
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Lim Kit Siang playing with fire

Two weeks ago I posted Lim KS crazy-obsessed with Najib in which I penned (extracts):

What's with this Ah Pek?

He seems unduly obsessed with a fallen politician, who went from being PM to back-bencher.

Previously he had warned that Najib would be up to no good on Parliament's Opening session. Now he's agitated by Najib's seating position.

He is so damn silly-crazy that he has even suggested that BN MPs in not breaking ranks were NOT as patriotic as PH MPs. What a crock of ultra Kit-Siang shit.

Undeniably Lim KS is a plain trouble maker, a shit-stirrer, an agent provocateur. Next he may even complain about the colour of Najib's underwear.

But why hasn't he brought up again those issues he had been raving and ranting about for 30 odd years. Ah Pek lupa kah?

Shortly after that, with Lim KS annoying me with his continuous useless tirade I felt compelled to post another Lim KS crazy-obsessed with Najib (2), wakakaka. I narrated:

Previously, prior to the beginning of the 14th Parliamentary session, he accused Najib of being up to something no-good, then he fretted unnecessarily and kaypohchee-ly about Najib's sitting position on the opposition bench, and now he has to once again accused Najib, this time of being in control of UMNO.

Are those his fCk-ing business?

As if being obsessed about Najib and his dandruff and colour of his cawat weren't enough, the pompous treacherous Mr Sellout is also a seer (bomoh) as he is able to know how Zahid Hamidi, if having a choice, would have kept a great distance from both Apandi and Pandikar.

What a disgusting mafulat. He should stick to what he knows best, for which he was raving, ranting and raging over for 30 years, but now is amazingly silent as a mute due most likely to an absence of his once big balls (see image below):

Today NST publishes Najib to Lim: Stop your obsession (extracts):

limpeh oo chea-snua ley

(aku ada backing Don Corleone)

Tun your roti kaya pau is ready 

KUALA LUMPUR: Things are heating up between DAP strongman Lim Kit Siang and Former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as both are currently engaged in a war of words over Lim’s challenge for a public debate.

Najib responded by asking Lim to stop obsessing over him.

“Lim Kit Siang has released over 26 statements about me in this month alone trying to provoke me. He should stop being so obsessed with me.

“I am no longer the Prime Minister nor am I the Barisan Nasional (BN) president,” said Najib in a post published on his Facebook today.

Najib was responding to Lim’s challenge to a public debate that the DAP strongman posted on his blog today.

“I challenge Najib to a public forum 'Islam is not kleptocracy'. Accept the challenge and our respective representatives can decide on the place, date, time and other details for the public forum,” said Lim.

Well, I posted that mad obsession of Lim KS weeks ago, though after careful sifting through and analysis of his nonsense I reckon he probably might have an assigned objective, namely to kacau, kacau, kacau to distract the rakyat from his Tuan Tertinggi's continuous capati.

Secondly, he now wants to debate with Najib, a backbencher, on Islam.

Is Lim KS a Muslim? If he isn't, then who is he to debate Islam with a Muslim?

Very very disrespectful, but such is his devotion to his Tuan Tertinggi and thus his obsession with everything and anything to do with Najib, that he is willing to to intrude into hitherto out-of-bounds area for nons.

Lim KS has riposted that it's not Najib he is obsessed with but 1MDB and the alleged money-laundering scandal.

But isn't the PDRM now investigating the issue, with Pakatan announcing Najib will soon be shortly charged?

Why then is Lim KS still baiting Najib? Yup, not just about 1MDB but Najib's sitting position in Parliament, etc.

To answer that, we can only come back to Lim KS' devotion to his Tuan Tertinggi's assigned duty for him.

Once I mentioned, that the powers that-be will get Najib one way or another, and the available causes will be:

(a) 1MDB, if that fails then,

(b) Murder of Altantuyaa, if that fails then,

(c) Najib's tax returns, if that fails then,

(d) His son's dalliance with a Taiwanese actress, if that fails then,

(e) the distracting colour of Najib's underwear, etc etc etc.

Frankly, Najib won't have a snowflake's chance in Hell as someone very very powerful is fuming, raging and foaming at the mouth to get him, one way or another, whatever. Such is the fury surpassing even that of Hell by a imperialistic mentor scorned. Is Lim KS playing an important part in the vicious venomous vendetta? 

But I return to Lim KS' response to Najib that it's 1MDB he is obsessed about.

I wonder why and whether he is still obsessed about the issues he had raved and ranted over for 30 years?

If not, why?

DAP leader Lim Kit Siang shook hands with Rohaizad Yaakob, a top Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) official to show the opposition’s solidarity with the MACC

A year earlier Kit Siang in his article, titled "Malaysians will not rest until justice is done for the killing of Teoh Beng Hock" said DAP and Pakatan Rakyat would continue to highlight the injustice of Teoh Beng Hock’s unresolved murder

1 year later, he slept willingly and so eagerly with the enemy

what utter bullshit


  1. Hahahaa..
    KT.. are you sure you yourself are not utterly obsessed with LKS?

    1. Very obsessed with LKS especially after Najib mampus. What if Najib lose his head......hahahahaha

      Some comic relief

      Paris, 1789. The Great Revolution has begun. The hands of the masses are smeared with the blood of the poor bleeding aristocracy. Every day the tumbrels run a regular half-hour service between the Bastille and the many guillotines around the city. The growing mounds of noble heads are only matched by the growing mounds of unused return tickets. No-one is spared. Madame La Guillotine claims them all. Dukes and Duchesses, Lords and Ladies, men and women of both sexes. A dozen times an hour the drums roll, the blade falls, and the heads roll. Yes, every five minutes, a freshly sliced loaf.

      How I love french revolution.....chop chop kaytee kukuciao and follow by his head

  2. Why you concentrate only on LKS as the only one obsessed with Ahjib?

    After decades of being silenced by Ahjib under the BN Govt. and also all those restrictive laws, frivolous lawsuits and judgements, bias enforcement of laws, revengeful harrassment both by samseng and Govt. bodies etc, everyone wants a piece of Ahjib and his goons and not only LKS.

    All those who were victims of Ahjib's Kleptocracy and his goons are just giving LKS a first go since he is the Taikor and deserve the honor. Hopefully he remember to still leave some behind for the rest of us who suffered under his regime.

    Prepare the Guillotine! Storming of the Bastille is over. An Eye for an Eye!

    1. No.......nostro piggy......the storming of basttille has just begun. Now marching towards Palais de Versailles

      Cheebye motherfucker kaytee reminds of Allo Allo series......General Von Klinkerhoffen......hahahahahaha

      Hello piggy......Klinkerhoffen planning push the plunger......hahahahaha

    2. how many times do I have to swear to you I did NOT fCk your mother, so stop claiming I am your father

    3. If it were up to me, the authorities should be setting up the Guillotine at Dataran Merdeka by now...awaiting a swift trial for King Louis and Marie Antoinette before the Malaysian Committee for Public Safety...

      Luckily for them, it is not up to me....wakakaakka...

    4. Meanwhile if kaytee is captured, i have prepared small guillotine for kukuciao

    5. Hahahaha...looes ! small guillotine ! LMAO..lolololol. For a 3 inch slicing, I guess it has to be s-m-a-l-l to get it off, wakakakaka.

  3. UMNO , as a wounded animal, is extremely dangerous, now resorting to playing with fire, stoking Race-Religion issues.

    Bijan is still the DeFacto Grand Poobah of UMNO.
    He was forced to give up the UMNO Presidency after leading UMNO to a loss of power after 61 years.
    The person who holds the title of UMNO President has trouble speaking even one coherent sentence (plenty of YouTube Vidoes on that subject).

    So ....yes... with the objective to Hancurkan is right for Lim Kit Siang to attack the UMNO Leader unrelentingly.

    Why Ktemoc so Sakit Hati Lim Kit Siang attacks the Grand Poobah of UMNO ?

    1. Lge did mention about huge patch of air itam land and connected to najib. And kaytee is air itam, penang

      So motherfucker kaytee.....real reason too scare to show your credentials

    2. I swear I did NOT fCk your mum thus you cannot be my child

  4. there is no denying najib is so delicate and precious to kt we should beg lks to ease off, funny thing is no one in umno is speaking up for najib coz they know he is a big boy who can handle himself but kt, well kt is exceptional

  5. lks is now a lonely n useless old man. only najib could provide him some stimulation to carry on.

  6. LKS is having the time of his life. After nearly 50 years in opposition, ridiculed, insulted, jailed etc, now he is “free and easy”, visit constituents on weekends to relax, weekdays goyang kaki, no ministerial responsibility, no opposition leader job, just full time “riding shotgun” tembak BN & PAS, and what better target than scandal riddled ex-PM. And the best part? The man he once fought tooth and nail with is now doing all the hard work (TDM) while he can semi-retire.....HAH!!!

    He’s Lovin It....!!!

    1. Perhaps LKS lovin it to buy crappy cars at over the tops prices as well.

  7. Have you ever seen persons with mabuk toddy jay walking,mumbling,grumbling,and talking to a tree and lamp post.LKS is behaving like one.I am prepare to toss a coin picking up tail for the old mad dog lks talking to a lamp post then picking a head for talking to a tree.

  8. Playing with fire? Heck this guy has played with firecrackers, hand grenades and bombs. Sued, dragged to court, arrested, jailed etc. He’s seen and been through it all. Najib etc have no “modal” but to play the religion or race card; that is expected of them. And they will rent-a-mob soon on this issue but the rakyat are a lot wiser now.

  9. Just examining events factually, there is something seriously wrong with this madness of LKS and Dr.M.

    If only LKS would also attack the wrongs of Dr M of his past as well as present follies and misdeeds, then LKS would be more believable. As it is, he as well as DAP have sold its soul.

    Used to support DAP, but now more and more people are abandoning DAP and rightly so.

    1. mate, you said it well. I too was a DAP supporter (still like many of them like Ong Kian Ming, etc) but Lim Kit Siang's treachery put me off

    2. Wakakakaka…

      Good ridden mah!

      Especially breeding hearted moles.

  10. Whoaa...looks like not just kpi achieved, it exceeded that dedak benchmark !

    UMNO Propaganda Head Lokman Adam after monitoring this piece by his poison-pen instigator from the down-south sector declared, clapping wildly...." Syabas, syabas ! our southern sector is performing better than the northern manchester sector nowadays ! give him a bonus dedak just for this piece alone ! Keep it coming, dear this rate, we will get back putrajaya soon and our beloved Pokjib will be ruling again, and our beloved Roastmah will be back to her usual glorious self...we simply hate to see her walking about with a shawl around her head, her bouffant hair all kemek and her face still scarred blue black from her latest round of plastic surgery. We want our King of Cash and Queen of Diamonds back ASAP ! So, get on with your tulis tulis....remember the golden rule : Lebih D dapat Lebih D ! lebih dahsyat akan dapat lebih dedak. Simple as that. Good work, boys ! "

