
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Taking off an aeroplane without airspeed indication?

FMT - Anti-wasp plastic covers caused Malaysia Airlines flight emergency (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR: The emergency that forced a Malaysia Airlines flight to return to Brisbane last week was caused by pre-flight inspection failure, according to ABC News.

The Australian broadcaster said four plastic covers placed on vital gauges that should have been removed were mistakenly left in place and that after take-off the covers melted and blocked the pitot tubes used to calculate airspeed and altitude for the cockpit crew.

In Brisbane, the report said, there was a problem with insects, particularly wasps, that built hives inside the probes in as little as 20 minutes. Covers are fitted over the probes to stop the wasps from getting in.

The report said an Australian Transport Safety Bureau team was trying to establish who was to blame for this failure

The reason given is bullshit. If the covers over the pitot head and static vents were in place, how could the pilot have taken off without any airspeed indication?

Pilots use airspeed to indicate when the aircraft should be rotated to take off, thus if the covers were NOT removed, there would be NO airspeed, so please tell me how could the pilot have taken off?

Or were there other issues?


  1. It's a simple case of pre-check failure by the ground crew and air crew.

    It tells a lot about lack of professionalism.

    It could end up as another tragedy due to a small slip up and those found negligent ought to be dismissed and perhaps charged for endangering lives.

    No two ways about it for safety of air passengers.

    1. safety being involved, it still does NOT answer my question, to wit, how can the pilot take if there was supposedly no air speed indication with the pitot covers not removed?

      My argument is that the serviceability forcing the plane to turn back could be something else

    2. No need tell me about your fucking opinions......Since you are talking aviation industry, show me your fucking aviation credentials

      I believe Cheebye Motherfucker kaytee does not have any credentials and should fuck off from talking about it.

      You get me......cheebye

    3. time and time again I swore I did not fCk you mum so why do you keep saying to me: motherfucker?

      Thus I can't be your dad considering your mum was so beautiful yet you are so repulsively ugly - probably your sire is Ku Nan, wakakaka

  2. I get a feeling Malaysian aviation crew, including both MAS and Air Asia - from pilots to technical ground staff - have been reduced to a bunch of key punchers and checklist tickers.

    They just mechanically go through an SOP without or with minimal mental understanding or care about the importance of what they are doing.

    Remember the pilot who asked his passengers to pray...for an in-flight engine shutdown incident, which ought to have been handled coolly and calmly.

    And the plane which landed at another Australian airport instead of flying towards Kuala Lumpur.

    It has a lot to do with the education system as well.
    I notice the same mentality with many younger university graduates in other fields from ranging from Accounting to Engineering.

  3. Two things:

    1) pitot head and static vents work when the plane is in flight.

    2) pilot messes up on the preflight checks, where the covers can be easily spotted on casual inspection.

    So while fault IS very clear indeed!

    1. so, tell me how does a pilot take off

    2. I know from which blue rabbit hole u r crawling out!

      Go ask yr aviation uncle HOW the pitot head and static vents work, then fart lah.

      On the ground when the plane is not flying, the pitot head and static vents serve little purposes as the ground pressure differential produce almost zero reading.

      The pilot lifts off by using the thrust generated by the jet engines.

    3. wakakaka, CK, if you know fCk-all about planes and flying please STFU - I only ask you to STFU to prevent you from exposing yourself as a bloody idiot

      one more consolation question (2nd chance) to help you get out of the stinking idiot hole you have buried yourself in - WHEN will the pilot lift (rotate) the plane off the runway?

    4. Wakakakaka…

      So u know how the pilot manoeuvres the plane er?

      I don't!

      But, I definitely know the working physic of the pitot head and static vents.

      Similarly when the plane takes off with the help of the jet engine thrust!

      Basic physic & engineering designs lah.

      Yr displayed & misplaced arrogance is the same as those of the committee members investigating the tragic incident of the apollo tragedy 13.

      Only when Prof Feynman, using his basic physic trainings, that the cause was finally linked to a simple faulty O-ring!


      "…help you get out of the stinking idiot hole you have buried yourself in…"


      Who le?

      BTW, is yr wordsmith training encompasses basic physic & maths understanding ke?

      Or u just read the training manual of flight simulations101¿

      Or u just bull lah.

      Some lab experiments have proven that given enough trainings a monkey can drive a car.

      But, does the monkey know the physic/engineering involved in driving a car?


    5. what is worse than your ignorance on flying is exceeded by your foolish pride - you don't know a fCk about flying yet you want to bullshit your way through by dragging in Apollo 13. You are one of the worst ignoramus I have ever come across - a foolish bodoh cinapek trying to be clever when he is NOT

    6. Worst ignoramus?

      R we here to rant irrationally OR to determine the fault analysis mechanism?

      BTW, I did work for Prof Feynman in a small way towards his OWN final Apollo fault finding report.

      Wakakakakaka…… say something more concrete than just a simple one-linear of ad hominem fart lah.

      If a foolish bodoh cinapek CAN outline the mechanism of the fault analysis, WHAT r yr fart lah?


    7. as I mentioned you are exceeding proud and foolish in not admitting you know buggerall about aeroplanes and flying - you still cannot answer a very simple question which even Mahathir can as he used to personally fly RMAF aeroplane at taxpayers' expense. Your misplaced arrogance shows what sort of person you are

    8. 1st what's the subject under discourse HERE?

      Flying an aeroplane or investigating a possible fault.

      Yr dedak induced mind produces a delusional plot of how should an aeroplane be flying when an instrumental fault investigation should be conducted!

      Another case of yr malignant rd syndrome?

      Similar to yr twisting words of the FM, who is a sitting MP, shouldn't question a treasonous letter inviting a foreign country to interfere in m'sia internal affair!

      Ignoramus? Who?

      "…help you get out of the stinking idiot hole you have buried yourself in…"

      Wakakakakaka…… the deeper u dig into the hole, the less likely for u to crawl out lah - my advice.

    9. you keep on revealing how ignorant you are, and basically a bullshitter trying to act knowledgeable - you disappoint me - I don't wish to continue to tok-kok with an ignoramus

    10. Wakakakakaka…… got u!

      Sama3 for an exposed bullshitter with expanded field of rd syndrome!

    11. Sadly I discovered CK to be nothing more than a pompous bullshitter - I don't listen to him anymore

  4. lots of dedak makan-er defending guan eng, wakakaka - so pathetic and desperate

    1. Dedak gasak-er hentam melulu.
      Pathetically desperately trying to deflect attention from Bijan's treasonous letter.

    2. If Cheebye Kaytee is no Donald Trump, then he must be Malaysia version Rudy Guiliani

      You should agree with me. Cheebye Kaytee and Rudy behaviour are pretty similar.......hahahahahaha
