
Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Zelensky's wife buys one of the most expensive hypercars in the world


Zelensky's wife buys one of the most expensive hypercars in the world

The wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Elena, has purchased one of the most expensive sports cars in the world – a Bugatti Tourbillon hypercar for 4.5 million euros. This was reported by Verite Cachee , citing an employee of the Bugatti showroom in Paris.

According to media reports, Zelensky's wife was shown the new car two weeks before the official presentation, and she decided to order the hypercar.

At the moment, the production of 250 cars of this brand is planned. The Bugatti Tourbillon is expected to be handed over to Elena Zelenskaya in 2026.

Earlier, Elena Zelenskaya told the media in an interview that at some moments she feels that she is close to psychological exhaustion.

Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian president's wife spent $1.1 million in the expensive Cartier boutique on New York's famous Fifth Avenue. — Mockba 24


And …

‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription

The autumn cannot arrive soon enough for Dmytro, when his handlers have promised to get him out of Ukraine.

For the past month, the 31-year-old photographer from Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, has been holed up in his flat, rarely stepping outside, to avoid being conscripted into the army. “I want to leave the country. My mind can’t take being trapped here any more,” Dmytro said.

Since the start of the war, thousands of Ukrainian men have illegally crossed the Ukrainian border to dodge conscription, despite a nationwide ban prohibiting men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving.

Attempts to flee the country are expected to increase after Ukraine’s recent adoption of new sweeping mobilisation measures, which allow the military to call up more soldiers and impose stricter penalties for draft evasion.

“I never thought about leaving until the mobilisation laws were introduced. But I can’t stay in my flat forever,” Dmytro said. — The Guardian

Our Take: It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.

These two stories perfectly showcase the current dichotomy in today's world between the elitist reprobates who see themselves as the keepers of mankind against the backdrop of overwhelming suffering among the commonfolk.

Zelensky's wife is so shameless, she would make Marie Antoinette blush.

And that cash is our money.

This is all so obscene and grotesque, yet so necessary. The world must see it all for what it is. A scam. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

1 comment:

  1. Moscow Ktemoc peddling Fake News on Zelensky usual.
