
Saturday, June 08, 2024

Don't politicise DLP issue - Bersatu leader

Don't politicise DLP issue - Bersatu leader

Published: Jun 8, 2024 2:30 PM

Bersatu supreme council member Saifuddin Abdullah has urged against politicising the new requirements for the Dual Language Programme (DLP) for teaching Science and Mathematics at school.

“This is not (a) political (issue), and I agree that it does not get turned into one,” the Indera Mahkota MP told reporters after attending a Bersih forum in Kuala Lumpur last night.

According to him, the recent issue may have cropped up due to the sudden directive issued by the Education Ministry.

“The DLP had been proceeding smoothly and should continue to be so. The recent problem could have cropped up when sudden directives and circulars were issued in a disorderly manner, and without proper explanation.

“I hope the Education Ministry will explain what actually happened in Penang, to avoid untowardly issues from disrupting the DLP,” Saifuddin said.

On Thursday, DAP chairperson Lim Guan Eng slammed Bersatu and Umno Youth for supposedly playing politics over the new requirements for the DLP.

Lim Guan Eng

He said Bersatu has unfairly branded a group of Chinese secondary schools in Penang as impinging on 3R (race, royalty, religion) issues, whereas their grievances are an education issue.

Lim noted that contrary to certain erroneous reports, the schools are not opposed to using Malay as a medium of instruction, but are only against the Education Ministry’s April directive requiring the schools to have at least one class teaching science and mathematics in Malay.

Earlier that same day, Bersatu information chief Razali Idris called the Education Ministry “weak and helpless” in handling opposition to its latest circular on the matter.

He said the school representatives went against the Federal Constitution which clearly states the prestige of Bahasa Malaysia in the country.

Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh also voiced his backing for the circular, asking critics why they were “so afraid” of using Bahasa Malaysia as a medium in one class only.

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