
Saturday, June 08, 2024

Wankee built a pier in Gaza BUT for what???

You think the 
Wankee built a pier in Gaza to facilitate entry of food aid for the starving Gazans, when so many land entry points are available? Yes, those land entry points are all blocked by Israelis but tell me, couldn't the blardy Wanks have done something about that, assuming they want to.

Indeed, our suspicions about the Wankee motives were justified when that so-called pier (on being declared completed and functioning) was suddenly "damaged" by recent rough seas. But wait, the Wankees are repairing the pier swiftly again - why? Read on, wakakaka, but be assured, there's nothing altruistic about the so-called Wankee contribution for Gazan benefits:

Suppressing Palestinian Drone Forces: U.S. Uses Aid Pier to Deploy Anti-Drone Combat Vehicles to Gaza

Middle East , Ground

The U.S. Armed Forces have deployed two or more of the new Mobile-Low, Slow, Small-Unmanned Aircraft Integrated Defeat Systems, commonly know as M-LIDS, to the Gaza Strip using a pier built by U.S. forces to provide better access to the embattled territory. 

The first of these reported arrived in Gaza in early May, taking up station at the edge of the beach alongside a heavy lift truck equipped radar guided 20mm autocannon built for anti drone warfare. It remains uncertain whether these assets have been used in combat to support the ongoing Israeli invasion of Gaza, against which local militias have made effective use of drones since the outset of hostilities in early October. 

Raising particular controversy was the fact that the vehicles were deployed using a pier built by the U.S. Army purportedly to deliver aid to the Gazan population, with the delivery of military equipment using the pier to support Israel’s invasion having been concealed. 

Testing in the theatre has been speculated to be in preparation for deliver of the M-LIDS to Ukraine. 

Combat Vehicle From M-LIDS Anti Drone System

Combat Vehicle From M-LIDS Anti Drone System

In early November the U.S. Military confirmed that it was conducting drone operations over Gaza beginning at the beginning of the previous month, with these providing targeting data and other intelligence on to Israeli forces. 

U.S. support for the Israeli war effort has been considerably broader, and beyond tremendous arms transfers ranging from bunker buster bombs to a surge in aircraft parts, senior American officers with expertise in counterinsurgency and city fighting had been deployed as advisors to Israeli forces

A number of sources, such as retired U.S. Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor, have indicated that Israeli special forces raids into Gaza had been accompanied by American special forces. 

Member of Gaza’s Hamas political leadership have stated that the extent of direct U.S. military involvement in the conflict was totally unexpected. 

The United States notably significantly surged its military presence in the Middle East from October 2023, which was intended to deter possible intervention by regional actors such as Iran or the Lebanese militia Hezbollah support the Gazan war effort.


  1. Moscow Douglas is basically a Russian propagandist.

  2. For that eventual alternative of the Berlin Lift to resupply & restock the Zionist state!
