Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Use Pelosi’s visit as a message to China

I invite you to read extracts only of a letter by Collins Ching (???) to Nancy Pelosi as published by FMT (see below), and where appropriate, my comments on Collins Chong's remarks (in blue), wakakaka:

Use Pelosi’s visit as a message to China

Letter to the Editor
-August 2, 2022 12:46 PM

From Collins Chong

US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Malaysia today with a congressional delegation marks another significant milestone in our bilateral ties.

More importantly, it gives new credence and reinvigoration of our shared resolve in reinforcing common commitment and conviction in upholding moral-led values and international norms pillared on democracy, rule of law and respect for human rights.

kt comments: "... 
commitment and conviction in upholding moral-led values and international norms pillared on democracy, rule of law and respect for human rights ..."??? Wakakaka!

This spectrum of historical international system and order, which has been created and steadfastly protected by the West and the global community, has been under serious and sustained threat from the increasing disregard for international laws and norms by China.

In outlining a new dawn of hope for global recovery efforts, the US remains crucial in leading the rejuvenation phase-out of the current doldrums.

The need for moral conviction and value-driven drive in leading the world in the recovery journey and standing up for global peace and collaboration cement the importance of the US’ role in continuing to maintain and shape the current order of freedom, peace, justice and respect for human rights.

kt comments: "... 
and standing up for global peace and collaboration cement the importance of the US’ role in continuing to maintain and shape the current order of freedom, peace, justice and respect for human rights ..."??? Wakakaka, now I am convinced this 'Collins Chong' may not be a Malaysian or even a SE Asian, wakakaka again.


The US’ unyielding conviction in upholding the universal emblems of democracy, freedom, social justice, free and open economy and equitable prosperity will serve as the principal support in maintaining a free, fair and open trade and economic exchange.

kt comments: "... The US’ unyielding conviction in upholding the universal emblems of democracy, freedom, social justice, free and open economy and equitable prosperity ..."??? Where in the world did this 'Collins Chong come from?




The tenets and fundamentals of our diplomatic craft and foreign affairs have been the model of emulation and we should inject new waves of strategic orientation in fortifying our policy manoeuvring that includes more in-depth defensive and security affiliation with Uncle Sam, considering the needs of the future against the rising threat from regional security architecture dictated by Beijing.

kt comments: We finally arrive at what the US wants us to do, namely, to take sides with the Americans against China, and do note how bombastic and typically American the language used has been (eg. "... 
model of emulation and we should inject new waves of strategic orientation in fortifying our policy manoeuvring that includes more in-depth ...", wakakaka)


Pelosi’s visit will fortify our entrenched ties which will serve as a show of consolidated and united resolve in solidifying and protecting the decades-old norms of international rule of law and democracy and upholding the moral high ground of values and principles. We as a nation will stand to benefit from greater and stronger US-Malaysia ties.

kt comments: How?

Collins Chong is an FMT reader.


kt comments:

Recall how Nancy Pelosi rejoiced in seeing a near-anarchic Hong Kong being razed by hooligans and thugs (who shot arrows at police, smashed up the Island Legislative Council complex, wrecked train stations and burned Mainland-owned store, among other vandalism) with her notorious remarks "it was a beautiful sight to behold. "

Our White Mother who art in England
Hallowed by thy name

HK policeman shot in leg by rioter's arrow

smash it - it's not British nor American owned, it's belongs to a Mainlander

It staggers most people to see how vicious and busuk-hati Nancy Pelosi has been.

Bearing in mind, the world (plus China on mainland and islands), UN and even America herself accepts and acknowledges that there is ONLY one China, WTF is Nancy Pelosi to talk about an independent Taiwan?

And as for the fictitious 'Collins Chong', the wankees have been invading, bombing, occupying, oppressing, murdering and exploiting numerous nations for the last 70 years or so, eg. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, many nations in South America, Africa etc, and supporting vicious neo-Nazi Israel to kill, maim, oppress Palestinians and seize plus occupy Palestinian land, so cease and desist your bull-kerbau-ish propaganda.


  1. South Vietnam had a legitimate government and they had asked the Americans for help to resist a Communist takeover. So there was no Wankee invasion of Vietnam.
    The Soviet Russian invasion of Afghanistan was far more brutal and killed far more Afghans...but you will not here a peep from Left-Wing ideologues such as wakakakaka.
    Violence in Africa was far more involved with Russian proxies such as Cubans, who intervened in Angola, Congo..... but Left-Wing ideologues will never mention this... if anything USA has ignored and neglected Africa for most of the last 70 years. So the Wankees had the sin of omission in Africa, not intervention.

    1. Wa-lau eh! Parading yr know-nothing his-stories AGAIN!

      Vietnam? North & South! Then how could u miss out the French looster?

      If u have missed that thus u know TOTALLY know-nothing about how the Yank's involvement in the later civil war between the two brother nations.

      "Violence in Africa was far more involved with Russian proxies such as Cubans, who intervened in Angola, Congo....."


      Mfering lies of monstrous proportions with selective choicy picks of that dark continent's colonial records.

      Mfer, care to read what have the Belgium, France & Germany did there?

      Ooop… u only want to know about the Russian chapters? How about the Yank's? Not interested?


      "USA has ignored and neglected Africa for most of the last 70 years. So the Wankees had the sin of omission in Africa, not intervention"

      Where did the 'blackies' of the USofA come from? How did Liberia get established by those repatriated black slaves ?

      Wakakakakaka… enuff said!

  2. Ktemoc is mistaken if he assumes all Malaysians or SE Asians are Yankee haters like him.
    There is still a significant number of Malaysians and SE Asians who view USA's role in the world quite positively, never mind the vast masses who Ooh and Ahh everything about Tiongkok .

    1. Don't be shy!

      Just say - count u as one of the most staunch asslicking Yankee myrmidon in bolihland.

  3. Let me tambah.

    "common commitment and conviction in upholding moral-led values and international norms pillared on democracy, rule of law and respect for human rights"

    Wakakaka… this mfer must have blind to the path of human right violations done by his uncle Sam since that lair's foundation.

    "standing up for global peace and collaboration cement the importance of the US’ role in continuing to maintain and shape the current order of freedom, peace, justice and respect for human rights"

    Ooop…refer comments above vis-a-vis his uncle Sam's world policing efforts in all countries touched by USofA.

    Yadda… yadda… yadda… ad nauseam!

    I'm beginning to think that this collins is a cuckoo escaped from its psychological penitentiary from that katak infested island.
