
Friday, January 30, 2015

Gift of Goddess Ninkasi

Beer - 24 cans in a crate, 24 hours in a day, coincidence? I think not, wakakaka!

However we can at least put the blame Ninkasi, who we learn was the Sumerian Goddess of Beer.

Goddess Ninkasi

She was the daughter of Enki and Ninhursag, one of the eight children born to heal Enki’s wounds. Archaeologists discovered a clay tablet from 1800 BCE bearing a hymn to her, which also includes an ancient recipe for beer.

The Sumerians believed Ninkasi brews beer each day for the Gods. Her name means “the lady who fills the mouth” and which, if I may add, sounds like an English-Malay word as in 'drink-kasi' wakakaka.

Read FMT's Drink beer to ward off Alzheimer’s to see how Ninkasi's endowment will benefit our health, wakakaka.

But at the same time, read also my new post over at KTemoc Kongsamkok titled Grandfather's stories (2) - Why grandma didn't drink to know what happened to my granny in Thailand many many years ago that stopped her from imbibing alcohol.


  1. In Malaysia, Beer is not considered an alcoholic drink, and can be sold in coffee shops and sundry shops, even 24-hour mini-markets

    Its a holdover from British colonial regulations, the loophole created so that local provision shops, even in villages, could stock the drink to slake the Tuan's thirst.

    Far fewer outlets have the alcoholic drinks licence to sell liquor, normally only in bigger towns.

    That may change in heavily Islamising Malaysia. The Melaka State government has requested 7-11 to reclassify Beer as an alcoholic drink to fit inside the ban it is putting on sale of alcohol in Muslim-majority areas.

    Malaysia will soon be an apartheid country, where there are no-go zones, classified by ethnicity, where certain substances e.g. Alcohol, Beer, Pork is forbidden to be sold, no non-Muslim places of worship allowed to prevent certain people from being "offended"

    There will also be zones in the country where Chinese are forbidden to live ....
    Welcome to Apartheid South Africa Rev. II...

    I am Charlie

  2. @Charlie

    Beer banned on earth.
    But is wine banned in paradise?


    1. "A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
      A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread--and Thou
      Beside me singing in the Wilderness--
      Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!"

      above verse by a Muslim, wakakaka - guess who (this one should be easy)

    2. Abstinence now, cheers afterlife ?


    3. FitzGerald translated his poetry. How accurate could FitzGerald be? Moreover, the original author was never held in high esteem in his native land.. wakakaka.

      - hasan

    4. @Hasan

      You may be right to dismiss Umar as insignificance.
      But can't a person who has wide knowledge in Abrahamic religions like KT come up with other sources to support the same.
      Contractions and discrepancies in holy scripts of all major religions are well studied and documented.
      Otherwise would there be so many different schools/sects for a religion including yours. Isn't it futile to defend the indefensible !


    5. As usual, this CBMF has none to support his takes!

      It's just a syok sendiri jerking to give a 0 sen worth of support to 'his' religion!

  3. "Malaysia will soon be an apartheid country"

    Apartheid is a product of the West and perhaps the Christians, not the East or Islam.. wakakaka.

    - hasan

    1. It is certain Muslims who are creating apartheid in Malaysia.

    2. Who said that? Hadi? Sultans? Charlie? Nons? Wakakaka...

      - hasan

    3. Islamic city for Selangor ?


    4. CBMF,

      yr 'holy' hadiths dictate that master can has slave. He can do whatever he likes to that slave.

      What's master & slave relationship IFF it's apartheid in disguised?

      In fact, apartheid grew out of Abrahamic faith due to their people-of-the-book shit legend.

      Even that, there r many classes of people-of-the-book among themslves, as CLEARLY reflected in the ongoing Middle East conflicts!

      So, CBMF goes & re-read yr version of that holy book!

  4. The advocacy of NPZs (no-pendatangs-zone) in institutions, gomen deals, localities etc... Most recent one being Datum Jelatek.

  5. Beer is good for you.
    Guinness Stout is even better....
    Whisky is the best....

    Strict Muslims and teetotallers are really missing out on many good things....

  6. Ayoyo ......MIC Deputy Minister walks around with a pistol tucked in his trousers
    This is really looking like Wild West.....

    Next we may see Perkasa Ibrahim Ali strutting around with a gun next to his dick.
    Guys openly showing off guns used to be a common sight in the Philippines and Thailand, but not in Malaysia.

  7. Maybe 7-eleven should sell virgins instead of beers

  8. Excuse my Tamil but not so long ago ,-back in the years when beers and cigarrettes were allowed advertising on TV - still remember a TV commercial with a catchy tune that still sticks in my head to this day ,tune goes like this " Guin ness Stout , Ung ge le ke , nan de le , then a narrating background voice, Naik chop Guiness stout , Ung Ge le ke -nan de le.. basically translated,just means Guiness stout is Good for You.. And this is not a Guiness endorsement..

    1. Bryan I love Guiness (Aw Kau) - it's bloody good especially after a hard day's work. For those who can't tolerate its strength (thickness) try mixing it with beer, wakakaka - really beautiful

    2. or mixing it with campagne (in Australia we have affordable champagne, though Australian wine producers cannot use the word "champagne" due to French propriety rights to that name - Oz calls it 'sparkling wine' wakakaka

      and the cocktail of Guiness with champers is called Black Velvet - try it mate, you'll love it

    3. Sampled Black Velvet –Rich man (with sparkly white) and Poor man (with cider) -and few other cocktail concoctions with Guinness, liked them - also Black and Tan -but bit mild on the palate .Guess the purist in me still prefers my pint of Guinness with the “ Stout” as it is meant. Savouring the bitter , burnt creamy flavor of roasted unmalted barley, and getting to lick a foamy moustache on the lips. And the alcohol content ain’t too bad either. The brew has been said to be an anti-oxidant-good for heart. But that aside, it is “Good For You” as well to unwind , if one had to deal with another crappy day.
      Cheers Mate ! Or as homage to original Guinness brewers- more appropriately in Irish Gaellic - “Slainte” (pronounced Slawn-che ) - Health!

  9. aw kau juak (panas) + telur ayam (yolk).
