Monday, September 04, 2023

China Sanctions : De-Industrialising Taiwan and South Korea


Monday, September 4, 2023

China Sanctions : De-Industrialising Taiwan and South Korea


The buzzword now is de-industrialisation. It simply means 'putting them out of business'. The war in Ukraine is actually the de-industrialisation of Germany and continental Europe. To make Germany poorer. To put them out of business. And it is certainly working. Without access to cheap Russian gas and Russian raw materials chunks of German industry are shutting down. Thanks to the Russia sanctions.

Over in the east the same thing is happening to Taiwan and South Korea. The China sanctions are helping to shut down chunks of the South Korean and Taiwanese semi-conductor industry. South Korea's chip exports have fallen by over 40% in the past year. Here is a 10 minute video.

The target is not only Russia but continental Europe as well.

The target is not only China but other "Asian Tigers" as well.

So the next time friendly beggars come asking for help to impose sanctions on your neighbours, think carefully. The real targets could be YOU.

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