
Friday, August 15, 2008

Hadi Awang - more Malay than Muslim?

I wasn’t at all surprised when I read Malaysiakini news article Hadi non-committal on Anwar's PM bid, because Pak Haji would have stabbed Pakatan in the back long ago if not for Pak Haji Nik Aziz.

Despite Hadi Awang's avowed Islamic affiliation he’s basically another of those ketuanan Melayu person, where being Malay would be far more important than being Muslim.

He was the head of the faction that wanted to do a secret deal with UMNO to seize power in Perak and Selangor, probably with some incentives of PAS MPs joining the federal cabinet - forming a Pan-Melayu alliance despite what PAS had said of UMNO during the years and especially in the pre-election campaign.

Following exposure of his hanky panky footsie rubba rubba with UMNO under the Pakatan table, he was asked whether he had threatened to pull PAS out of Pakatan. Though he denied that, note how he qualified his answer that PAS wants to be part of a Pakatan government which is rooted by Malay-Muslims.

Then using the BN as a reference, as if the BN has been/is an exemplary model, where its leader has always been a Malay (I use the term ‘Malay’ only because ‘Malay-Muslim’ would be tautological as there is no such person as a non-Muslim Malay in Malaysia), Hadi Awang said:

"This is accepted by all parties, including Barisan Nasional component parties, which accepts a Malay as their leader. If there is a change (in the federal government) this would be accepted by all parties including the DAP and other Pakatan members. The core has to be Malay-Muslims."

Not just Muslims, but Malay-Muslims. No, not even an Indian or Chinese Muslim.

Therefore in his narrow provincial parochial perception of Islam, it’s not just a mere Muslim that’s worthy of leading his aspired Islamic nation (perhaps unless that person is the superior Arab, where Hadi Awang would then probably cringe before and fawn upon).

That person must be from the Malay race!

So what does that make him?

A Muslim or a race-conscious person who would not accept a Muslim as the nation's leader unless that Muslim is also a Malay?

But when asked whether he would accept Anwar Ibrahim, who is both a Malay and a Muslim, as the PM of a Pakatan government, Hadi Awang remained silent ..... implying ‘NO’!

No doubt the Hadi bloke himself wants to be the PM.

Well, given his true colours showing through his words and actions, would he then be considered as a Muslim tulin (pure, genuine) enough to head PAS, as he would when the elderly Pak Haji Nik Aziz retires?

Or is he no more than an ordinary ambitious (perhaps even power crazy) Malay politician?

Islam has been the great equalizer of social classes, where centuries ago, many Indian converted to Islam because as Muslims, they became equal within society without suffering the stupid sickening stigma of such an inhuman concept as lower social caste?

Now, what did I say about those who had insulted Islam?


  1. Those Skull Caps jokers with their taliban style moustaches and beard cannot totally be trusted , not even one bit ,not even leaving with your 90 years old grandma with them .

  2. PAS may be the most united political party in M’sia, but they do not stand for a united M’sia unless everyone kowtows to Syariah. And they make no bones that their real aim is a TOTAL Islamic State with hudud and whipping laws a la Iran & the Taliban.

    Therein lies the greatest danger for DAP & PKR and non-Muslims. If you sleep with the real enemy, be prepared for treachery!

    It would be better for DAP & PKR to ditch PAS now. A 3-Party system may be infinitely more tolerable than a single Talibanesque regime!!

    A coalition of DAP & PKR that commands the support of 45% of the population will be no push-over; on the contrary, it will be THE most formidable political force in M’sian history.
    refer my post ‘Beijing Olympics Rocked by Scandal One,’

  3. Yo chaptokam

    I had been wondering how come these PR chaps being campaigning even before the by-election nomination ? I had just drove pass some areas within the PP constituency and I saw PR folks busy organizing cermahs and vandalizing and defacing the public properties by hanging the banners and posters ?

    Looks like the money limit allowed under the election rule for campaigning has been long breached by the self-proclaimed paragon of democratic and ethical politics, DSAI.

  4. Ok, coming back to this topic I am really surprised by the reaction of many people by the difficulties of PR in keeping the coalition together.

    I would have told months ago that PR is not a marriage of convenience but rather a product of three-some orgy. These three parties are just totally imcompatiable, only united by their lust for power and a hatred for BN. So it is a matter of time the coalition starts to fall apart.

    In fact even PKR and DAP cannot stick together as seen in Selangor,Penang and Perak.

    DSAI's repeated assertion that he will capture the Federal govt is just his strategy to keep the coalition together so that more power and positions can be obtained and distributed. But that will not happen. And once we pass that date (Sept 16th), then the PR time bomb will start to tick. One by one the state govts will fall apart, starting probably in Selangor.

    There is already an open war happening within PR in Selangor with the DAP fighting PKR and both fighting PAS. The state exco members are openly revolting and sabotaging the MB, nick-named Goofy On The Ice MB. And if that is not enough, Khalid has his hands full with PKR revolt. As of now Khlid has no support of PKR grassroot and I think he is unlikely to survive the 5 years even if the PR govt keep power.

  5. I(a chinese)was once invited to a PAS function in KL;met Hadi A in the in function.Guess what happened?He gave me a look that says"what the F.. is a chinaman doing here!"
    Have trust and respect for that man after that.

  6. So sad but so FRAKKING true.

    They can't bear the taught of accepting a non-Malay (?non-Bumi) let alone a non-Muslim as an equal. Come on "progressive" "moderate" "silent majority", if you guys really exist... wake these racists up and knock some sense into them.

  7. Morning Killer

    Been told to report at P Pauh this morning at 6.30am yesterday for the nomination ! LOL Shit ! Am giving excuse couldn't wake up on time , overslept .Went to bed at 3am last night . Anyway already made up my mind not to go , too early , parking problems , traffic problems , might as well stay at home !

    Ya they have been campaigning since after PRU12 . In fact DSAI have been touring the whole country like PRU13 is round the corner so it comes as no surprise or wondering how come these PR chaps being campaigning even before the by-election nomination . If BN were to have done that guess you know what will happen , all the pro Anwar blogs will make it into an issue . I personally have received numerous emails from these PKR chaps oh boy ! looks like their cyberwar have started .
    And the problem is you can't remove any of their posters or bantings or banners least they will probably come out with their parangs or be surrounded by a group of mean looking cultists . So best option is just leave them alone .
    On the the money limit allowed under the election rule for campaigning has been long breached , nothing much can be done here but you are right on this too . Ever recall what TDM said , it seems that PKR is stash with money , ever wondered where their money comes from ? USAID or Asia Foundation ? or the ones you mentioned ? Anwar seems to be jetting around the globe every now and then ? Ever wondered who picks up the tap for his expenses ? Was informed by sources that he had funds to the tune of RM 2 billion in Singapore . So not surprising lah !

  8. "These three parties are just totally imcompatiable, only united by their lust for power and a hatred for BN. So it is a matter of time the coalition starts to fall apart. In fact even PKR and DAP cannot stick together as seen in Selangor,Penang and Perak."

    That's a strange assertion, seeing as some people think a DAP/PKR merger is not unimaginable in a few years, although I personally would be against it.

  9. Dear int

    On the paper DAP/PKR merger looks like a match made in heaven but on the ground-level, it is more like a matrimony conceived in the darkest corner of hell.

    That perception DAP and PKR are multi-racial is akin to saying that George Bush is an advocate of the ahimsa. There is no need for me to explain about DAP as it is a known fact. As for PKR, it is a strange party that can be likened to those pills that doctors hand-out. There is a layer of sweet covers the pill, masking the bitter tasting content within. This party's grass roots are filled with Malay members while a semblence of multi-racialism is provided by the composition of the top layer of leadership.

    PKR is actually the political rubbish truck in sense that it picks up whoever discarded by the more established political parties. And add that to those highly ambitious and idealistic young punks determined to parachute right up to the top of the party without bothering about winning branch or divisional elections. And now of course we have the third kind members who is generally known as the political hyenas who jumped ship after the March 8th GE.

    If we analyse the situation in every state ruled by PR, there is a tension between PKR and DAP. In Penang PKR is upset with the lack of Malay representation (funny for a self-proclaimed a multi-racial party) and exco posts. In Perak the situation is worse still with DAP's shadow Menteri Besar controlling and running the state despite Nizar being the offical MB.

    In Selangor the situation is explosive. DAP is openly challenging and sabotaging Khalid. I even heard some DAP exco members and ADUNs not even on talking terms with Khalid. We also seen the bitter power-struggle on the issue of council members.

    In its core, PKR is as Malay as UMNO despite the presence of non bumi leaders. These leaders are basically brought in by DSAI for decorative purposes and merely puppets under the control of Dalang Anwar. They have no real power or grassroot support. And once PKR starts to have proper elections at branch and divisional levels, all these folks will be quickly jettisioned.

  10. Chaptokam

    Yeah, we don't want to be bashed up by some nasty looking dudes in reflective jackets like that poor photographer. Funny though PKR until now can't find the attacker and claiming him to be a non member. I thought I saw a bunch of people bashing that lady...strange...

    As for DSAI's funds, yes I heard that rumour too. I always wondered where the money came from. You see I had been thinking about this funding since 1999. I had seen many GEs but I had never seen PAS spending so much money as in 1999. I wondered where did they get the money until i realised their partner who happened to be PKR.

    Even DAP's 2008 campaign seemed to be far more extensive than their previous ones.

    Apart from these shadowly organisation, let me also share with you guys another unconfirmed rumour, just for the sake of intellectual discourse. Of course we are discussing this purely for academic purposes and we are certainly not accusing DSAI to be a lap dog of some foreign power or on the payroll of an external intelligence agency.

    There are some speculations that the Turkish govt has been kind enough to provide some minimal financial support to the campaign of DSAI in return for his highly effective services rendered by DSAI as the economic advisor for the Turkish govt.

    Of course, the other rumour alludes to the fact that some of DSAI's crony buddies enriched during his tenure as the DPM and who eloped to Singapore and HK after Anwar's fall from grace had also make some minimal contribution. Of course, we all know these individuals don't we ?

    The final rumour that we going to discuss for a purely academic purpose is the help from the Indonesian millionaires and billionaires residing in Singapore had kindly extended to DSAI. Why these individuals would want to do it would be the home work for you guys to chew on...

  11. killer

    Like to add , during the last GE , the DAP were raising funds thru every ceramahs that they gave . I attended almost or most of them . Ya they were raising funds thru the public donations . Thats very normal , I even gave them every time the box was passed around . Even a small ceramah in Race Course Garden they could raise to the tune of about RM10K .

    However I am just wondering like you said , the PKR chaps doesn't seem to have to raise funds . So who are financing them ? Where's the money coming from ? I doubt its from his Singapore's stash away account . More like from those shadowy organisation that you mentioned .

    Regarding some of DSAI's crony buddies who enriched themselves during his tenure as the DPM and who eloped to Singapore and HK after Anwar's fall from grace had also make some minimal contribution. I believe I know quite a lot of them , mostly developers . There was one who was carrying gold to the Middle East , intro by Anwar to them .
    In fact there's one pig who was formerly UMNO Youth Chairman who was very close to him . This pig is now a minister in the prime minister's dept .When he was UMNO youth chairman , he was appointed Bank Simpanan Chairman with a monthly renumeration of 50K per month . On top of that , this pig was appointed to about 200 companies as a director , listed as well as unlisted . Imagine just one company paying just 1000 ringgit a month as directorship fees , you can imagine how much money that pig was racking in , all at the courtesy of Anwar Ibrahim for this pig's continued support.

  12. Well we will only know once the PP BI-ELECTION is over.Then we can expect that mother@#$% taliban Hadi to hold Anwar by the balls.! Dont expect Tok Guru to help much.He's old has not much support outside Kelantan.
    But the trouble this taliban is so keen to be PM.Did he ever realise that he will be accepted as PM?Who the @#$% IS HIM TO DEMAND Anwars place.PAS was lucky to get their seats in Parliament because of non muslim votes.
    Anyway its good of them to come out in the open.But the truth is this Pas buggers are no better than those umno pigs!They sin all day when they pretend to play islam and act islam.They are human charlatans thats all.

  13. adlibudiman said...

    i think i know who that pig is, haha


  14. what's wrong with PAS Hadi being PM ? have u been to kelantan ? have u seen perak now has pas mb even pas is the least ADUN in state assembly.

    u ppl are just paranoid.....
