
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

916 Man Man Lai

Either Mr Man Man Lai has the numbers or he is playing the biggest bluff in the political poker, by raising his ante to the maximum in the hope of triggering off a mass defection particular of those who may be kiasu – a move that Malaysiakini columnist, Ong Kian Ming had termed as a (hope for a) self-fulfilling prophesy.

To enhance his boss’ ante, Malaysia’s most renown wannabe martyr declared in Malaysiakini
Pakatan's next stop - the Agong the PKR's intention which is self explanatory.

Meanwhile Mr Man Man Lai, in his usual man man lai (hey déjà vu, didn’t I just mention this phrase?), claimed
We've more than 31 defectors but, as usual, without revealing who they are.

He demands a meeting with AAB, in order to to show him the list. However, Malaysiakini reported in PM rejects meeting with Anwar that AAB accused Anwar of kong tua p’au (literally ‘talk big cannon’ or bloody bullsh*t bragging).

He said of Anwar: “If he really has the list of MPs, he should just reveal it, and need not wait to meet me. He does not have the list. He is a liar.

Regarding Anwar’s letter to him, AAB revealed that it was only a request to discuss general national issues - wakakaka!

AAB said: “The letter did not state anything about transition of power or list of defectors. Otherwise, he would not be waiting patiently buying time and making so much noise about it.”

Well, I believe if Anwar has the numbers, those guys should be standing beside him in a demonstration of the change of power, without requiring him to bullsh*t around in what Ku Li called it, playing mind games!

Indeed, Anwar has been playing high stake mind games in the hope, as mentioned, of stampeding those, who are known to prize political survival above all values, into his corner. BTW, what happen to the PKR disciplinary action against the Kulim Wonder?

I term it a mind game like Ku Li because thus far, Anwar has not shown anything, nada, zilch, kosong, boh pmua harng.

And even if he were to go to the King, as Tian Chua threatened, unless and only if he is accompanied by those 31 BN MPs, sorry lah, it will be still man man lai bullsh*t.

I am afraid I have to agree with AAB that Mr Man Man Lai's bullsh*t has reached preposterous heights!

While we wait as 916 peters out slowly (100% guarantee nothing will happen today) here’s something man man lai for you to chew on ;-)

Man man lai, man man lai
I'll be Boss on top of the hill
Man man lai, man man lai
You're gonna get a big thrill

Man man lai, man man lai
I'm already Boss of the hill
Man man lai, man man lai
Hey man, Boss I am still

Man man lai, man man lai
I'll be next Boss, yes I will
Man man lai, man man lai
Or I'll look much like a dill

Man man lai, man man lai
I too wanna be on the hill
Man man lai, man man lai
Gotta have a word with FIL

Man man lai, man man lai
Semangat 46 gave me nil
Man man lai, man man lai
Thought I was in Onn's will

Man man lai, man man lai
If I have to wait for AP bill
Man man lai, man man lai
I won't be filling up my till

Man man lai, man man lai
Taiwan's soil l was to till
Man man lai, man man lai
Went for frogs in the rill

Man man lai, man man lai
Balls to that rumour mill
The frogs actually mai lai
Now, that's the best thrill

MM memang spoilsport lah!


  1. Dear KT,

    You're really pathetic... I'll let someone else answer you instead...

  2. Anwaristas,

    The game has changed, the party is over for you.

    For months the Great Snake Oil Salesman held the country at random with his pathetic claims to seize the government on Sept 16th. The date has come and gone.

    It is no surprise that why he choose the date...he wanted to get the BN MPs from Sabah and Sarawak to cross over. But that's a fat dream unless Lady Luck intervenes and divine help is rendered. Of course that hasn't happened.

    So now, GSOS has lost the initiative. With every passing day Anwar's credibility and popularity will wear off like some cheap made-in-china T-shirt. His fan club of foreign press will have less and less stories on him, except perhaps when his trial is on but even that eventually be forgotten.

    May be in 3 to 6 mths, Anwar will be reduced to the level of some skull-capped Islamofascist from Kulim.

    PR meanwhile will implode, with PAS leaving and PKR wrecked by internal power struggle. DAP meanwhile will slowly distance itself from the circus. One by one the states under PR will fall to BN, except perhaps Penang. By the time of 13th GE, all that left behind of PR is some distance memories.

  3. It's Sept 17 now. DSAI failed.

  4. Badawi doesn't need to meet Anwar to say his piece. He already called Anwar bluff in public. He even issued an open challenge for Anwar to publicly reveal the names.

    What for meet privately?

    Badawi meeting Anwar will only be spinned by PR supporters to add weight to Anwar's claim.

    It then create unnecessary doubt within BN camp. People who dunwan to defect will have second thoughts. Maybe that's what Anwar is aiming for?

  5. I'm far from convinced it is all over but if it is then perhaps Badawi will start governing for a change? Otherwise, hand over to someone who will (by doing so now, or not standing at the UMNO election) or call fresh elections. But for the country's sake, govern!!

  6. In this age of "INSTANTs", we all want to see instant results. If changing a govt is like changing clothes, then this place will be another banana replublic in no time. The ruling govt pulls out all the stops and use all the tricks in their book to stay in place. The opposition has to do the same thing to rock them off their perch. Yet, they have to maintain doing it with certain legitimacy, otherwise they look like they're no better than the incumbent.

    The rest of us, whether for or against them, we have to stay level-headed and hope that something good comes out of all this elbowing. Otherwise, some people may want to go choose some big travelling bags for a one-way trip...

  7. parvinder

    It's well and through over. By now people with balanced perspective and intelligence should know his tactics. He uses the power of PR and propaganda extensively. If he has the numbers, he would have published to the world a long time ago. He would not demand a mtg with AAB but with the King or the speaker for an emergency session to have a vote of no-confidence.

    Of course he will continue to fish and snipe. That's why people like LKS spends some much more time in Sabah and Sarawak in the last 6 months than in the last several decades. Just notice his blog on his activities.

    However, as I said, his credibility is on the downhill with each passing day. All the supporters (or political hyenas) who were waiting for project 916 will sooner or later move on. And it is a matter of time PR starts to implode.

    As for AAB, I am not sure. I admire the old man for his boldness in pursuing reforms though he has obviously over promised and under-delivered. However, his contribution toward the progression of democarcy cannot be denied.

    But when it comes to providing a steady stewardship he has failed, though the blame should be also shared by the Malaysian people for taking away his political and electoral mandate, making his position weak and shaky.

    I believe, AAB has made too many enemies and lost too many friends with his handling of the country after March 8. I think he will not last until 2010 and Najib will take over sooner. Najib with his econs background and stronger grassroot support, could, should and must do better.

  8. Perhaps so, but I doubt Najib can do any better-if the government stay then the UMNO elections better come up with a clear winner-otherwise fresh polls may well be the only solution to get things moving again.

    Najib, it seems to me has to make a clear break from Badawi. The latter is a dead dog in UMNO. Too much water has passed under the bridge now for him to have much credibility left within the party.

    If you're right then it is time to start governing-for all, not just their cronies. I cannot expect now that much reform will take place, but some reform will have to occur-otherwise they are finished anyway. It is time for those in BN who have had their heads buried under the sand to be replaced by those who's feet and not heads are under the sand.

    No matter what, people like Ezam better practice what he preaches-reform with zeal, or get smashed next time around. Whatever has happened the past 6 months, things can never quite be the same again. Too much dirty UMNO linen has been shown to the public.

    PR states also need to get on with governing. Let the peopel then decide, but I fear that as long as insipid corruption of funds and teh law remains in the hands of non-reformers, nothing will change.

  9. Najib I'm afraid is a throwback to the Old UMNO of power warlords, Ketuanan Melayu, Pendatangism, Kuku Besi rule.

    Anwar may not make it, but its going to be downhill all the way for UMNO unless it can make a fresh start.

    And Najib is not the man for that.

    As for the comment that Malaysian people took away Dollah's political and electoral mandate, making his position weak and shaky.

    Its the other way round. He was weak and shaky with a 90% majority. So the Malaysian people took away (most) of his electoral mandate. He still has a substantial majority in Parliament.
    No more excuses. He must earn his salary.

  10. LC Teh

    In this age of "INSTANTs", we all want to see instant results. If changing a govt is like changing clothes, then this place will be another banana replublic in no time.

    That comment of yours is exactly what I have been saying all along . When there were so many commentator wanting an immediate change , I used to say , so easy as changing car tyres ??

    The rest of us, whether for or against them, we have to stay level-headed and hope that something good comes out of all this elbowing.

    Better hope so , we are all suffering economically , stock markets affected , investors sentiment down , etc due to the Clash of the Giants !

  11. Ex-UMNO Ex-BN

    There will be no heart transplant but there will be a by-pass in medical terms . Hope you get what I'm saying . The operation date seems to be close , very close !

  12. ex-UMNO ex-BN

    I think it is too early to judge Najib's style of leadership.

    As for GSOS even when he was the DPM, I did not trust that snake charmer one bit for he had the habit of singing a different song to different audience. His snake charming act came to an end when Dr M took an extended holiday (I suspect to test Anwar). I remember how Anwar was completely paralysed with the Islamofascist running wild. I remember the incident when some misguided JAIS mullahs went to a hotel and arrested two Muslim women who took part in a beauty contest. Despite the national outrage, Mr GSOS never uttered a sound. Dr M meanwhile exploded in anger from Tokyo and demanded the officials to be sacked (he did when he came back).

    Najib does not seems to revel in such duplicity. His British training shows through his speeches and measured in his responses. What I can detect is his diplomatic appraoch and an anglophile tendency. I guess he is much more Western orientated than most of senior UMNO leaders. As such I doubt he is a fan of iron-fisted Mahatirism or weak-kneed Badawism.

    As for Badawi I agree that people punished his over-promising and under delivering. However this punishment was too severe since they have fatally weakened his situation to the extent where he is stuck between a rock and a hard place, paralysing his administration.

    Parvinder, I disagree on a fresh election as there is no guarantee it will produce a clear winner. Further it will set a precedence where people start to demand for re-election on their whims and fancies.

    It ought to remember that BN has a clear majority, just short of 2/3 majority. However, the decision by the people to deny the 2/3 is the root cause of the current malaise. It is only expected that UMNO and BN to undergo a transition and rebuilding now. I would expect things to be clearer after the UMNO elections.

  13. We'll see. The majority may not have been 2/3rds but it was close enough. That should have been enough to govern-hell, in many countries a 1 seat majority is enough to govern, but more than external pressure the paralysis was caused by internal pressure.

    I think if the paralysis continues past the UMNO elections, an election must be called. After all, the majority in parliament must govern. If they fail to do that, they must vacate their office. They are not there to sit in government for 5 years, but to govern for 5 years.

    Of course the fear is we'd end up with a hung parliament, but quite frankly, if the BN can't seem to rule with the majority they have now, and can only rule with 2/3rds majority, what kind of government is that? Still, the bravado shown by both sides indicate that both sides will win big in the next election, which is of course impossible.

    Personally I cannot wait-I just wish it would be sooner rather than later as I can no longer separate truth from fiction. Stories from both sides seem to be plausible and implausible at the same time. I am sick of the sandiwara, and sure all sides must take the blame, but ultimately this could all have been avoided with effective government leadership. If they had managed to quell internal dissent then they would have been more than capable of beating external dissent.

    That needs sorting out, and it better be in December. Otherwise, I foresee the re-appearance of this sandiwara.

  14. Anwar has failed.

    Go Ahead.
    Shout from the rooftops
    Lambast Anwar
    The Liar, The Great Snake Oil Salesman
    The end is nigh for PKR !!!!!

    But I wonder who will have the last laugh...

  15. anon, what is there to celebrate when the actual fun (of the promise of 916 and the days leadng to it) is over? It was just the usual man man lai spectacle - good for news headlines, SMS-ing, blogging, phone calls, and kongsamkok.

    The 916 aftermath may provide for another few more days of gossip, analysis and speculation, and after that, we need a new spectacle or event.

    But you sounded really pissed off of dejected. I feel sorry for your great disappointment at anwar's inability to fulfil his man man lai de-fective 'promise'.

  16. This is an interesting article which reflects the thinking of us :

    Majority tired of the mind games Anwar is playing
    By : Kalimullah Hassan

    TWO weeks ago, at a dinner with an Asean ambassador, I was asked within minutes whether a change in government would take place on Sept 16.
    "Would it?" I asked the ambassador. I was really tired of people everywhere only talking about "Sept 16" instead of moving on.

    "Well, Western ambassadors seem convinced that it is going to happen," he replied.

    That's when I laughed and told the ambassador that if that was his barometer of determining the truth, then he had better tell his colleagues that wiser folk had been fooled many times in the last three decades by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    But that's Anwar's magic and gift. He can tell different things to different people, contradict himself over and over again, and still have many who believe him.
    Arsenic poisoning, escape to Turkish ambassador's house because of death threats, the list could go on...

    Maybe even the DAP's wily old fox Lim Kit Siang fell for the Anwar magic, believing that he would be a senior member of an Anwar-led government and would be able to finally push through policies and ideals he had harboured for more than four decades in politics.

    Well, 916 did not happen. Now, Anwar says "another few days..." and there are a host of reasons why he cannot announce the names of -- Western diplomats convincingly say 31 Barisan Nasional members of parliament -- those who HAVE crossed over.

    Come on now, Datuk Seri Anwar. Get on with it.

    If you have the numbers, go and form the next government.

    God knows that the majority of Malaysians are really tired of these mind games Anwar and his cohorts like Kit Siang are playing.

    One foreigner, who lived here for many years and now works in Singapore, perhaps best described it when he told me recently that "this is the longest election any country must ever have had".

    Since March 8, when the opposition took five states and denied the once-powerful BN a two-thirds majority, Anwar has been predicting he will form the next government and confidently describes himself as "the prime minister-in-waiting".

    First it was June, then July and then, according to Anwar, no later than Sept 16.

    Each time he failed to meet the deadline, he would come up with new dates and new reasons and, meanwhile, what happens?

    Foreigners who want to invest are afraid to put in their money because investors never like uncertainties. They want to see, if a new government takes over, what the policies would be.

    Would Pas push through Islamic laws which affect the investment climate?

    Will the DAP and Anwar's Parti Keadilan Rakyat have greater investment-friendly policies and throw out the remnants of the New Economic Policy?

    Will there be riots and mayhem? What is going to happen?

    And slowly, but surely, foreigners have exited the Malaysian Stock Exchange as well -- because of the uncertainties.

    Foreigners do not think that Bursa Malaysia, already troubled by the slowdown and failure of some of the world's largest banks in Europe and the United States, the credit crunch and rising commodity prices, is worth the political risk Malaysia poses.

    Today, we have some of the best run Malaysian companies trading at unbelievably low valuations. Yet, there are no takers. Why?

    Well, thank you Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and gang, I say.

    Some people, in frustration, ask: "Why can't they just show what they can do with the five states they are governing?

    "If they are good, we will vote them in the next elections."

    The BN has been taught a very good lesson for its arrogance, for the abuses by some of its menteris besar and ministers, for not delivering many of the promises it made.

    Yet, the voters decided that they are willing to give the BN another chance at the federal level.

    If the BN does not change, if it cannot win over the hearts and minds of the people again through good governance and policies, then this is probably their last term in power.

    So the question asked is why cannot Anwar and Kit Siang wait until the next general election?

    They did lose the federal elections, didn't they? And wasn't it Kit Siang who attacked Anwar in 1994 when the then deputy prime minister led the "coercion and crossovers" of state assemblymen like Datuk Yong Teck Lee and Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan to cause the fall of the democratically-elected Parti Bersatu Sabah government led by Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan?

    What has changed now that Kit Siang is no longer against defections through coercion?

    Perhaps, like all other politicians, the sweet smell of power is too strong and has overpowered principles.

    Anyway, both Anwar and Kit Siang are now in their 60s. Five years is too long time to wait, perhaps...

    The best thing Anwar can do -- if he has the numbers -- is to end the uncertainty, announce the crossovers and seek to form the next government.

    Maybe then, he can restore his credibility, and maybe then our country can better equip itself in fending off global economic challenges instead of having Anwar's politics further mess things up.

    This speaks of what we have been saying all along .

  17. Anonymous 2:01 PM,

    we share with you your sadness and disappointment , but to us there is no celebration . We don't celebrate on things like that . We are here to give our views , to educate and dissipate our views of what we think is the truth , and not to be taken in by sweet talk , so that everyone will come away wiser ! ! !

  18. If Anwar has the numbers he claims ha has , there is no necessity for him to seek an appointment with Badawi .
    According to constitutional lawyers , if Anwar indeed had a majority of members of parliament supporting him , as he had claimed since shortly after the March 8 GE , these are the several possible constitutional scenarios .
    If Anwar has the majority supporting him, he could table a motion of no-confidence in the prime minister in Parliament .If the PM loses the vote , he will have to inform the Yang Di Pertuan Agong that he no longer commands the majority and the government must resign .
    Constitutionally , the Yang Di Pertuan Agong could then invite Anwar to form a government if he feels Anwar can command a majority , after which Anwar could then face a confidence vote in the house to show that he indeed has a majority .
    Badawi has another option if the opposition parties can successfully mount a no-confidence motion against him .
    He can opt to seek dissolution of Parliament in a snap Parliamentary general election to seek a fresh mandate .
    The likelihood of cousre is that Anwar cannot coerce or entice enough BN MPs to join him and hence that is why he has proposed many dates for forming the Govt., none of which have materialised.
    It is extremely unlikely that he has the numbers because if he did , then he could just call a gathering of all the defectors with signed pledges , parade them before the press and practically bring down the govt as he did in 1994 in Sabah after PBS won the elections .At that time Anwar was DPM and heading the election campaign for BN in Sabah.

    Muhyiddin: Anwar uses my name to woo MPs
    As the Umno vice-president lashed out at Anwar Ibrahim for continuing his psy-war against the government, he also revealed that the oppostion leader has used his name to woo BN MPs.
    He put my name on top of the list'

    In view of this disclosure , he still has the numbers ???????

  19. LATEST:Blogger Kickdefella picked up by police
    BLOGGER Syed Azidi Syed Aziz a.k.a Kickdefella has been picked up by police in Kota Baru at 5pm today.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Anon 2.01pm

    May be you and your fellow anwaristas are guilible and under the influence of the Great Snake Oil Saleman. But people like KTemoc, Chaptokam, myself and many others are surely not easily charmed by the sodomist.

    As such, we don't don't celebrate but laugh when GSOS' stupid stunt was exposed like the Emperor with New Clothes.

    Kalimullah's comments only reflects what we had said before in this blog. That western countries are actively interferring in the country's political affairs and that they are using shadowly NGOs to provide funding and technical expertise.

    I wonder why all the sycopants and other anwaristas who were so convinced (donplaypuks comes to mind) of Project 916 no longer visit this blog to apologise and admit their stupidity and gulliability in being cheerleaders to the GSOS.
