Saturday, April 15, 2023

Wilkum to Malaysia. RM12.6 Billion Heroin "FDI" From Malaysia To Australia ?? 16 Shipments So Far. Over 5.4 Tons.


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Wilkum to Malaysia. RM12.6 Billion Heroin "FDI" From Malaysia To Australia ?? 16 Shipments So Far. Over 5.4 Tons.

Here is some really insane news.

  • urgent probe into RM790mil heroin shipment to Australia
  • how RM790m heroin smuggled from M'sia to Brisbane
  • 336kg heroin seized by Aussie police in Brisbane March 13
  • second largest drug haul in Australian history
  • embarrassing it came from Port Klang
  • How did it go undetected? 
  • How did this smuggling continue 12 - 16 times undetected
  • until Australian authorities uncovered this?
  • to carry out urgent investigation, report within 1-2 weeks
  • what actually happened

My Comment :

12 to 16 shipments have been routed through Port Klang? 
At 336 kg per shipment that is over 5.4 tons of heroin.
At RM790 million per shipment that is RM12.6 Billion already.

  • How did it go undetected? 
  • How did this smuggling continue 12 - 16 times undetected
  • until Australian authorities uncovered this?

What a stupid question. Somebody has been doing "close one eye". Or maybe "close both eyes".

Hello check everyone's bank accounts. Also their wives, children and parents bank accounts. Check who has bought flashy cars over the past year - above their salary grade.

Folks, Kabul fell on 15th Aug 2021. 

To those of you my loyal blog readers I hope you can recall that last year in 2022 I made the following prediction:

My comments :  I wrote that on Oct 5, 2022. Sure enough Afghanistan is the world's biggest supplier of opium.

  • Drugs are big business in Afghanistan, and under the Taliban, trade is booming. The country has long been linked with heroin
  • Opium harvested from the country's poppy fields is already estimated to be the source of about 80% of the world's supply, and it too appears to be booming.
  • In recent weeks, farmers across Afghanistan have been busy preparing their fields and planting opium seeds. "We know it's harmful," says Mohammad Ghani, while raking the earth outside the city of Kandahar, "but nothing else we grow makes any money.
I hope that :
  • urgent probe into RM790mil heroin shipment to Australia
  • how RM790m heroin smuggled from M'sia to Brisbane
will identify the country of origin of all that heroin.  I dont think it is going to be China, Japan, Russia or North Korea.

My gut feel says the heroin is from that part of the world - Kabul, Pakistan, Iran.  

The Taliban provides the 'protection' for the growing, processing and production of opium, heroin, meth etc. The other bad guys (including the Army boys) help in the marketing and distribution throughout the world. And that is how the 336 kg of heroin transhipped through Port Klang. This is my guess and I think it is not too far fetched.

Once again negara kita jadi negara yang tidak boleh diharap.

The American 9-11 Commission Report detailed that before the 9-11 attack in New York, Al Qaeda terrorists were in Kuala Lumpur when they were planning their 9-11 attack. Wilkum to Malaysia.

Arab fellows who were identified as Al Qaeda financiers by the Americans were also partners in an Arab owned bank in Malaysia. Wilkum to Malaysia.

Later the ISIS fellows were arrested in Perlis and deported. They were enjoying free board and lodging. Wilkum to Malaysia.

Terrorist preachers wanted by law enforcement in other countries, banned from entering so many countries are welcomed here in this country. Wilkum to Malaysia.

The Rohingya 'human smuggling' cartels were operating in the north of the Peninsula. Now the Rohingya have become a social problem. Wilkum to Malaysia.

Then there was that mass graves scandal at Wang Kelian in Perlis. Until today that mystery has not been solved. It also involved human trafficking. 

'In 2015, mass graves of people believed to be Rohingyas who were victims of human trafficking were discovered in jungles north of Wang Kelian in an area called Wang Burma. Reports stated that as many as 139 graves and 29 illegal detention camps were discovered'.

Rest in pieces in Wang Kelian.  Wilkum to Malaysia.

Now the Australians are giving feedback that up to 16 shipments of heroin have gone to Australia from Port Kelang. At over 336 kg per shipment that is already over 5.4 tons.

You can transit your drugs through here.  Wilkum to Malaysia. 

Do you recall this video? It is about 10 years old. Has anything changed for the better?

p.s.  A bit more news. After arresting that Minister's senior aide for corruption the MACC has today arrested the same Minister's private secretary also for corruption.

But the Minister himself has not been arrested. How come?

Your senior staffer and your private secretary who work for you and take instructions from you have been arrested for corruption. But you are super clean? Congratulations. Wilkum to Malaysia. 

This is no different from the time of Mahazalim and Mahafiraun. TWO  political secretaries of the same Minister were once  arrested for corruption - at different times.  Yet the Minister was not arrested for corruption. Then years later his name was mentioned by the MACC as having tens of millions of Ringgit of 1MDB money in overseas bank accounts. Malaysia Boleh? Wilkum to Malaysia. 

Wa akhirul kalam : do you think they will solve this heroin from Port Klang to Australia caper? What does that lion say?

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