
Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Democratic governors reportedly waiting in wings after dire Biden debate


Democratic governors reportedly waiting in wings after dire Biden debate

With the White House scrambling to prevent Joe Biden’s candidacy being enveloped in a full-blown crisis, several state governors were said to be subtly positioning themselves as late substitutes while avoiding being seen to do so.

The Biden campaign has launched a counter-offensive, including furious networking among senior Democrats, to counteract fears that the 81-year-old president’s frail appearance in last week’s debate had made defeat at the hands of Donald Trump in November’s election inevitable.

But while several governors – seen as the next generation of Democrats’ leadership – have publicly avowed loyalty to Biden, they are keenly watching for slippage in Biden’s already fragile poll standings and a loss of support among donors in the next two weeks.

“The temperature is high,” one Democratic governor told Politico, referring to the state of mind among the party’s state leaders . “A lot of anxiety, a lot of folks at the edge of their seats.”

Gavin Newsom, the governor of California and a key Biden surrogate, defended the president immediately after Thursday’s disastrous debate performance, saying he would “never turn my back” on him. But he was widely seen to have expressed ambiguity by saying that he was ready “to step up”. — The Guardian

Our Take: This is fun to watch. Publicly, all the Democrat leaders are backing Biden and downplaying Thursday’s devastating debate. But, reportedly, behind closed doors, it’s another matter.

Tucker Carlson reported that he had a ‘reliable source’ claiming that Barack Obama is now supporting an open convention. Since he is widely believed to be the one calling the shots behind Biden’s low energy muttering and soiled diapers, Obama’s directly likely carried weight.

If Tucker’s reporting about Obama is true, that means Democrat politicians are brazenly lying to their voters while they figure out what to do next. Not a trust or credibility inspiring move at this particular moment.

Perhaps the funniest bit of all is that, while these governors are ‘ready to step up,’ unfortunately it’s not their turn. ‘…even if Biden stepped aside and opened up a nominating contest at the Democratic national convention in August, Harris would be the clear forerunner.’

That’s tough considering Kamala’s polling is usually several points behind Biden’s — and Biden has obvious dementia.

The election could be called for 45 right now.

This summer is going to be fiery. Let’s see if democrats can keep it mostly peaceful. — Ashe in America

Another Take: All this public panic, and yet, the biggest names associated with the Dems in the Collective Mind are standing pat … for now.

As Just Human and I floated Sunday night on DEFECTED, this particular series of deployments by the Old Guard in the establishment make sense when viewed through Patriot Control framing, and I'm not even talking about direct control over these players.

Many in the truth community (particularly Q followers,) as well as those who've follow the research of Jon Herold on the potential implementation of Devolution by the Trump Admin believe that Joe Biden is either directly or indirectly working for patriots.

If it's direct control, it's likely the result of Biden being a Cooperating Human Source consummating his end of a plea deal. If it's indirect, it's via the Game Theory inherent in Devolution.

Following the Debate Disaster, Obama and Clinton set the narrative for the Old Guard, standing pat with Biden despite their media underlings pulling the knives out.

What this suggests to me is that the Old Guard isn't afraid they might HAVE to replace Joe.

They're afraid they might not be able to. — Burning Bright

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