
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today is 916

Well, in Malaysiakini latest news article Anwar: We're ready to form new gov't Mr Man Man Lai claimed publicly he has ARRIVED at his objective, one he has been pursuing for the last 10 years.

Today it’s 916, Malaysia’s most vogue set of numerals!

… no doubt Empat Ekor would have barred this number from its offer.

Malaysiakini reported Mr Man Man Lai asserted he has the numbers and will be seeking a meeting with another (truly) man man lai personality for a peaceful handover of powers.


… why such a cryptic number?

For the answer, read
Secret Society of Handsome Chinese Cryptographers


  1. In order not to loss face, just tell another lie to cover the previous lie and to buy time. In the meantime create havoc in BN and hope for the best that BN disintegrate and the BN law maker joint PR and if that happen, lie become truth. The operational tactic is the same as PRK' SD that "reliable source issue" keeping the ball rolling and guessing until some body found something to be proven right, otherwise let it be that.

    That is why LKS is calling for meeting with all MP, the real purpose are courting for froggies but in the guise of ISA, if they have the number no need to do that lah! He is learning fast from Anwar.

    These bustards are doing great injustice to our economy and financial market, we have been coping with the unnecessary six months of instability and uncertainly, yet no end is in sight. The people have already paid a big price, business are bad and jobs are depleting, how long are they going to hand on! Its a matter of time the pace of business closing down and people losing their jobs quicken.

    Do we have to pay the price with our blood...........

  2. Totally agree with u guys! It's just like when you are chasing someone for money, that person said he has the money and will pay you very soon. But somehow that day never come because he just doesn't have the money.

  3. xiean

    This Great Snake Oil Scam won't last very long, the Great Unraveling is near. Come tomorrow, Anwar will be exposed all in his full glory as a Great Snake Oil Saleman.

    And then whatever kept PR together will come apart.

    By the way, did you guys notice that the big Malaysia Day celebration organised by Anwar at Kelana Jaya was a big letdown ? Mkini as usual, multiplied the number several fold while MI put it at 10k. Isn't this number an indication that people are just FED UP with all these games ?

  4. Take a look and compare the picture of the crowd in Kelana Jaya Stadium between Malaysiakini and Malaysiainsider. The picture of Malaysiakini show a large crowd but the picture of Malaysianinsider show a crowd, I guess not more than 5000 people. Obviously, Malaysiakini is playing up and misleading the people with that camera trick

  5. I think it is the BN regime which is unravelling almost too fast for the news services and bloggers to keep up with the events.

    Personal errands kept me away from a computer terminal nearly 24 hours, and Wow, so much has happened.

    The crowd at the Kelana Jaya Stadium was gigantic alright..

  6. above comments coming from the last remaining vestiges of the running dog party members from MCA, MIC or Gerakan.

    Watch your parties be blown away right before you eyes if you guys dont move over to Pakatan.

    Sayonara MCA, MIC and Gerakan, may you guys rot in hell.

  7. anon: it's okay that you are STILL hoping. but for us, 916 has arrived and will be gone in hours.

  8. The Great Snake Oil Salesman has continuously been disclosing his plans and bragging about 916 . Does it look to you like he's super politician where he plays his cards close to his chest and makes an announcement once he has his numbers and surprise everyone instead of continual harping on the issue and date ? What if you are a BN MP with the intention of doing a froggy would you be put off by this disclosure ? I have to conclude he doesn't have the numbers and he's doing a Great Snake Oil sales talk . Barking dogs don't bite its the dogs that don't bark that you have to be careful . It will be the anti climax after today for a lot of people charmed by this Great Snake Oil Salesman . Funny I don't seem to be able to find or seen any statements by him on the ISA arrests . I have only seen him calling a press conference saying he wants to meet Abdullah on this but has he actually met up as I am still waiting and wanting to hear what he has to say ?
    I won't be surprised those BN chaps play him off to make him look stupid !!Real Stupid !!

  9. Anonymous 9:46 AM

    Sayonara MCA, MIC and Gerakan, may you guys rot in hell.

    Wow everyone in MCA , Gerakan , MIC , rot in hell ?? very sweeping statement ! He's telling one million members in all the three parties to rot in hell .
    We better make sure this Great Snake Oil Salesman doesn't make it , otherwise we will all rot in hell !
    If I have to stop this Salesman with my life I will do it ! just to save all those people from scroundels or creeps like you .
    Yeh all his supporters are like that .

  10. KT
    I thought this article should be on top ! ie latest article

  11. Aiya! you bloody idiots still talking about snake oil and that!Anwar is still that gentleman lah! someone from Eton. Dont have to worry like Killer, chaptokan and the rest of Kt goons.
    He does'nt want to create panic but prefer to talk to Bodohwi like an english gentleman.He has the numbers and he is going to show it to bodowi.He will ask bodowi to recheck lah!
    You know when those umno shit heads get any news it will be too late for them to create havoc!Good for us and you guys! What do you think.?
    That is a smart way to go about and we think he is right to have a nice talk and then mann mann lai bodowi will get the message.
    Well when he pulls it off we wish you guys climb the walls and jerk off whatever venom you have left.


    Remember the story of Moses
    Who went up to Egypt's pharoah
    To request for "Let my people go!"
    So that no moss with sorrow grows

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 160908
    Tue. 16th Sept. 2008.

  13. The Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, today called on the country’s leaders to stop quarrelling among themselves and instead to focus on developing the nation’s resources for the well-being of the people.
    He said the world was now facing a gloomy economic climate with the prices of fuel and food at unprecedented levels.

    “All efforts must be focused on easing the burden of the people. The country’s productivity must be raised, investors must be given confidence, new jobs must be created and essential items must be assured.

    “This is a big challenge for any government. It will not be achieved through political rhetoric alone. It will not be achieved if the leaders, both within and outside the government, continue to quarrel,” he said at the 162nd Conference of the Perak Islamic Religious and Maly Customs Council here today.

    Raja Dr Nazrin said the country’s leaders, both within and outside the government, must see the grim economic situation in the world as a challenge facing the country and people which needed their concerted thinking and efforts to do productive work.

  14. chaptokam, post on Teresa Kok stays on top until she is released.

    xiean, HRH is just pissing in the wind coz Anwar won't listen - Mr Man Man Lai is just not bloody bothered with the national economic situation or its stability. He's worried about No 1, namely himself - he will emotionally, mentally, and psychologically 'perish' if he doesn't get to be PM. To him, his obsession, his problem, his burning fixation must be satisfied first and f* Malaysia and everyone ;-)

  15. Hi KT,

    Can anybody tell me in a simple yes or no, has Anwar become new prime minister, coz I'm only interested in cheaper price of petrol comes tomorrow.

    Sam, are you calling for an exodus? Well be my guest.

  16. Chaptokam - "Funny I don't seem to be able to find or seen any statements by him on the ISA arrests"

    Here's the AFP report on Anwar's statement and press conference.

    The full statement is on the PKR web-site - but you probably don't want to visit the stinking web-site...hahahaha

  17. I really find Regime Apologists laughable.

    Dollah is Malaysia's PM, right ?
    Ktemoc tells me we are a real democracy, right ?

    Part of the required DNA of the leader of a democratic country is the ability to function and do his job under the full, unremitting glare of a vocal opposition and a free press.

    Every morning, George W. Bush can see the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, NBC, CBS, CNN, the Democrats in Congress and even his own Republicans, dissecting and pouring heat on whatever his Administration does and doesn't do.

    The Banking Crisis, Fannie Mae Crisis, Lehman Brothers collapse, AIG (and AIA) about to Collapse, The Russia-Georgia Crisis, Iraq, etc. etc. etc.

    Ditto for Britain's Gordon Brown and Australia's Kevin Rudd.

    Anwar's just bluffing, right? Snake Oil Salesman....
    No way Anwar can have the numbers of frogs, right ? We've just proven September 16 (its already afternoon, now) is just another normal day.

    Come on Dollah, Barisan Nasional - go ahead, PLEASE GOVERN.

    If you can't govern, get the FU*K out of the way and let someone else govern.

  18. Anonymous 1:13 PM said...

    Chaptokam - "Funny I don't seem to be able to find or seen any statements by him on the ISA arrests"

    Malaysia's Anwar leads criticism of govt crackdown

    2 days ago

    KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) — Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Saturday led demands for the government to end a crackdown that saw the arrests of an opposition politician, a blogger and a journalist.

    The arrests on Friday under tough internal security laws raised fears that the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition will launch a widespread campaign against dissent as it faces an opposition bid to seize power within days.

    Rights groups have condemned the use of the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for indefinite detention without trial, and the United States summoned Malaysia's top envoy in Washington in protest.

    Anwar, who is trying to sign up enough defecting lawmakers to topple the government, said it was running scared after March general elections that handed his opposition alliance unprecedented gains.

    "Instead of pursuing a reform agenda it has chosen to burn the country to save itself and to maintain its odious grip on power," he said in a statement.

    The three arrested have been accused of inciting ethnic tensions in the multicultural country, but Anwar accused the government of stirring up a phony racial crisis in order to deflect attention from its own problems.

    "We ask the government how far it is willing to go to usurp justice and destroy the institutions of good governance in its attempt to drive the Malaysian people against each other," he said.

    Anwar insisted he has the support to seize power, but indicated that the timing of his parliamentary coup, slated for next Tuesday, could be affected by the ruckus.

    "The priority is political stability. It's not an issue of deferring, we have the numbers to move," he told a press conference, adding he was "mindful" that he too could be targeted with arrest.

    Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar denied the detention sweep was aimed at suppressing dissent and said the police had moved to secure public order as tensions rose and people started to hoard food.

    "This country is multiracial and their relations can be fragile," he told a press conference. "If the police feel public order is under threat or possible conflict could occur in the country, they will take preventive action."

    Syed Hamid said that the journalist, 32-year-old Tan Hoon Cheng from the Chinese-language Sin Chew Daily News in northern Penang state, was released Saturday afternoon.

    "She is not a security threat," he said, adding that one of the reasons she was taken into custody was because "we received reports her life was threatened."

    Tan was thrust into the national spotlight after reporting on an outburst from a ruling party member who called ethnic Chinese "squatters" and was disciplined by the ruling party which represents Muslim Malays.

    The arrest drew rare condemnation from the Malaysian Chinese Association, the second-largest political party in the Barisan Nasional, which said the ISA may need to be abolished.

    "MCA is dismayed, disappointed and shocked with the ISA detention of Tan Hoon Cheng," said Ng Yen Yen, head of the MCA's women's wing.

    Syed Hamid said investigations would continue into the other two detainees and "if there is no reason to hold them they will be released within 60 days."

    Opposition lawmaker Teresa Kok, 43, from the Chinese-based Democratic Action Party, a member of Anwar's opposition alliance, was arrested over allegations that she complained about the noise of morning prayers at a mosque.

    She has said the accusation is "preposterous".

    The third detainee is Malaysia's leading blogger, 58-year-old Raja Petra Kamaruddin, who has repeatedly targeted government figures on his website "Malaysia Today".

    He has already been charged with sedition and defamation after linking Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife to the sensational murder of a Mongolian woman.

    Three Malaysian newspapers -- Tan's Sin Chew Daily News, The Sun, a free English-language daily, and Suara Keadilan, which is published by the opposition -- were also Friday threatened with suspension.

    "This, together with the arrest of Raja Petra under the ISA, may be viewed as a chilling message that our fundamental freedoms are not secure," said Ambiga Sreenevasan of Malaysia's Bar Council.

    Anwar Ibrahim on Saturday led demands for the government to end a crackdown that saw the arrests of an opposition politician, a blogger and a journalist.

    Where in this statement did Anwar specifically says the ISA must GO ? it only says demands for the government to end a crackdown !! Where in this statement did he say he is SHOCKED with the arrest of the journalist and where in this statement that he asked that the journalist be FREED from ISA ??
    Sounds similar when he called Ahmad Ismail a low class politician ?
    Well those reading this comment you make the judgement !!of my earlier statement .

  19. kittykat46

    As I said I call a spade a spade . What is right I will support . I support this call of yours :

    Come on Dollah, Barisan Nasional - go ahead, PLEASE GOVERN.

    If you can't govern, get the FU*K out of the way and let someone else govern.

  20. For me it is simple-we need a government that governs. The reasons why I am throwing my anti-katak principles down the toilet (along with the rest of my credibility) is because:

    *this country is on auto-pilot and I am not convinced UMNO will get its act together to govern effectively anytime soon. Thus, we need an effective government, which Badawi/Najib seem incapable of delivering.

    *I would still oppose the kataks if it wasn't for the fact that PR have promised that they will have elections within 12 months of coming to power. As long as they are also governing in that time, that is good enough for me. What worries me is so far is it is just words-I fail to see why all these BN people would jump only to have to face the voters soon after. I'm taking a leap of faith (eyes wide shut).

    *The ISA thingy: too me, that is just the final straw-Badawi keeps saying trust me, I'm different, I'll reform the country-well, when is he actually going to start? None of the others in UMNO will touch such a reform agenda bar perhaps Tengku Razaleigh but he's now backed by Mahathir (the only person I despise more than Anwar).

    So I don't care if 9-16 comes and goes-face it, Anwar was already making excuses days ago. I don't care anymore if it is unethical and undemocractic. Its not like teh last election was exactly free and fair, was it now? I only care that we have a government that can 1. govern (which is not happening now), 2. a govt that will have a reform agenda and 3. one that promises fresh elections very soon. PR ticks 2 & 3, while BN ticks none of the above at present.

    It is no longer a quandry for me-it is clear as day. I'm putting all my eggs in the 'change of govt by kataks' basket, and I don't care how unethical that is. Suffice to say that it is no less unethical than letting racial sentiments loose and arresting without trial journalists and MPs who have done no wrong.

    Habis cerita.

  21. Forgot to add ! to my comment 2:19 PM

    Where in this statement did he say he is SHOCKED with the arrest of the journalist and where in this statement that he asked that the journalist be FREED from ISA ??

    Where also did he insists that Teresa Kok be freed from ISA detention ? Where is he when the DAP with Teresa's parents went to visit her in detention ? Or where is his representatives like Kak or his daughter ? Same for RPK poor fellow !

    Where are the other party PAS ? same questions above applies ?
    Is this the PR type of gomen we want , if you still cannot see thru the NATO ( No action Talk Only ) then susah lah ! ! Lip Service at its best !!

    Here again I still want to stress while we do not approve of this type of poisonous brew of ideologies , we do NOT condemn their supporters , we engage them in ideology and we DO NOT ask their guys to ROT IN HELL after all they are humans and the only thing they don't agree is their political thinking .

  22. Parvinder Kler

    *this country is on auto-pilot

    SO IS Penang . Our CM Lim Guan Eng doesn't seem to be in Penang . He is still in election mode . You can guess where he is ! moving around with the Great Snake Oil Salesman .

    How not to be in auto-pilot when the Great Snake Oil Salesman is busily enticing salesman from the other company and sabotaging the other company dealing in Mongoose Oil !

  23. This is Anwar's best shot at the press conference today: Demands that MPs are not stopped from defecting; the Internal Security Act not be used to detain defecting or PR MPs; a state of emergency should not be declared; and no roadblocks be set up to stop MPs from going to Parliament,


    After the four demands announcement, Bursa turn for better, wakakaka.....wakakaka....wakakaka.....

  24. Penang may well be on auto-pilot, but to be frank, so what? It is not Penang but Putrajaya where the power base is-it is in Putrajaya where effective governance is needed right now. If Putrajya is effective, believe me, Penang will not be on autopilot.

    Sure, Lim Guan Eng should be governing Penang, but when he chooses to wear multiple hats, he needs to divide his attention. He should be told where his primary responsibility lies at the moment, and that is with governing Penang.

    But I'm not from Penang, and I'm not in Penang, so it is not my central concern. My central concern is that the govts of Sabah and M'sia are operational-the federal govt has seriously malfunctioned since March 2008, and the Sabah govt has in effect been in the same quandry seeing it has been taking orders from Putrajaya since 1994 when ironically, one Anwar Ibrahim, launched a coup d'etat.

    For my intersts, the federal goverment needs to be jumpstarted. It is the heart and blood of the federal system we have. Penang is an artery.

  25. This blog is really debased by morons and imbeciles Killer, Chaptokam and Xiean!

    And nobody got the guts to say it!

    I certainly would not do away with the ISA. Like Anwar, I would use it to put these imbeciles away to Kamunting!

    Ha! Ha1 Ha!

  26. Kamunting ought to be renamed "Guantanamo Bay of the East" and waterboarding, mock executions, leg-shackling and the like be used on all its inmates, who are re-labelled "terrorists" and not "political detainees"

  27. At least one of the 'imbeciles' has the decency to acknowledge differing points of view by not deleting our contrary views off his blog-its called respecting contrary views. We do not have to resort to name calling. We can disagree in a civilised manner. I think this blog is a breath of fresh air-gives me hope.

  28. Parvinder Kler Penang is an artery.

    You are wrong my friend , Penang is an organ of the body system . It can function on its own with or without Federal help . It has its own system of governace . However the brain is partially missing , Its just just a man who has two wives . He cannot differentiate between the first wife and the mistress in putrajaya . How can he be effective as a CEO when he ia always missing in action ? due to wearing multiple hats ?

  29. Anonymous 4:50 PM,

    hahaha you know what sort of commentators that goes to extreme views like : I would use it to put these imbeciles away to Kamunting!
    hahaha Guys these are the Anwaristas , running out of ideas and points to debate . With these people around its a gonna case for PKR . I will never vote PKR again . Never again .
    But anon you will be surprise if I tell you what connections I have !

  30. Okay fine, it is an organ-it is whatever you and I make of it. The point remains, the heart is in Putrajaya. Once the heart starts operating again, the organ can start functioning once more.

    From a purely realpolitik point of view, I re-assert that while I agree LGE should be doing his job, from my purely selfish self-interest point of view, I really do not care about Penang just right now. The heart needs to be resuscitated. ultimately, all teh organs will fail if the heart stops beating anyway.

  31. Zaid Ibrahim, perhaps the last honest man in the Cabinet, paints a sad picture of a government that does not understand even the basic need and mechanism for "Reform".

    I think now I can at least partly understand the reason for the paralysis of this Regime.

    Very sad.

    Frankly, September 16 may or may not happen, but there is very little hope for this regime's future.

  32. Parvinder Kler ok lah anyway you want to have it or look at it .
    But my take is that it looks like there will be a by pass operation very , very soon but definetly NOT a heart transplant . Right now there are lots of specialist calling for heart transplant but there are no suitable donors around not even the Great Snake Oil Salesman is suitable , organ and tissue rejection . Final decision is now inevitable that a by pass be done .

  33. XieAn said...

    This is Anwar's best shot at the press conference today: Demands that MPs are not stopped from defecting; the Internal Security Act not be used to detain defecting or PR MPs; a state of emergency should not be declared; and no roadblocks be set up to stop MPs from going to Parliament,

    I thought he was going to demand that the Govt should release Teresa Kok and RPK .Not a word about it .Not a SINGLE word mentioned in his press conference about them . I guess to him they have serve his purpose and usefulness and are now dispensable or disposable items . Thats the irony of it !!
    All he knows is when can I bring down this govt and when can I be PM .

  34. kittykat46

    I think now I can at least partly understand the reason for the paralysis of this Regime.

    Very sad.

    The Warlords from the country of OZ !!!!!!!!!

    These are the B*stards who have been F**king us and the the unmentionable parties up . However the unmentionable parties need also a leadership change .

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. parvinder

    I spend much of my time in Penang due to work and quite familiar with the situation. In this I have to concur with chaptokam. If you think Federal govt is on auto-pilot then Penang's is flying with all of its engines dead.

    LGE is driving Penang down the drain by keeping the investors away by his populist and anti-business policies. Despite his so-called CAT principles, his administration is riddled with cronyism and favouritism.

    Talking about the paralysis of BN govt, if you notice this is so much more pronounced after March 8. I had warned before GE to many of my friends who wanted to punish BN or deprive the 2/3 majority that this would result in a political paralysis that would plunge the nation into another Indonesia, India or Pakistan. The result of GE made Badawi lose his hold on UMNO and made his position shaky. To make matters worse, Anwar's attempt to form a Katakcracy and his attempts to destabilise the govt through his cronies made BN to focus more on defending their position than governing the nation.

    So we all responsible for the problems we have. It is not just BN govt but any govt any part of the world would be equally weak in such political equation.

    Solely blaming Badawi is unfair. Granted his leadership is weak but remember his willingness to allow more democratic space and human rights is the reason for the unprecendented success of PR in the last GE.

    However the solution is not simple either. Allowing Anwar into power will not solve the problem but would make it worse. It would usher in an era that would make Malaysians look backward to the current situation with envy. Anwar will have to contend with numerous forces against his rule, BN as well as his own party as well as PR partners like PAS and DAP. If you think Badawi's weak, Anwar would look mentally and physically handicapped by comparison.

  37. I have no illusions about Anwar and his cronies, none whatsoever. Neither will I dispute the words about Penang from people living there. But still, it is the federal govt that needs to get its house in order first. Of course Anwar has contributed to the instability-that's obvious. But the govt has fallen away, and continues to fall away. If Penang collapses due to bad (or indeed non) governance that is not as bad an outcome as the federal government collapsing in a heap.

    I want to see a stable govt-if it is not going to be the current govt, then perhaps Badawi should call for fresh elections-beat Anwar one more time and shut him up once and for all.

  38. Parvinder,

    I do not see a government that will govern in Barisan Nasional anymore. It's system, especially the system of UMNO, is rotten to the core. For them to reform, they need to basically kill themselves and be born again in a new way. Otherwise, we'll get the same old same.

    Even in the past, when we may claim that BN actually governed, a massive political patronage system was an undeniable part of its governance. While the motorboat sped ahead a little bit in the past (the 1990s boom was not 100% a result of fantastic Malaysian governance but was due in fair part to general global boom, most significantly in the US), and so yes, while the motorboat sped nicely along, the political patronage/corruption part was chipping away at the hull. It was only to be a matter of time before things collapsed, and here we are, at that very point.

    So when you say you want a government that will govern, what government are you talking about? A Tengku Razaleigh/Muhyiddin government, with Mahathir Mohammad sitting behind the curtains like a Senior Minister Sith Lord? No thank you.

    Honestly, to govern, we need a new government from Pakatan Rakyat.

    They may NOT be SEEN to be governing now because the bloody Federal government which has a lot of power is throwing spanners in their work!

    You will see governance once Pakatan is in the Federal government.

    Essentially, Pakatan should be more transparent than Barisan and therefore the people's voice will not really go in vain. Right now, under Barisan, we can shout till our throats rip, but do they listen?


  39. I know what you're getting at Killer. After March 8, we had lots of angry Penang Gerakan, MCA, and even UMNO people (eg. Ahmad Ismail) who can't 'cari makan' anymore. Like you, they're very upset at the new administration and those 'foolish' Penangites who had said enough and voted in new people.

    If you bothered to step outside & ask the common Penangite, most think the present admin is better than the previous one. For once, we don't have to worry about the PGCC blocking a major artery (Scotland Rd.) into the city.

    Next... those hillside developments that was approved by the Koh Administraton. Thank you very much for the 'teh tarik' on rainy days.

  40. Brighteyes
    For once, we don't have to worry about the PGCC blocking a major artery (Scotland Rd.) into the city.
    So brighteyes are you giving credit to LGE for closing the chapter on PGCC ?
    Maybe should refresh your memory !This is what I posted many moons ago .
    ----------------------------------Hey Guan Eng ,You want the federal government to replace them with a cash payment of RM4.7 billion to continue with the economic development of the state.

    You think Pak Lah or the federal Government will give you ?? You must be dreaming .
    In the first place you have forgotten that you are the Chief minister of Penang . You DON"T demand funds from the PM or Federal Govt by way of demands thru the mainstream media . If Pak Lah or the Federal Govt were to accede to your demands and give you the money , what would they look like ?? They would look like fools in the first place and idiots to give you .

    If you want money , go quietly to his office and talk to him like a son talking to his father . Papa give me some money , nobody around to hear you asking for money , only you and him .
    If he decides to give you at least he won't loose face . UMNO people in Penang won't say that Pak Lah very soft , everything also give understand or not Guan Eng ??
    You don't go in with guns blazing away like what you are now trying to do .You never get it .
    Ask your papa Lim Kit Siang when you were jailed . He went to see Mahathir in Langkawi and ask TDM please lah release my son , and TDM agreed because your papa got courtesy to see TDM personally and ask for help . Imagine if your papa demands TDM release you thru the papers , you know what will happen ?? you know lah Guan Eng .

    By the way Guan Eng Penang doesn't need the PORR project , Many NGO's asked that the project be cancel and here you are asking money from Pak Lah to implement the PORR and the monorail ???

    Do you know that a lot of people who voted for you was because they did not want the PORR project ?
    Why are you still insisting on the PORR ??? Just to let you know the people living in Jesselton heights , Gottlieb Gardens and Gurney Drive all want the PORR to be cancel . Are you aware of this ???

    Further I were you I will only request for the money for the MONORAIL not the PORR . There is a possibility that they might reconsider the Monorail or the Trams since it is much cheaper . Guan Eng I don't have to teach you lah , ask for one , get it later ask for other things as long as its not PORR .

    Really a bunch of Greenhorns , good only as opposition yang berhormats .

    In conclusion you want all the money for Penang , join BN thats the fastest and quickest way .

    written by Chaptokam, July 14, 2008 | 18:24:50
    You want the federal government to replace them with a cash payment of RM4.7 billion to continue with the economic development of the state. You think Pak Lah or the federal Government will give you ?? You must be dreaming. In the first place you have forgotten that you are the Chief minister of Penang . You DON"T demand funds from the PM or Federal Govt by way of demands thru the mainstream media . If Pak Lah or the Federal Govt were to accede to your demands and give you the money , what would they look like ?? They would look like fools in the first place and idiots to give you. If you want money , go quietly to his office and talk to him like a son talking to his father . Papa give me some money , nobody around to hear you asking for money , only you and him . If he decides to give you at least he won't loose face . UMNO people in Penang won't say that Pak Lah very soft , everything also give understand or not Guan Eng ?? You don't go in with guns blazing away like what you are now trying to do .You never get it . Ask your papa Lim Kit Siang when you were jailed . He went to see Mahathir in Langkawi and ask TDM please lah release my son , and TDM agreed because your papa got courtesy to see TDM personally and ask for help . Imagine if your papa demands TDM release you thru the papers , you know what will happen ?? you know lah Guan Eng .

    By the way Guan Eng Penang doesn't need the PORR project , Many NGO's asked that the project be cancel and here you are asking money from Pak Lah to implement the PORR and the monorail? Do you know that a lot of people who voted for you was because they did not want the PORR project ? Why are you still insisting on the PORR ??? Just to let you know the people living in Jesselton heights , Gottlieb Gardens and Gurney Drive all want the PORR to be cancel . Are you aware of this? Further I were you I will only request for the money for the MONORAIL not the PORR . There is a possibility that they might reconsider the Monorail or the Trams since it is much cheaper . Guan Eng I don't have to teach you lah , ask for one , get it later ask for other things as long as its not PORR .

    Hey Guan Eng ,You want the federal government to replace them with a cash payment of RM4.7 billion to continue with the economic development of the state.

    You think Pak Lah or the federal Government will give you ?? You must be dreaming .
    In the first place you have forgotten that you are the Chief minister of Penang . You DON"T demand funds from the PM or Federal Govt by way of demands thru the mainstream media . If Pak Lah or the Federal Govt were to accede to your demands and give you the money , what would they look like ?? They would look like fools in the first place and idiots to give you .

    If you want money , go quietly to his office and talk to him like a son talking to his father . Papa give me some money , nobody around to hear you asking for money , only you and him .
    If he decides to give you at least he won't loose face . UMNO people in Penang won't say that Pak Lah very soft , everything also give understand or not Guan Eng ??
    You don't go in with guns blazing away like what you are now trying to do .You never get it .
    Ask your papa Lim Kit Siang when you were jailed . He went to see Mahathir in Langkawi and ask TDM please lah release my son , and TDM agreed because your papa got courtesy to see TDM personally and ask for help . Imagine if your papa demands TDM release you thru the papers , you know what will happen ?? you know lah Guan Eng .

    By the way Guan Eng Penang doesn't need the PORR project , Many NGO's asked that the project be cancel and here you are asking money from Pak Lah to implement the PORR and the monorail ???

    Do you know that a lot of people who voted for you was because they did not want the PORR project ?
    Why are you still insisting on the PORR ??? Just to let you know the people living in Jesselton heights , Gottlieb Gardens and Gurney Drive all want the PORR to be cancel . Are you aware of this ???

    Further I were you I will only request for the money for the MONORAIL not the PORR . There is a possibility that they might reconsider the Monorail or the Trams since it is much cheaper . Guan Eng I don't have to teach you lah , ask for one , get it later ask for other things as long as its not PORR .

    Really a bunch of Greenhorns , good only as opposition yang berhormats .

    In conclusion you want all the money for Penang , join BN thats the fastest and quickest way .

    written by Chaptokam, July 14, 2008 | 18:24:50
    You want the federal government to replace them with a cash payment of RM4.7 billion to continue with the economic development of the state. You think Pak Lah or the federal Government will give you ?? You must be dreaming. In the first place you have forgotten that you are the Chief minister of Penang . You DON"T demand funds from the PM or Federal Govt by way of demands thru the mainstream media . If Pak Lah or the Federal Govt were to accede to your demands and give you the money , what would they look like ?? They would look like fools in the first place and idiots to give you. If you want money , go quietly to his office and talk to him like a son talking to his father . Papa give me some money , nobody around to hear you asking for money , only you and him . If he decides to give you at least he won't loose face . UMNO people in Penang won't say that Pak Lah very soft , everything also give understand or not Guan Eng ?? You don't go in with guns blazing away like what you are now trying to do .You never get it . Ask your papa Lim Kit Siang when you were jailed . He went to see Mahathir in Langkawi and ask TDM please lah release my son , and TDM agreed because your papa got courtesy to see TDM personally and ask for help . Imagine if your papa demands TDM release you thru the papers , you know what will happen ?? you know lah Guan Eng .

    By the way Guan Eng Penang doesn't need the PORR project , Many NGO's asked that the project be cancel and here you are asking money from Pak Lah to implement the PORR and the monorail? Do you know that a lot of people who voted for you was because they did not want the PORR project ? Why are you still insisting on the PORR ??? Just to let you know the people living in Jesselton heights , Gottlieb Gardens and Gurney Drive all want the PORR to be cancel . Are you aware of this? Further I were you I will only request for the money for the MONORAIL not the PORR . There is a possibility that they might reconsider the Monorail or the Trams since it is much cheaper . Guan Eng I don't have to teach you lah , ask for one , get it later ask for other things as long as its not PORR .

  41. To chaptokam,

    Wakakaka so stupid lah you. Anwar didn't demand for their release because he knows that once he becomes the PM he can release them himself!

    And nice job and putting words in Anwar's mouth.


  43. prince principles

    You are wrong in your analysis, completely off track, way off track.

    If the success of the Malaysian economy was due to global boom then how come our neighbours (all except Singapore and brunei) didn't get prosperous as us ? if not for the policies of the government, we would have remained as "rich" as Indonesia.

    As for the political patronage system, yes this is something that I concede. But do recall the root of the " corporatitisation" of UMNO. It is none other than the Great Snake Oil Salesman himself. Not only he sodomised UMNO politically and financially, he also introduced money politics and initiated the corruption, Islamisation and politicisation of the civil service. He had this strong kinship with the Indons and embarked on the "indonesiasation" of the Bahasa Malaysia to the extent of calling it Bahasa Melayu.

    He seized control of the awarding of contracts and use it as the political tool to gain support. He also competely abused the UMNO-owned companies and installed his cronies.

    While this process of corruption and political patronage was present before his time, only after Anwar's tenure these evil practices were widespread.

    BN govt's performance is easy to see in the past 51 years. If the performance is weak after March 8th, then the fault is also due to PR and the Malaysian votes.

    How would we Malaysians trust a PR govt headed by a man obviously shows not a shread of ethics and has a track record that even Osama Bin Ladin would be ashamed of.

    Look around the performance of PR state govts. Kelantan and Kedah are on the way to become Afghanistan. Penang is fast earning a reputation as the Indonesia of Malaysia with a CM who is more worried about enhancing his image and making idiotic statements than ruling the state. Perak is the Iraq of Malaysia where the MB is just a proxy controlled by DAP's Ngeh. The state of Selangor defies description, since no one runs the state. MB is virtually a Sultan without the power with his own exco his biggest enemies. Most of his exco spend time digging dirt on the past admin while the state rots away.

    If Anwar becomes the PM, then it would be the end of Malaysia. The country would be plunged into chaos and end up in a civil war.

  44. Anonymous 10:54 PM,

    If you have nothing much to say or contribute to this discussion suggest you make yourself disappear . Go back and smoke your havana cigar and don't be a nuisance here . Don't think I don't know who you are you miserable 70 yr old pig . Call yourself a Buddhist , OMG !!

  45. Laksarian

    Wakakaka so stupid lah you

    Stupid or not stupid none of your fu*king business .

    And nice job and putting words in Anwar's mouth.

    And when did I put words in Anwar's mouth ? Pls specify the word or sentence ! Otherwise shaft a cigr inside your mouth .

  46. Prince Principles,

    I have never supported the BN-my political awakening occurred as a 9 year old in Sabah in 1985 when PBS swept to power, but I concede that even though the last election wasn't exactly free and fair, the BN would have won anyway (with less seats than what they have now, but a win's a win). So they should 1. be given the right to govern. If the current administartion fails (as it clearly has), then 2. a change in leadership within BN is called for as a start. It is the govt's prerogative. If that fails then it should be elections or 4. a takeover from an opposition that has promised to call fresh elections once in power.

    Only 2 and 4 seem a possibility, and it remains to be seen if 2 will work as Najib also seems impotent. I call for a takeover because the govt is not functioning, and any change in BN leadership will have to wait till December, at which time the govt will continue to meander with no guarantee that internal divisions will not be repaired. Quite frankly fresh elections should be held now. If Anwar is right, he'll win hands down. If Badawi is right, he'll win hands down.

  47. Parvinder,
    Look at that prince principles reasoning? It's shit and cockscrewed in;nt ?The Pakatan states falling and turning rotten? This nut must be the same old jerkers again with their one track mind.This morality buggers raping this blog with their retard mentality.
    Sorry! I am not the old bugger you know or a buddhist. I'm for fair play and fair review.Any of you old buggers go out of taste my wrath!Some call me the PUNISHER.
