
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Dwarf condemned Cat president's protection of child marriage

FMT - PKR’s Latheefa slams Wan Azizah for defending child marriage culprit (extracts):

PETALING JAYA: A PKR leader today questioned the call by Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail for the public not to condemn a man who took an 11-year-old girl as his third wife, saying the deputy prime minister is attempting to downplay the issue.

“Is this an attempt to stifle public discussion of the matter? The public is entitled to criticise the actions of the culprit and call for an end to child marriages in Malaysia.

“This discussion is important and should be encouraged,” Latheefa Koya, a member of the PKR Supreme Council, said in a strongly worded statement issued on behalf of rights group Lawyers for Liberty.

Latheefa also questioned Wan Azizah’s use of the phrase “alleged incident”, saying the man had already publicly admitted to marrying the girl.

“Worse, he has also publicly admitted to lusting after the child victim since she was seven years old,” she added

For a PKR member like Latheefa to publicly wallop the party president tells you something, that the Dwarfs have discarded any pretense at civility with a party president like Wan Azizah, she of the Pandan Cats Faction. For more, see Azmin as PKR president, Anwar as debris of history?.

In another previous post Like 7-year old sweetie - t'was Allah's will I had asked:

I wonder what the Minister for Women, Family and Community Development will do other than to dismiss the shame as a legal act even though the bloke had to marry in Thailand outside Malaysian syariah jurisdiction.

And stop waving her Princess Iron Fan's magic apparatus - the shame won't go away. You as the Women Minister has failed the Malay community miserably.

Additionally, I advise her deputy minister to stay clear, and not take the heat on behalf of your superior.

In Malaysia, Christian ministers must NOT interfere in Islamic affairs, lest they suffer the same threats as Syerleena Abdul Rashid (DAP Penang) - for more see Religion or man advocating killings?.

But I agree with Latheefa on her criticism of Wan Azizah in not condemning a man who took an 11-year-old girl as his third wife. Latheefa also questioned Wan Azizah’s use of the phrase “alleged incident”, saying the man had already publicly admitted to marrying the girl. Latheefa added:

“Worse, he has also publicly admitted to lusting after the child victim since she was seven years old.” 

In short we have a USELESS Minister for Women, Family & Community Development who refuses to act on a clear case of paedophilia hiding behind the sarong of Islam, and whose only noticeable action has been the fanning of her magic apparatus.

She should have the Women's Ministry taken away from her and given to Hannah Yeoh. Alternatively, Latheefa should be made a Senator and given the Ministry.

And undoubtedly she can be suspected to be an equally USELESS DPM. Let's get rid of this hopeless gutless seat warmer and replace her correctly with her hubby.


  1. When is the Thai Govt. going to act to protect it's children and citizens since the marriage was solemnised in Thailand ?

    Is the Thai Govt. closing it's eyes because they are Moslems children?

    The Thai Govt. should arrest the Paedophile on entering the Kingdom and jailed him just like all other foreigners committing Paedophilia in Thailand. Likewise, all those who abetted him by solemnising the marriage.

    Malaysia is just hopeless in protecting Moslem children. But when it comes to Moslem LBGTs, the action is doubly fast and with a lot of sound and fury. Can't they see Paedophilia involves children and LBGTs involves adults?

    Bloody disgraceful to Humanity and civilised generations.

    1. Thai govt under that new thai king? Go go go instigate that cheebye motherfucker kaytee to question that thai king in thailand

      Yeah hor.....cheebye kaytee very supporting shinawatra clan which thai royalties....i bet that cheebye kaytee dont have any hoot to say anything in thailand

      Heard if kenna lese majeste, must go jail 15 years

    2. I say again, I am not the fCk-er of your mother

    3. I know you dare to challenge new thai king. Go thailand now. I will support you morally far2 away

  2. Everybody kena hentam hehehe.

  3. The King looks like a decent guy. Good sense of humour. While Parliament is in session now, send a Parliamentary Petition to His Majesty to round up the Council of Rulers and set minimum age for kahwin as 18 for both male and female Muslims. Our Muslim MPs are useless in this matter.

  4. It's a New Malaysia.
    People are free to speak up....
    Wan Azizah us treading cautiously , though she has made clear the marriage has a illegal.
    Too cautiously, but I understand the Race-Religion idiots are waiting to pounce on Pakatan Haraapan's "Christian Agenda".


    Wah Lau Woi... no wonder Ktemoc so hardworking and loyal to Bijan..

  6. Ktemoc sop garang quiet for the last 3,650 days...


    Sorry to say, Ramkarpal behaved like a gangsta today.
    Deserved to be ejected by the Speaker.

  8. Leonardo di Caprio returned a Picasso painting valued at RM13 million, Australian model Miranda Kerr returned RM32 million worth of jewelry to US DoJ. Red Granite will return RM240 million. All this money USDoJ will return to Malaysia via Tabung Harapan, currently RM 153 million. With this RM470 million more (given to Malaysian political parties mentioned below) and the 1 Billion collected by Amar Singh, the total collected by Finance Minister's Milo Tin Tabung Harapan will approach...kaching...RM2 Billion. Good Job LGE !!!

    I'm Lovin' It.

    Come on UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan etc, if these foreign heathens can return valuables purchased using 1MDB funds please do the same.

    July 18 — Lim Kit Siang today asked five Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties to return a total of RM470 million the parties had allegedly received from one of Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s bank accounts allegedly linked to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). The veteran DAP leader said if the report by news portal Malaysiakini on the matter was indeed true, then these parties must do the necessary by returning all the funds. “Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and SUPP should return a total of RM470 million which they had received from 1MDB to public coffers if the revelations are true and correct,” the Iskandar Puteri MP said in a statement. Lim pointed out that there were representatives from these parties in Parliament and urged that they speak up on the matter. The remaining BN component parties — apart from Umno — are Chinese-based MCA and Indian-based MIC. Based on information it compiled, Malaysiakini said a minimum of RM470 million was funnelled to nine parties of the then 13-member BN, one BN-friendly party and the coalition itself. The party that benefited the most was BN’s mainstay party Umno, which purportedly took RM417.414 million, or 88 per cent of the funds. Umno’s allies MIC and MCA allegedly received the second and third largest sum from this account at RM20.55 million (0.44 per cent) and RM16.5 million (0.35 per cent) respectively. Former prime minister Najib is under investigation in relation to 1MDB funds, but has denied any wrongdoing. He was recently charged with criminal breach of trust and abusing his position for personal gratification over RM42 million of SRC International funds.

    P/S the private individual accounts that received money from Najib not known yet, so stay tuned.....

  9. its always like that with a no dictator party.

  10. Faux PAS..
    Pakatan is supposed to be the parsimonious, people-oriented party.

    Wagyu Beef is so Bijan-ish..

    1. So r that towerM fitnah, cried father&mother by that pom-pom girls admirer!


  11. It is about puberty and maturity. Some reach puberty early and some late. There are some whose mental age are far in advance, but some are late bloomers, and some are retarded and stupid. Hmmm...perhaps, those who are stupid and retarded should get married only when they are matured enough.

    1. Some , like Ktemoc will never be mature enough to be allowed to marry.

    2. Macam u lah!

      Besides stupidity and retarded mindset, lagi jadi peminat & promoter of that petrified zombieism!

      Early puberty DOESN'T equal physiologically readyness to have sex & bear child!

      Mental maturity comes with continuous toils of real life experiences. How to gain sexual maturity (as in mental stage) when u r ONLY a child!

      Paedophile, u should migrate to ANY one of yr doomed states & fart there to practice yr inhuman urge to the rules of yr almighty (Satan in disguised).
