
Sunday, July 15, 2018

New Raja Bodek of Mahathir

MM Online - Guan Eng: I will continue with my principle of speaking the truth (extracts):

GEORGE TOWN, July 14 — “I will continue with my principle of telling the truth. But if the truth scares off the investors, Malaysia too does not want such investors... we want investors who can listen to the truth,” said Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Touching on the subject in his speech at the Aidilfitri Open House of Air Putih State Assemblyman, here last night, Lim said he would continue with his principle which is to tell the truth and looking for the truth.

Stop bullshitting. You've forgotten you told Anwar Ibrahim who had then advised you to cease and desist from your doomsday prophecy on Malaysia's financial standing. You replied that you have to keep disseminating bad news about the nation's financial and economic status because of Mahathir's specific instructions to you to keep doing so (presumably only as far back as 2004, wakakaka). So what fCking TRUTH are you mumbling about?

And Koh Tsu Koon, move aside please.

You were once a good DAP man when you were Penang CM (1st term) but alas, you have since been mixing with bad rotten company which have a black history of naughtiness that your father was raving about for 30 years. He once (like you as CM Penang) spoke the truth, but now he disgusts me.


  1. Hahahahaha...Ktemoc is part of the Kaber-up gang of Najibism.

    Malaysians kicked out Najibism barely 2 months ago... they are working very hard to bring it back.

  2. Ktemoc is just so amazingly ridiculous equating Lim Guan Eng to Koh Tsu Koon..

    1. the sad transformation began on 10 May

    2. No...since May 10, Ktemoc has been bitter, deluded , ranting , raving, incapable of accepting the reality of his benefactor Bijian losing the elections, unable to accept the legitimacy of Bijan's loss and
      Mahathir's becoming PM 7.

      Once you understand that Ktemoc incapable of acceptung the truth, you understand why Ktemoc is incapable of adjusting the truth.

    3. trust the unscrupulous Monsterball to defend his master and dedak giver, Mahathir

    4. What about u & yr sifu?

  3. The moment LKS agreed to to DAP working with M was the moment that disgusted many decent people...why? because he lost his moral grounds after years of objections to M....apparently based upon his moral objections.
    Words do not mean anything, one only needs to observe actions.

    1. Or perhaps many people were fooled believing he has any moral at all from the very start?

  4. "....but now he disgusts me."

    Ya lor....these people utterly disgust you...they can't afford to or won't give you dedak for your champagne and money to indulge in women with powerful thighs, hihihi.

    These are the people who absolutely NOT disgust you - pondan Pokjib, his husband Mr Roastmah Pok, Hadi Bawang ( friend of a friend is also my friend, hihi ), Sifu Raja Pandai Kelentong, Lokman Noor Adam ( he said PH is a DAP controlled party and Christianity will be the official religion soon and Mandarin the official language and most important of all, he now dished out the dedak to his cybertroopers, hihi), Apandi and the rest of such gangs - no no these bastards don't disgust you, in fact you just adore are their Raja Bodek as long as the dedak flows, wakakkakaka.

    But best you sort out some niggling contradiction...your lying Sifu and Lokman say DAP and Lim Kit Siang control Dr M and here saying Dr M ! Kalau macam ni coordination...will lose again like in GE14, hahahaha

    1. re your But best you sort out some niggling contradiction...your lying Sifu and Lokman say DAP and Lim Kit Siang control Dr M and here saying Dr M ! Kalau macam ni coordination - what does that prove???

    2. Ktemoc and MOM are engaged in coordinated attacks on Pakatan Harapan on opposite fronts.

      One side paints Mahathir as a puppet and tool of DAP Chinese.

      The Ktemoc side paints Mahathir as a Ketuanan dictator.

      As military historians know, fighting a 2-front war is a tough fight...fortunately most right thinking folks are not falling into either of these false narratives.

    3. Somehow or rather after reading Ktemoc articles, you just know he always over reach and over stretch his points of arguments on any topics discrediting any PH or their party's leaders.

      The only time Kaytee ever praises any PH or their individual party's leaders is when there is internal disagreements within PH or their individual parties and he takes sides to exacerbates the division within PH or the party concerned.

      What is his prime motivation when he knows most of his readers know his prime agenda is like swimming against the currents, against the National interest and defending the indefensible?


    4. So when BN was attacked while in power, it was all valid. When it is Pakatan's turn, it's "painting". Fucking pom pom girl.

    5. Omg.....nostro piggy no become char siew. Kaytee should tui lam nostro piggy just like he ppison hy, bruno and maryamm lee mind

      Come to think of it....time to cut kaytee kukuciao to prevent him from preventing his worthless semen

      Even if his dick is 3" long

    6. Monsterball took the words out of my mouth...couldn't put it any better myself.

      The dedak gang knows that they have to knock out Dr M and LKS to win the GE. They can safely leave Anwar alone...he's basically MIA behind bars.

      A so-called Malay fat flabby mat salleh in Manchester attacks the kafir Chinese LKS. A so-called Chinese with a fetish for power-thighs attacks evil Mahathir. They thought they had it all figured out, coordinated strategy...but nowadays, we don't read local newsprints. WWW allow us to roam freely.
