
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Very vily Vizier

How does one get rid of a Royal Vizier who is no longer a believer in Pakatan politics?

He appears to be tap dancing between royalty and religion to avoid answering to critics wakakaka.


  1. no longer a believer in dap politics kot wakaka.

    1. Wakakaka goes to show we can never trust a pkr bloke and also anwar's poor judgment in selecting khalid

    2. i never trust anyone from pkr, similarly one from dap. i dun 'hate' anwar n azmin as u do, n i will never make a silly assertion that khalid trusted by pakatan allies aka dap wakaka. the poor judgment have everything to do when royal play a role in politics, khalid no grassroots, he dun have many choices.

      n this is what that angmo want, he see royal as balance, his so call struggling all this while is to create a balance so his royal blood stay relevant. so u think u can trust one who claim he is a civil liberties mover via politics?

      i dun trust politician and fact is politician care very less of our trust. To me, there is no diff btw azmin n khalid, or lge n anwar.

    3. KT, that's how a senget mind sees is the PKR bloke who goes 'astray' but mati mati DAP kena the blame, wakakaka. Mampus lah if the Oppos have control of the country with such supporters somemore.

  2. I have my criticism of Khalid Ibrahim on other issues, but in the religiously-charged cases of the seized Bahasa BSM Bibles and also the Snatched Indian Bride, I can't fault Khalid Ibrahim for taking a circumspect approach, while still staying with the objective of what is right.

    Non-Malays, especially urban Chinese tend to be much more direct in their political expectations, but a DAP-style frontal assault (and I'm a DAP member ! ) could be exactly what the UMNO-puppeteers in MAIS are waiting for, as it would be excellent ammunition to shore up their flagging support and to create mischief.

    The Sultan of Selangor was actually wrong in law in calling for the disposition of the Bibles to be referred to a court. Section 407A of the Penal Code only applies to disposition of evidence impounded under a Court case.
    If there is no court case, whatever was seized is not "evidence" and authorities have exactly Zero rights to hold on to the items. Normally it is simply returned to the owner. You just sign a receipt for it.

    It happens every day in the country - police stop somebody on suspicion of some criminal activity. Items that he has with him are seized. Several days later - after investigation , no crime has been committed. Person is released, items are returned to the owner. Simple as that. There is no court order needed, because there is no case before the Court system in the first place.

    MAIS and the Sultan are inventing their own law - which is wrong. But the Sultan has already said it in front of everyone, and Khalid can hardly say "Tuanku, you are wrong" in public without triggering a constitutional crisis.
    So Khalid is carefully playing along, and I agree with him.

    Tap dancing while navigating a dangerous minefield is not such a bad idea.

    1. It's one thing to tap dance or be circumspect but it's another to prevaricate and alas our royal vizier is just doing that

    2. Bullshit! Rocketman! More like only UMNOites are calling the shots and Khalid does not have the cojones to do so. We should ask how Tajol Rosli's daddy has given the middle finger to the Sultan when he refused to resign. That's before Madhater has become the PM. Perhaps, all Pakatan MPs should watch "To kill the King". Ian Richardson's performance is splendid. Check through history......Baldwin screwed the King, forcing him to abdicate..

      By the way, do you know that there is a non muslim member in Dewan Negara Perak. The body specifically set up to deal with the succession of future Sultan in Perak

  3. Sometimes one wonders how Selangor PR govt becomes Khalid Selangor govt.........

  4. kt,

    vizer was the choice of DAP/PAS.
    Anwar's preference?
    Its AZmin, remember.
    tom if u cant shit KT, its Anwar eh.
    Not your Najib, no?
    remove Sedition Act, remember. But the PM who used the most now. Oops, I forgot, you are Nijabman.

    1. True Khalid was the DAP's choice but knly because of lack of choice - the Dap itself could not put up a mb because they had no bumi. would the Dap have wanted Azmin or Pas?

      But since then he has bloody changed

    2. kt,
      there is no perfect one except god.
      my take-there is no perfect one.
      anwar has weakness. so does you and me.
      but at least he dares to talk what he believes in regardless of audience.
      he is at leats no more kwei bo de kwei-like NAJIB your man.
      your Najib said no more Sedition ACT but look what he is doing .even against rayer when the aneh in the assembly celaka UMNO.
      UMNO has said speewed even worse under Najib, no?

    3. Hahahaha! You are talking to arsehole atheist. By the way, this is a reason why kaytee still in aussie land playing with his feral animals. He has just violated first tenet of rukun negara

  5. It's amazing that you still get plenty of comments despite publishing a mere 2-line blog post.

  6. Azmin Ali may not be such a bad choice for Selangor MB , after all......grin :-)

  7. You appear to support the position that Christians should not use "Allah" in their publications e.g. Herald, Bahasa Bibles, because Christianity has a history of proselytization among Muslims. Especially given that acceptable non-controversial names such as "Elohim" can be used.

    Then you also have agree that the BSM Bibles are unacceptable and should not be allowed to be returned and later distributed.

    Laws and the application of Laws have to be consistent, you cannot cherry pick for political expedience.

    1. I've not changed my position on the Christian use of the Allah word. I'm only questioning both Mais defiance of the AG ruling and Khalid's act dunno even as a Pakatan MB

  8. Ktemoc should be very satisfied today.
