
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Be careful what you ask for!

TMI - Why is Razak Baginda protecting Najib over Altantuya’s murder, asks lawyer

Our most learned legal counsellor, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu, is back once again, this time to question Razak Baginda on the latter's recent views about the Shaariibuu Altantuyaa case.

What was it that Razak said that so annoys Mr Americk Sidhu?

Well, Malaysiakini reported Razak Baginda saying "... Najib was a 'poor guy' who became a 'victim' of the conspiracy surrounding Altantuya's murder."

Razak claimed that Najib had never met Altantuya before, stating:

"Najib never knew the woman. Najib is innocent. If you all think there is a connection, where is the evidence? Let's not forget that in any situation like this, there are a lot of opportunists out there. We have seen this so many times".

On P Subramnaiam's SD, where our learned legal counsellor helped draft, Razak dismissed it, saying:

"All utter rubbish. Anal sex as well. All rubbish. Everyone took the SD as the truth. Furthermore, in the SD, Balasubramaniam says: ‘someone told me’ or ‘I told him’. It's all hearsay."

And this mention of 'hearsay' was also what had irritated Counsellor Mr Americk Sidhu who commented:

“Bala has admitted right from the beginning that some of the contents of his SD 1 were hearsay. So what is Razak Baginda’s point when he says Bala’s SD is hearsay?"

Well, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu sir, I suppose, nay, I don't suppose, rather I am aware that "some people" (wakakaka) have taken Bala's words as gospel truth, forgetting that they were hearsay, so what's wrong for Razak Baginda to reiterate that legal point?

Surely Razak Baginda has a right to do so inasmuch as "some people" (wakakaka) have been doing otherwise.

Incidentally I've also read Razak Baginda saying, when referring to Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, the two police officers convicted of murdering Altantuyaa:

"There are still people out there who are convinced that police cannot do this without instructions."

"How many people die in remand? The last count was 156 from 2008 and the figure is going up. So who instructed this?‎"

Now the following is interesting. In an interview with TMI, one of the questions with Razak [RB] responding had been:

Q: No fee for her services as interpreter?

RB: What interpreter fee? The whole episode of her being an interpreter is a joke. She can't even speak French. We are all victims of a political game. And we all fell right into it. It's a narrative from the beginning – the murder, Najib, Razak and then the submarine deal.

This narrative was fed to the Malaysian public from day one and everyone like a herd of buffaloes, followed.

Trace and see if she can speak a word of French. None of the French guys in the submarine deal met her or knew her. The French were so sophisticated. They all speak perfect English. Nobody questioned. Why would you want a Mongolian French interpreter?

Think about it. If I wanted an interpreter, I would have a French interpreter or a British-French interpreter. Why on earth would I want a Mongolian? Has she ever been to France and stayed and learnt French? And yet everybody believed she was an interpreter of French and she got paid. Nobody questioned that.

Oui, elle parle français? "... yet everybody believed she was an interpreter of French and she got paid. Nobody questioned that".

Yeah, what about that? But obviously most Pakatan supporters or those against Najib frown on such silly inconvenient statements by Razak Baginda, wakakaka.

But OTOH, a question could well be: Why shouldn't Razak Baginda defend Najib over Altantuyaa's murder?

Helloooooo, freedom of expression? Mananya?

Now, we have been aware that Counsellor Americk Singh Sidhu has, since his initial press interview (or statement) which I saw on YouTube declaring that he was a neutral party, moved on to a far more active role in representing the late P Balasubramaniam.

In 2012 as I had blogged:

Mr Americk Singh Sidhu had then assured us that he was nominated because he was the one lawyer who did not have an agenda in this matter (presumably the Altantuuyaa case).

In a Malaysiakini news article on 25 Nov 2009, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu again asserted his political neutrality and his original unfamiliarity/non-interest in the Altantuyaa case, which in fact became the reason* for being nominated, presumably by the group at 'The Backyard' pub
**, to record Bala’s revelation.

* He informed us: "Somehow I was chosen to do this as everyone felt I was the one lawyer who did not have an agenda in this matter as I was someone neutral."

** current post addition to explain the significance of 'The Backyard' pub - 'twas a pub in Sri Hartamas where Mr Americk Sidhu, our famous (the late) P Balasubramniam, ASP Suresh, Puravalen (a lawyer) were having a few drinks and discussing the Altantuyaa case, when surprise surprise, they were joined by none other than Sivarasa Rasiah who coincidentally was/is a PKR MP.

I had posted on this before, but nonetheless I reproduce here those questions I had asked of Mr Americk Singh Sidhu in an earlier post, as follows:

(1) Why was Anwar Ibrahim spearheading the press conference which exposed Balasubramaniam’s original (1st) SD?

(2) Why didn't he (Americk) accompany Bala to the police station when Bala was summoned to one of Malaysia’s most dangerous places after the press conference on the first SD, especially more so when the SD was so damning against the then-DPM?

If I recall reading in Malaysiakini, he (Mr Americk Singh Sidhu) had advised Bala to be a good lad or good citizen and to report to the police station* as required ... all by himself unescorted by a lawyer.

In fact Bro Haris Ibrahim wrote a caustic post on this 'negligence', that of allowing Bala to report to a police station 'unescorted'.

* of course now, with subsequent revelations by Bala, we've ‘learnt’he went instead to Rawang with ASP Suresh to ‘burn some copper wires’ and to meet Deepak.

(3) Wasn’t he (Americk) aware of the danger to Bala reporting to the police unescorted by a lawyer, especially after Bala had made such a damning SD against the then-DPM?

(4) Was ASP Suresh part of the group at ‘The Backyard’ pub who encouraged Bala to record all he heard from Razak Baginda and to reveal all in a SD?

(5) Wasn’t he (Americk) aware that the involvement (persuasion) of PKR MP Sivarasa in Bala’s SD (and the high profile chairing of the press conference by Anwar Ibrahim to reveal Bala's 1st SD) would by default be a political involvement, removing any claims of ‘neutrality’ in such an affair?

Sigh, it's such a confusing affair.

For more, you may wish to read  couple of my earlier posts:

(a) Balasubramaniam's lawyer linked Najib to Bala's disappearance

(b) Bala's SD - Americk Sidhu clears Anwar Ibrahim from involvement

Most surprising for me, I read in FMT that Mr Americk Sidhu asked ... why Razak Baginda appeared to be trying to shield Najib. 

“He keeps saying Najib is an innocent victim, that Najib has been dealt with unfairly, that this is all a political stunt and that there is no connection between Najib and Altantuya’s death” ... even though no one had accused Najib of being involved."

Huh? "... no one had accused Najib of being involved"?

Seriously, I wonder where Mr Americk Sidhu has been the last few years?

Anyway, we're now left with only the two policemen-murderers to tell us that Ah Jib Gor has been the principal culprit, or at least Rosmah Mansor, who ordered the murder of Shaariibuu Altantuyaa.

And what if they do .. of course not to save their own bloody necks ... but nobly to serve public interests?

Will that be accepted as concrete evidence?

After all, we can even declare a "hero" out of a person who was obligated to adhere to mandatory instructions but who violated them in a song & dance before the press, so what's so difficult about making convicted murderers into heroes ... if their revelations can "fix" Ah Job Gor, wakakaka.

And indeed such thinking and/or acts would not be so strange if we remember PAS Pak Haji's opinion on the late Dr Azahari Husin, a Jemaah-Ismaiah terrorist bomber-murderer supreme - see my 2005 post PAS does not believe Dr Azahari was a terrorist.

But ... but ... what if Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar were to now reveal that a certain "someone", BUT not Ah Jib Gor or Rosmah Mansor - gasp gulp omigosh, had ordered them to murder Altantuyaa, will that be accepted?

As an old story goes, be careful what you ask for!


  1. "But ... but ... what if Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar were to now reveal that a certain "someone", BUT not Ah Jib Gor or Rosmah Mansor - gasp gulp omigosh, had ordered them to murder Altantuyaa, will that be accepted?"

    some might some might not, but did the 2 reveal anything? n y now? what if the 2 reveal that najib is the one, now, would u accept it?

    1. And my dear HY, did you read what I have written above, to wit, "... if they do .. of course not to save their own bloody necks ... but nobly to serve public interests ..."?

      Thus, we must ascertain that indeed they have acted NOBLY (wakakaka) and NOT to save their own bloody necks, then their revelations must be investigated by the police an where relevant, trialled in court as per due process ... or if you prefer which I won't be surprised if you do, wakakaka, let's just drag Najib to the nearest mango tree and hang him like the Italians did to Mussolini

    2. u asked a question n i answered, y cant u do the same when i throw back the question to u?

      or u mean the certain "someone" then no need "...ascertain ...NOBLYYYYYY.......must be investigated by the police an where relevant, trialled in court as per due process...bla bla bla"?

      u still dun think u r equally blind with the one u accuse? i suggest u to cut down on beer n wine, it helps curing yr dementia.

    3. HY, you're incoherent but nonetheless I did answer your question earlier - in short if they reveal something, subject that to due process - or would you prefer vigilante style execution?

    4. kt, in the first place do u believe there would be a due process? if there is, show me. otherwise, whoever the 2 reveal would not bring any changes of mind as u claim, my point is u r one of those with the herd mentality, just on the other side.

      clearly u r inconsistent, u claim if it is najib, then u see the need of a due process, but if it is "someone" other than najib, u draw a conclusion by asking "will that be accepted". of course it is accepted provided there is a due process, but is there one?

      that is fine if u insist u r much superior than us in yr speculation. similarly many in dap possess such mentality, the former jb dap bla bla bla boy is one, the other obvious one is the son, dari pandangan tu korang, pkr bodoh, pas pun bodoh, semua bodoh, yg pandai tinggal itu dap. that is y in the altantuya case, u single out pkr as if they r the culprit, n u talk very less on dap role in beng hock "incident". okok, if have time, i reread all yr writes again.

  2. Another one of yr WHITEWASHING attempt for Ahjibgor?

    ‘….rather I am aware that "some people" (wakakaka) have taken Bala's words as gospel truth, forgetting that they were hearsay,…”

    Can this be apply in the case of what Razak Baginda said??????

    WRT this piece of trash…’ Oui, elle parle français? "... yet everybody believed she was an interpreter of French and she got paid. Nobody questioned that", u should jump the gun so far. Read what Dr Kua’s latest take in this;

    How naive can u be?

    This French interpreter shit could very well be a entertainment to have some ‘vocational’ fun for somebody, razak included!!!!

    R u REALLY looking out for justice or u r been paid??????

    1. I wish I will be paid, wakakaka, but jokes aside you're pathetically childish in accusing me of being paid, as if I can't have my own opinion which incidentally is not biased like yours - BTW, are you being paid, wakakaka.

      .Anyway, ref that Dr Kua's article, this has been what I commented on just one point (because I had blogged on it) in that post:

      Reference Dr Kua's paragraph: Public doubt, however, worsened after both defence lawyers and prosecutors cut off a witness (Altantuya’s cousin) from testifying further when she revealed that the victim had shown her a photograph of herself, Baginda, then defence minister and “others” having lunch in a Paris restaurant. The court too did not ask the witness to produce the photograph..

      This was what she said, according to Malaysiakini reporter Soon Li Tsin: “I know why she wanted to see Razak Baginda - I have seen pictures of Altantuya with Razak and a government official.”.

      “She (Altantuya) was having a meal at a round table with Razak (Baginda), a Malaysian government official and other people.”

      Najib mentioned? Nope. Just a 'government official'.

      It was only subsequently when my hero the late Karpal Singh, who was holding a watching brief for the deceased’s family, posed a question to her on the identity of the ‘government official’ that she replied: “I remember the name Najib Razak, they had the same name, ‘Razak’. I thought they were brothers. I asked her (Altantuya) if they were brothers.”.

      From here I gather two things:

      (1) She remembered the name ‘Razak’, and I suspect, probably not 'Najib'. To her, Razak Baginda was with a ‘government official’. If she remembers the other man as ‘Najib Razak’, surely she would have said so in the first place.

      (2) Her testimony was only hearsay ("I heard from Altantuyaa …"), in as much as the SD’s were all “I hear from … who was told by... that she told him she liked it in the back...” or “I have been reliably informed …”.

      (3) Her response to teh late Karpal Singh was way way after she had teh earlier conversation with Altantuyaa, by which time Najib's name was being bandied around via, among rumours, Bala's SD.

      I believe we should be careful especially on such an important issue not to tambah extra cabai - From the chronology of events, I believe Burmaa Oyunchimeg, Altantuyaa's cousin better known as Amy in Malaysia, did not hear nor know of Najib as the alleged 'government official' at an alleged dinner until the subsequent court case.

    2. Did yr dementia turns selective????

      What about the investigative report of the French govt which said about the role of Atantuyaa?

      BTW, I didn't get pay from anybody. I just hope that I'm doing justice a pro bono. Especially against manipulator such as u!

      Unlike yr continuous ahjibgir whitewashing, I WANT the investigation to cover ALL fronts - unlike the current selective cherry-picking investigation, which clearly points to some higher conspiracy involved.

  3. 1. was it expedient to command the duo (police commandos wor!) just to handle a (pregnant) woman?. other division of pdrm not good enough? it seemed the woman must be a fierce descendant of genghis khan leh. what are their job functions as police commandos?

    2. what can we understand or read from the question-statement made by rb?
    "How many people die in remand? The last count was 156 from 2008 and the figure is going up. So who instructed this?‎"

    the igp said one or two only in response to the above. that's it?

  4. What you have wrote tells us nothing new ,back to day 1.,with the same questions...
    did someone order the killing?
    @kampong lad ... police commandos or are they a hired killers ?

    ah jib kor should answer for their action too ,cos both are his goons rite ?

    1. that's only your opinion, based on your fixation that "someone" had ordered, must have ordered the killing

  5. RB made a mistake by speaking up now. Peoples minds are already made up. Nothing he can say or do now to change peoples opinions. He is already declared innocent by the court. Be grateful for that and get on with your life. In the meantime pray for the families of Altantuya and the two police officers sentenced to death. They will pay the price of your past deeds.

    1. best comments so far, in that Peoples minds are already made up. Nothing he can say or do now to change peoples opinions

  6. The pictures of the two murderers which clearly show their faces for the first time in the newspapers are the only satisfaction !
    The murder motive (a pair of earrings and a watch in Sirul's jacket, roberry ?), why some witnesses were not called, commissions for submarine purchase, victim's missing entry records mystery, Bala's SDs and self exile(?), a possible senior lawyer's involvement in SD2, etc may never be revealed !


  7. Nobody in their right mind would consider these 2 commandos as HEROES, whatever they might reveal later, if they ever do 'sing'.

    Even if we chose NOT to belief that they or one of them were paid RM100,000 to kill off Altantuya, surely these two would be able to differentiate between a duty done in the interest of the nation and a hired thug job to kill someone for personal reason/s. So the question of being NOBLE should not even be raised here. Hopefully, the mother of one of the killers is aware that even if her son was 'instructed' to do the 'job', the son is still culpable and deserved the highest punishment for taking a life ( or two ).

  8. To RB : long ago in China a man buried some gold 3 feet underground ...then put up a sign board on top, ' here NO gold underneath' !!

  9. All stories linking Najib to Altantuyaa' s murder is fabricated by Anwar and his team. What Zulkifli Nordin's statement in his TIBAI road tour is that Anwar instructed him to creat good fabricated statement as a conspiracy in the purchasing of Scorpene Submarines. The instruction were turned down and this was one of the reason Zulkifli left PKR.

    Should Anwar think that it is untrue and the instruction were revealed in public, why Anwar dare not sue Zulkifli Nordin?

    Agree Altantuyaa's murder is just another murder but Anwar had taken this into his own agenda to destroy Najib. The best part is a lot of goons and nerds believe Anwar's GORENG.

    1. Anwar is no angel....but believe that Zul Nordin guy at your own peril ! Even his own mother won't trust him. Btw....what happened to this snake .... so senyap way for his like-minded kaki Rid One Ti, Ibrahim Katak and those Isma cohorts ?

  10. To RB : ......sorry, back fired !

  11. He ask for nothing, except trouble and u people not to forget him.

  12. Now the issue of 'deaths in remand' is being conflated with outright murder by annihilation.

    Deaths in remand are due to police personnels' excessive action in their effort to extract a confession or to get more information as part of their daily job. Some are due to neglect of health condition of the detainee. It happens while the detainee is in legal custody.

    The Mongolian was annihilated with the sole purpose of wiping her off from the face of the earth. She was not in remand or legal custody.

    1. Exactly right ! How could RB even dare to compare this case as death in remand. Just coz he's bodoh, doesn't mean all the rest of us have this sort of bodoh thingking.

      Their murderous thinking is this - blow her up in smithereens such that there's no way to identify if the bits and pieces leftover are even of human origin. Then wipe off her record entry at the Immigration.

      But unfortunately, a taxi driver was at the scene in front of RB's house that night and saw who came and went. The cousin of the dead Mongolian lady also did not quietly go back to her country...she raised a hue and cry that Altantuya was missing. No matter how much a man can plan and thinks he has it down pat and perfect, things tend to go awry and the whole thread very quickly unravel with deadly consequence. Never in a million years those 2 commandos thought they would be caught and charged with the death sentence.

  13. Too many wanted to belief the bullshit ,that she was an interpreter for the submarine deal, hello stupidd malaysian,think!!!! A mogolian translating french?. Why nobody else.
    Even the french arms dealer have come out with the statement that they deal in english.. your stoopid malaysian cows.

    1. Aiya...just read Dr Kua's article on this lah...then you will know who is the stoopid malaysian cow.

    2. We too read PD James and we know about his 4 L's for motives.

      So for the two commandos, which of the 4 L's applied to them ?

      Let 's see - Lust - did they suddenly desire her that fateful evening and had their ways with her and then after satisfying their lust, realised the enormity of what they have done and decided to end her life, even to the extent of getting hold of C4, no less, and blow her into a million pieces, such that their semen in her would be obliterated forever with her ?

      Love - is there some sort love triangle involved with her ? The two might be lying in court that they hardly knew her and in fact were in some torrid affair with her ? NO ? not very plausible ? She just simply is not into such ordinary policemen type....she prefers those who could take her on holiday trips and lead a lavish lifestyle ?

      Lucre - oh, dirty dirty $$$$ - but then if they claimed someone gave them RM100,000 to do the job, then we are back to square one....i.e. this murder is from some one else who gave instruction to kill and these two are just hired thugs to do the dirty. And we are definitely not in the least persuaded that these two killed for Altantuya's ear rings and watch.

      And finally, Loathing - were these two so loath her enough to kill her, in spite of not knowing her at all ? But let's consider another angle.... may be they did loath her out of extreme loyalty for their boss, who ever that boss is ( coy smile here ). They were briefed that her existence will cause severe harm to their boss and thus they must eliminate her so that she is no longer a threat. Again, this brings us back to square one...i.e. there is another person higher up who gave instruction for this murder, that this is not solely their own doing with their own personal motives .

      The 4 L's motives does not quite apply to our two commandos. Like a jigsaw puzzle, something's missing.

    3. And I would like to add that, we the simple minded folks are now asked
      to accept the "fact" that the two commandos suddenly had the urge to
      murder a total stranger with C4 for no reason.

      The defence lawyers did not raise any reasonable doubt at all?
      Why did the AG not appeal the acquittal of Razak Baginda? The AG dept.
      has a duty of achieving the success of their prosecutions, like how they
      doing for all the other cases.

  14. For thorough investigation, maybe they should also ask RB's wife what did she mean when she was hysterically screaming "RB doesn't want to be the PM". Oh ya I also don't think that government officer was NR, well everything was just hearsay only.

  15. Bala's wife SHOULD know certain facts !

  16. Anwar did it.
    That's as good an explanation as any, right?

  17. For all your defence, you did not ask the question, "What was the motives for the two policemen to kill Altantuyah"? The motives are the most important.

    1. read my post

  18. Will somebody's goddess/god please come forward to answer all questions and help catch those who may still be at large ! Not too much to ask since she/he is omniscient and omnipotent !

    1. So far, no sign any 24/7 goddess/god is forthcoming with any assistance in this case. Left with down-to-earth human solution.

      After Federal Court verdict, prosecutor Tun Abdul Majid says: "There is nothing much to say except we are glad it is over and our hard work has paid off." ----- Malaysiakini

      That's it: hard work has indeed paid off for the conviction of Sirul and Azilah.
      If the police works harder and comes up with new evidence, it's not impossible to charge the lover in court again !


  19. anon 4.05 pm

    no, they are not hired killers. they are the police commandos who were commanded to tackle a critical situation. tudm pun ada komando unit weh!.

  20. Razak Baginda's interview was self -serving and nauseating, showing no regret whatsoever over Altantuya's tragic death.
    Malaysia's court system may have acquitted Razak of murder, but there is no doubt at all he is connected to Altantuya's death up to his neck, or up to his Dick.
    Razak's interview was bullshit, and don't let antipathy towards Americk or PKR blind you to that.

    1. Yes, the very first thing that struck one when reading his interview is how cold hearted this bastard was. All he cared about is his own skin and how to continue living an easy life with all the ill-gotten loot he garnered hobnobbing with the 'right' crowd.

  21. As far as I understand it, Sirul and Azilah were carrying out a clandestine mission.
    They got caught and they have been disowned.

  22. We still don't know who killed the Mongolian woman because there there is no evidence or rather some sort of links or evidences were kept undercovered or destroyed by the Mongolia’s Honorary Consul in Malaysia Datuk Syed Abdul Rahman Alhabshi after SA's father was so trustingly given him what he had that could be damning evidences but one thing we do know KT is very well versed with the Sun Tzu Art of War to use it expertly in this article i.e. "声东击西"

    1. I am a conspiracy enthusiast too but your degree of involvement or belief far exceeds mine, indeed by a humongous breath, wakakaka

  23. My mind is made up ( as you put it)
    Razak ( the other Razak) is culpable.
    Who is to say I am wrong?

  24. I fully agree with the 4-L's motive analysis. Lets explore it further.

    They blew Altantuya up into a thousand pieces with military grade C-4 (not available in your local hardware shop) for a pair of earrings and a watch.
    That's the "lucre" bit of the motive.
    Let people judge for themselves that.

    It can't be loathing, they hadn't even met her before.
    Lust - maybe - but no evidence or suggestion they touched her in any way.
    Killing a woman after rape is sadly a common incidence, but it is almost always on the spot, with whatever weapons on hand gun, knife, or just bare hands.
    Anyway , blow her up with C-4 after molesting or raping her??? Must be one for the Guiness Book of World Records.

    Love - bloody unlikely for the same reason they had never met het.
    Now, if that love, lust, or loathing motive was originated from somebody else, that opens up the whole can of worms again.
    Were Sirul and Azilah either paid or ordered to do the "job" ?
    The "lucre" thingy would then be the payment or promise of payment to carry out the "job".

    By who??????????????????

    1. re your "Lust - maybe - but no evidence or suggestion they touched her in any way" gasp, evidence? wakakaka - suddenly "evidence" has become important but I'm glad you raised it.

      secondly, how do you know they didn't touch her? no, no nid to answer - you "know" they didn't touch her in exactly the same way you "know" someone gave instructions to them

    2. OK lah...let's say we finally zoomed in on to LUST....they drove her somewhere that night to have some fun...heck, a helluva lots of fun...and then later, much later, when the other head took control.....they exclaimed...alamak ! apa ni....nasi sudah jadi bubur...fikir to get out of the 'predicament'......and quick as a flash....TING ! a brilliant idea came to the thinking head....C4, C4, C4, C4, C4....thank god for C4 and because they are not Chinese, otherwise they would know NOT to use C4...coz C4 sound in Chinese like Sei Four ( literal : fire died ....meaning disastrous, not good idea ). And then another TING ! erase her from Immigration record...this is utterly briiiiliiant ! NO record of entry = tak pernah masuk dalam negera kita kan ?

      So is LUST the motive for these two men to kill her ? Yes, oh yes ! That's why when RPK wrote that one time that Rosmah went up the hill to supervise the blow-up job ( pun not intended ), it caused such an uproar.

    3. you obviously haven't read RPK's subsequent explanation of the reason for his SD

      anyway, we could go on and on in this argument-speculations & conspiracy theories and suspicions but until we have evidence we won't get anywhere

  25. The entire police investigation, prosecution , defence , court proceedings, and Final verdict of this case was a managed masterpiece.

    Even James Cameron, the highest paid movie Director on the world would be put to shame by this performance. .

    1. if there was a conspiracy then shouldn't a better "masterpiece" be no case at all?

    2. There was a 'no case' too, but on appeal, they were at last found guilty. That is why people are asking for more...feeling that something's missing, something's not quite right about this case.


    Even in a much more open society like the USA or UK , it has often proven impossible to get evidence to prosecute Senior Officials and powerful politicians for Covert operations which break the law. Often junior level officers take the fall, hence the term "fall guy".

    Malaysia ? Bloody impossible.

  27. Did you know that C -4 is designed to be extremely stable on its own? You can drop it, throw it, put a fire to it, nothing will happen.
    To make it explode, you need a detonator, a small high explosive cap.. That one can be very dangerous, and usually carried around VERY separately inside a cushioned box.
    To make an explosion without also blowing yourself up, you also need an electrical circuit, wires, batteries and switch to explode the detonator cap from a distance.

    My training says Altantuya was killed in a deliberate, pre-planned act. Pre-meditated murder.

    The chances that somebody would have C-4, detonator, detonating circuit on hand on the spur-of-a-moment in the jungle at Puncak Alam is Zero.

    1. Thank you TUDM....this helps a lot !

    2. Cibai kaytee.......And according to your ducking cibai deduction, you can get it from hardware store just across thailand..........

      Lanchow la

    3. Totally agreed. It needs expertise to handle a C4. To use it to detonate requires planning, including to find the right location to blow it up.

      In this particular case of the murder of Altantuya, it must be remembered that the jungle of Puncak Alam is pitch black at night and these murderers sure do know exactly what they are doing and very sure-footed about the whole mission. Definitely not a spur-of-the-moment act using this mini bomb on that unfortunate woman. It would not be unreasonable to assume they would take several days to plan out this murder.

    4. oh? I was under the silly impression that the police taking her away was in response to her harassing RB at a particular moment - wasn't the latter what Balasubramniam said?

    5. Yes I fully agree with TUDM that all of those equipment are needed to set off a C4 charge. The act of blowing up the body must have been just to make the dead body vanish. My guess is that the poor girl was killed accidentally. Why not intentionally? Because they were supposed to just assist , perhaps scare her away. Nobody gave the order to kill her. The 2 commandos had to cover up the killing and they chose C4. The death and the disposal must have been 2 separate acts at 2 separate time and locations. Nobody need to use C4 to kill just one liang moi la.

    6. anon 7.04 am

      you need a rotten tooth to be extracted (it's indeed very painful), but you are not trained to do the task, naturally you will seek dentist's help, right? the two police commandos were not under rb's payroll, obviously he had no commanding authority over them. this bloke sepatutnya duduk diam2 & enjoy life while he has the opportunity.

  28. This much I heard from Police insiders.
    Najib did not order Altantuya's death, but he certainly issue orders to his staff BEFORE the murder to help out Razak Baginda.
    The actual act of killing was Azilah and Sirul's doing.
    Najib is not guilty of murder but he most certainly committed a crime, since the end result of his instructions, even if unintended, was Altantuya's death. He patently should not be Prime Minister of Malaysia.
    In an open society, the Police investigation resul5s should have been declared, Najib's role in this murder is not irrelevant, and should have led to criminal charges.

    1. if Najib committed a crime, then how would his charge (assuming he was to be charged) be worded?

    2. Many people don't believe Police Insiders story lah.....

    3. of course not, unless they implicate Najib, wakakaka

  29. Criminal recklessness.

    A person unreasonably engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury to another person. There is case history in the West applying this to Senior and Management level people where their policies and instructions lead to death or injury, even though the direct cause is an accident. For officials who understand what "accountability" is, they usually know to resign when such a prosecution is made.

    There is such a law on the books, never applied in to Senior people in Malaysia because Senior Officials are never held accountable for their actions, instructions and behaviour.
    - except Anwar Ibrahim who was jailed for corruptly using police to suppress allegations made against him.

    1. in other words, what Australians call "lack of due diligence", but I'm not sure which part of the Malaysian criminal code would be appropriate? Is there a charge call "criminal recklessness"?

  30. In the first place, was the Mongolian actually the victim of C4 or someone else?

    For all you know the Mongolian and RB are having a nice holiday in UK.

    Why isn't RPK sued for saying about Fat Mama at the scene of the crime?

    Heard the AG got a medal recently again for his fine work.

  31. 99.99 % sure Sirul was not 'aware' of the extradition agreement before he left for Australia !

    Australia Malaysia Extradition Treaty
    Article 3: Exceptions
    2. In cases in which a person could be subject to capital punishment in the Requesting Party but would not be subject to capital punishment in the Requested Party for the same offence under the laws of the Requested Party, no request for extradition shall be submitted without prior consultation and agreement by both Parties to make such a request.

    0.01 % certain he would be brought back to Malaysia to face the gallows !


    1. he has gone to Aus because his family is there

    2. He has 'forgotten' to appear in the Federal Court !

    3. As somebody above mentioned, this whole thing has a feel like its all been stage managed by person or persons on the background.

      We're all being duped.

      The only difference is some of us have our suspicions, while some are happily being duped, 100% trusting the official story line.

    4. I guess until Najib is hung by his balls until he dies, the story won't end happily for many people

    5. Conspiracy theory may have another link.

      When arrested, the Aussies 'purportedly' told a 'terrified' Sirul that,
      "you're safe !"


    6. That was what happened to Tony Blair, Maggie Thatcher and heck even Jim Callaghan himself

      They were far better leaders than Jibby

      Ah so...........

  32. Why is it so difficult for some people to accept that Najib is innocent?

    1. his downfall would once have served a purpose, someone's purpose. But now, his downfall will please Dr M, wakakaka

  33. 1973 - Richard M. Nixon, US President - "I am Not a Crook !"
    2013 - Najib Razak, Malaysian Prime Minister - "I am Not a Murderer ! !"

    A country's government is in big trouble when its Chief Executive is forced to defend himself at such a grubby level.

    1. I see. Incidentally did Anwar Ibrahim ever say "I did not sodomize Saiful" or words to that effect?

    2. Anwar Ibrahim is not the Malaysian Prime Minister, so its a moot question.

    3. U just CANT help to give up any opportunist pot-shot at yr manmanlai!

      Using this yr whole white-washing of the Altantuyaa murder case as a guideline, DO u have any concrete 'evidence' about AI sodomize Saiful?

      Again, using yr OWN words to that effect - u will ONLY be happy until AI is been hung by his balls until he dies, the story won't end happily for many people, including u. Yes?????

      What a twisted rant guides by a biased mindset?

      Tak de mirror at home ke?????

      Before u labelled me Anwarista, can I call u Rosmnajib ass licker?

    4. by Westminster parliamentary system Anwar is the alternative PM, or the Opposition Leader in Parliament - wakakaka, don't try to wriggle out of your own trap

    5. Anon 10:07, did I ever accuse AI of sodomy? aisehman, don't recklessly accuse me lah, wakakaka

    6. The alternative PM is the Deputy Prime Minister.
      In Malaysia, the leader of the Opposition has absolutely no status.
      He's even been barred from Sarawak before.

    7. obviously you don't even know the term "alternate". The DPM is NOT the alternate PM, but the standby or as it says, deputy PM.

      who says there is no official Opposition Leader in the House?

    8. Got sake only unlike those in UK, Australia and Canada

  34. Someone here really deserves a medal from Naji once all this is over - for defending him so energetically, helping to demolish Anwar's conspiracy.

  35. Anwar and Najib are like two gladiators who killed each other off in the arena.
    In the end there were no real winners because each killed the other.

    In the end PAS wins....and gets the Prized PM position....

    1. And Lord have mercy on...........kaytee's soul

  36. This stupid fool,after escaping the gallows because of his political connections,should have kept his fucking mouth shut.Because of his fucking big mouth wide open he has shit forced into his throat,causing his fucking brains to be bloated with shit.Fuck him kau kau says Ah Kow.Hehehe.

    1. hence the latin expression

      Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses

  37. She is still alive, enjoying a secret retirement in Paris......that's as good a story as any , right ?

  38. the cuckoo guy who know's12:35 pm, February 02, 2015

    Baginda or Saiful's ass,who cares?Sit on both of their faces,and let them shiok sendiri.


    Najib's Minister opens his foul mouth.
    It may be off topic, but illustrates exactly why I am so against Najib.

    1. Wanna bet our v eminent man will keep his v elegant silence on this too ? We can connect the dots now.....Chinese tsunami means ungrateful Chinese no longer support the Malays ( only Umno Malays are counted as Malays, wakakaka)....then Chinese George Soros by the name Kooi ( the 'devil' hihihi ) create negative news of the country via his media empire and finally he showed his hand by 'sabotaging' the economy of the country....USD 1.4 Billion to bring down Bank Negara, hihihi....and now, Malays are told to boycott Chinese biz and traders because the price of goods tak turun. The whole family ate out the last two weekends at the McDonald, KFC and Pizza Huts....all Malay-owned....harga tak turun pun ? If a Chinese public figure make a call to boycott the Malay biz, would this person be charged under Sedition Act ?

    2. There is a legend going around that Najib is a "moderate ".The narrative from Najib apologists goes that we should Support Najib's overtures to encourage his "moderation".

      I watch for actions rather than words.
      Fact is , Najib nurtures and condones the Race and Religious extremists in and around his party. That , in practice, makes Najib an extremist.

    3. Din Merican branded Najib as a weak leader. Ah so, comparing between Din's words and kaytee, whom you should believe. Or you still believe kaytee has slayed Thaya

  40. why the hue and cry ? The PM and his SIL should have kept the same scenario " lost like MH xxx " . Should not have arrested the poor Commandoes ( police )
    At least we can guessing until now and our Baginda need not have to banish himself.
    Ask the Ex PM and SIL " WHY DID THAT ??? " or want to prolong his reign.
    Kenapa tidak tutup sahaja kes ini .

  41. Azilah and Sirul killed Altantuya.

    No one else was involved.

    1. Anon 327

      Everyone here was born yesterday !


    2. The Federal Court says so.

      That should be the end of the debate.

    3. @Anon 534

      Only one newborn !


    4. No huaran,
      Not all mamas are women

    5. looes
      ha ha !


  42. A conspiracy of silence surrounds the circumstances of Altantuya's death.

  43. Everything will quiet down once Anwar is in jail.
    Just a few more days.....

    1. Kaytee would be dancing naked in the street. With all his hands, legs and his third leg

  44. It was supposed to be a perfect disappearance; the missing immigration record and the C4. Altantuya hilang di pusara tidak bertanda...

    1. Razak had a toothache. ..

      he went to see a dentist. The dentist was supposed to do an extraction, but the dentist assistant did a C -4 instead.

    2. Ah...the Billion Ringgit question is.... does the dentist have a liability to answer for ?

    Be careful......Police will take action against those who question Altantuya verdict or motives of the murder.

  46. In Malaysia, there is a strong suspicion even the Federal Court can be "ordered around".

  47. The tremendous respect that the FBI in the US received from the public was their reputation for being independent and incorruptible .

    Organised crime could and did buy off local police and corrupted politicians. FBI couldn't be pushed around, couldn't be bought. It was not always actually true, but that's their reputation.

    Malaysia's police have no such reputation.

    1. Not need to look far.........Look at CPIB good liao

      One KL born minister got to commit suicide

      Over here, one cibai who raba2 can become ambassador in USA. Who is the cibai fuck? Related to Hasan kah?

  48. Let's take the immigration record is correct and is an unquestionble evidence. Based on the record Altantuya was never in Malaysia. How then we incriminate Sirul? It should be beyond reasonable doubt. That benefit of the doubt should flow to the accused. Sirul should be a free man.

    1. Sirul is the fall guy la........Anyway, this is Malaysia boleh


    Corporal Sirul's cautioned statement.
    The document exists - cautioned statements cannot be destroyed but the court can only consider documents which are offered up as evidence.

    The DPP declined to tender the Cautioned statement in court (strange in itself).
    The Defence had no interest in tendering the document, since it amounts to a confession, but the reason for prosecution not tendering such a juicy confession as evidence is obvious after reading it.

    What a happy confluence of interests.

    If you read it carefully there are a number of Big Worms in it.
    a) Sirul was offered Big money to get the job done
    b) Altantuya's last words pleading for her life was that she was pregnant.....................
    c) There was already a plan to kill Altantuya at the hotel where she was staying, but aborted because they could see no way to carry it out without being caught.

    I read someone wrote on your blog once that Sirul and Azilah were just the idiots who carried out orders from higher ups.
    Perhaps they were....but maybe Sirul's cautioned statement is a lie.

    If it was a lie, its a really elaborate lie indeed, because there is a lot of detail in the story.

    1. A cautioned statement works in a similar way to the Miranda caution which fans of US Police TV series may be familiar with.
      The police officer has to read this out to the person being questioned, and receive his understanding.

      You have a right not to say anything or not to answer any question.
      However, whatever you say whether as answer to a question or not , will be recorded as a statement.

      The officer also has to get the person being questioned confirmation that the statement is given voluntarily.

    2. This is not a Statutory Declaration made by a Private Investigator of questionable character through a PKR-lawyer, announced by Anwar Ibrahim at PKR Headquarters.

      This was a legally binding Cautioned statement by one of the Accused to a police officer in the interrogation room of a police station.

      The existence of this document is not in doubt. Normally either Defence or Prosecution may chose to refer to a Cautioned Statement.

      However, in this case BOTH Prosecution and Defence refused to submit this document to the court for consideration.....I wonder why....

      The officials involved in the Altantuya murder trial very likely violated the principle of
      The Truth,
      The Whole Truth and
      Nothing But the Truth.

    3. If Kaytee is looking for the truth, he would not have written this shit! Wah! Like that, Richard Nixon should not have to resign since he did not direct order those men to tap the democrats at watergate.

      I rest my case my lord

    4. This and other loose ends are exactly why the public is still having lingering questions about this case ! It has nothing to do with who's siding with the PR or who's siding with Najib, although we can see those from the Opposition tried to make capital gain out of this, especially if this could help topple the PM.

    5. What difference would it make if the cautioned statement was tendered in court ?


    6. Sirul and Azilah would be just as guilty, so it doesn't make any difference to their fate.
      However, the cautioned statement would have demolished the line that Only Sirul and Azilah were involved in Altantuya's death, and no one else.

      Compare the Altuntuya case to the 2013 murder of Ambank founder of Hussain Ahmad Najadi, another highly publicised murder case.

      The High Court last year sentenced tow-truck driver Koong Swee Kwan to death for killing Hussain.
      However, in THIS case, police investigated the motive and correctly surmised that Koong was an assassin who carried out the job for money.

      Police are now hunting for the person or persons who hired the killer, believed to be due to conflict over a business or land deal. He is believed to be hiding in Australia (sounds familiar ?)

    7. Will we ever see such a headline for the Altantuya case?
      "Police hunting for suspect who hired convicted Altantuya killers Sirul and Azilah......"

    8. Maybe tow-truck driver Koong Swee Kwan happened to pass by and he thought this Hussain Najadi looked 'loaded', after all, he just got out from the bank ? Why need motive to kill ? If needed to show motive, robbery is as good as any motive ? Why the cops care about motive for this case, and not for Altantuya case ? hehehe

    9. No, it was Lust..... That's as good a motive as any, right? Wakakakaka. ....

  50. C-4
    3 cartoon drawings have got Malaysia's world-class cartoonist Zunar into Hot Water.....Malaysian police want to arrest him for Criminal Defamation.....

    Ironically, his work is recognised internationally....

  51. Don't waste your bullet on me Looes74! Your shot is way way off target... wakakaka!

    - hasan
