
Monday, August 11, 2008

Where politicians come from?

We read in Malaysiakini those politicians at it again such as in Muhyiddin: Vote-buying rampant in Umno.

The UMNO VP sounds a bit frustrated, but seems to be unaware that there is a by-election for UMNO just around the corner. Nice shooting in the foot ;-)

Then we have, also from Malaysiakini, MCA attack on Anwar draws PKR's ire.

It tells us that MCA Youth chief Liow Tiong Lai called Anwar Ibrahim a ‘double faced and split-tongued’ politician.

Hmmm ….. but the Malaysiakini headline is a bit boringly obvious – why not something more sensational like ‘MCA called Anwar Nor T’au Chua’.

Then there’s Malaysiakini news article PKR sec-gen defends morality of defections.

That’s how rottenness starts – first the PKR pollies and supporters rationalise subversion of the ballot box (which is what the encouragement, enticement and egging of party defections really is); then as the new ‘ruling party’ they’ll do what UMNO has been doing gradually since 1957 (more subversion of the democratic process), and before you know it, they’ll be worse ...

... which incidentally they were (worst of the UMNOputras, that is), prior to being chuck out of UMNO for incompetent treachery, as in their attempt to sabotage Dr M with insinuations of nepotism and cronyism to get him out of his No 1 position a.s.a.p to make way for their 'One & Only', but instead were so incompetent that they found Dr M showing proof of their 'One & Only' as the one actually practising nepotism and cronyism.

Yes, that's how incompetent they had been!

Reading the above, I kinda like the following story:

A woman went to her doctor for advice.

She told him that her husband had developed a penchant for anal sex and she was not sure that it was such a good idea.

'Do you enjoy it?' The doctor asked.

'Well actually, yes, I do', she exclaimed.

'Does it hurt you?' he asked.

'No. I rather like it.'

'Well, then,' the doctor continued, 'there's no reason that you shouldn't practice anal sex, if that's what you like, so long as you take care not to get pregnant.'

The woman was mystified, 'What? You can get pregnant from anal sex?'’

'Of course,' the doctor replied. 'Where do you think politicians come from'?



  1. Politician are for politics not Rakayt...

    They all like backdoor!

  2. u mean people like Nik Aziz, Hadi awang and Mahathir came about by anal sex ?

  3. With some much rubbish coming out from some politicians' mouths
    We may not be too wrong to suspect that these are the products of oral sex
    Since they prefer to talk rots rather than to use the fax
    When dealing with matters in manner uncouth

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 110808
    Mon. 11th Aug, 2008.

  4. Dude, stick to one color only lol. I am reading your blog via Google Reader and I cannot read very well your writing in yellow color.

  5. brilliant post, Ktemoc. On a side note, i wonder why Anwar has stayed mum on the storming of the Bar Council Forum. The PKR non-Malay leaders & Syed Husin are grumbling but no word from the main man at all.

  6. Defections ok? A yo yo. In Malay, it's called "pintu belakang". Leader of potential defectors is one who "main belakang". I think it's LONGKANG POLITICS lah, a form of depraved politics like sodomy!!!

  7. Anwar was non-committal on the Article 11 meetings as well, I don't think he will be pinned down on this. If he were addressing a crowd of white people, he would simply say that for him there is no compulsion in religion, and just leave it at that.

  8. A rather clever though long-winded way of saying - "support the ruling coalition !"

  9. Hi Ktemoc and others

    Take a look at this:

    If Indonesia can do this, so can we!

    Phua Kai Lit

  10. MCA's Liow Tiong Lai was totally silent about UMNO's key role in the protests against the Bar Forum.

    So was Ktemoc - he obviously focused on PKR's Zulkifli Nordin, but gave UMNO a free pass...strange that..

  11. Hi BN supporters

    Take a look at this:

    BN = Beginning of the eNd?

    Phua Kai Lit

  12. kittykat,

    that UMNO would exploit the usual 'negara, bangsa dan agama' excuse is a given, though to be fair to it, none of its MPs were there.

    But the frightening deformasi news has been that a so-called reformasi (or deformasi) PKR MP wanted to 'charge' the forum like thugs a la the Apcet II disgrace, which incidentally happened under the premiership of acting PM Anwar Ibrahim.

    And all these amidst the abusive calls of 'babi' and 'balik China', which were not Islamic at all but sheer racism - even your party deputy president has condemned him.

  13. Kittykat says:

    ‘A rather clever though long-winded way of saying - "support the ruling coalition !"’

    It's blatantly obvious isn't it? I would add, he is a supporter not only of the ruling coalition, but those who were associated with it in the past, no matter how immoral or corrupt. This is very clear in his failed and ridiculous attempt to push all the guilt away from Mahathir's corruption and shift it to Anwar instead! LMAO!:

    ‘...their attempt to sabotage Dr M with insinuations of nepotism and cronyism to get him out of his No 1 position a.s.a.p to make way for their 'One & Only', but instead were so incompetent that they found Dr M showing proof of their 'One & Only' as the one actually practising nepotism and cronyism.’

    You see, Mahathir is ok, it's Anwar who is 'the one actually practising nepotism and cronyism'! LMAO!

    KTemoc also worships at the altar of 'Efficiency', or rather, 'Efficiency' according to his own terms and his fertile imagination. To him, Anwar is terribly inefficient (LMAO!), and did not and does not deserve our support, unlike Mahathir, who is, by implication, more efficient (LMAO!). I am not a supporter of Anwar, but this is truly absurd!! LMAO & ROTFLOL!

  14. Top of the Morn dear KT

    Liow said Anwar double-faced and split tongue. Correct, correct.
    When he was in Yayasan Anda, he was for the downtrodden malay students
    When he was in Abim, he was fighting for the oppressed in Baling and Telok Gong Klang.
    When in UMNO, championing Malay supremacy in his Zegna suit. Umno elitist lah.
    IN PKR in his ambition to be PM, he suddenly has the heart for Chinese and Indians.
    That's why you see more Indians and Chinese are for him now instead of the Malays.
    Sum of the story: He's for me, me, me....Prime Minister of Malaysia.
    For those still in thrall of him, Nurul Izzah will be briefing you guys at her Lembah Pantai office tomorrow night at 8.30pm
    Transport logistics and your job as volunteers on nomination day. Zappa, you going?

  15. To Idzan Ismail: Anwar has always been a supporter of the downtrodden and the oppressed, except that, over the years, his targets have become larger and more inclusive. What's wrong with that? Does one become "double-faced and split tongued" for trying to help more people?

  16. Haha, you don't give up, do you, Idzan. Thanks for the invite but i have to decline. Despite voting for PKR in the last election I have to say I would volunteer for almost any opposition candidate except Anwar. Dunno whether can trust him. I mean, just look at his evil eye-brows. :)

  17. Talking about politics, Susan Loone's blog yesterday (11 Aug.) with the title Migration or Political Asylum, Mahathir drew more than 250 responses from her readers.

    Many of those readers' comments are so over-the-top they are a real hoot! It's almost hysterically funny.

    If you guys are looking to be entertained and don't mind wasting some time, you ought to surf over there and take a look. I've never had such a good laugh lately.


  18. Hi again KT

    Hello Hdpd. I forgot the important word, "so called" fighting for the oppressed, down-trodden, etc. Supposed to but not. Just a hero unto himself.
    Tell us what he did when he was the once powerful DPM and Finance Minister?. Do yuu hear people praising Anwar this and that?
    Discrediting the nation, yes we did hear.
    Even a branch leader in my hometown Kuala Lipis got accolades from the villagers.
    Dear Zappa. Love you for not beleieving in Anwar. My invite was because last week you hinted it was an interesting offer. Peace.
    Kt, my take on nepotism. Tok Guru said it's allowed in Islam. Even Prophet Muhammad practised it.
    So thumbs up for Khairy who is qualified and deserving too like Tok Guru's son-in-law.
    Khairy's sin is to marry Nori. Must he diivorce her to gain our approval?
    It seems he visits Rembau every week. My aunt living there said he's a fine boy, well-brought-up.
    "Rajin pulak tu."

  19. Zappa said:‘I would volunteer for almost any opposition candidate except Anwar. Dunno whether can trust him. I mean, just look at his evil eye-brows."’

    Yes, and those evil pair of spectacles resting on his nose! And the evil unIslamic UMNO telling tall stories about sodomy of which he is the main actor (orang UMNO ni takde lain keje ke?)! Scary lah! LMAO!!

  20. Hi Idzan Ismail

    Khairy is one important reason why
    Malaysia is on the road to Zimbabwedom! We are being ruined by the FIL-SIL regime.

    If you don't believe me, at least listen to Dr Mahathir!

    Phua Kai Lit

  21. Idzan Ismail asks: "Tell us what he did when he was the once powerful DPM and Finance Minister?. Do yuu hear people praising Anwar this and that?"

    Unless you refuse to see, there were, and still are, praises aplenty, and from some of the most respected institutions and people all over the world too, for what Anwar has done. Before 1997, the Malaysian economy was strong and petrol prices were low. In 1993, Euromoney named Anwar as one of the world's top four finance ministers of the year. In 1996, he was awarded the Presidential Medal by Georgetown University in the United States, and was named by Asiamoney as the Finance Minister of the Year.

    As for "discrediting the country", probably no other Malaysian politician has gained more recognition for what he tries to do for his country than Anwar - yes, not even the 22-year veteran Prime Minister comes close: in fact, it is this person who has probably brought much more discredit to Malaysia on the international stage than Anwar ever did. But don't worry, Badawi and his power-hungry SIL are quickly following in the footsteps of Mahathir: perhaps they are trying to outdo him?

    I could go on and on to answer your questions, but perhaps an Anwarista (and I am not one) can give you a more comprehensive picture than I can. What we need is a balanced picture of Anwar, not an emotion-ridden distortion or wilful neglect of the facts. At any rate, I guess you are so dead set against Anwar, that there's no point in presenting facts to you that you simply refuse to remember or comprehend...

  22. Hi Ktemoc

    The frogs are beginning to jump!

    It is not too late for you, chaptokam, killer, ayoyosamy etc to jump too ! ;)
    Why waste your time defending a lost cause when it is curtains for the BN (Beginning of the eNd)?

    Phua Kai Lit

  23. Hi KT
    To Phua, I believe about Khairy and FIl-SIL. Especially when it comes from Tun M.
    I was just justifying the logic of Tok Guru. Don't know Khairy and never met him.
    At least his Pa-in-law I know.
    Even hang around his The Emperor New Clothes boutique just to catch a glimpse of him.
    Dear Hdpd. I believe so and you believe otherwise. We agree to disagree. After all this is what Malaysia is about. Let's not be too authoritarian like Anwar, ha.ha
    I'd rather Kit Siang be our PM than Anwar. Even Ktemoc, okay too for me. At least we know what he's up to.

  24. Phua Kai Lit , I think you got us very wrong , maybe you are like that , but we are not FROGS or OPPORTUNISTS . We live by our principle , we will die with it , So get LOST .

  25. Hi chaptokam 3:53 pm

    So, unable to engage in civilised
    discourse eh? No wonder you are
    a BN supporter!

    Also, unlike you, I use my real name and don't hide behind anonymity to promote a pro-givernment agenda.

    Phua Kai Lit

  26. Hi Kai Lit, don't bother about chaptokam. If he jumps, it would not be to the other side, but to commit suicide.

  27. Ktemoc
    "though to be fair to UMNO, none of its MPs were there"

    Hahahaha....Ktemoc going out of his way to be fair to UMNO. But UMNO's ministers, including DPM and Home Minister had all thundered against the Forum, essentially encouraging the protesters to break up the forum.

    But its futile to argue with this blog's writer. He "serves the Dark Side", wittingly or unwittingly.

  28. ktemoc

    it seems like you have to start insulting umno too whenever you try to bombard anwar with mockeries.

    at least thats what these opposition want. just give umno a flick of insult just to make them happy. they'll clap and cheer for you, because they are what we call fanatics. selective listeners (or in this case, readers), that is what they are, yet day in and day out they come and visit your blog everyday to read your stuffs (surprisingly enough, it always the same goons), and when they're done with that, they'll start frowning and comment something like

    "you're full of shit, you umno cybertrooper you, your articles are worthless, but i'll come back tomorrow if you have any new posts"

    fanatics and hypocrites.

    these people just can't believe that there are people standing in the middle and have the utmost hatred for both PR and BN. the world is not just made of black and white and you guys should start seeing anwar's shades of gray cause that fella's up to no good.

    for these anwaristas, your posts supply them with guilty pleasures, and they should thank you for that.

  29. idzan, you are quite an enigma. Seemingly running down DSAI in one sentence and then advocating us to join his campaign in the same breath. Next you're talking up Khairy too. I wish all of us could have your capacity to see the good and bad in our politicians and personalities.

  30. Phua Kai Lit is there anything wrong being a BN supporter ? Its either you are a BN supporter or a Anwar supporter , right ! So does it benefit either one of us ? being their supporter ? And if I commit suicide is also non of your business right ? After all everyone has to die whether you like it or not , only when !

  31. Dear chaptokam 11:03 pm

    Nothing wrong with being a BN supporter if you GENUINELY believe in their ideology.

    But if you support them because of the material gains they bring to you through its innumerable rent-seeking schemes that are ruining our beloved country, that is something else.

    If you are Chinese (and I presume you are because of your "chaptokam" name), I wonder why you continue to support this racist regime!

    Don't get me wrong, I am a social democrat (non-Marxist democratic socialist) and I support the original NEP and affirmative action for Malays and other less privileged groups, i.e. although I am Chinese, I do support lower admission standards for Malays (especially those from rural areas), Orang Asli etc to the public universities. I also support intensive tuition/coaching for them after admission into the university. But after that, it should be pure meritocracy i.e.
    those who deserve to fail should be failed and not passed.

    When I came back from the US, I was shocked to find out about the bumiputera discount for buying houses (especially HIGHER END HOUSES). There is simply no socio-economic justification for this discount for higher end houses. This is institutionalised racial discrimination!

    I have mentioned a few times that I am wary of Anwar. If he becomes PM, he will either be a great PM or a disaster. But he is merely the "leader" of a popular movement for change in this country. Even if you don't support the "leader", you should not oppose the popular movement. If you continue to support BN, you are in effect,supporting this incompetent and corrupt FIL-SIL regime that has made us the laughing stock of the world and is speeding us on the road to Zimbabwedom.

    So, there!

    Phua Kai Lit

  32. Adlibudiman,
    Its very simple.
    Ktemoc claims to be an independent blogger, not aligned to any political party. So I'm holding him to his claim.

    I accept it's the blog owner's right to choose what subject he writes on. So if 90% of his posts are against Anwar, that's his right.

    But in the SAME INCIDENT or the same subject, if he chooses to single out one person or group to attack, and ignores and even acts as an apologist for others equally guilty, he sure looks partisan to me.

    If it concerned a journalist, I would call that bullshit reporting, the same sort that NaSTy and TV 3 engages in.

  33. Phua Kai Lit

    In the first place what ever tells you that I support them because of the material gains ? You have jump into conclusions . At least you had the opportunity to further your studies in some exotic locations , I didn't have that . My father was just a clerk and I had to make do with whatever locations deemed cheapest . It doesn't mean that just because you are a BN supporter you don't share the same ideology of meritocracy . Well many of do ! And for your info there are many ways to change a regime as you chose to call it , it can be from the outside as your so called popular movement or from the inside , thru the BN . the objective is the same , its the push and pull theory , depends on how to view it .
    the bumiputera discount for buying houses (especially HIGHER END HOUSES). There is simply no socio-economic justification for this discount for higher end houses. This is institutionalised racial discrimination!

    This is just a fraction of the many issues that all of us are not happy either .

    And by the way I again would like to ask what made you think I do not support the movement ? Yes I have my DOUBTS about Anwar , I don't trust him . I don't trust anyone who dons a moustache below the lower lips and a short janggut underneath the chin . Go and take a good look at these people including the two UiTM students who appeared on TV. About any movement as long as they ...... I think on second thoughts I should not reveal this as its rather open in the blogs for all to see , sorry !
    Phua KL sometimes a lot of things you see are not what they are . Please read in between the lines .

  34. Dear chaptokam 10:28 am

    Thanks for your clarification.
    I will accept your claim (so it seems to me) that you are supporting BN because you genuinely believe in their ideology. I respect that. It is what democracy is all about.

    I'm just trying to persuade you that it is a mistake to continue supporting this regime (especially under FIL and SIL) as it is ruining our beloved country.

    I too did not come from a rich family. I was a scholarship student in the USA (scholarships given by the American universities I attended) and endured many years of poverty and hardship too, e.g. I did not set foot on Malaysian soil until 9 years after I flew off from Kuala Lumpur. Couldn't afford the airfare to fly back. In spite of all the racism and institutionalised discrimination in Malaysia, I remained a patriotic Malaysian and
    always wanted to return home after my studies overseas.

    Sure, there are extremists e.g. racists (including Chinese ones!) and religious fanatics within the PR coalition. But at least the PR is "big tent" and willing to accomodate and respect the rights of all Malaysians.
    Sad to say, I can't say the same for the BN with its UMNO hegemony and other lapdog component political parties! The UMNOputras keep on harping about Malay rights while engaging in devious theft on a grand scale. After so many years of UMNO-BN rule, there continue to be plenty of Malay poor in Malaysia. What kind of regime is this? This is why even the Malays (especially urban Malays who are not so easy to fool) are moving to the PR!

    Power to the people!

    Phua Kai Lit

  35. kittykat46

    my point exactly, if you think its bullshit and not worth reading, then why come here and read all his new posts everyday? if you think that by coming here everyday you can somehow change his mind and prove him wrong, then i dont think its working, cause the BN supporters have obviously made up their mind, so has ktemoc, so why are you still here if you think everything here is bullshit?

    it just doesn't add up

    its the thrill of commenting and debating isn't it?
