
Monday, April 07, 2008

True sons of UMNO!

Malaysiakini today published an article on a PKR intended action (an action stated by its leaders), which kaytee has been adamantly opposed to, namely, the shameful backdoor avenue for the PKR-DAP-PAS Pact (but in real terms for Anwar Ibrahim rather than anyone) to seize power from the BN by encouraging at least 30 BN MPs to switch party.

The news article is titled Defections: Why Pakatan should wait. The authors, Ong Kian Ming and Oon Yeoh, are basically recommending to the Pact that they concentrate on consolidating their rule of the 5 States they hold, instead of attempting to leap into ruling the federation …

… with the unconscionable help of slimy frogs.

The motives behind the PKR leader's push to become PM is not exactly unknown, but I will provide my take on why he now has this sudden tidak apa (couldn't-care-two-hoots) attitude as what people would think of his abrupt about-turn from his so-called reformasi platform.

Indeed, why has there been this reckless and total abandonment of the much touted Anwar's reformasi and its so-called democratic values, which the de facto leader (that title itself implying 'dictator') had previously been at pains to project?

Ong and Oon wrote: "Asking BN MPs to cross over to Pakatan sets a bad precedent for democratic accountability in Malaysia. Voters in Malaysia, by and large, vote for the party rather than the candidate and it is highly unlikely that they would approve of their candidate switching camps after being voted into office." […]

"Seducing politicians to party-hop now would be reminiscent of what the BN shamelessly did in Sabah after the PBS won a two-seat majority in the 1994 Sabah state elections. This was a time when Dr Mahathir Mohamad was the prime minister and Anwar was his deputy."

So why has Anwar Ibrahim and his henchman, Azmin Ali, threw away caution, and invite sneers like “I told you so, those guys are hypocrites – reformasi my bloody foot!”

That will be in my next post ;-)

By contrast, Ong and Oon gave a compliment to the BN: "To the BN’s credit, it did not ‘incentivize’ any PAS assemblymen from the state of Kelantan even after PAS’ majority in the state assembly was decreased to just one following BN’s capture of Pengkalan Pasir in a by-election in 2005. This, despite the fact that taking back Kelantan was an important goal for the BN."

Continuing, Ong and Oon asked: "It’s also important to also ask: Exactly what kind of MPs would you be attracting? The progressives? The liberals? The reformists?"

"The ones who switch over now would not be doing so because of idealism or because they suddenly have a change of heart over issues like the ISA (Internal Security Act), press freedom, the NEP (New Economic Policy) and so on. They would be doing so because of what they can squeeze out of Pakatan, for example, a cabinet position in a new government."

"How would this be received by the rank and file within the Pakatan parties? And how would the voters perceive these former BN crossovers being elevated to senior positions within the new government?"

… which brings me to the objective of this post. I want to comment on the PKR supporters, and not Anwar Ibrahim, Azmin Ali or the hardcore anwaristas – that the latter want to gain immediate federal power is a given. I will comment on this in the next post.

Yes first, those blind ‘devotees’.

Post election, seeing they were just 30 seats short of a simple majority to rule Malaysia, they have been so drunk with hubris, hypes and hunger for their idol to be promoted from de facto party leader to de jure national leader that they have lamentably failed to see their compromise of their own political platform, and the values of their political struggle, the so-called political reforms.

Reforms? Bullshit, how can such disgraceful tactics, which they had accused UMNO of practising, suddenly become acceptable for them to adopt as a matter of convenience?

Cakap ta’serupa bikin - mind you, not that I am in the least surprised with the intent of their leader as I have all along believe the reformasi declaration was nothing more than self-serving garbage … self serving to one person. The leopard has not and would never change its spots. But we know all that, so let me not stray into that for the moment.

While I accept that with victory, there would inevitably be displays of exuberance and jubilation, I was flabbergasted when those PKR supporter remained silent, in non-critical acceptance of their leader’s abandonment of the party's so-called reformasi values, by vaingloriously, and without any embarrassment (let alone shame), voicing his glee and gloating about party hopping to his advantage. But I was totally gobsmacked by their subsequent vocal support. Have they forgotten what they had struggled for, politically?

Party hopping is a despicable betrayal of the voters, a deliberate subversion of the ballot box. To reiterate what Ong and Oon had written, "Voters in Malaysia, by and large, vote for the party rather than the candidate and it is highly unlikely that they would approve of their candidate switching camps after being voted into office."

When I pointed this out, that party hopping is unconscionable, non-democratic, and a shameful UMNO-istic avenue of grabbing power, an assessment shared vociferously by Pak Haji Nik Aziz and Karpal Singh, those acolytes blamed my reminders as a result of my ‘hatred’, the usual and frankly, quite boring word they would use to tag any critics of their idol.

They refused to know or ignored the reality that they have applauded, supported and welcome a shameful betrayal of the democratic process, a treacherous assassination of the rakyat’s trust in their so-called (bullshit) reformasi.

In the end, the PKR leadership itself confirms it is no better than those in UMNO. The acorn certainly doesn't fall far from the oak tree.

No, I don't need to remind everyone that I have never believed Anwar Ibrahim to have ever left his UMNO values and longings. I have been vindicated in my perception despite being in the midst of a rocking, roiling raging sea of Anwar's supporters, some of whom are my friends. Mind you, not that I am gleeful about this, for I would have wished otherwise, to be proven wrong ... but alas.

And Anwar’s supporters?

True to form, they filled their role with an exactitude that shows no difference to those of UMNO – intolerant of dissent, disagreement or difference.

What’s missing has been the keris … perhaps not for long!

katak biru diajak berlompat
dari sana dari mana sj ke sini
dikaji bahwa waktu dah sempat
untuk membunuh demokrasi

ya, reformasi bukan demokrasi
hanya untuk merebut kuasa
khas untuk kepentingan Mahdi
malang, penyokong masih buta


  1. Hmmm, an attack to Anwar supporter. Naughty KT, you know they will resort it as an attack towards Anwar. Most of this people think they speak for Anwar. ;)

  2. ur usual tirade against anwar. hey, lets wait for the frogs to jump and then conclude. why jump the gun now? i dont subscribe to hopping but i aint gonna open my mouth with all these posturings byboth sides.
    kt, what about those offers to the perakian aduns?

  3. This article brings some clarity and knocks hard on the reader. Hopefully, PAS & DAP makes a firm decision. Its a wise suggestion to focus on the five states and prove their worth and their commitment on all the election promises. And Anuar have to use the 'gestation' period to prove his leadership skills beyond convenient election pack (so far Anwar's excuse on issues of democracy and meritocracy have always been that UMNO's power structure never allows him to exercise his independent thinking while in gov). So, now is the time, and as KT said, the energy should be focussed in this instead. If PR (mainly PKR, as DAP-PAS have excellent track records) prove to demonstrate their commitment to democracy and human rights issues, we will be doubly motivated to vote them in, come the next general election.

  4. This article brings some clarity and knocks hard on the reader. Hopefully, PAS & DAP makes a firm decision. Its a wise suggestion to focus on the five states and prove their worth and their commitment on all the election promises. And Anuar have to use the 'gestation' period to prove his leadership skills beyond convenient election pack (so far Anwar's excuse on issues of democracy and meritocracy have always been that UMNO's power structure never allows him to exercise his independent thinking while in gov). So, now is the time, and as KT said, the energy should be focussed in this instead. If PR (mainly PKR, as DAP-PAS have excellent track records) prove to demonstrate their commitment to democracy and human rights issues, we will be doubly motivated to vote them in, come the next general election.

  5. Quote by Martin Lurther King (try to exchange the word 'Negro' to Non Malay and 'White Moderate' to PKR.

    "First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."

  6. Quote from Martin Lurther King (try to read 'Negro' to 'Non Malay" and 'White Moderate' to PKR)

    "First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."

  7. Yo, man, stop ranting like dat lah or you will end up busting a blood vessel. If you can't fight them, join them! So, how's about following in the footsteps of Jeff the blogger and entering politics yourself?

    I have followed your blog for some time and your strong sense of idealism and fair play shines through your writings. Thus if you get elected to parliament it will be good for the people and the nation.

    With one more white knight looking out for the people, all those crooks, conmen and politico-pimps on the other side will find it that much harder to persist in their nefarious activities.

  8. Inspired by a post by KTemoc:

    Hujan lebat, kampung dibanjir
    Katak melompat, khinzir berenang
    Rampas kuasa, mungkin difikir
    Wakil khuatir, harta terhilang

    Hujan lebat, sungai mengalir
    Katak hijrah, khinzir berpindah
    Impian rakyat, jangan disindir
    Nanti undi, senang berubah

    BY Jed Yoong

  9. Hi K Temoc...

    Greetings. Federal Govt must be changed if rakyat wants to see changes in the top hierachy of police, judiciary, AG, press, Election Comission etc....otherwise more of the same rot will continue down the road if not becoming worse.

    Just look at the ongoings within UMNO presently and the desperations to cling on to power at any cost by the present regime. Am amazed really with the denial syndrome shown.

    It was the rakyat that got fed up with the BN regime for obvious and various reasons.

    State Govts in Opposition hands will be more effective if have a pro Federal Govt set up. Otherwise the Federal will try to thwart every move made by these states and in sharper focus it will be the rakyat losing out.

    I truly Respect yours and the views expressed by the writers of the aricle you quoted but please see the bigger picture.

    If the new Federal Govt fail to deliver well there is always the next round for the voters.


    8 April 2008

  10. Ong Kian Ming and Oon Yeoh's column in Mkini was level-headed, logically argued and I believe well-meant. PKR's leadership should take this as positive criticism.

    Ktemoc's rabid, foaming, rant is something else....I can almost feel the e-spittle all over my face and clothes..

  11. When you see a cobra in your house, would you wait? Kill it fast, or else you will regret your foolishness

  12. Much as I view with distaste, this party hopping issue, I think the time for adherence to such ethics is not here yet.

    One must recall that Malaysia has been ruled for 40 yars by BN whose hallmark modus operandi for remaining in power is one of bullying and cowing the other smaller political parties and well intentioned idealistic individual MPs into submitting to its wishes.

    Bullying through outright verbal threats, public shaming through manipulation of the controlled media, use of UMNO Youth to terrorise while others may not do likewise, threats through anonymous or personnel in uniform either directly or implied, abuse of power of office to ruin financially or economically any potential non conformist to UMNO's rule, use of comprador sycophants planted in political parties to challenge duly elected outspoken leaders, threat of more tightening of the screw in terms of favors and allocations, raising the threat of racial and/or communal bogeys, and ultimately the ISA and military threat to incarcerate any one brave enough to stand up and hammered down.

    I know for sure many of the MPs voted for "Barisan Sarawak" as a strategy to unite and preserve their strength vis-a-vis UMNO/Barisan and Kuala Lumpur. Voting for "Barisan Sarawak" is not quite the same as voting for the UMNO dominated Barisan Nasional.

    Similarly, voting for the Barisan Nasional affiliated Sabah political
    parties does not necessarily mean voting for Barisan Nasional. Many old timers still recall old muck raking M had come down on Sabah with a sledge hammer and the fires of resentment continues to burn inside them. Not to mention the subversive Project M undermining Sabahans and Sabah.

    Recall also that no one expected the PKR-DAP-PAS alliance to do so well at the Elections. I imagine if they could see the future, both Sarawak and Sabah would possibly align themselves with the Alliance before the polls. Thus no one could subsequently accuse them of party-hopping.

    In summary, in the Malaysian post election scenario, it is not really a question of opportunistic politicking but one of a lack of choice. UMNO under old muck raking M does not tolerate Sabah or Sarawak to be ruled by any opposition and Sabah in particular is still smarting over it. Who would dared to go against UMNO-BN in this regard?
    Hardly anyone believed it was possible to overthrow this "evil empire". Sane, rational people consider it wise to lie low until events gives them an opportunity to reveal their true feelings.

    In light of these therefore, I think the issue of part-hopping becomes irrelevant against the aspirations of these people long held down under the foot of UMNO-BN under Mahathir. If they wish to align with a friendlier and civilized political party or coalition, I do not think one can stop them.

    Only UMNO-BN perhaps can stop them. It depends on how they re-assess themselves , re-think, re-formulate their ideology to be in line with the people's wishes, and re-negotiate and agree amongst themselves on the sharing of power. Then perhaps they can re-group and refresh to join battle again, against the opposition alliance. The grace saving life-line here is that UMNO-BN is post Mahathir and the leaders therein are definitely more reasonable than the tyrant Mahathir.

    How it will play out? Ahh ... well that's politics. And those who have chosen politics as a career ... good luck. May you win. But win or lose, please be a sport and take any loss gracefully.

    In saying all this, it's not that I trust AI more but in fact, I have yet to see how the whole opposition scenario is going to play out. Already, the non Malays have been taken in as being naive to an extent and suckered into believing that all will be well and that race is irrelevant. Really? As an "equal partner", I hope DAP in particular, is courageous enough to stem such UMNO-like gangster tactics used by any member in the alliance to cow the non Malays again.

    Will there really be a new dawn for non Malays in this country? Your take is as good any.

  13. Malaysia now needs a leader who can strategize for the country's future. Can existing BN leadership perform this strategic job? The answer is NO and ...Malaysia cannot be left as it is ..drifting to whichever direction the wind blows...So it makes expedient political sense that Pakatan Rakyat takes over the role of navigating Malaysia through turbulent waters in this global market place..

  14. We congratulate PR ahead on this assembly.

    After that, make a join conference with 3 parties together and not solely facing the one sided evil BN media.

    Voice out loud your ideology in this assembly so the 3 parties understand well.

    Say no to one party ideology (PAS on Islamic state). Form stronger coalition and move forward to revive our country which was in bad shape.

    Wipe off the evil BN influence in this lovely country. Truth will prevail as they are all from same boat full of syetan & natang.

    Long Live PR, from Steve

  15. Save MCA

    A campaign undertaken by several MCA members and leaders unhappy with the present party leadership kicked off in Ipoh last night, with speakers blaming party president Ong Ka Ting for its dismal performance in the last general election.

    “President Ka Ting has led the party for five years now and has seen the party through two general elections.

    “Judging from the results of at hand, he is best remembered as the worst performing president MCA ever had,” said Ipoh Timur MCA division deputy head and former MP for Lumut Dr Yap Yit Thong at a dinner gathering last night at a local hotel in Ipoh.


  16. Ong Kian Ming and Oon Yeoh were not quite right when they inferred that UMNO/BN refrained from inducing defections from PAS to BN after UMNO won the Pengkalan Pasir (Kelantan) by-election in Dec 2005 and reduce PAS'majority in the Kelantan assembly to 1 (23 PAS:22 UMNO). UMNO could not simply succeed in inducing defections despite trying very hard with all kinds of monetary and power incentives. The pAS assemblymen were too ensconced in religion to take the bait. And so UMNO lost out.

    I would say Anwar and PKRM should go ahead and get those 30 BN defections to topple the Federal govt. Do it when UMNO and BN are at their weakest. In realpolitik, there is not such thing as principles. And UMNO understands that well. Remember UMNO too had been inducing defections not only PBS, but also PAS, DAP, Gerakan and others in the past. Don't wait for UMNO to consolidate itself. Hit UMNO when it is at its weakest, ie. now. Bring them down to their knees.

    The 5 opposition states can still practise good governance even if UMNO is toppled at federal level. In fact the 5 pakatan state govts can perform better with a PKRM-led coalition govt at federal level.

    Kill UMNO/BN off, the sooner the better!

  17. Federal Gormen will not work with pariah Pakatan.
    Now Pakatan must help BN to die.

  18. Badawi killed UMNO oso:

    Sebenarnya diketahui ramai dikalangan mereka yang terbabit dalam Parti Semangat 46 bahawa usaha menyaman UMNO adalah dirancang oleh Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi sendiri. Mesyuarat pertama untuk membincang usaha ini dilakukan di rumahnya di Jalan Medan Kapas, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. Antara yang hadhir adalah Marina Yusof, Dato Radzi Shiekh Ahmad, Zawawi Zin, dan lain-lain.

    Di dalam mesyaurat itu yang dihadhiri oleh mereka-mereka yang boleh digelar sebagai orang-orang Musa (Hitam) dan orang-orang Dolah, Abdullah sendiri yang membuat keputusan untuk menyaman UMNO di mahkamah dan dipersetujui oleh mereka yang hadhir. Berikutan mesyuarat pertama, mesyuarat kedua diadakan di rumah Puan Marina Yusof di Ampang Hilir.

    Jadi sekarang mati lah UMNO lagi. BN is kaput, badawi jugak.
    Only Pakatan mus not take Najis atau Ku Li masuk, Supreme Council pun jangan angkat.

  19. Uummm, "De Facto" implies "dictatorship" ? No lah boss. Just like bcoz Mr KT is a "De Facto" Anwar-basher, doesn't mean others like Jed Yoong, Rocky, or Raja Petra kenot critize Anwar if they need soo.... hahahahah.

  20. KT

    I cannot agree with you. A backdoor take over of the government, as you would call it, may after all be necessary. It is too long for me to explain here...please read what I have written on the matter in Should Pakatan Wait? I think Not! (

  21. "Party hopping is a despicable betrayal of the voters, a deliberate subversion of the ballot box."

    KT, please repeat that a thousand times, and I would salute a thousand times each.

    Leaders are without principles... their followers WORSE STILL.

    Oh, those who approve party hopping are true scum, and enemy of traitors of the rakyat's trust.

    We shall MARK such scum and cast them into the pit at th next GE.
