Friday, February 02, 2024

To Be Accepted Into A Local University, Non-Malays Must Earn Three Times Higher Grades Than Malay Students

To Be Accepted Into A Local University, Non-Malays Must Earn Three Times Higher Grades Than Malay Students

1 Feb 2024

Asyiqin Razak
Asia’s Innovative Writer Award 20/21.

Will the education system in Malaysia improve? Source of image: Education Malaysia

An apartheid system that even affects the nation's youngsters is guiding the nation towards an iceberg that is just growing bigger with each year that goes by. It shows up in every facet of our educational program. The 90% Malay quota for the pre-university matriculation course is one of the examples.

One may never be able to fulfill their desire to be a doctor if they are not Malay. Someone with exceptional creativity will be removed from the nation or system. A young person who wants to study liberal arts and receive a government scholarship cannot fulfill their dream of becoming an ambassador.

According to The Coverage, the harsh truth is that there is no other system of racial discrimination in education like the one we have in our country.

The unfortunate reality is that because they enjoy perks that other children do not, defenseless Malay children are also harmed by this system. The disenfranchised from low-income homes attend low-quality schools with inadequate standards of instruction since it seems the system does not think getting the best education is important. As a result, they are less able to compete and develop an entitlement mentality as children.

According to Free Malaysia Today, The feeling of entitlement exists in all economic classes. That is the absurdity of discriminatory laws. What is the widespread discrimination that barely anyone speaks about but that everyone knows about? It has everything to do with profound psychopathology at the core of the political and economic system and nothing to do with how affirmative action should be utilized to help underprivileged Malays.

To get admitted to a local institution or to be eligible for a scholarship, all non-Malays must achieve marks that are, on average, two or three times higher than those of a Malay student. Naturally, this does not imply that there aren't any intelligent and diligent Malay kids who work hard, get great scores, and merit the spots.

However, it is also well known that the grading scheme can be tampered with in order to reduce the passing percentage, mostly for the purpose of enabling a higher percentage of the Malay majority to pass. This is the main cause of the nation's declining educational standards and widespread negative impact on the labor market.

1 comment:

  1. The aim of that f*cked giatunas scheme of mass production professional melayu out from dead woods irrespective of their base quality.
