
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Minister incurs additional public cost just for spite!

From Malaysiakini news article BN doesn't discriminate, Azalina tells MBs:

Azalina Othman Said, the newly-appointed Tourism Minister, is obviously a BN person with a lack of understanding of federal-state relationships for the interests of Malaysia and her people. Sadly, she also demonstrates a nasty streak of partisan meanness, showing she lacks the graciousness to be a decent Malaysian minister.

She has decided to marginalise the Pact State governments on the issue of tourism funding by unnecessarily adding an additional layer of bureaucracy into the system, just to spite the non-BN governments. The funding will now go to ministry-controlled committees. But in BN-controlled states, the funding continues to be provided to the State exco.

Minister, what about the extra cost of introducing the additional layer of unnecessary officials in 5 States?

Maybe she’s funding jobs for those unelected BN appointed, but now out of jobs, municipality councillors in Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor?

So we are now blessed by the new Tourism Minister with the additional public cost of maintaining a dual system in the management of federal funding for tourism activities.

She said with arrogance that it was the federal government’s prerogative.

Then she had the brazen cheek to state: "It applies to all the states which is being led by opposition government. This has happened for the past few years with Kelantan and we've never discriminated as far as tourism projects are concerned. We've been very fair.”

‘Never discriminate …’? ‘We have been very fair’?

WTF do you call the dual systems of fund channelling?

Maybe she doesn’t even understand what the word ‘discriminate’ or ‘fair’ means after wallowing in years of UMNO power!

What a wasteful minister, incurring extra taxpayer’s money just to get her spiteful kicks. But I suppose that compared to her proposed super-duper sports centre in Mother England, it would be just a drop in her wallowing ocean.


  1. Satu lagi projek Barisan Nasional.

    I expect this "Terengganu Wang-Ehsan" model will be applied across the board for every Federal Government ministry's funding of activities at state level for the 5 Pakatan Rakyat states. In effect setting up a parallel State government.

    It is perfectly predictable that the funds will be chanelled through committees controlled by the respective State's UMNO.

    It is part of Barisan Najis' strategy to strangle the PR-run state governments.

    Come on Anwar, can you please hurry up with your frogs....kekekekek

  2. Majlis Sukan Negara dibebani hutang sewaktu beliau menjadi Menteri Belia dan Sukan. Mengapa? Apakah selepas ini Tourism Malaysia pula?

  3. With the help of frogs or not, it will do well for the PR to take the federal govt this year if they are able to ( though i doubt it now, with AAB having negotiated a deal with the east Malaysia MP's ), after 5 years of BN sabotage of the 5 states, PR will be hard pressed to win like they did this year.

    KTMoc > when u r in a street fight, the gentleman who fights fair will invariably end up dead in the ditch. With all of BN's manipulation of the media, governmental machinery, money politicking, now that they are on the ropes - you would want the PR to hold back on any killer punches they might be able to land? So that they can recover to fight ( hopefully fairly) in 5 years?

    C'moooooonnnn ....

  4. ;-) if we do not live by our principles, what do we live by?

  5. My money is on her sacking once a new PM comes in...

    She reeks of trouble to BOTH sides.

  6. she wnet ahead with brick and bury project in cloud england knowing that its a non-starter. simply, the hundreds of millions to be spent were too delicious to be missed. and of course the i guess gold-plated screwdrivers and the perpetrators are still scot-free.
    now, she has been sent to this ministry coz there is a big budget to screw. expect overinflated phamplets, more belly dancing trips and dont be surprise there will be another parachuting of UMNO into Artics event to attract eskimos to Malaysia.
    NO discrimination? Wonder how she will react if the MB will not approve any event held in the PR states arrange by this arrogant and dim-witted minister? Isnt it time that PR MB take a stand.
