
Friday, August 11, 2006

Ku Li's advice to Anwar Ibrahim

Tengku Razaleigh (Ku Li) has confirmed what I have been averring all along – that Anwar Ibrahim yearns and plans to return to UMNO.

I had stated that once a person has experienced power at the very top, as Anwar Ibrahim had before he was ousted on the eve of his prime ministership, that person would find it extremely difficult to accept being at a lower political position, like say, a mere opposition leader.

And in Malaysia, there is only one avenue to the top of the political hierarchy, via UMNO, full stop!

After Anwar was released from prison, he went to see Ku Li. Ku Li advised him that there were only two parties for Anwar to reach the top, rejoin UMNO or join PAS to become its head and transform the Islamist party into a modern attractive and powerful alternative party. If he was able to achieve the latter he could even be the first PAS PM. Ku Li also advised him to stop mucking around with loser PKR.

But obviously UMNO is the easier path of the two. Ku Li said: “I advised him if you want to get back to mainstream politics, or want to be prime minister, you should go back to UMNO. How? He has to work it out. I am not to advise him [on that]."

Ku Li told Anwar: "Your wife (Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) only won because it was your (previous) seat in Permatang Pauh".

However, Ku Li told Malaysiakini he doubt whether Anwar will win if he (Anwar) were to stand again in Permatang Pauh - unless he stands on either PAS or UMNO ticket.

According to Ku Li, Anwar agreed to his advice.

Sorry PKR (and Dr Syed Husin), so sorry to break your heart, but I had warned you all along.

(1) Bringing Anwar Ibrahim back to UMNO
(2) Anwar oh Anwar ...
(3) The 2009 Candidature of Anwar Ibrahim
(4) Anwar Ibrahim - 'Twixt Cup & Lip
(5) Anwar Ibrahim Fallen?
(6) Anwar Ibrahim - Silver Lining or Dark Cloud?
(7) Anwar Ibrahim - Lazarus of Politics?
(8) Anwar Ibrahim Loser Again?
(9) Anwar Ibrahim & Silky Court Intrigues
(10) Anwar Ibrahim on which boat?

1 comment:

  1. hey going through your anwar series finally~~~ :D i feel mostly the same about anwar..once u've experienced power, itz v difficult to linger in the opposition wilderness being ignored by the media + other important events~~~

    if we were a proper democracy, then also ok....

    i saw him speak last year and he still speaks like an umno politician..there was one part where he said

    "saya adalah melayu, jadi saya tentu akan jaga hak melayu..."

    then pause..and he choked out almost under his breath while looking down at his script:"dan rakyat cina dan rakyat india"


    my gut feel is that he wants to return to power la~~ not exactly revelational..but :D
