
Monday, August 04, 2008

DAP infected by 'man man lai' vicious virulent virus?

As I wrote in Permatang Pauh - simplified mathematics, based on a Malaysiakini news article Anwar to kick off by-election campaign on Sunday, that Anwar Ibrahim will win comfortably in the Permatang Pauh by-election, but perhaps with a slightly reduced majority, say 28,900 total votes (based on an assumption that Permatang Pauh will have the same voters turnout of 47,000).

If my guess is correct, that will still give Anwar a sizeable majority of over 10800 (as compared to Dr Wan’s majority of 13,000).

If the voters turnout improves (and it may well be), Anwar should still win but his majority may go either way, either increased beyond 11,000 or reduced depending on the ethnic composition of those who could decide the by-election is important enough for them to troop out to cast their votes.

In the next post I will attempt to guess what BN-UMNO will be up to in their endeavour to reduce Anwar's winning majority, not so much in the hope of the UMNO candidate winning, but more for the psychological effect of a small winning majority by Anwar Ibrahim to the detriment of his credibility.

But disregarding the above, I thought Anwar’s campaigning has started on a bizarre hyperbole.

I found it ‘bizarre’ not because of the usual Anwar Ibrahim brummagem man man lai reformasi - bullsh*t in both reformasi (mana ada?) and his man man lai because in reality he’s in such an indecent haste to be PM by hook or by crook, and more likely the latter through froggies - but because the hyperbole was uttered by Lim Guan Eng.

In Malaysiakini news article Permatang Pauh's favourite son 'returns', Lim in his speech supporting Anwar Ibrahim’s campaign, said that Anwar was not a mere candidate for Permatang Pauh but as Pakatan Rakyat's nominee for prime minister.

Now, was Lim talking about Anwar positioning himself for a shot at the PM’s position in the next election in 2012, when Pakatan believes it will win the election, or was Lim caught by the real no to man man lai’ intention of Anwar Ibrahim who wants to be PM NOW!

I think it would be the latter because I recall another Malaysiakini article Opposition: PM's transition plan a 'stunt' where Charles Santiago criticised Abdullah for not heeding the calls for him to resign immediately after the shocking results of the 12th general election.

Additionally Santiago also condemned AAB for brushing aside calls for an inquiry to investigate possible links between Najib and the Altantuyaa murder case.

Santiago said: "Instead, he has told the nation that his deputy would take over the reins of power in 2010. This in itself reflects that Abdullah must resign immediately and let the people choose the country's next prime minister."

Yes, that’s what Santiago said, namely “…Abdullah must resign immediately and let the people choose the country's next prime minister."

Hellooooo, Charles, I wasn’t aware that Malaysia has a presidential system where the nation’s political leader is elected directly by the voters?

It seems that the Charles Santiago has been caught by Anwar’s real no to man man lai’ bug, to the extent he had probably fantasized about Anwar being ‘elected’ as a presidential-style PM by directly defeating AAB.

I am sorry if I seem to be repetitively targeting Charles Santiago, a man I respect very much for his 'water' campaigning. But lately he has certainly become controversial, first for his ‘defend Islam against Mukhriz Mahathir’ and now for Malaysia's PM being elected a la US presidential system. Alas, for a MP, he appeared to have forgotten what sort of political system we have, indeed for the last 50 years.

Now, back to Lim GE – if he was like Santiago caught by that insidious, invidious insurgent bug of Anwar’s real ‘harng fai tee lah’ campaign (which is another name for 'no to man man lai') - when he declared Anwar as the Pakatan’s nominee for PM at the rally in Seberang Jaya last night, was he advocating party hopping a la the infamous Sabah incident in 1994 when PBS under Pairin won with a majority of 2 seats, but found himself and his party (minus a number of slimy frogs) in the opposition?
Truly a classic Malaysian case of democracy subverted!

If he was, I would be extremely disappointed that the once ideologically prim, proper and prudish DAP has succumbed to the reformasi corruption, where the rule of government is no longer by way of the ballot box but rather, through disgusting deceitful defection by MPs from the other side of politics.

It would seem therefore that Professor Chan Chee Khoon has been absolutely spot on with her quote of ‘how corrupting proximity to power can be, even at its fringes’.

And that once a DAP MP (virgin as he or she may be to corrupt politics, as would be the case of most DAP MPs and ADUNs) accedes to power, he/she would, as Prof Chan said, 'gravitate towards the mindset (or mentality) of developing the rationalisations and apologia' (big academic words for 'dishing out bullsh*t') of those 'ensconced in power, couched undoubtedly in the most sophisticated and persuasive of terms' (recall Lord Acton's 'power corrupts ...).

Then Lim GE exceeded my growing disappointment in him, when he reminded the people of Permatang Pauh that they had a "national duty to give a resounding mandate to the future premier. Permatang Pauh constituents must give Anwar a big win to launch the Pakatan Rakyat crusade to topple Barisan Nasional and capture the federal administration".

So … according to the DAP sec-gen, the political candidate no longer serves the people because it’s his/her constitutional duty. In the case of Anwar Ibrahim - where all sorts of inexplicable irrational and double standard exemptions exist for his non compliance with his own reformasi, which has been why I term his reformasi as brains baffling bullsh*tting brummagem braggadocio - Lim GE believes the people must serve the political candidate because it’s their national duty.

Anwar himself then boasted that he has to win the forthcoming by-election to take over the federal administration and initiate urgent crucial changes to save the country from the crisis it was going through.

“… win the forthcoming by-election to take over the federal administration …”?

While I have no doubt that Anwar Ibrahim will win Permatang Pauh, how in the world would a Pakatan with 82 MPs (even with Anwar winning) take over rule of the federal government currently held by the BN with 140 MPs?

… unless there will be nasty non-democrat naughty nefarious nonsense – the example of reformasi that Anwar propagates with shameless impunity to the adulation of his cultists, and regrettably now bought by some DAP MPs.


  1. You are really good at seeing through what people said and apply the logic whereby it becomes a bad thing.

    So now every posting that you make are pointing at PR who is no better than bn.

    The choice for the rakyat to chose now is according to your insinuating , bn is the better option.

    After 50 years of rape, plunder and non malays sidelined, bn is still the best. People never learn.

    Politics being politics, one must accept the facts when face with an unavoidable situation, i.e to counter your opponent by using some of your opponent tactics.

    In order to win over the malay majority at Permatang Pauh, LGE has to talk about the topic which they want and like to hear.

    Take the bodowi case, a real two face creature. When he faces the general public, he is the pm for all and within umno and his recent pas talk, he is all for malay unity only.

    We are more educated now but maybe not as good as yourself but still we will be able to understand why at times politicians have to go against their own principle.

  2. Hi everyone,

    LGE's appeal to Ptg Pauh's constituents that they have a "national duty to give a resounding mandate to the future premier ... " does not equate to your conclusion that "Lim GE believes the people must serve the political candidate because it’s their national duty." So, don't just equate and subtly put words in LGE's mouth.

    A strong mandate signals the grassroots' support for him to "launch the Pakatan Rakyat crusade to topple Barisan Nasional and capture the federal administration". LGE didn't state that it is to immediately topple the BN govt, but it serves as a launching pad to snowball the crusade to topple the BN!

    To prevent this, it's up to BN to pull up its socks and do much better to regain the peoples' support.

    Remember Dr M's call to the voters to return BN to a more than 2/3 majority in a number of GEs, i.e. his call for a resounding victory - to enable a more stable govt, and hence, a mandate that makes it easier to serve the country without having to watch your back. To agree with him or not is a separate issue.

    I'm not a card-carrying member of any party, but, so far, I'm satisfied with what the PR govt has done in Pg. I wish them well and hope that they continue to practise their CAT policy. On the ground, the small seemingly trivial chores like those road-shoulders grass-cutters, parking attendants, much better repair works after the digging and laying of water pipes, etc, have seen tremendous improvements!! This is in no small measure the immediate impact of CAT.

  3. You sound so much like that blogger Rocky!
    From my earlier observation of your blogs i could 'nt help feeling you must have a personal dislike for Anwar.You rattle like a venomos cobra and would 'nt be wrong you must be Indian in origin.Like Patrick's blog " Niamah!" to you!

  4. Yes, he is a BN man. He joins the bloggers just to run as the underdog of BN.

    By the way, Patrick is a Chinese. Niamah is dirty word cursing people's mother.

  5. "I am sorry if I seem to be repetitively targeting Charles Santiago..."

    lol, poor fella la, in Klang getting bashed by gangsters, in cyberspace getting bashed by you!

    as for the rest of your post, I think it would be interesting to see the proceedings of DAP's general assembly... we may see the party's true colors then. Right now there are too many conflicting and ambiguous statements, and we can twist ourselves into knots trying to figure out the truth. We must pressure them into commitments, either at the general assembly, or perhaps even through Koh Tsu Koon in the anticipated debate with Lim Guan Eng.

  6. Seems you are incorrigibly intent on muck-raking and dragging Anwar Ibrahim's good name into the mud, must now conclude, you are an UMNO cyber trooper or a covert UMNO agent assigned to reduce Anwar's popularity.

    It is also liklely, as one commentator said, you may not even to be what or who you are.

  7. ha ha,after 308,umnoputras are still sleeping!if they still 2 hrp along racial lines and not thinking the welfare of all malaysians,the next tsunami will send them to political demise.MARK my words.

  8. so, do you have better person in your mind? A little homework for you. Why not you list out good and bad objectively of PR and BN to see who is better. Pls do not include your opion and speculate. it should based on the fact and acts that have been done and witness by rakyat. Grow up, pls.

  9. Ktemoc

    Say what they like Badawi is going to be there until the end of the term.Anwar may win Permatang Pauh but the chance of him taking over the government by Sept 08 looked pretty remote.

    I believe PAS might not participate in a vote of no confidence against the PM.If they do that's the end of their Islamic image as it goes against the basic tenets of Islam, if PAS is truly based on the teachings of Islam.

    The froggies will only jump if there are sweeteners, they are used to the BN/UMNO political patronage.No reward, no jump mate! A frustrated few might crossover but wouldn't be enough to demolish Abdullah.

    I have blogroll you over a month but forgot to ask you to do the same.Appreciate if you can add me.Thanks.

  10. You're not getting nervous are you, ktemoc?

  11. Yo, KTemoc, these days you have given your readers a steady diet of politics, politics, and more politics, and Anwar's shenanigans, to the point of satiation.

    How about taking a break from politics and writing about something else? That should be a refreshing change. You used to write on a variety of interesting topics.

  12. yea, anwar is an honourable man

  13. Hey fellas, KT has to worry about his
    pay check from Umno. The harder he hits the opposition, the fatter will be his pay check. So have a bit of understanding, lah

  14. I have come across many gomen critics always implying the rotting started 50 years ago .

    I wonder where they ever get the idea that after 50 years of rape, plunder and non malays sidelined, bn is still the best. People never learn.

    In the first place all these happen during TDM's watch and that is about 26 years ago . 22 years of his dictatorial rule plus the shitty four years of AAB . So the 50 years of rape, plunder and non malays sidelined started from the first day of Independence in 1957 ?Is this correct ? Started from the time of Tunku Abdul Rahman ? Is this correct ??

    So if we do a little calculation , this started during 1982 when Mahathir became the PM . The rot started a bit later as a snowball effect , and I would say that's the time when Anwar joined TDM's team from ABIM .

    His tenure as the Ed Minister started in 1989 and with Dr M's unofficial sanction and approval , he was responsible for the conversion of all communications between government departments and letters to government agencies and departments from English to Bahasa . Most of the subjects in schools were all converted and taught in Bahasa . That was why our standard of education dropped .University Malaya used to be the top university in the region . Heaven knows what position it is in now . Maths and science were then taught in english but changed to bahasa by him and now this ding dong , with the falling standards back to english and now we have people demanding it to be taught in the mother tongue and bahasa. I recall that very well . Look at our locally produced graduates , can't even talk proper english .

    Besides the schools Anwar also was responsible for the usage of Bahasa in the courts with lawyers requiring to speak in Bahasa during court and in court .Those who could not speak fluently were required to attend special classes for legal words and terminology in Bahasa . That's part of the reason we lost Batu Puteh .Half past six lawyers representing Malaysia internationally .

    When he was Finance Minister almost all his family members , father , mother became directors of listed companies , not one but many many. This is common knowledge in Penang . Every year during Hari Raya you'll have dozens of corporate MDs and CEOs trying to outdo each other ,see who's the earliest waiting in front of his house to wish him hari raya . Ya Goh Chun Lai , Goh Chun Aun , Asas Dunia bosses , to name a few .

    During the Financial breakdown in 1996 till 1998 had he followed the IMF recommendations (overturned by TDM to peg our Ringgit at $3.80)our ringgit would have been traded at 5.00ringgit to a USD . That would have been the guillotine for all the Chinese Businesess in Malaysia . Even the small time Chinese business would have to close shop . They would all have become bankrupted!.Everyone in Malaysia would have to undergo tremendous hardships irrespective of races as the economy of the country was still very much in the hands of the Chinese .Any rises in prices would find its way to the consumers .

    There are still many many more issues but the present generation of people reading this would not know , thats why we have to be very careful as to who we want as a PM . In fact a lot of young people with very strong anti government feelings should find out why there are people who doesn't like Anwar .

    Yes BN has a lot of shortcomings but I guess they will have to overcome that and they should be given the chance to do it. I don't see that happening as we right now instead of working , they are fighting all sorts of circus shows in town . The stock markets are down because of all these circus shows . Who suffers ?? We are the ones who are affected . If there's a need to change the govt , they can do it in PRU13 .

  15. As regards to this issue :

    Take the bodowi case, a real two face creature. When he faces the general public, he is the pm for all and within umno and his recent pas talk, he is all for malay unity only.

    Hey, it’s FAIR GAME the moment DSAI started it. this is only a taste of his own medicine.

    We now know that PR is not united enough to be the alternative government we so craved. i hate to say “i told u so.”

    I think it’s both bcos PAS is being ‘manja’ with their PR partners, as well as realizing — like so many of us do — that PR would not last long.

    I suspect DSAI realizes as much that his aggressive push for “democratic coup d’etat” as a way of holding the PR together, dangling before every one of them the prospect of forming the next government, in order to prevent PR’s elected reps from jumping — not so much to try to win over the BN frogs.

    Just look at the numbers: it takes 30 frogs for PR to come into power BUT IT ONLY TAKES E-I-G-H-T PR frogs for BN to keep its 2/3 majority. WHO IS MORE VULNERABLE??? especially when many of the Keadilan reps are just OPPORTUNISTS and I think if Sept 16 doesn't happen, many of them will start jumping.

    Back to PAS — look, its chief political goal is to establish an islamic state. yes, i agree that it has done a lot to win over the non-muslims in this past election but IT LEADS TO NOWHERE, as far as its ultimate political goal is concerned.

    Assuming it can win over ALL non-muslims, it STILL CANNOT establish an islamic state!! it’s like passing all your remaining tests but still come 2nd not the winner - WHAT’S THE POINT?? with DAP on the same boat, the boat’ll NEVER b allowed to head towards Mecca!!

    So PAS leaders will constantly wake up from their ’sweet’ dreams n start asking, “true, I’ve lived my SWEET dreams in real life by winning many non-muslims over, but when am I going to realize my WET DREAM (of chopping adulterors’ heads off n wrapping every lady in burqa)??”

    Then they’ll ask, how best to realize that WET DREAM??
    working with godless infidels CAN NEVER b the answer — in fact, it’s STRAYING FURTHER N FURTHER down the wrong path!! (the muslim brohterhood would tell them that, i bet.)

    Then, a desparate UMNO comes along… who is desperate to hang on to power n dont mind giving PAS the FORMS (as opposed to SUBSTANCE) it seeks - burqas n hudud on the books. u r happy, i m happy, that’s most important, right??

  16. It now appears to me that the problem began with the concept of "Ketuanan Melayu".

    This concept was introduced around the time when Malaysia was working hard to achieve independence from the British.

    As we are all aware, the malays were marginalised in the economic sector and perhaps to a large extend the political side as well.

    The malay leaders of the time tried to boost the spirit of the malay community by introducing the concept of "Ketuanan Melayu".

    So, the malay leaders at that time used the concept "Ketuanan Melayu" as a rallying point not as a tool to oppress or rid the non-malays, but merely as a cry to prevent the malays from drifting towards oblivion in the era of Malaysia as a country.

    While the other concepts ranging from ethnic cleansing to white supremacy are meant to dominate and wipe out the other races, "Ketuanan Melayu" is only meant to help the malays to get to equal footing with the non-malays.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. bobby, have to delete your comments - a wee over the top for my liking.

  19. Hi Ktemoc

    My prediction:

    Anwar will win by a landslide and with an even bigger majority.

    (Sorry, Ktemoc ;) )

    If you are here in Malaysia with your ears to the ground, you will find out that people are getting more and more angry with the inflation generated by the callous,
    steep increase in petrol prices without accompanying anti-poverty programmes in place.

    So, now we have AAB talking about reducing petrol prices.

    My grade for the FIL-SIL regime's management of the economy is F+

    Phua Kai Lit

  20. OMG! KTemoc's twisted logic is no longer funny! Why should we continue reading him? KTemoc: my good advice -- like what was given above:

    o take a rest, visit some porn sites
    o maybe look at something anal (which I gather [and as richly illustrated by your blog], is what you really like about sex)
    o then, man man lai, you'll either:

    a) regain your senses, or
    b) regain your funnybone.

    - a) above looks back at what you once were;
    - b) looks back at what you became;
    - c) (not written above) is what you are now: kau pe kau bu only, but neither logical nor funny.

    I know that age is catching up on you, KTemoc. I am not asking you to be younger, just to regain what you have lost quite recently.

    With deep concern,


  21. First casaulty .

    Photographer attacked after PKR ceramah

    BUKIT MERTAJAM: A Guang Ming Daily photographer was allegedly assaulted by a group of people on Sunday night as she was leaving Seberang Jaya Expo after covering the ceramah by PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    Loh Hoay Hoon, 25, who lodged a police report at 2am yesterday, said the PKR supporters had tailed her to the carpark after the public forum around midnight and surrounded her.

    She said she was kicked, choked and hit on the head there.
    Unpleasant experience: Loh showing a copy of the police report she made as she demonstrates how someone had held her neck during a press conference at her office in Bukit Mertajam Monday.

    Loh believes that the incident was a result of her trying to move closer to take pictures of Anwar earlier when he was shaking hands with the crowd.

    “Someone had pulled my camera strap when I took photographs of Anwar. I shouted ‘jangan tolak’ (don’t push) and pulled back my camera because I was scared it would fall.

    “After Anwar left the area, a man wearing a PKR vest shouted at me, saying I was not allowed to take pictures at such close range.

    “I told him that I was just doing my job and did not want to quarrel with him. He moved towards me as though he was going to hit me,” she related at her office here yesterday.

    The crowd then pulled the man aside and Loh ran towards the carpark.

    Then she heard shouts of ‘Jangan bagi dia pergi. Tahan dia’ (Don’t let her leave. Stop her) and suddenly she felt someone kick her leg.

    “Next thing I know, a group of men had surrounded me and someone grabbed me and pulled my t-shirt.

    “Suddenly, I felt someone’s hand on my throat, choking me. I pushed as hard as I could to get away. As I was trying to escape, I felt a painful blow to the back of my head,” said a still-dazed Loh as she showed the bump on her head.

    She added that there were two other press photographers there and one of them tried pulling her out of the crowd, telling her to quickly get on her motorcycle and leave.

    “I don’t know who hit me from behind and I do not know who strangled me. It was just a blur of hands and bodies.

    “All I was thinking at that time was that I needed to go back to office and quickly send my pictures as the deadline was near,” she said, adding she managed to break free and run away.

    After sending her photos, Loh went to the Seberang Jaya hospital for a check-up as her head hurt.

    She had an x-ray yesterday when the police investigation officer requested that she undergo further examination.

    Loh said this was not the first time PKR security personnel were rude with photographers.

    “Previously when we covered Anwar in July at the same place, the photographers were badly treated.

    “This cannot go on and I not only speak for myself but for all the photographers who are on duty,” she said.

    This brings me to mind this article by Raja Petra Kamarudin tittled THE CULT CALLED PKR

    That is the trouble with PKR. They dabble in cult personalities. When you are the current hot favourite, the flavour of the day, even your fart smells sweet. But once you fall out of favour then they even curse your poor innocent mother who has nothing to do with your political business and does not even know what is going on.

    The PKR crowd is one emotional group of people. I suspect that if Anwar was to order them to commit mass suicide they might just do so. And that is dangerous, as time and time again history has proven. If Anwar could get a religious scholar somewhere in the world to come out with a fatwah (religious decree) that if you die for PKR you will go straight to heaven where 70 virgins are waiting for you, I bet we will not be short of candidates who will volunteer to undertake suicide missions.
    Whether it is Anwar, Dr Wan Azizah, Nurul Izzah, Azmin, or Ezam, they all have their cult followers. The PKR people revere their idols and appear to lose their senses when in the presence of these demigods. So how to tell these PKR herds that Ezam is not what he appears to be and that he is a plant, a Trojan Horse, a termite meant to weaken the ranks of PKR? Try doing that and you will get a beer bottle broken on your head. So it was best to just keep quiet and watch. Time would reveal the truth. And, true enough, the truth has now been revealed.
    Yes, cults are dangerous. If there is one thing that will be the death of PKR it will be the cult culture. People refuse to see things for what they are. Common sense no longer prevails when you look at things from the angle of cults. And Ezam was one such cult figure. And Ezam could do no wrong. Even when Lokman revealed the truth and exposed Ezam for what he is, it was Lokman and not Ezam who was punished.
    When will PKR ever learn? Ten years on and it is still so immature and can’t seem to understand that you just can’t build a party based on personality cults. And PKR will get burned many more times before it wises up. If the survival of PKR is centred on personalities, then it will not go far. Personalities come and go. And if the party’s future is tied to these personalities then the party will disappear when these personalities do.

    What do you expect from a bunch of moronist cultist who worship Anwar Ibrahim like he's the Adolf Hitler of Malaysia . Heil Hitler , Heil Del Fuhrer !!

  22. I used to like and had a sort of admiration for LGE in the past. But whatever respect that I ahd for him dropped like a rock the moment he came the Chief Propagandist...oops..Minister of Penang. It is complete nonsense and highly unethical and undemocratic to suggest that the people of Permatang Pauh have the duty to elect DSAI as the MP.

    This is akin to saying (and perhaps admitting) that the people are servant to the politicians rather than other way around. Whatever happened to Ketuanan Rakyat ? Replaced with Ketuanan Anwar ? Or the "Rakyat" in Ketuanan Rakyat really means Pakatan Rakyat ?

    It is clear why people like LGE is keen to see DSAI as the PM. He and the rest of the DAP folks have tasted the corrupting influence of the political power. So what they want now is the ultimate power in the form of the Federal Government. And not because they think DSAI has the leadersship qualities to be the next PM. The PR coalition can't even run a few states well without massive internal in-fighting. One can imagine what will happen if they assume the power at the Federal level.

    As for Charles Santiago, he is just "bodek"ing. Don't be fooled by his NGO work on "water related issues". I have followed his career (since I was involved in NGO work myself). He is just an another unprincipled opportunist without anything of value or substance to contribute.

    I am also surprised why the EC has not reprimanded DSAI for effectively starting his campaign. Is this against the EC rules ? Again special treatment for DSAI ?

  23. Chaptokam,
    Let me correct you on some statements of fact.
    You quote Anwar Ibrahim from 1989 "was responsible for the conversion of all communications between government departments and letters to government agencies and departments from English to Bahasa . Most of the subjects in schools were all converted and taught in Bahasa"

    My father served the government from the 1960's until 1990's.
    The process of using Bahasa in official government communications started in 1957 and was essentially complete by 1973.

    The conversion of all school subjects (except English, obviously) to Bahasa started in Standard 1 from 1970, and was complete in the whole school system to Form 6 by 1982.

    All way before Anwar Ibrahim's time.

    I was there at the rally at Seberang Jaya.

    Lim Guan Eng introduced Anwar Ibrahim as Pakatan Rakyat's nominee for prime minister. No more , no less. He never spoke about frogs, never spoke about Sabah MPs or September 16. The rest is Ktemoc's own creative contribution, not Lim Guan Eng's

  24. Problems in PR run States .

    There are short comings in the way they run the State Governments .
    PKR - Selangor already having problems with several issues like the suspension and eventual sacking of the Menteri Besar's aide for soliciting funds thru the use of the MB's letter heads , the award of rubbish collection contracts , the appointment of councillors etc etc .
    PAS - In Kedah awarding contracts for logging in water catchment areas which will probably affect the water catchment areas in Penang as Penang draws a lot of its water from the Kuala Muda River .Big issue on this if they go ahead , we are watching .

    DAP - Penang

    Our CM Lim Guan Eng demands the federal government to replace aloocations with a cash payment of RM4.7 billion to continue with the economic development of the state.

    You think Pak Lah or the federal Government will give you ?? You must be dreaming .
    In the first place you have forgotten that you are the Chief minister of Penang . You DON"T demand funds from the PM or Federal Govt by way of demands thru the mainstream media . If Pak Lah or the Federal Govt were to accede to your demands and give you the money , what would they look like ?? They would look like fools in the first place and idiots to give you .

    If you want money , go quietly to his office and talk to him like a son talking to his father . Papa give me some money , nobody around to hear you asking for money , only you and him .
    If he decides to give you at least he won't loose face . UMNO people in Penang won't say that Pak Lah very soft , everything also give understand or not Guan Eng ??
    You don't go in with guns blazing away like what you are now trying to do .You never get it .
    Ask your papa Lim Kit Siang when you were jailed . He went to see Mahathir in Langkawi and ask TDM please lah release my son , and TDM agreed because your papa got courtesy to see TDM personally and ask for help . Imagine if your papa demands TDM release you thru the papers , you know what will happen ?? you know lah Guan Eng .

    By the way Guan Eng Penang doesn't need the PORR project , Many NGO's asked that the project be cancel and here you are asking money from Pak Lah to implement the PORR and the monorail ???

    Do you know that a lot of people who voted for you was because they did not want the PORR project ?
    Why are you still insisting on the PORR ??? Just to let you know the people living in Jesselton heights , Gottlieb Gardens and Gurney Drive all want the PORR to be cancel . Are you aware of this ???

    Further I were you I will only request for the money for the MONORAIL not the PORR . There is a possibility that they might reconsider the Monorail or the Trams since it is much cheaper . Guan Eng I don't have to teach you lah , ask for one , get it later ask for other things as long as its not PORR .

    Lately , when Penang celebrated the proclaimation of Penang as a World Heritage Site , He LGE didn't have the courtesy to invite the previous State Govt and former CM to join him in the celebrations . Penang got its WHS status thru the efforts of them over the last 16 years . Where is your gratefulness and appreciation to these people or you never had them in the first place ?

    Really a bunch of Greenhorns , good only as opposition yang berhormats .

    I still want to know from you LGE whether your position as Chief Minister of Penang is more important or Parliament ? You cannot be wearing two hats at the same time . Is either you are here looking after Penang FULL TIME or you resign and concentrate in Parliament . LGE you cannot be married to Penang and have a mistress in Parliament . One has to go .

  25. kittykat46 said...

    Let me correct you on some statements of fact.

    the process of using Bahasa in official government communications started in 1957 and was essentially complete by 1973.

    The conversion of all school subjects (except English, obviously) to Bahasa started in Standard 1 from 1970, and was complete in the whole school system to Form 6 by 1982.

    All way before Anwar Ibrahim's time.

    ANYONE like to reconfirm this !!!!
    Would appreciate feedback .

  26. This is off topic but since there're a few '50 years' brought up, we can see that 50 years is relatively a brief period of time for a country.

    If we look at Malaysian history textbooks, Melaka was 'hyped' or hailed as a great port with traders coming from all over and was also the center for Islamic studies at one point.

    One just wonders comparing with present achievement, and bear in mind that those were the days of travel by land on foot or by sea, did Melaka really achieved that much in the span of 100 years or so before the Portuguese invaded in 1511.

    Perhaps, it is the nature/culture of the people of the land, then and now, to be involved in petty political bickering hence the inability to grow and prosper as a country. Kowtowing to regional powers of that time like Siam and China and finally succumbed to imperialists. Penang was given/rented for like 6000 pounds a year. Go figure.

    People don't change much in 600 years, this land is destined for ruins.

  27. When the BN is governing like shit...eventhough it is unethical to ask BN guys to jump ship, it is something that has to be done. Your fierce critic of Anwar is really bowing into your shit hitting the fan...Goodluck cybertrooper! And please don't talk bad about my favourite CM Guan Eng!

  28. KT, maybe PR or DAP has step on your tail and nowadays you will keep on biting on them without fail. Why? You have been Pro BN nowadays. It is that you are afraid that the police is coming after you and fear been arrested? If you dont have the balls, then shut this blog and be a dog wagging tail law abiding citizen. You dont have to tell us who is good or bad. Just post what you got and give facts and evidence and we would be able to know who is better! I for one tend to hate AAB and Najis deeper everyday. First, you have a sleepy talking cock leader who never sticks to his decisions and flip/flop everyday and another future najis leader full of controversy and arrogant and having a even more arrogant wife! Pui....wanna puke eveyday seeing their cock faces everyday at newspaper and tv.

  29. Hi tan, tanjong bungah

    Since you are from Tanjong Bungah , I have never heard you mentioned anything about your YB Tanjong Bungah Teh Ei Chiau of the DAP. Ever since he was elected , he has not done anything for the community except bicycle around in jeans and tee shirt for the last three months .Now he is planning another bicycle trip to who knows where ! Five months of taxpayers money for him to go bicycling around , how nice , I also would like to be one .Talk of planting one million trees by him , yet to see one planted . What a guy this DAP chap .

    Over to you tan of tanjong bungah .

  30. Chaptokam,
    The history of the National Education Policy is quite well documented here, on an official government website.

    Bahasa Melayu in the System of Education

    1957 . Compulsory subject in primary and secondary schools
    1970 . Medium of instruction in Standard 1
    1975 . All English Primary Schools were converted into National Primary Schools
    1976 . Medium of instruction in Form 1
    1979 . Medium of instruction in Form VI, arts stream
    1980 . Medium of instruction in Year 1 of arts faculty in universities
    1981 . Medium of instruction in Form VI, science stream
    1982 . Medium of instruction at all levels in schools
    1983 . Medium of instruction for all courses in universities

  31. chaptokam,

    really pissed of with PORR, eh?? guess is that you are one of the products of the ex-state government (Gerakan) who benefited from their handouts and who is now living in such an affluent area in Penang. But the ex state government also pissed you off with the PORR project because it is going to affect your pocket with the drop in property prices.

    So on hand you owe the ex state government your ass and the other, you curse them because there is going to be a big hole in your pocket due to PORR.

    No wonder your train of thoughts is neither here nor there when you write. You are in limbo!!!

    Well, i hope in PR13, Gerakan will come back in full force and implement the PORR immediately for your sake, asshole!!!!!!!!

    Hidup BN! Hidup BN! Hidup BN!

  32. chaptokam,

    any comments on the RM40 million the Penang people is going to lose on the land deals due to your beloved BN?

    any comments as to why non-greenhorns can make such a big blunder,ah????????? and they say another RM80 million further compensation is possible. aiyo, why didn't the previous state government people come to you for advise.

    After losing so much money, the Penang kias must be siao and gong like you to invite those previous state goverment to attend any official functions

  33. Hi Chaptokam

    Your claim that my assemblyman
    ".. has not done anything for the community except bicycle around in jeans and tee shirt for the last three months ... " is rather unfair to him. His cycling all the way to China was to raise funds for charity, and the funds he raised for the community charities is much much more than his allowances and pay as a state assemblyman for 5 months! So, do get your facts right and not try to conveniently hide the part of funds raised by him for charity.

    His constituents are not neglected either as his service team, together with that of the MP are there for the people. The MP is more high-profiled, and thus far he has also performed well.

    As for planting of trees, I read in MSM that the programme has already started, though his target is for his 4-5 years tenure. So, where did you get the info that not a single tree has been planted? Even if he falls a little short of a million trees, the voters would condone and support his noble act.

    If he does not perform well as an assemblyman, not only I, but I believe the other voters in Tg Bungah would boot him out. Anyway, I'm not his apologist, but I know that since the CAT policy was introduced in Pg, there has been lots of improvements, with non-performing contractors facing termination of contracts, and this has been implemented.

  34. Hallo Unkel,

    Long time Harry dont come here lar, busy praktikal training goreng charkuetiow. What? Still "I dont trust Anwar fellar" thingy hor ? That Izam aledi says yesterday " Anwar threat to Malay people, wanting to scrap NEP lar, Ketuanan rakyat lar, etc." and Unkel still stuck with "I dont trust" issit? U really old-timer one. I think its time Unkel come back to the country for holiday maa. If u come, I belanja Unkel kopi kau2

    Harry Kok

  35. Kaytee,
    How come you missed out the story that the UMNO government is in cahoots with the Evil Israelis.

    Even a self-confessed pro-Yid like me is appaled at this....

  36. tan, tanjong bungah

    His cycling all the way to China was to raise funds for charity, and the funds he raised for the community charities is much much more than his allowances and pay as a state assemblyman for 5 months! So, do get your facts right and not try to conveniently hide the part of funds raised by him for charity.

    I thought he should be doing to improve the problems in Tanjong Bungah , like for example to go from Bagan Jermal to Tanjong Bungah you have to pass through 14 traffic lights , don't you think that is ridiculous ? What is he doing about the rape of the hill slopes going up to Batu Ferringhi ? Have you noticed that the hills are now BOTAK ? And every time it rains the road going to BF is flooded ? What is he doing about it ? How about the raw untreated sewage being discharge by the treatment plant into the river beside the Bayview Beach Hotel ?

    What about the unlicenced stalls being set up all over BF ? What about the illegal chalets being built right up to the beach in BF ? Is he aware of all these ?

    Rather than cycling all the way to China to raise funds for Charity , don't you think that's the work of the NGOs or the Association concerned ? Why should he be doing that ? when he is elected to serve the constituency ? not cycling around , What sort of logic is that ?? So you have confirmed that he is always not around in Penang or in Tanjong Bungah since he is cycling to China ? very energetic guy , and it takes three months to China and back .Confirmed by you Tan of Tg Bungah .

    During the last election DAP used to say OH the BN reps only look at clogged longkang and drains .Lamp posts and roads , looks like now we have DAP rep only planting trees .Even if he falls a little short of a million trees, the voters would condone and support his noble act. Huh what a bull , you can condone and support him , NOT me . Cycling and planting trees is that all he can do ???? Mr TAN ?

  37. Anonymous said...

    Have you heard of Save Gurney Drive NO PORR !!
    Your message is directed to all those who do not wished for PORR to be built , not me alone .
    I wonder who is in limbo calling me an asshole . he must be a greater ARSEHOLE !!!!!!

    One such language deserves language only understandable by him .

  38. kittykat

    UMNO in cahoots with Isrealis ? So what you propose ? We do not do business with Jews and refuse their money and investment ? Let me give you some example of prominent Jewish biz leaders...

    Roman Abramovich (Chelsea owner / Russian billionaire), Bill Gates, Larry Ellison (Oracle), Steve Ballmer (Microsoft), Sergei Brin (Google), Micheal Dell, Andy Grove (intel), Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Micheal Bloomberg,Steve Wynn (Las Vegas Casino),etc. In fact many of the MNC companies in Malaysia are owned by Jews.

  39. kittykat

    You are wrong about the destructive influence of DSAI on the Malaysian education system. I am not a 20-something kid who accepts lock,stock and barrel the feel-good thrash that he peddles these days.

    I was a teacher (albeit a temp) and before that a student as well as an undergrad in a local Uni during his time as the Minister of Education (1986-91).

    It was during his time that the whole education system was completely politicised totally with political and racial consideration was put all above the national interests such as unity and progress. Anwar completely destroyed whatever credibility in the education system by manipulating the syallabus, administration, promotion and all other aspects of education.

    I remember as a Tamil school teacher when the syllabus for maths was made easier under KBSR as compared to the previous system just to make the Malay schools catch up. On the otherhand he made the BM exams much tougher under KBSR for vernacular schools while actually reducing the time for teaching BM. In fact the kids in Chinese and Tamil schools did not learn BM and English until Std 3 under KBSR. I remember myself expressing my outrage to the MOW officers (I could since I was a temp). But I realised we can't blame these officals since the orders came from the very top.

    I also remmeber how one by one the English schools were converted and the non bumi heads were retired and replaced with bumis. I remember how he installed his cronies as VC of universities. I remember how he tried very hard to close down Tamil and Chinese schools by picking on smallest issues.

    I remember how he refused to provide any money or land for these schools. I also remember the Islamisation of MOE under his guidance where the "baca doa" first started in school and in govt offices.

    I remember also how he changed the syallabus with foreign content was replaced with local ones in history books. References to non Muslim cultures and civilisation in school text books were purged.

    At that time the vernacular schools were under a state of siege with Anwar on a warpath.

    And don't forget how Anwar forged "special" nusantara relationship by "Indonising" the national language by introducing Bahasa Baku and keep changing the terms in BM every year and make the Form 5 & 6 Science students go nuts.

    And finally don't forget his contribution to Operasi Lallang where he threatened MCA and Chinese by planning to hold a 500,000 ppl demo. He also used the opportunity to get some of his political opponents under ISA.

  40. BTW guys, is the EC sleeping ? How come they are not taking action or issue statement when DSAI is running a campaign even before the by-election is fixed ?

    And also is anyone monitoring his source of fundings ? There have been all kind of accusation of foreign help financially and in terms of strategy even since the 1999 GE. Recently it was reported that he had help from Turkey, Isreal and the US.

  41. Hi chaptokam,

    The problems you highlighted in Tg Bungah are the ones inherited from the previous BN govts. So, don't unjustly pin them on the 'new' assemblyman, though it's his duty now to undo/alleviate some of them.

    (a) "from Bagan Jermal to Tanjong Bungah you have to pass through 14 traffic lights" was introduced many many years ago. Tell me who introduced them? Ask Dr Teng, a former state exco.

    (b) "the rape of the hill slopes going up to Batu Ferringhi ? Have you noticed that the hills are now BOTAK ? And every time it rains the road going to BF is flooded ?" are projects approved and implemented by the previous govts. Dr Koh T K should be questioned about all these projects!

    (c) "How about the raw untreated sewage being discharge by the treatment plant into the river beside the Bayview Beach Hotel ?" were there long before the PR Govt.
    So, what had the previous BN govts. done to alleviate this problem. Again, ask Dr Koh, the former Tg Bungah assemblyman and former CM.

    (d) "What about the unlicenced stalls being set up all over BF ? What about the illegal chalets being built right up to the beach in BF ?" were all there since ages ago. Again, ask Dr Teng and Dr Koh.

    For above problems, are you saying that Dr Koh, who stays in Hillside and had been the assemblyman for Tg Bungah for many many terms, is blind and oblivious to all of them? If not, you should ask him what he had done with respect to these problems that you highlighted! Don't just pin these onto an assemblyman who has held office for barely 5 months!! Dr Koh, being the former assemblyman and former CM, is the best person to answer these questions!

    Nonetheless, I don't think the present assemblyman is blind to these problems, though some problems are irreversible, like undoing the hillslope projects which have been completed or almost complete before the present PR govt took over. It's just his luck that he should be looking into some of the above problems created by others.

    Choptakam, don't put words in my mouth. He was away cycling to China to raise funds does not mean he's always away from Pg.

    I don't grudge your right not to condone it if he falls short of his target of 1 million trees, similarly, I've every right to condone this.

    Ain't you jumping to conclusion that he is only good at cycling and tree planting? How do you know he doesn't have any other programmes? Why won't you ask him? I'm not anyone's apologist nor spokesman, hence, I can't speak about whatever other projects/programmes he may have lined up. His performance, or otherwise, is for the Tg Bungah voters to judge and his reckoning, and those of other representatives from both sides of the political divide would come in the next GE.

    I knew what you're up to when you said "Over to you Tan of Tanjong Bungah". You're just one of those that the bloggers refer to as BN troopers or Anwarites, but I am neither!

    Another thing is that this surfing the net so often is hurting my pockets. At times, I feel like wasting my time and money, especially meeting those who're bent on spinning and slanting facts to suit their political bias and/or interest!

  42. Hi chaptokam,

    Another thing Chaptokam. I believe you owe the Dr Osman from Hospital Pusrawi an apology for casting doubts on his professional qualifications. If he is not qualified enough as a medical doctor, don't you agree that the Hospital should be hauled up by the Health Ministry and MMA for engaging him?

    How about your comments on the recent disclosure of land mismanagement in Pg by the previous state govts?
    OF COURSE, you've every right not to comment, irrespective of whatever reasons you may have.

  43. Thanks killer I didn't have that in depth knowledge even though I knew DSAI was responsible for it .

  44. tan, tanjong bungah

    (a) "from Bagan Jermal to Tanjong Bungah you have to pass through 14 traffic lights" was introduced many many years ago. Tell me who introduced them? Ask Dr Teng, a former state exco.

    Is it so difficult for him to turn some of them off ? instead of ask Dr Teng !I personally brought up this matter to them FYI , but nothing done !!!

    (b) "the rape of the hill slopes going up to Batu Ferringhi ? Have you noticed that the hills are now BOTAK ? And every time it rains the road going to BF is flooded ?" are projects approved and implemented by the previous govts. Dr Koh T K should be questioned about all these projects!

    Dr Koh is now NOT the CM , DAP is the gomen . Is it so difficult to get the MPPP to slap a stop order on the developer ????

    (c) "How about the raw untreated sewage being discharge by the treatment plant into the river beside the Bayview Beach Hotel ?" were there long before the PR Govt.
    So, what had the previous BN govts. done to alleviate this problem. Again, ask Dr Koh, the former Tg Bungah assemblyman and former CM.

    So everything ask the previous gomen . Easy lah this type of job I can also do lah !!! I don't need to tell him what to do lah , susah lah , macam ini lah !!!

    (d) "What about the unlicenced stalls being set up all over BF ? What about the illegal chalets being built right up to the beach in BF ?" were all there since ages ago. Again, ask Dr Teng and Dr Koh.

    So what are you DAP now the gomen doing about it !!! Don't play TAI CHI here !

    tan, tanjong bungah , I have nothing against you , neither am I blaming you , it so happens you are from Tanjong Bungah , that all .

    We are just brainstorming current issues on hand , don't feel bad , ok I am not picking on you .Hopefully those blokes in the DAP will see our comments on him and hopefully he should know what to do . We have not wasted our time discussing these issues . Cheer up and have a good day , ok .

  45. tan, tanjong bungah regarding the Dr Osman from Hospital Pusrawi , well , let the Health Ministry deal with it. Lets look at the more important issues at hand .ok Cheerio !

  46. Hello Chaptokam 9:24 am

    I would like to definitely CONFIRM
    Kittykat46's statement that:

    "The conversion of all school subjects (except English, obviously) to Bahasa started in Standard 1 from 1970, and was complete in the whole school system to Form 6 by 1982. All way before Anwar Ibrahim's time."

    This policy was implemented because of the May 13 riots that happened 6 months earlier. I was in Primary School then. Rationale was to promote national unity through the national language.

    Phua Kai Lit

  47. Hi chaptokam,

    As I said, I'm not anyone's spokesman. Hence, don't miscontrue that what I said would be what the current assemblyman would say. Take note that I said that the blame should not be pinned on him, though I also mentioned that it is his luck that now he has to try to solve some of those problems created by others. If he doesn't try to help solve some of these problems, then the constituents would know what to do.

    I'm confident that the DAP-led PR govt would try to resolve these problems, for failure in their performance on these problems and other issues is not an option - lest they be in turn shown the door! I believe that the PR representatives will work very hard to serve the people, as there is no doubt that they intend to stay for more than 1 term!

    There shouldn't be any tai chi on the blame part as to who created those problems. Definitely, this does not absolve Dr Koh and Dr Teng from explaining how they created these problems, and yet, didn't bother to solve them while in office for more than a decade! If I may put it, my strong suspicion/conviction is that they're too business friendly that they forgot about the rakyat's welfare!

    These political eunuchs (don't believe me, ask Dr LKY) suddenly found a little courage after being booted out. While in office, we have much lower level UMNOputras being unfairly critical of them, and yet, they dared not even protest. Even their fellow BNputras, like Samy Velu dared to very sarcastically ridicule our CM Dr Koh then that he should consult him as Works Minister first before he opens his mouth about the Second Pg Bridge!

    The Malacca CM, as a guest of PPP, even rudely asked PPP to leave BN. Did BN (read UMNO) reprimand him for his rudeness? Why didn't the other BN component parties come to the defence of PPP then? Petty vested interest? Today PPP, tomorrow it may be MCA or others. The bottomline is that there is such disdain of UMNO of its so-called equal partners!

    It was a well-known fact that Gerakan, MCA, MIC and others in BN are mere beggars, even before Dr LKY openly declared so!

    BTW, Dr Mohamed Osman's credibility as a bona fide medical doctor is a very important component of the sodomy case, with far-reaching consequences. The press statement by the Hospital Pusrawi's management clearly shows its insincerety - if it's not connected to a sodomy medical check-up, why the need to do a pre-rectum exam. It was clearly stated in the medical notes that the alleged victim intends to make a police report on sodomy allegations - thus, how can the hospital say that it has nothing to do with the sodomy exam. The management has to a very large extent discredited the hospital! As the govt has shares in this hospital, the onus now is not just on the Health Ministry, but more so the MMA, to study the medical report of Dr M. Osman and the press statement of the hospital. Can they reconcile the differences?

    The way things are developing, can we blame the people of their perception on this case?

  48. Hi everyone.

    Correction on "The bottomline is that there is such disdain of UMNO of its so-called equal partners!"

    It should read "The bottomline is that there is such disdain of its so-called equal partners by UMNO!".

  49. tan, tanjong bungah since you have taken your time and effort to write , I will respond otherwise I wouldn't want to waste my time

    Firstly I don't hold Koh Tsu Koon and those fellas in Gerakan with high regards .This is because he is seen to be too accomodative to UMNO .
    Second he is seen to kow tow to UMNO and doesn't seem to have his own mind .
    Thirdly a lot of projects are approved without proper environmental and traffic dispersal studies and approved on an ad hoc basis .
    Fourthly money can buy Datukships , just make a contribution to Gerakan 200k and your name is on the list .

    There are many more issues but I think I'll stop here otherwise it will become another Gerakan bashing .

    Regarding Dr Mohamed Osman's medical examination note I have actually posted quite a lot of comments on this matter , however its best you read this first ok !

    The Osman Conspiracy?

    The plots thicken and there does not seem to be an organisation that is not a part of the magic tricks.

    After my post, I could not help but look for more information as to who this good Doctor is. Lo and behold, I find that he is a registered medical practitioner who has been practising in Malaysia for the past 15 years, although he is only fully registered for the past three years.

    Doctor's Registration, Malaysian Medical Council

    The interesting facts found is that Dr Hamid is a Burmese Muslim who has worked for three years at the Regional Islamic Da'wah Council of South East Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP) organisation from 1993 to 1995.

    Doctor's Registration, Malaysian Medical Council

    Regional Islamic Da'wah Council of Southeast Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP)

    Coincidently, Anwar was also one of the Supreme Council members in this organisation (RISEAP) at around this period of time.

    Islam in Malaysian Foreign Policy

    Anwar also attended the "2nd World Peace Forum" on the 17th June 2008 in Jakarta. The other attendees from Malaysia were Abdullah Muhammad Shafiq Ong, Regional Islamic Da'wah Council of Southeast Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP).

    The Second World Peace Forum

    After Working for RISEAP, he went to work in Sarawak for four years before coming back to work in Kuala Lumpur. His current registration details are as follow:


    Current Registered Practise (2008):

    Hospital Pusrawi s/b
    Lot 149, Jalan Tun Razak
    50400 Kuala Lumpur

    Can anyone clarify the relationship between Dr Mohamed Osman Hamid and Anwar Ibrahim, especially when they were both active at RISEAP in the early 1990's and late 1980's?

    Can anyone also comment if Saiful has any connection with Dr Hamid, at RISEAP or at University Malaya, where he later worked for another 5 years between 2003 and 2007?

    Clearly, Anwar is a man of many talents and many powerful friends, including the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, the US State Department, the World council of Mosques and RISEAP.

    It makes one wonder how far does the conspiracy go and what his true intentions are, as he successfully continues to court and win over the public opinion of not only Malaysians, but the world at large, with his pretty but vulnerable and shy "bride" routines.

    It just makes me sick, watching all this play-acting.

    If there is one thing I hate the most, it is in being treated like a mushroom. Kept in the dark, and fed lots of bull-shit!!!

    I rest my case.

    Hidup Malaysiaku!!!

    The following was sent to me by a medical specialist from Hospital Putrajaya, for now I won't be revealing his name...but enough said...the article from Dr Mohd. Raffick earlier (Is RPK spinning out of Control?) has prompted more Medical Doctors to write in to support Dr Raffick's take on RPK's revelation.

    Any girl maybe a virgin from the time she is born until she dies if she choses to do so.She gets a hymen tear when her vagina is penetrated.

    All human beings anus gets reversely penetrated(passing motion) within a few days of birth and this act continues almost on a daily basis for the rest of their lives.

    Most adults(male/female/trans) would have been reversely penetrated sometime(and some many times) in their lives with big hard feaces when they were constipated.

    When you are constipated, your feaces is usually hard and dry ....... how many of us had tears?Some of us may have bled a little but the next time we went to pass motion, no more bleeding any more ......... leave alone blood after few days. For pus to form , you need a tear and infection to set which rarely occurs.

    For all those who still doubt that someone can get sodomized without suffering any tear, bleed and pus formation need to know that anuses are being routinely penetrated in hospitals on a daily basis with metal proctoscopes which are 8-10inch long and about 1 inch in diameter, the obturator is removed once the proctoscopes is in and once deeper inside the anus - no tears, no bleeds.


    1)It was done either in outpatient and probably in an ER(A&E) room
    2)It was done by a medical officer and not a specialist
    3)The history taken was very minimal as rightly pointed out:
    • when it occurred ie time, date, place
    • how many times has it occurred
    • who did it
    • consensual forced or neither ie not agreeing but not resisting
    • any constipation recently or in the past
    • size, consistency , shape etc.

    Physical examination PR means Per Rectal examination whereby the basic examination would be;
    • spreading the cheeks of the buttocks in a semi prone position to look at the anus under good lighting
    • putting a gloved forefinger through the anus to feel tone, swellings, irregular surfaces, prostate
    • proctoscope examination whereby a speculum is inserted through the anus to look directly at the anal canal and also the anus while the proctosocpe is being withdraw out of the anal canal after completing the examination. This is the appropriate exam to look for tears.

    Looking at the OPD exam, it looks like the doctor just performed only the visual exam because:
    • all is reported as "seen/not seen"
    • no mention made of findings of finger rectal exam ie stained with mucus/blood/feaces etc.
    • no proctoscopy exam findings mentioned

    It is surprising how casual the examination was in view of the fact that the patient complained of assault to his anus - doctor's job is to do a thorough exam irrelevant whether he/she believes the patient complaint(s)

    Finally, the examination was not done by a specialist who in this case would have to be a colorectal surgeon and a forensic specialist. Even if the specialist finds no tears(old or new), blood or pus, it does not mean a person was not sodomized.
    A disservice has been done to both the patient and also the alleged assaulter by the very poor history taking as well as physical examination of the patient. It is not rare for doctors to take such poor history and do such poor examination in patients with running nose or cough of few days but to do so in a potentially medico-legal case is grossly irresponsible.
    The doctor's only service to this patient was that he felt that patient may have been sodomised [TRO Assault(Sodomise)]and thus needs to be properly examined by someone more qualified and experienced in such areas which rightly should have been a specialist from the same hospital.It is a well known fact that private hospitals have briefed their A&E MOs to refer any potentially medico-legal case which do not have life threatening problems to government hospitals to avoid any hassles later on.
    As a medical doctor, i feel the slipshod OPD examination should be properly addressed and explained by the Malaysian Medical Association so that no party(accuser or the accused) can twist the facts any further.
    Truth will ultimately prevail.
