This is something right up the alley for sweetie Helen Ang. Dear Helen sees the MSM as a bugbear. I wonder what’s her take on which one is being ‘creative’?
Anyway, I have a few observations and queries that I need to air:
(1) If dear Aminah couldn’t determine what’s bribery, how is she going to be a good DUN?
(2) Why did Aminah and family go through such a charade to tape and video Cheah Ka Peng and Peter Lim? Has she been UMNO-rised?
Aminah's family feeding the unsuspecting Lim and Cheah - Malaysiakini photo
(3) Friendship obviously means diddly squat to Aminah coz she went about collecting 'evidence' in a covert, calculative and cunning manner and used that to squeal on the poor 2 PKR dumbos, who had (note the grammatical 'had' wakakaka) been her friends of 10 years.
(4) And the amazing MACC has acted with such amazing alacrity on Aminah’s report, while poor Khir Toyo, who has been (or should be) first in the MACC queue is still waiting for the anti-corruption agency to pose a few questions about his fantasy world visit.
(5) Finally, why is the silent ‘bridegroom’, Dr Mansor Othman, so kniasu as to fear Aminah, who is relatively a political nobody, and who wouldn’t have a single stitch to hang her CD on if Cheah Ka Peng and Peter Lim hadn’t taken the imprudent and idiotic step to visit her.
Kniasu is a word which originated in Singapore, and normally means the need to 'keep up with the Jones' or the obsession to be first, on top, ahead, etc.
But alas, in Dr Mansor case, his kniasu is to be taken literally – he’s really afraid to lose in this by-election when there's no real competition.
Mind you, with his series of failures, he has begun to assume the worst, that he’s jinx-ed.
No worries, kaytee has the traditional Penang solution (literally).
I can prepare for him a cleansing (purifying - menyucikan) head rinsing solution (say t’au kuoi suoi), complete with seven types of flowers (including cempaka), seven drops of perfume, seven daun lima purut, seven types of special religious herbs, buah limau (lime), incense, Thai jambi, (chanted personally by kaytee) and Bob’s your uncle – and best of all, no charge ;-)