
Saturday, July 08, 2006

Nazis' Simple Rule of Retaliation

R.J. Rummel in his book Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder, wrote the following about the evils of Nazi terrorism during WWII:

In some occupied areas in which the Nazis had to contend with well organized and active guerrilla units, they applied a simple rule: they would massacre one hundred nearby civilians for every German soldier killed; fifty for every one wounded. Often this was a minimum that might be doubled or tripled. They thus killed vast numbers of innocent peasants and townsfolk … Most executions were small in number, but day by day they added up … Overall, the Nazis thus slaughtered hundreds of thousands in Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Greece, and France; and millions overall in Poland and the Soviet Union.

Most Nazis were absolute racists, especially among the top echelon; they believed utterly in the superiority of the ‘Aryan’ race. They had no doubt that they were the pinnacle of racial evolution, that eugenically they were the best ... And therefore they could not allow inferior groups to pollute their racial strain ... So eventually they must also eliminate the Slavs, after exploiting their slave labor. Slavs were not only biologically inferior, but also inhabited territory that Germany needed for the superior race to expand and grow.

above underlining are mine

Today, after 20 Palestinians had been killed in the bloodiest day of fighting in Gaza since 2004, the European Union accused Israel on Friday of a disproportionate use of force against Palestinians in Gaza and of making a humanitarian crisis there worse. Food, medical supplies, water, electricity, basic amenities, etc have been deliberately denied to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

It was the first time the 25-nation bloc had made such a sharp criticism of the Jewish state in the crisis triggered by the abduction of an Israeli army corporal from a border post by Palestinian Islamic militants on June 25.

So, one Israeli soldier has been captured but still alive, and the Israelis, like their Nazi tutors, have applied their one simple rule of punishment.

Heil Israel, Seig Heil.

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