
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Death of Democracy

It's a fucking sad day when a parliamentarian is to be charged for saying in state parliament that a political party is celaka. The AG is totally politicized to even consider such a ridiculous act.


  1. Ketuanan Melayu in full play before the eyes of the Nation.

    What a mockery of the Constitution.

  2. There is only some words to describe this Umno gomen.It is a fucking fuckup gomen.

  3. Mais and Jais do not need to pay heed to what the AG said.They can thump their noses at the authorities.What the fuck dare Umno do to them? Not a fucking thing.

    1. Don't you know who're behind mais and jais ?

  4. Fuck these pariahs of the lowest levels.

    1. Be very careful where you insert that thing. Once it's in it will get corroded and eaten away by acid and when you pull out you'll find that all you have is a one-inch stump!!

  5. maestro's worse nightmare.3:09 am, June 19, 2014

    Malaysia is a third world country going the way of Zimbabwe.Umeno is protector of Islam and Malay? Screw them kaw kaw for fooling the Malays.Hehe.

  6. Warrior I've inadvertently deleted yr coment. Sorry. Please feel free to reach comment

  7. I had thought you were resorting to censoring contrary views, which would be most unbecoming, since my comment did not contain anything rude or illegal.

    UMNO stands for United Malays National Organisation.
    UMNO defends and protects the rights and privileges of the Malay race.

    When RSN Rayer uttered the "celaka UMNO" remark, he was not only insulting UMNO, he was insulting the Malay race.
    That makes it tantamount to sedition.

    The Sedition Act makes it clear statements in Parliament or State Assemblies are not immune from offences under the Act.

    1. Umno may claim to protect rights and privileges of the malays but they cannot be equated to THE malay race. They're just a political party claiming to represent malays though PAS and PKR would disagree Wakakaka

    2. warrior,

      PAS aint no Malay. PKR no Malay.
      go wang and enjoy yourself. Have a great time.

    3. To show how absurd this idiot is, can we say MCA = Chinese ( mind you, ALL the Chinese in Malaysia ) ? Or MIC= all the Indians in the country ?

      So if I screamed....celaka MCA ! does it mean the Chinese race in this country were insulted ? Bodoh punya logic. The extremists won't have a leg to stand charging Rayer for sedition.

    4. Umno protect Malay race? They mistreat the Malays in kelantan, trengganu and those poor in kl. See how they beg and queue up for free food donated by non muslim charities.

  8. RSN Rayer's guilt or innocence will be determined by the Court in an open trial. Let's not prejudge the system.

    As for the AG's office, they have, similarly charged Isma President Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman with Sedition for calling Chinese immigrants as Intruders.
    The protesters who barged into the Penang State Assembly have also been charged with Criminal Tresspass.

    All in all, I do not think it is fair to characterize the AG's actions as politicized.
    The issues and those involved are all political, there is no avoiding that, but the AG is upholding the Law, no more, no less.

  9. Npw they say that it's not sedition. They are cracking their heads what to charge Rayer for. See. really land of endless possibilities. Nothing to charge, but still can be charged!

  10. I've lost count of how many times "DAP Celaka" or "Anwar Ibrahim celaka" has been uttered .....wakakakaka....all in the name of political commentary.
    Nobody has ever suggested the people who uttered the words be charged.....

    How and when did UMNO get elevated to "Beyond Criticism" category ?

  11. All u people r dreaming under the proverbial tempurung, that u CAN ONLY see what's lying around that silo shell!

    When the IGP - the supposely top enforcement officer of the land, defied the high court order to help returned the 'kidnapped' child openly, by siding with an opposing order of an inferior lower court, that's the sign!

    When non-elected religious setups openly challenged the AG's - the top legal officer of the land, decision by arguing in legal terms, that's the sign!!

    When everything Islamic reign supreme over all the other faiths, even though there is NO such provision in the Federal Constitution, that's the sign!!!

    So, apa lu mau???

    Democracy????? Dream on & sleep tight!!!

    Berhijrah or total submission as required - that's ONLY the choices, dungu!!!

  12. maestro's worse nightmare.12:49 am, June 20, 2014

    When we have religious departments as extreme protectors of Islam,such as Mais and Jais what is there to expect.And when we have Umno leaders playing in race and religious politics what is there to expect.

    Answer:Due to the successful hatred practiced by the Muslim authorities and Umno leaders Malaysia has finally succeeded in producing and exporting militant fighters and suicide bombers to war torn countries in the Middle East.

  13. the mean machine1:32 am, June 20, 2014

    With Islamist extremists running wild,it does not need a rocket scientist to figure it out that Malaysia is heading towards the path of Zimbabwe,Somalia ,Iraq.Libya and Syria.

  14. Umeeno's worst nightmare.11:07 am, June 20, 2014

    Fuck Umino and its running dogs Mais,Jais and Ridzuan Tee.

  15. Extremism will not happen and cannot win in BoleH land.
    Utara - Thailand , Barat & Selatan - Indonesia , Selatan - Singapore , Timur- Phillipines
    Can dream lah It is a REGIONAL masalah lah
    Once again need the NONS for help

    1. Extremism in other countries are different. They do not question the rights of different tribes.

  16. UMNO declared an illegal party on 4th February 1988 by Justice Hashim Harun in the the Kuala Lumpur High Court. The present UMNO is UMNO Baru of 1988, not the one which fought for Malaysia's independence.

    Declaring UMNO illegal would be the mother of all insults to the party....

  17. UMNO - Above the Law11:24 am, June 20, 2014

    Aiyah....for many years now, UMNO has been deFacto Above the Law. Similar status to the Rulers.
    Its matter of time they actually give legal status to it, in this case charging a critic with Sedition. If the criticism is considered insulting.or inciting people "to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection ".

    The majority of Chinese voters have been complicit in the situtation for many years, so no point only blaming UMNO or the Malays.

  18. RSN Rayer is a DAP attack dog, in the same class as UMNO's Bung Mokhtar and Perkasa's Ibrahim Ali.
    I suppose every political party in Malaysian has need for such gutter operators.

    I have little sympathy for his brand of politics, but the legal issue bears concern.
    It is an abuse of the Sedition Act to charge him so.
    Bad manners is not the same as breaking the law.

    1. If attack dogs then include karpal, lks. Lge, tony pua, theresa? Just look at bung moktar and Ibrahim Ali's speech. They are questioning the rights of other races as if they have no rights at all

  19. "Death of Democracy "

    Sorry Mate... I can't agree with you. So, would you let Rayer to carry on? Laissez-faire, should we connive at the usage of immoral words in the name of criticism, democracy and freedom of speech?

    - hasan

    1. "Death of Democracy " i think kt meant a dap adun abuse democracy kot wakaka.

      but i think to charge someone for saying celaka is a bit cela.. hmmm kelakar la.

    2. These arm-no shits don't quite mind being called murderers, conmen, robbers, cheaters, lame brain, lazy, incompetent, racists, bigots, power-crazy, money-crazy, liars, hypocrites, twisty snakes, thick-skinned, serial adulterers......but the moment they are called CELAKA....alamak.....the whole world collapsed for them ! BUT they can celaka-ed others freely......and will not be charged for sedition. If they really have a phobia being called celaka...let's send a million, a billion, a trillion notes to them, with just the celaka word...may be they will curl up, turn blue and die and this will save the whole country, much better than going to election after election which we can never win with their massive cheating, heheheh

  20. How many immoral words being uttered but no action. Ketuanan melayu including over Chinese, Indians , ibans dayaks, kedazans, pendatangs when there are orang asli then who are the pedatangs????
