Saturday, July 27, 2024

Parallels between the wars in Ukraine and Israel


Ukrainian neo-Nazi unit forced to curb EU PR tour

Ukraine’s 3rd Assault Brigade, which is closely linked to the neo-Nazi Azov movement, has said it had to cancel several events in European cities because of public backlash.

The brigade announced earlier this month that its members would travel to nine cities in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania from July 21 to August 2. 

The goal of the trip was to tell attendees “only the truth about service in the brigade” and stories from the front line, and to drum up support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.

While the brigade was able to hold a gathering in Warsaw, the public in several other cities proved to be less hospitable. A welfare organization in Rotterdam, Wmo Radar, said it had decided “to no longer host the controversial event” due to “negative media attention.” Local politicians had spoken out against the event, calling it “undesirable” and not politically neutral.

In Berlin, local left-wing groups also said they intended to protest outside the hotel hosting the brigade, with politician Ferat Kocak saying that the German capital “does not need additional meeting points for the extreme right… no militaristic propaganda, not even under the guise of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.” — RT

Our Take: The predicted turn of Volodymyr Zelenskyy from warmonger hellbent on battling the Russian Federation to the bitter end to prospective peacemaker is in full swing.

Recently, Zelenskyy has held a "very good" phone call with Donald Trump, sent envoys to China to discuss the parameters of a coming peace deal with Russia, and decreased overtures to NATO for increased weapons deliveries.

In response, Kyiv Mayor (and former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion) Vitaly Klitschko has publicly warned (threatened?) Zelenskyy with "political suicide" if he considers relinquishing eastern Ukrainian territory to Russia.

Of course, Klitschko is himself associated with the now-infamous Azov battalion, and even named a new bridge in Kyiv "Azov Wave" after them in 2024.


Now Nazis, Nazi battalions and Globalist warmongers are unified not just against Putin and Trump ... but against Zelenskyy.

I've been telling those who will listen for two years he's our boy.

Don't believe me. Believe them. — Burning Bright

Another Take: The parallels between the wars in Ukraine and Israel can no longer be denied.

Just as with Netanyahu and the radical zealots in his cabinet, Zelensky now faces his own mutiny, among his radicalized troops, should he waiver, and bend the knee to Vladimir Putin.

What is interesting is that the radicals in both of these scenarios are Jewish fascists; more accurately, they are Jewish Nazis.

According to Bryan Mark Rigg's 2002 book, Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military, there may have been as many as 150,000 Jewish Nazi soldiers in the Third Reich. For context, in the 10 years that the Wehrmacht (Nazi Army) existed, from 1935-1945, it is believed that its total enlistment reached over 18 million.

As Rigg reports, there are countless documented cases of "exemptions" being applied to the Nazi's policy against people of Jewish descent. Hitler's own signature can be found on countless exemption documents. (One thing about the Nazis is that they were prolific bureaucrats—as I recall from my own research on them in college—to the extent that you could figure out the exact meal that a specific soldier ate on a specific day during the war, right down to the amount of jelly and butter rationed to him for his toast. Their record-keeping ability was beyond impressive.)

So yes, there were Jewish Nazis in the Third Reich, just as there are Jewish Nazis today in the Donbas, and Jewish Nazis in the Holy Land.


  1. The USUAL Badlands Fake News, this time tarring Ukraine, which is just defending its sovereign territory as Nazis.

    The true Fascists are the Vladimir Vampiriskis who haunt the corridors in the Kremlin.

  2. WOAHHH...par for the course from Mister Green?

  3. Will keep it simple and civil, for there are many comments with the gross scenes out of Paris.

    By kicking out Russia and Belarus from the games, they were spare of these bewitching ceremony.

    From a spiritual standpoint, the spiritual self sense that we will be witnessing something no one had ever witness. The saying is simple, God shall not be mocked.

    They're showing you something at these Olympic opening ceremonies.

    Same thing that witch was showing you at the Super Bowl last February as she did the satanic 'devils horns' and yanked on her upside-down cross while mockingly shaking her head 'nooooo!'

    What are they showing you?

    "We own the world. We own the Super Bowl. We own the Olympics. We own everything."

    They didn't count on The Great Awakening, though.

    When enough people realize what they're seeing, it's over for them.

    1. Is that a bad thing?


      Now that we saw the Olympic opening ceremony, laced with satanic, pedophilic, and cannibalistic imagery…

      Flashback to 08/19/2020:

      MSM ask Trump if he is “secretly saving the world from a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals”.

      He says “is that supposed to be a bad thing?”, and then goes on to say “we are actually, we are saving the world from radical left philosophy that will destroy this country, and when this country is gone, the rest of the world would follow”.

      Is there a secret shadow war going on against a satanic pedo cult? You decide.
