has received the support of 10 lawyers to review and take action against Putrajaya’s recognition of the examination in independent Chinese schools.

Indeed, from the protest of this coalition of Malay-Muslim groups called Ummah, it would seem unacceptable for us Malaysians to be dabbling with a language other than Bahasa Malaysia (or if you prefer, Bahasa Melayu) in Malaysia's schooling system.

Perhaps we should agree to a recommendation that Malaysia henceforth abolishes and prohibits the use of ALL languages other than the Malay language from our schools, universities and public institutions including the Foreign Ministry (the last wakakaka).

Let's start off by banning the teaching and learning of English, Arabic, Javanese (hey you, bloody watch it), Indonesian, Farsi, Chinese, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, French, German, Russian, Italian, Japanese (ooops, there should always be an exemption and I reckon that today the Japanese should be the one).

Banzai ... ooopsy again .... I think it's better to say Dirgahayu ... ooopsy? ... would that be Indon, Hindi or Sanskrit?

By the by, I read that the great Malay hero-warrior Hang Tuah was a polygot - know what that word 'polygot' means?


  1. Just shows you Najib and his cronies ( yes, including You) were insincere when they included UEC recognition in the BN manifesto... what a lot of Bull... and Ktemoc was swooning all over Bijan at the time ...

    1. Kaytee studied in chinese school meh? Hahaha....time for ck to tell him how one ming official kenna itchy till mati

  2. intellectual capacity is the cognitive intelligence of the person , to learn, adapt, change, create, innovate, built, think, reason, rationalize, synthesize, analyze, deduce, make right connections, powder quickly the knowledge, information or data from their basic, needed, important and absolute importance, saving in the same time the focusing details with logic, good sense and wisdom. It is as well the fast ability of the brain to make right decisions or reasoning and to project future good ideas, plans, designs or strategies

    Fairouz Bettayep
    Centre for Research Technology and Innovation

    same religion, different national

  3. You need a course in basic argumentation.

    A country like France does not tolerate any language other than French as the main medium of instruction in its primary and secondary schools. It also has scholars who are experts in Sumerian, Akkadian, Ancient Egyptian and Classical Chinese, not to mention widespread teaching of modern languages other than French.

    1. but france oso treat muslim like dog.

    2. Not just Muslims, Chinetoques too, Muslim or not.

    3. What do they think of Chinese tourists? Alamak!

    4. i suppose they treat/think chinese slightly better than dog n muslim, by looking at all the recent brutal killing of french civilians was never done by chinese.

    5. "i suppose they treat/think chinese slightly better than dog n muslim"

      Errr...OK...nice that Chinese are proud of this "achievement"...BTW I have no skin in this game, not a Muslim...wakakakaka....ALAMAK!!!

    6. "i suppose they treat/think chinese slightly better than dog n muslim"

      Priceless - to get a Chinese to say this...wakakakaka!!! An improvement over the signboard in the Bruce Lee movie izzit? Aiyoo ... soo pathetic....

    7. Idiot HY is basically providing an example of the point made by John Smith.

      He could not respond to the point made by my comment so resorted to a slur on Muslims, thinking I was one.

      Then ended up disparaging his own ethnic group!!!! stupid can you get...and proving the point of your other opponent some more!

      What a fucking bahlol you are!!! Fucking idiot you!!

    8. can u learn how to calm down n reply in a coherent approach? or is tis yr habit to say so little with so many reply? i believe tis could be due to education, i mean the lack of it, or purely intelligence, n again the lack of it?

      u r a muslim or a dog is of no consequence to me, i am stating a fact on what happened wrt french, n i am hinting u y pick france that is infamous for ethnic intolerance as comparison? if u dun know the answer, fine by me, i am not interest to see a dog chasing his own tail n run around in circle calling everyone idiot, bec a dog is still a dog, dog eat his own shit n we human dun do that.

  4. Polyglot lah!
    Did you graduate with UEC certificate also?

    1. You ask kaytee hah? I did see he mention he studied in penang free school. Ah so? Hahaha

  5. I for one dont really give a damn bout who wants to learn what. But i do have one problem though with Malaysian chinese. Communication. See in my line of work, giving instructions to these malaysian chinese lots who cant speak proper English and/or Malay is a pain. I cant help looking at then like banglas and indons. I actually pity the chinese. They really do think theyre superior. Really.. They really do without realising their arrogance actually made them look like a 4th world society coz Malaysia is actually their home unlike banglas/indons. I mean the Singaporean, HK, Taiwanese, Mainland chinese all look down on the Malaysian chinese must come with a reason. Seriously wake up already. No different from the Malays they are really.

    1. i never meet a singaporean, taiwanese, mainland chinese that look down msia chinese except hongkonger, who look down everyone due to their inferiority complex, which i suspect u r one, i dun mean u r from hk, i am talking abt inferiority complex.

    2. Aww did i hurt ur feelings? Well the truth hurts as they say. Surprisingly u brought about inferiority complex issue. Funny coz thats what they say about Malaysian chinese. Hahaha. See, I told u, Malaysian chinese really do believe theyre superior. Fantasy living huh. Hahaha.

    3. There is a world outside the HY tempurung.

    4. yr condescending outburst of msian chinese, indonesian n bangladash reflect badly on your viewpoint towards people that is difference from u, some people might be poor, speak diff language or live a diff culture, but that doesn't mean u can disparage them. yr hahaha wont conceal yr ugly attitude.

      n how could yr feeble attempt to insult could hurt anyone here? is this a common trait of one with inferiority complex, always syok sendiri?

    5. There is a world, too, outside that onionized tempurung of yrs!

      Ketuanan at core, zombies the 2nd layer, royalist the 3rd & wholesale ignorance as that final tempurung roof.

    6. Wow, inferiority complex...HY punya bodoh tahap special...

      This is from HY: "i suppose they treat/think chinese slightly better than dog n muslim,"

      As long as you are better than a dog you are happy...siapa yang inferior?....aiyo bodoh punya bodoh..

    7. stop yr wow wow bark la, n of course i feel happy i am better than a hmmmmm.... dog?

    8. HY,

      Thats what u fail to understand. Im stating what ive learned from experience with ur lots. Although i do admit my bad for making it sound like the whole lot. Actually, its more on 'most' of malaysian chinese.

      U see, im not undermining or condescending the malaysian chinese. My point is, it is their own arrogance and pride that reflects them that way.

      Think about it, that in itself is inferiority complex. So inferior they try so hard and extreme to prove something to a point of sabotaging the future of own generations with disharmony.

      They so much wanna prove superiority at all cost they end up looking more inferior + arrogant + stubborn + unaccepted + worse, stupid even with all that intellect. They succeed here and there but no matter what, theyre just not accepted plus no other chinese outside Malaysia even bothered to mention their existence. Anywhere.. Not China, not Singapore, Not HK let alone even chinatowns around the globe. Heck even Australia wants them out.

      Its like the chinese in Malaysia are outcasts or cursed. Y is that? Weird aint it?

      Havent u wondered y their tycoons always leave Malaysia for other countries esp HK and China? The answer is simple, becoz they wanna feel accepted and a sense of belonging. But.. How can one achieve that when one is arrogant, stubborn, proud, intolerant? So still they end up disappointed. Hahaha.

      Honestly to me Malaysian chinese are mostly a broken lot. Maybe its coz they mix around too much with them westerns during the colonization of Malaya.. Or maybe too much opium.. I dunno.. At least banglas literally do have a broken country.

      I know ur looking for some praises or recognition. One thing i learned bout that is "YOU HAVE TO EARN IT!"

      From what i read, malaysian chinese are Malaysian by a social contract agreement forced by the brits onto the malays. Which means, again, theyre unwanted shud the malays were truly given the freedom to decide during independence.

      So i recommend they start proving their worth rather than their arrogance coz hell its not working from where im standing. And if a war shud break out from this nonstop politicking BS, which a lot of signs are showing, nobody is there for yah and u sure as hell got so much to lose (assuming ur one of the malaysian chinese). Or not.. Afterall i did mention u malaysian chinese are stubborn. Hahaha.

    9. u r not supporting yr comment of msian chinese with any proper back up facts, u simply launch a diatribe to insult the chinese msian on something u r upset about in yr life here, could be due to yr incompetency, or yr inferiority complex, or yr gf / wife / daughter left u for another man, of course a msian chinese.

      my suggestion is that u go see doctor, better choose a half breed one who cant tell his name is petra or peter or pete due to crossbred, he sure knows what yr complication since u people sound so similar, n cure u accordingly.

      n stop barking nonsense like that dog if u want a proper reply from anyone here, by citing yr view with fact, a link is fine.

    10. Bhahaha! Typical harsh remarks. Now im definitely sure ur one of those outcast malaysian chinese. Well like i said, just stating my experience. Theres really nothing for me to be upset about coz im not the one unwanted everywhere here. Hahaha. What a pity. Must be hard being Malaysian chinese huh? I mean i did tell u its all about the attitudes. But then again probably u lots deserve it, being all arrogant + stubborn + "superior" as usual. Well at least its a fun watch for me i can tell ya that. Especially when u have a pure hearted chinese hater smack right up there as a Prime Machiavellian. Good Luck 😂.

    11. dude, u could write whatever u want, its a free world, but if “this” is what u choose to write pertaining to msian chinese, then it would amount to exactly what it deserves. i always try to be fair.

  6. Why is everyone getting hot under the collar over the UEC which should be a non issue. Vernacular schools should not have been set up in the first instance.

    This is Malaysia so there should be no doubts about what the National language should be and as such the medium of instruction without any doubt should be Bahasa Malaysia /Melayu. English should be a secondary medium of instruction so that we do not lag behind the rest.

    If someone wants to learn an extra language by all means they should be encouraged to do so.

    1. in earlier days (before internet), the Malay teachers were the most important grassroots of UMNO - they spread the UMNO gospel and provide the source of grassroot power for ambitious UMNO leaders. Thus to be a PM, an UMNO member must become the Education Minister as a stepping stone towards the PM-ship (Mahathir was one; Anwar was another).

      But alas, each of these UMNO Education Ministers in their desperate attempt to gain popularity with the grassroots in UMNO, f**k-ed up the national schooling system kau-kau, so much so the poor education standards forced parents (especially Chinese parents who were fanatical about educational standards for their children) to embrace the only domestic alternative with standards, the vernacular system especially the independent schools. Naturally teh vernacular side loved their new popular role, thus they worked very very hard to retain the Chinese community's interests in their teachings. The rest is history.

      It thus can be said the UMNO Education Ministers fCk-ed up the national schooling system and indirectly and unwittingly help popularise the vernacular system

    2. Pushing the blame to the wrong people.

      The impetus came in the early 70's. When the English medium schools switched to Malay, the Chinese flooded the SRJK(C)'s. The formerly English medium schools still had the same teachers, only the language changed. The drop in standards came later.

      The Chinese contempt for Malays had a big part to play in this story.

    3. "Naturally teh vernacular side loved their new popular role, thus they worked very very hard to retain the Chinese community's interests in their teachings."


      Worked very very hard WITH proven results as in the worldwide recognition of a privately managed UEC, the indisputable academic excellent thus highly employable students!

      These r just a few that u have simply lumped as the rest is history!

  7. ck, i reply u in tis new uec thread. a short one first.

    whats the main call to get govt recognition? enter local u n govt. bec cis qualification have no problem to get into any private, overseas u n co. however if a non malay spm n stpm holder still facing problem to enter local u n govt job, would u think the recognition would make uec holder easier? if the answer is negative, whats the point we wan govt recognition?

    talk to the student n administrator ie teacher, not the idiot from djz n dap. n look at the mob in picture shown by kt. is tis really worth it?

    the pass in bm n history will burden the weak student, that's my point of 因才施教, what 小民的智慧 r u talking abt?

    1. 小民的智慧 as in

      1) I'm no AGAINST recognition of UEC by the govt.

      2) I'm strongly AGAINST jatuh the standard of UEC vis-a-vis that ketuanan matriculation exam.

      3) u definitely confused the approval/standard of UEC have an impact on the weak cis students. Rethink deeper then write!

      4) "the mob in picture shown by kt"?? What mob & pictures?

      Idiots, by nature &/or by circumstantial impulses r a aplenty!

      Look at the UEC protestors lah. The amokish red shirts lah. They r the true IDIOTS on show!

      What idiocy has the cis students shown?

      5) "is tis really worth it? "

      Read 4 & use yr railtracked mind to ponder WHAT the farts r u postulating as in 因才施教!

    2. 1) i never claim u r against.

      2) u mean cis still have many room to maintain the std even if we stuff them additional compulsory subject, let say bahasa arab, civik education, history etc etc?

      3) like i said, did u talk to any cis teacher? this viewpoint is shared by cis headmaster. i believe they know more than u.

      4) yes that is the mob (uec protester) picture i am talking abt.

      5) again like i said, talk to those in cis please, they rather wait than allow the mob to turn tis into a racial issue.

    3. Somehow, u do show the sign of reading deficiency!

      1) of course u never claimed as such. But u do write as such. Lesson from kt?

      2) UEC as it stands now IS good enough.

      Why expand the test subjects as u've expounded? Yr bleeding heart encompasses for the ketuanan demands as fairness?

      3) Look at SAT lah! Must it expands to cater for weaklings so as to play fair! Must it gives special considerations to weaklings? For goodness sake, UEU is a test of learning ability - not a magic bill for high achievers!

      If u don't understand, just like those dead-headed cis educators, then stop talking cockgaroo lah!

      4) the mob (uec protester) picture is a blur expansion of yr poor understanding of the mood amongst the melayu. They r not the majority that u want to make out to be!

      Perhaps, u r mixing with the wrong crowd, especially those pkr melayu!

      5) again like I said, talk to those in liberal/moderate melayu at large please, rather than keep acting chicken little about the mob to turn tis into a racial issue. The mob WOULD love it as that's the aim of their threat.

    4. 1) back up yr claim with evidence. show me where i said so.

      2) a pass in bm n history is required for govt recognition, uec bm n history is diff / simple versus spm/stpm. can u equip yrself a little bit before debate me?

      3) uec is not sat, the back ground, philosophy n objective is diff. base on yr logic, the cis student shd take stpm, y u wan the edu ministry to give special privilege to uec?

      4) how u know its not the majority? my guesstimate is 70% malay vote umno n pas, pray tell how u arrive at yr conclusion wrt the malay mood?

      5) but history tell us a small number of mob is enough to start a riot, n what the liberal / moderate type did is to do analysis after the event.

    5. 1) I read yr write as I understand it!

      Didn't I say " of course u never claimed as such. But u do write as such. Lesson from kt?"

      Now u want proof from my deduction?

      Refine yr reading skill lah, so that u WON'T got caught like in many other cases.

      2) a credit in bm n a pass in history r required for govt recognition, a ketuanan legacy!

      How many melayu, tulin or constitutionalized, have achieved the same above criteria?

      Truth to be told, perhaps less than 50%!

      BM proficiency is a given but credit?

      That's a purposeful obstacle for non literature candidates of all M'sia races.

      How many countries in a mature governance set such a requirement to entice technocrats, more so yr very own citizen!

      The BM standard of UEC, as it stands, is good enough for the casual communication amongst M'sians. Why must it be altered to please the shallowness of the ketuanan freaks?

      R u not proposing a kowtowing solution to the detriment of the cis, who r already overloaded? Especially those weaker cis!

      That's why I termed u & those 'eductors' of dong jiao zong - dead headed!

      3) SAT is an uni entrance exam recognised all over the world. Same like UEC.

      So what back ground, philosophy n objective r diff?

      Education IS for the good of the students. PERIOD.

      Not the dead-headed egoistic aims of whatsoever purposes u & yr rail-track minded goons r thinking!

      No special privilege given to uec by the edu minister! If maszlee is whether his PhD in education than he should play less racial politics & just recognize UEC for the good of M'sia!

      M'sia needs those cis who r been pinched by the RedDot & the rest of the world. Not those unemployable hp6 entitlement addicted paper pushers!

      4) my guesstimate, vis-a-vis the Kennedy's black enrolment into the white Mississippi U, is those vocal anti-UEC rabble rousers r just a minority racists/paid agitators.

      How could u translate the 70% malay vote umno n pas as if this group shares the same anti-UEC sentiment, as strongly as those idiotic provocateurs?

      Remember the white only Mississippi u? Why it existed bcoz 'common but wrong' perjudice/perception dictated it to be so. Just like u do NOW with yr narrowly interpretation of the melayu mood at large - whom most of them r live & let live if the policy is for the good of the nation.

      5) small number of mob is enough to start a riot PROVIDED the liberal/moderate type do nothing!

      Currently there r many liberal/moderate M'sians WHO won't sit tight & do nothing! Read the internet lah.

      Let the aftermath analysis be done by people like u of syiok-sendiri type.

      Real work needs inputs. That means sweat for it - no pain no gain.

    6. 1,4,5) to each his own.

      2,3) uec bm is lower std, djz admit this fact. reason is bec cis treat bm as second language. lets forget abt other race first, if a chinese need bm credit in spm to qualify for local uni, would u think fair or not if uec with lower bm std can also qualify for local uni? sat allow this kah? diff std for diff exam? shall spm lower the malay paper std to accommodate the no tongkat chinese?

      if djz / cis will to improve the uec bm equivalent to spm std, then some sacrifice (for eg less hour for science and maths) need to be made, thus the question raise is, is tis what uec is all abt, to masuk local uni? or more than that?

      aiyo, u can paham tak, if not i write in hanzi next.

      (just curious, kt, can u understand what i wrote, i really wan to know is tis my problem)

    7. Again 小民的智慧!Thus, can't get out of that silo view.

      Some people r indeed born with railtracked mindset!

      Wakakakaka…… 1,4,5) to each his own! Banyak pandai le!

      What's the purpose of bm credit in spm & a pass in history to qualify for local uni?

      R the local uni ALL conduct their courses in BM? Think uitm!

      Then history?? To cultivate sense of historical prospective & induce patriotism?? Think btn!

      For dead-heads like u, u r pretending to want to play fair - vis-a-vis "if a chinese need bm credit in spm to qualify for local uni, would u think fair or not if uec with lower bm std can also qualify for local uni?"

      Then, r those entitlement claimants, who masuk the local uni via the matriculation, up to the required par of spm BM credit & history pass? Is the matriculation standard=spm standard?

      Then how do those other foreign students, who have zilch background in BM & M'sia history, enrol into the local uni?

      Yr version of fairness treats OUR very own Nons as 3rd class consideration!

      SAT is a test for understanding & analytical skills. Not for linguistic proficiency or historical happenstances! Every SAT candidate sits for the SAME exam that is recognised throughout the world. Unlike spm/matriculation for the entitlement claimants with heavy doses of racial curry favours.

      For goodness sake, understand FIRST, before u fart lah.

      Thus why SHOULD djz/cis to improve the uec bm equivalent to spm std? Incurring sacrifice (for eg less hour for science and maths) need to be made. Loading the course unnecessary!

      This IS the right question raise: is tis what uec is all abt, to masuk local uni? or more than that?

      If djz/cis panders to this unreasonable ketuanan request, then dead-heads is a kind labelling. They r 民族走狗!

      The correct & logical approach is to 'redify' the fallacy of the ketuanan argument of linguistic proficiency & patriotism based on ketuanan agenda.

      If UEC, as it stands, IS good enough for the uni of the world, then it should be accepted just like ALL others be they matriculation, SAT & SPM!

      Wakakakaka… u can write in Hanzi. But kt would definitely bin yr piece just like my 曹操 ≪乱世治国论≫.

      Anmokauxai don't want to understand the intricacies of UEC. It's not their problem as much as they r looking down on vernacular education as a ghetto product - w/o realising that many of their current bolihland well-beings r been contributed by these 'suanku' cousins.

    8. "What's the purpose of bm credit in spm" - to ensure one is fluence in bm, u mean usa nz uk aus china taiwan no eng / chinese proficiency requirement?

      "matriculation" - is a backdoor for stpm, but all of them have bm credit.

      "Then how do those other foreign students, who have zilch background in BM & M'sia history, enrol into the local uni?" - like how the msia student enrol foreign uni?

      "If djz/cis panders to this unreasonable ketuanan request..." i cant tell whether this is reasonable or not since many other countries have similar language requirement. n tis is the same question i asked from the very beginning, is this worth it?

      "If UEC, as it stands, IS good enough for the uni of the world, then it should be accepted just like ALL others be they matriculation, SAT & SPM!" : uec is cater for overseas uni, especially eng n chinese language uni, they treat bm as second language, u think china n taiwan would enrol one which chinese is subpar, or usa spore enrol one which eng is below average?

      u r irrational.

    9. Wakakakaka… irrational!

      Say that again&again to yrself ad nauseam lah. U need it to maintain yr 小民的尊严 sanity!

      1) usa nz uk aus china taiwan no eng/chinese proficiency requirement?

      Wa lau-eh, linguistics proficiency=credit requirement! R u not been influenced by yr ketuanan pals ke?

      Fart fact by someone who has never meet any uni academicians!

      Many of these top academicians in top notch uni have rudimentary linguistic fluency BUT that handicap doesn't stop them from excellency works/researches, especially in science/technology! Similarly with the students.

      2) "matriculation" - is a backdoor for stpm, but all of them have bm credit.

      Every M'sian worth's his/her salt WILL tell u the spm scoring system is been spiked with heavy doses of racial favour!

      Know what's the passing mark for spm science/maths of those entitlement claimants?

      Same manipulation happens to matriculation too! In fact, all the way through through uni courses.

      So how much these 'credit/distinction' implies le?

      U MUST be born yesterday! Why am I having an intricating discourse with a toddler?

      3) "Then how do those other foreign students, who have zilch background in BM & M'sia history, enrol into the local uni?" - like how the msia student enrol foreign uni?

      Then UEC recognition solves - no need those ketuanan agenda of BM credit & history pass.

      Perhaps yr rd is getting malignant? Or u just want to murmuring through an incoherency?

      4) since many other countries have similar language requirement.¿?¿??

      Where do u get this fitnah?

      Maybe u r been confused by yr ketuanan freak associates about pass vis-a-vis credit in linguistics requirements.

      NZ, Oz, UK, Germany, US, Scandinavia & Japan uni ALL require the foreign students to have passable local language for science/technical courses. With credit, much better for the students.

      Maybe Taiwan uni want credit in Mandarin proficiency for all types of courses! Right?

      5) what a confused cockgaroo!

      ""If UEC, as it stands, IS good enough for the uni of the world, then it should be accepted just like ALL others be they matriculation, SAT & SPM!" : uec is cater for overseas uni, especially eng n chinese language uni, they treat bm as second language, u think china n taiwan would enrol one which chinese is subpar, or usa spore enrol one which eng is below average?"

      Simple answer - tell me why all the uni u mentioned accept UEC as course entrance exam equivalent!

      If UEC produces subpar linguistic skill for the course students, then the recognition of UEC should be in doubt lah!

      Never grown up Toddler minded farts!!

    10. 1. rudimentary = toefl 20 point ok kah?

      2. spm is standardise exam, regardless of race. I suppose no manipulation, if there is, pray tell how. matriculation is diff story.

      3. u mean if fail eng n chinese in uec the foreign u still no problem to enrol u? interesting.

      4. eg japan, u have to learn n pass their test b4 enrol into their u.

      5. i already said uec emphasize eng n chinese, they ensure eng n chinese equal international std for eg 1119, but not bm. msia uni use bm, though eng is accepted. so again u think govt shd lower the bm std in spm uec n whatever in order to let the n tongkat chinese enrol into local uni or not since chinese have problem to master bm?

      u r still irrational.

    11. Toddler mindset!

      Last call.

      1) have u sit for TOEFL? How's the CONTEND of the test?

      For an average student with basic English proficient TOEFL 20 is a given.

      AND that's not a credit grade!

      2. spm is standardise exam, regardless of race.

      But the exam markers r (told to be)selective. Hence those ridiculous high achievers, with a 17 distictions for show!

      Yr apologiasis is getting worst together with yr rd!

      3. u mean if fail eng n chinese in uec the foreign u still no problem to enrol u?

      Moron, failed Eng n Chinese = no UEC cert.

      No UEC cert how to enrol in uni?

      Wakakakaka… with spm or yr father's academic contribution fund lah.

      4. eg japan, u have to learn n pass their test b4 enrol into their u.

      Didn't I said SO? A pass in local language, rd twister!

      5. "i already said uec emphasize eng n chinese, they ensure eng n chinese equal international std for eg 1119, but not bm. msia uni use bm, though eng is accepted. so again u think govt shd lower the bm std in spm uec n whatever in order to let the n tongkat chinese enrol into local uni or not since chinese have problem to master bm? "

      Yr cinapek apologiasis blinds u NO end!

      The eng n chinese equal international std for eg 1119 is a proficiency test. It doesn't equal to the ketuanan agenda intertwined credit in spm BM, which is a purposeful obstacle.

      The question here is if uitm CAN teach ONLY in English, so what's wrong with UEC student's enrolment?

      The country NEEDS technocrats not linguistic experts. & there is a going emphasis on English teaching of science subjects!

      The govt shd lower the credit bm requirement (a ketuanan agenda) in order to let the n tongkat chinese enrol into local uni. PERIOD. Same like they allow non M'sians, with rudimentary BM ability, to enrol into local uni.

      Chinese have problem to master bm? Another severe sign of yr cinapek apologiasis!

      Chinese M'sians have no problem to master BM except with the imposing of the ketuanan agenda. Perhaps, u & I r just two clear examples.

      DON'T bull lah. Now go & suck yr pacifier to sleep.

    12. 1. harvard stanford oxford all req score 100 above, is this below credit?

      2. any evidence? most spm top scorer is the bm tongkat chinese, so dun lie.

      3. 2 pass enough. of course yr dad have to pay for it.

      4. level 1 is pass level 2 is credit. but of course u can choose a Chinese speaking university in japan.

      5. uitm is reserve for bumi, we r talking abt um upm ukm usm uum. if chinese no problem master bm, y need to lower the credit requirement, credit is not distinction, i thot chinese very smart one?

      a last call as well, u r repeatedly, predictably, n completely irrational.

  8. What were the intention of both BN and PH to recognise UEC in their manifestos before GE14?

    Why didn't Ummah or any other NGOs protests before GE14?

    Once a promise is broken, any party would lose the trust of voters. That's because from one promise, there will be the next and the next and the next if without any valid reasons acceptable to those most affected.

    And the image commonly formed of the ruling Malays where their "Janji tidak dikotakan" will forever be imprinted in the minds of most non-Malays.

    Why? Why? Did the leaders of PH or BN agree to recognition of UEC in their manifestos in the first place?

    Was it to hoodwinked voters for their votes?

    Why not have a National referendum to decide it once and for all and solve the problem?

    1. Now ur thinking.. Job well done..

    2. National referendum on UEC!!

      In the current stage of boiling siege mentality as stirred up by the ketuanan freaks!

      The current mental stage of the blur-sotongs is ONLY at the level of might (as in number) is right.

      They cry demoncracy as if the right of the minority IS NOT embedded within that original concept.

      More so when a political promise has been declared!

      Why not looking deeply into 'Brexit' to find a possible outcome?
